The sun is a planet without solid land, and its surface has always been in the form of fire, similar to the surface of the sea.

Qin Hao has come to the surface, and he is floating in the Void Zone of No Fire Breathing.

The temperature here is so high that it can melt almost everything, because very few objects have a melting point that can reach such a high temperature, that is to say, very few objects can be insoluble at such a high temperature.

At this time, Qin Hao was standing there, and he also felt a little hot and uncomfortable.

It seemed that he couldn't breathe, even though there was a light ring to protect him, Qin Hao still felt the heat coming towards him, his body was not on fire, but it was like being in a steamer.

Those anger were evaporating the water in his body through the aperture.

Qin Hao is not easy to stay for a long time, he looks around, looking for something that can refine the design drawings of mountains and rivers.

However, Qin Hao couldn't find it for a while, didn't know where it was, and the system only prompted that it was in the center of the solar system, but the center of the solar system was so big.

Therefore, if you want to find what Qin Hao is looking for here, it will be impossible for a while.

Qin Hao searched and searched, and finally, with another fire breath, Qin Hao finally found it, and that thing gushed out with fire breath, and rushed into the sky in the fire.

Therefore, Qin Hao could just happen to see it.

As soon as he saw what he was looking for, Qin Hao was very happy. Without saying a word, he immediately rushed over to get it, because, with the fire-breathing soaring into the sky, it will be accompanied by anger later. disappear and fall again.

At that time, when it melts into the sea of ​​​​fire, Qin Hao will have a hard time finding it.

Chapter 374 The new substance of iron and stone

Qin Haofei rushed over, and when the object fell, Qin Hao stretched out his hand forward, he used his mind to stimulate power, and instantly, a white light flew towards the object.

Seeing that the strength was grasping it, Qin Hao immediately retracted his five fingers and grasped it tightly, and when he pulled it back, the object broke out of the fire belt and flew towards Qin Hao.

Flying to the outer wall of the aperture, the object was suspended there.

Because it is accompanied by fire, it is still very high temperature, Qin Hao can't touch it with his hands, at this time, it is fiery red and slightly golden.

That's because it is like red-hot iron, so it looks like this.

When it cools down, it may not look like this.

Since it is still in a high temperature state, Qin Hao will not be able to see what its original appearance is for a while, only looking at its current appearance, it looks like a piece of fine iron.

Qin Hao felt the high temperature around him, and he was almost suffocated by the heat.

Qin Hao didn't delay any longer, and he didn't care to see what the piece of fine iron looked like. He turned around and flashed, and quickly left the solar system with the piece of fine iron, and returned to Earth first.

On the way back all the way, Qin Hao flew in space, the direction was the earth, he was thinking about things all the way, and now he has this refining thing, then, how to refine it next, no one told Qin Hao, he doesn't know the answer either.

After flying for a long time, Qin Hao returned to the earth. He fell into a remote valley. At this time, the piece of fine iron had already cooled down, and Qin Hao could see its original appearance clearly.

It turned out to be a solid piece of iron.

It was a piece of bronze-colored iron with a very rough surface, kind of..., like many small: cratered Martian stones, like the surface of the moon.

It looked like iron, but Qin Hao looked at it carefully, but

It doesn't feel like iron, but a bit like a stone. Qin Hao doesn't know if it's right to describe a rusted stone, because, it's really like this, an iron stone like a stone, the pits on its surface look like rust. .

Although it has cooled down now, Qin Hao can still feel a little warm in his hand.

Qin Hao sighed depressedly, he muttered to himself.

"The system didn't tell me how to practice. If no one tells me the answer, I'll practice according to my own plan."

At this time, Qin Hao took it in his hand, and he threw it up.

In the hand, it feels heavy.

However, based on this, it is not easy to judge whether it belongs to fine iron or stone, because whether it is fine iron or stone, the feeling is the same when thrown up and down.

Qin Hao thought again, when it was in the solar system, it was burned like that by the fire, and its whole body turned red.

Looking at this appearance, it looks like the properties of iron.

Perhaps, this is a brand new substance, after all, the substance possessed by the earth is only a part, and there are still many other substances in space.

It could be a mixture of stone and iron, so this strange new substance with iron-stone properties was formed.

Qin Hao felt a little interesting.

He decided to study this piece of fine iron carefully, Qin Hao began to study it carefully, looking up and down repeatedly to see the structure of its surface.

Qin Hao also felt that with the naked eye, he couldn't see anything.

If you have the conditions, it is best to find those who are doing scientific research and let them use scientific instruments to check the components of this iron stone.

However, Qin Hao only had this thought, and if he did it, it would depend on the future.

Chapter 375 Refining the Sun

In the valley, Qin Hao has been studying that stone-like iron thing with all his heart.

However, maybe it is too difficult to guess, or Qin Hao is stupid, so Qin Hao has been unable to guess how it refined this valley is very good.

