Li Xianxian was about to congratulate Qin Hao, but Qin Hao said no, and said, "Speaking of which, I also want to thank you!"

Then Qin Hao disappeared.

Li Xianxian didn't understand what he meant.

He groped carefully on the spot by himself, and realized the deep meaning of Qin Xian's words.

The more and more he felt that Qin Xian was unpredictable and unfathomable, and that he was an existence that Li Xianxian could look up to.

For Qin Hao, although Li Xianxian absorbed the magical energy of the blood pool, it can be said that he was eroded.

But it is precisely because of his own determination and high cultivation.

The whole person was not affected by the blood pool.

Qin Hao discovered the ancient fusion aura in his body at that time, and he quickly realized that it must have been brought from below the blood pool.

He quickly exceeded everyone's expectations and helped Li Xianxian to eliminate the blood of the blood pool in his body.

Then again, beyond everyone's expectations, he plunged into the blood pool.

In the center of the earth, finally, because of the erosion of the blood pool, the ancient aura of fusion was discovered.

in the center of the earth for more than three months.

Yan Shiying and the world are worried about Qin Hao alone.

But Qin Hao, who is in the depths of the earth, has been working with the aura of integration, from recognition to familiarity, to application! He finally reached the bottleneck of integration in the depths of the earth, and entered the legendary perfect state of integration! Dig out the spiritual veins of the earth, and let all the spiritual energy that has been buried for hundreds of millions of years return to the surface of the earth! Qin Hao is not a selfish person! Perhaps it can also be said that in his identity at that time, his supreme status also There is no need to be selfish anymore! Because a single thought of his can decide the life and death of the common people.

The life of the common people is his fetters.

One thought of goodness, one thought of Shura! He chose to stand with the billions of beings on the earth.

Therefore, he did not swallow this ancient aura that could have been privately enjoyed by him.

Instead, it was released, and the face of the ancient combined aura overflowed from the center of the earth again.

Under the leadership of Qin Hao, he returned to the earth in this world.

Return to the original appearance of the earth.

The earth's current spiritual energy is abundant again! It's not just the restoration of the buildings, but the restoration of the network. Qin Hao has returned to the Jade Void Peak alone, and he has more important things at the moment! Purifying the blood pool and reversing time and space is just his effort. !Because he has made a new discovery, he must do it now! He quietly bid farewell to the world, without taking any cloud away! In the next period of time.

Changes are taking place in every corner of the earth! The overall strength of the earth is increasing! The spiritual energy on the earth is hundreds of times more abundant than before! Of course, for this change, the reaction was offended quickly and the most profound experience Yes, it is the monks of various countries on the earth.

Those introductory cultivators who were originally ignorant and who even spent decades in the qi refining period! Suddenly, strange changes occurred in their bodies! Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read and collect

Chapter 426: A Spiritual Earth

in every corner of the earth.

Regardless of

It is a city full of flowers and colors.

It was still crowded, above the town market.

Or it is inaccessible, such as the Gobi Desert that is thousands of miles away, or the snowfield of Siberia, which is frozen thousands of miles in the Rakshasa country.

Another example is the primitive tropical jungle under the towering giant trees.

Those monks who are far from the world of humanities and science and technology, who devote themselves to cultivation with one heart and one mind.

They are all experiencing novel changes more or less time and again! At the beginning, this change has turned their individual people upside down! Let them be ecstatic and make them dance.

They thought that they were finally favored by God.

It was not until a period of time that each of them suddenly realized and repented with great concentration-they were not favored by God, but were favored by one person.

It is the Venerable Qin Xian Qin Hao who has spread to all corners of the earth! The supreme Lord Qin Xian has allowed them to have the changes in their bodies now! Because of the recovery of the ancient aura.

Their path of practice has become easier, and everyone's realm seems to be sitting on the rockets of the world.

Soaring upwards in unison! Thinking that they thought their talents were discovered at first, they didn't feel ashamed and ashamed.

