He can't completely control the Milky Way! The so-called Heavenly Dao means that both your physical body and primordial spirit can surpass the Earth and surpass the Milky Way.

Make the galaxy a part of your body.

Your body is bigger than it, and your soul is bigger than its invisible aura.

You are looking at the entire galaxy from another dimension.

Instead of looking up at them from the Milky Way or even just inside the solar system! Qin Hao finally took this step bravely.

This is an unprecedented step! He knows that it is unprecedented, and it is also unprecedented! Because in the whole earth, in the whole solar system, in the whole galaxy.

He can clearly understand that, of course, no one can have this achievement and ability of him! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 428

So today he is going to make this unprecedented transcendence! He is the first person since the earth's life span of [-] billion years.

Even if all the people in the world look up to him.

But at present, he has been retreating in Yuxu Peak for half a year, after carefully comprehending the avenue of aura of integration.

Only then did he understand more deeply that he himself was still looking up to Qin Hao just like the world.

He Qin Hao actually failed to escape: out of the earth, escaped: out of the solar system, even the Milky Way.

In fact, he himself is still in the position of looking up at the solar system and looking up at the Milky Way.

Therefore, since he has discovered this supreme secret ahead of all the saints and monks in ancient and modern times.

Then he has to move forward indiscriminately and respond accordingly, he has to make changes! This will not be an earth-shattering change, because earth-shattering can no longer describe the great things he will do. What he will do is to shake the solar system and move the galaxy. Change! He wants to master the avenues of the galaxy in one fell swoop and become the only person overlooking the galaxy.

Thinking of this, Qin Hao was extremely excited! It was not too long ago.

before he was about to make this change.

The system's prompt appeared after a long time-after the system's prompt, Qin Hao got an important message.

He is ready to absorb all the auras of union on earth! And once he does, and does it successfully.

Then he will get an ancient wonder that parasitizes all the auras of the fusion! "Oh! There are such treasures, don't hang them again! Come on!"

Qin Xian was greatly surprised at the time. After all, on this earth, there is nothing that can attract interest! The system does not dare to indulge his master's appetite.

The system can survive catastrophe and still exist, already

It is a miracle, surpassing any monk on earth.

But for his master, his master is the one... who will mend the sky with one hand.

The person who saved the earth from hanging, now, even the system is completely afraid of Qin Hao's three points! "Shanheshejitu!"

"Formed in the solar system, hundreds of millions of years earlier than the formation time of black holes! Not to mention the earth!"

The system quickly prompted - "If the owner can obtain the map of the mountains, rivers, and trees, he will gain the dominance of the entire solar system and discover a new world that has never been seen before!"

Qin Hao screamed in the sky.

"Great! This is exactly what I need now! Otherwise, Qin Hao would be too boring haha"

Qin Hao's eyes were firm, and he looked at the solar system above the sky.

Mountains, rivers, and trees depict such strange objects.

I, Qin Hao, must be in the bag! So, today.

Qin Hao came to the world again.

Everyone in the world looked up and found Qin Xian's figure.

"Look! Qin Xian has appeared! God Qin Xian, Venerable Qin Xian has appeared!"

Of course, for mortals, those monks were the first to notice.

"Qin Xian appeared again this time, what is he going to do this time?"

The monks were all suspicious, because Qin Xian must not show up casually and let them observe and worship.

Some ignorant monks even plan to take advantage of this once-in-a-million-year opportunity.

He even planned to go to Qin Xian and meet Qin Xian in person.

If you can get Qin Xian's half-sentence, or even better, get his reward.

Chapter 429 Above one person, below ten thousand

Then there is no doubt that he himself will quickly become the first of all monks on the earth.

Except for Qin Xian alone.

He will become above all people.

However, most of these shameless monks who wanted to die were stopped by their ancestors who showed up to speak.

"You bastards! You idiots, shameless people, it's a good thing I took in you trash!"

"How many times have I told my teacher, what kind of character Qin Xian is!"

"It is the god of all the monks of all sects and sects on our earth, and the monks on all the mountains and rivers! It is the supreme existence, fixed in one!"

"You little ones, compared with his old man, it's like comparing flies to the sun and the moon! Even worse!"

Those wise men immediately trembled with anger.

Finally had to say.

"Qin Xian is not something that any of you can easily see, if you are still obsessed and go to seek death!"

"There is only one requirement for a teacher, that is to leave the teacher's door first, and don't tell outsiders that you are my disciple!"

Therefore, most of the cultivators who were ignorant of the sky and the earth clicked their tongues, sweating from fear.

Finally, in the bottom of my heart, this unreasonable thought was completely dispelled.

But there were still a group of cultivators heading towards Qin Xian's position in the sky.

It seems that there are still stupid guys who are not afraid of death.

However, a person proudly appeared in front of them.

"If you want to see Qin Xian, first ask the long sword in my hand if he agrees or not"

This person is alone, with only one sword, and looks very young! He is single-handed, but his tone is clear and unequivocal! Who is this person? He turned around, but it was Li Xian who was rescued by Qin Hao in the pool half a year ago.

Li Xianxian was appointed by Qin Hao as the great commander of the earth.

The second person besides him, the great steward of the earth.

Of course, this meaning can only be understood, and Qin Hao has not had time to spread the news to the public.

Of course, Yan Shiying knew this news.

At this time, Li Xianxian was the second person on earth personally appointed by Qin Hao.

He appeared.

He didn't let these people go to disturb Qin Hao's good deeds.

"You bastard, if you don't want to die, get out of here!"


Li Xianxian snorted coldly, "Shuh"

With a sound, the white rainbow pierced the sun, and the long sword behind him was unsheathed and suspended in front of his eyes.

It seemed that if the person in front of him was not taken care of, no one would be able to see Qin Xian.

Those people shouted loudly, and hundreds of people attacked Li Xianxian alone.

Li Xianxian took the challenge alone.

With ease and ease, hundreds of cultivators are regarded as easy! Originally thought that they were outnumbered.

Who would have thought that a sharp sword flew into the vulnerable flowers.

After a long time, hundreds of monks were slashed by Li Xianxian under the sword one by one! It was like falling flowers with red blood.

After drawing beautiful arcs in the air, the corpses fell from the air in one after another.

"Who is that man!"

Soon, an acquaintance said.

"I've seen that person. He was the one who was saved by Qin Xian half a year ago despite the opposition of several masters at the time.

"The name, according to what he said, seems to be Li Xianxian!"

"Envy envy! Qin Xian's fairy!"

Hearing these masters say this, ripples appeared in the hearts of those who didn't know the reason.

Chapter 430 Who can stop what Qin Xian is going to do?

"That's it, it seems that that person is the one who is favored by Lord Qin Xian!"

"That's right!"

The wise monks laughed immediately.

"Now you all know Qin Xian's reputation, even one of his subordinates, all of you are not his opponents!"

"Now, who of you would dare to go to see him without being summoned by Qin Xian?"

The rest of the monks were usually insufferable and never looked down on anyone under them.

Now I can't help but feel a shudder, and everyone feels a chill rising from the soles of their feet.

"Don't dare, don't dare! No one of us dares to go to see Lord Qin Xian without authorization!"

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