Now the new earth that has been transformed by Qin Hao is not the same as before. Due to historical reasons, the air of the previous earth is a little dirty.

But now, the air is so fresh.

In the early morning, Qin Hao woke up early, and now it was just as bright as the sky, Qin Hao sat cross-legged on the stone, holding the iron stone for reference.

There is a breeze blowing, and even the air is fresh.

This kind of feeling is very good, and Qin Hao also feels very comfortable, but because this is a natural scene of nature, that is to say, as long as people stay in a place with beautiful environment, they will be satisfied, and they will no longer think about it. put it on this.

Qin Hao does the same now.

He didn't put his mind on the natural environment, but devoted himself to studying the iron stone. It was exactly the same as what Qin Hao saw at the beginning, and there was really no change.

Qin Hao held it in his hand, and he was thinking, how should this iron stone be refined? It came from the sun. When it was in the sun, even if it was burned by the temperature of the sun, it didn't burn. It was just like When the iron is put into a normal stove, it burns red all over.

Qin Hao participated in the research and participated in the research, he really did not understand.

At this moment, Qin Hao sighed, perhaps, he really had to go to the sun again, and only then could he be inspired by that specific environment.

Thinking like this, Qin Hao couldn't help but look up. It's early in the morning, the sun hasn't come out yet. When Qin Hao looked at the fish belly white, he had an idea. If the sky stays like this forever, without the sun, then it will be very good if the sun is refined. into the earth,

It won't be very good, but in this way, when the time comes, who will provide the light Qin Hao can't figure out, but he has a mentality of trying.

Maybe, what miracle will happen, maybe thinking like this, Qin Hao's heart moved, no matter what.

When you reach the sun, what will you do? Anyway, if you stay here, you can't find inspiration and make no progress. Why don't you go to the sun and see.

Qin Hao got up, he decided to leave and go to the sun again to see.

Once again, Qin Hao started his journey to the sun. During Qin Hao's flight to the sun, the earth's scientists, with the help of instruments, captured this scene again.

They slow down the picture and zoom in again.

This time, they saw Qin Hao clearly. Unlike last time, this time, they successfully captured Qin Hao's face and could see Qin Hao's facial expression clearly.

Seeing that it was Qin Hao moving in space, and it was him twice, the scientists were surprised.

"My God, it's really him, it was him last time, it's really Qin Hao, Qin Xian."

When someone saw Qin Hao flying from the earth to the sun again, they couldn't help feeling very strange and asked.

"what is he doing"

However, no one answered, because no one knew what Qin Hao was doing, but one thing was certain, Qin Hao was flying to the sun.

In space, Qin Hao is on his way.

He seemed to have noticed something, and looked at the... instrument in the distance. Its shape was like a machine. However, Qin Hao didn't know what it was named by the earthlings.

Qin Hao looked at it and thought to himself, if everything he did here would be captured by that instrument, he wanted to destroy it.

Chapter 376 The Second Sun

When approaching the sun, Qin Hao stopped flying, and he was hanging in space in the void.

Looking at the spark spraying ball in front of him, Qin Hao's expression was calm, he raised his hand and took out the iron stone, which was suspended in Qin Hao's hand.

At first, it didn't respond.

However, now that the sun is near, the iron stone slowly emits a crimson light. Qin Hao is shocked when he sees this scene.

It seems that the iron and stone really react with the sun.

On earth, it was almost dead and motionless, but now, when it comes to the sun, it seems to be alive.

Qin Hao looked at this iron stone, and he affirmed himself.

"Okay, let's try it out, maybe, you might get some new changes."

Saying that, Qin Hao had the energy in his hand, and in an instant, the iron stone was replenished with energy, and it began to shine so brightly that Qin Hao couldn't see it clearly at the center of the light source.

The iron stone slowly floated up, away from Qin Hao, and suspended above Qin Hao's opposite.

Its body, Qin Hao has already seen it clearly.

However, it is now shining brightly, as if it is surrounded by a circle of light sources, showing a sphere of 1. Qin Hao can no longer see its body. He only feels that when he looks directly, there is a light source in front of him that stabs him. Can't open eyes.

Qin Hao reluctantly looked at it.

When he saw that the iron stone had changed, Qin Hao increased his urging power, and in an instant, the iron stone became even more radiant.

Originally, it was just so bright that it stabbed people to the point that they couldn't open their eyes and couldn't look directly.

Now, however, it's starting to emit strong.

Its light even gradually overshadowed the light of the sun. The next second, a shocking thing happened. Qin Hao saw with his own eyes that the light of the sun, those light sources, were all absorbed by iron and stone.

In that kind of scene, Qin Hao does not

I know how to describe it.

Anyway, it is the kind of light that is split and turned into a little fragmented shadow, just like the feeling of sunlight penetrating the leaves and falling down in pieces.

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