"Master, haha! What do you say it takes ten years to break through the tenth level of the Qi refining stage! I've only been a beginner for half a year, and I've already broken through!"

The disciples rushed out of the mountain in excitement.

They came to the master to report their gains.

And he planned to raise his eyebrows in the teacher's door, who once stepped on him, he even planned to immediately make him kneel in front of him to beg for mercy.

Then, in the following mountains and martial arts, he won in one fell swoop.

Victory and achieve your own fame.

And intends to travel to various countries, defeat the monks of various countries, and achieve a place on the earth.

In addition to the legendary Qin Xian Qin Hao, the supreme prestige.

However, it turns out that they really think too much! "Nonsense, how can it be so easy to break through the Qi refining period!"

Their master didn't believe it at first, but soon, their masters also felt abnormal.

It was not until the end that they realized that it was not their own cultivation that became easier: it was easier.

But within the door of the teacher, from top to bottom.

In an area, from the inside out.

All monks have changes in their bodies, and the reason is naturally the change and abundance of the surrounding aura.

And where does this abundant and powerful aura come from, the monks are not fools.

Soon, after a while.

All the monks on the earth have reached such a consensus! It was Qin Xian who smashed the blood balls and purified the earth half a year ago and brought them changes!" Forget about that!"

"It's ridiculous, to think it's my own change, it's really embarrassing to think about it!"

"Qin Xian's name has never disappeared! Everything about Qin Xian is always around us!"

Qin Xian shook the world! Qin Xian is the only one in the sky and the ground! It has been half a year since Qin Xian disappeared and returned to Yuxu Peak.

After suffering the cataclysm of heaven and earth half a year ago, the earth has long returned to its former vitality.

Under the return of the ancient aura, the strength of the earth from the center of the earth to the surface has increased by several levels.

Far beyond the thousands of years of the apocalyptic era! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feifei

Chapter 427: On Yuxu Peak

in this process.

The first to benefit are the monks on Earth.

Their cultivation level has also improved several levels compared to before! Cultivation is ten times easier than it has been for thousands of years. However, rare things are precious. When everyone's realm is improved, your own strength The huge leap in , became normal again.

But these people felt a little lost in their hearts.

Thanks to Qin Xian who brought this change to them.

From then on, Qin Xian's great name cannot be wiped out by time and any external force in any tiny corner of the earth! Because of today's changes, of course, it is much better than nothing.

Except for monks.

The people in the ordinary secular world also replayed the live broadcast of the satellite broadcast half a year ago.

Repeatedly watched the scene where it was dark and dark, and the whole earth trembled.

Seeing that between heaven and earth, Qin Hao alone, like the god of creation, raised a monstrous giant sword and chopped the blood ball to pieces.

The earth was rescued, the world was rescued, and everything was reborn! The world's worship of Qin Hao has reached an unprecedented peak! However, after that, Qin Xian disappeared again.

No one knew where he went, but that wasn't the most important thing.

Everyone understands that no matter what

Where is Qin Xian, after this battle, he is the protector of billions of creatures on this earth.

Qin Xian never disappeared, he was by everyone's side.

In addition to the air that everyone breathes, there is only Qin Xian's name that needs to be remembered and never forgotten.

Another time passed.

Those cultivators in the golden core stage of the perfect state opened up to the aura of integration.

they are awake,

They made thousands of waves.

The realm of integration that their ancestors had once been unattainable, is about to be realized by them.

So, the top monks on the earth.

At the same time, I seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and began to try to absorb the aura of integration between heaven and earth.

Seek to break through the realm of self-cultivation.

this day.

On Yuxu Peak.

Qin Hao's figure suddenly appeared.

No preparation, no awareness.

Any living thing is like that.

Qin Hao, who disappeared for half a year, appeared.

He flew into the air, ready to do something earth-shattering.

Although he has now become the supreme and only existence of the earth.

But it has not touched the whole earth, including the heavenly way of the Milky Way! In other words, his body and primordial spirit still exist within this Milky Way.

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