Seeing them, Qin Hao fixed his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

This is an aura, and since it is an aura, it is useful, because each gas has its own characteristics, just like the evil spirit, and it is often either red or black.

And this white or bright yellow gas is generally beneficial qi.

Qin Hao tried to subdue and refine it, Li Xianxian obviously saw the gas, he didn't say anything, but was stunned, and then turned his head to look at Qin Hao subconsciously.

However, Qin Hao didn't look at it, Qin Hao looked at the gas, but he raised his hand and waved.

In an instant, a force emanated from Qin Hao's hand.

That force was radiating, like the light of a flashlight, with a small head and a large tail.

Chapter 371

Qin Hao sent out a powerful force to conquer.

Originally, that spiritual energy was just like a naughty child, wandering between the mountains of heaven and earth, shuttling through the crowd, but due to Qin Hao's subduing power, they seemed to be under pressure.

At this moment, all the spiritual energy, as if being attracted by force, all rushed towards Qin Hao's palm, they poured into Qin Hao's palm, and directly into Qin Hao's palm.

Qin Hao continuously absorbed that spiritual energy.

When the people on the ground saw this scene, they were all stunned. They naturally knew that this must be a beneficial spiritual energy, and they also wanted to absorb it.

However, it is still uncertain whether his own cultivation level can absorb and transform this spiritual energy. Qin Hao saved everyone just now. Now, this spiritual energy is what Qin Hao uses.

Just like that, they can't steal it.

Therefore, everyone on the ground stared blankly, no one did anything, Qin Hao absorbed this spiritual energy smoothly.

Li Xianxian also watched, but he also didn't do anything.

He might just be curious about that aura, because he didn't know what this aura was, so he just looked at it with curious eyes.

Qin Hao absorbed it for a while.

Because this aura travels all over the earth, and if you want to absorb the aura from a distance, you can't do it in a while, so Qin Hao needs a long time to do it.

The people on the ground kept watching.

After a long time, Qin Hao finally absorbed the last ray of spiritual energy, he withdrew his strength, and his palm became normal.

Qin Hao raised his hand to look at his palm, he was thinking, Li Xianxian was flying over there.

he asked.

"Are you OK"

Hearing this, Qin Hao looked over and saw that it was Li Xianxian, Qin Hao raised his eyebrows and looked very calm.

"It's okay, how can I be okay"

Li Xianxian floated to the front, he did not come again, but stopped there.

Seeing this, Qin Hao ignored him, Qin Hao just looked at the people on the ground again, he really wanted to tell those people that it was all right, and everyone could live in peace.

However, Qin Hao thought about it again. In fact, what is there to say? The earth has become like this. After all, it has a lot to do with this group of people. Although it may not be the main cause, it is impossible to take no responsibility at all. of.

So, after Qin Hao thought about it, he felt that he had nothing to say to these people, so he didn't say anything, Qin Hao turned around and flew away.

When the people on the ground saw Qin Hao fly away, they were in a hurry, and they all shouted at him and chased after him.

"Qin Xian, Qin Xian"

Li Xianxian saw that Qin Hao was gone, he condensed for a while, and then looked at the people on the ground, it seemed that he had nothing to say, Li Xianxian didn't say anything, turned around and chased after Qin Hao's flying direction.

Seeing that the two of them flew away, everyone was a little anxious, but they couldn't do anything, so they stopped one after another and didn't chase after them, because it was impossible to catch up with the two of them.

At this time, everyone, look at me, I look at you, and look at heaven and earth.

Seeing that everything has changed for the better on Earth, everyone is very happy, they said.

"Great, the earth has finally changed back to the way it used to be, and we have a place to live."

This is their only home.

When you have it, you may not know how to cherish it. However, when you lose it, it is like losing your home. You will miss it very much when you endure the wind and rain. Only then do you realize that having a home is such a precious thing.

Chapter 372 Going to the Sun Center

After leaving, Qin Hao found a valley to temporarily stabilize.

At this moment, Qin Hao was sitting quietly on the stone. He was refining the spiritual energy in his body. It was strange that although this spiritual energy was absorbed into his body, Qin Hao always felt that it was incompatible with himself. of.

In the past, when Qin Hao absorbed anything, he would quickly refine it.

It feels like eating.

When eaten, food is a foreign body to the human body, however, when placed in the stomach for a period of time, it will become part of the body.

The same is true for the things Qin Hao absorbed before.

But this spirit is different.

It is like the seeds of guava, it is like this when eaten, and in the end, it is still like this, it has never changed, and the body cannot digest it at all.

After Qin Hao realized this, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking ahead, Qin Hao's expression was a little complicated. He frowned slightly, thinking in his heart, why is this aura so strange, and Qin Hao has been unable to digest Qin Hao's stay here. Qin Hao is also very concerned about what happened in the outside world. I don't know.

Just then, the system beep came.

"Report, found something that can be combined with the aura of fusion, and in the center of the sun, can refine the design of mountains and rivers."

Hearing this, Qin Hao was stunned.

However, he was a little surprised. It turned out that this kind of gas was called Fusion Reiki. Qin Hao only knew that it was Reiki, but Qin Hao didn't know the specific name.

Qin Hao thought about the information given by the system: in the center of the sun, the design drawings of mountains and rivers can be refined.

Although Qin Hao didn't know what was the use of this design drawing of mountains and rivers, Qin Hao had never been able to digest this spiritual energy in his body. Now that he has found a way to refine it, it is worth a try.

Anyway, he can easily enter the sun


After Qin Hao made up his mind, he was going to leave for the center of the sun immediately. Anyway, he is basically idle now and has nothing to do.

Qin Hao no longer hesitated, and he set off immediately.

The distance between the earth and the sun is quite far. Even at the speed of light, it is difficult to reach it in a short time, but Qin Hao's current speed is already faster than light.

Qin Hao almost had a thought, and in less than a second, he was nowhere to be seen, because he had already left the place and headed for the direction of the sun.

This is a super fast speed.

At this moment, Qin Hao is far away from the earth, he is in space, at present, he is still moving, still: rushing in the direction of the sun.

But Qin Hao's speed was so fast that he couldn't see it with the naked eye.

It is necessary to use high-tech instruments to slow down Qin Hao's speed, in order to see clearly the figure passing by in the blink of an eye, like the wind, like light and shadow.

Because of Qin Hao's previous repairs, the earth has returned to its original state.

Even on the basis of the original appearance, humans have invented higher high-tech, so they can clearly photograph the changes of the sun's activity.

Therefore, they photographed Qin Hao.

For a time, the professional and technical talents who watched the picture couldn't believe it, because this was not a meteorite, nor a light.

This strange point of light is flying towards the sun from the direction of the earth.

They refined the picture to the limit so that they could vaguely see that the spot of light moving at an extremely fast speed turned out to be a person, Qin Hao, it was him, and he was flying in the direction of the sun.


Someone murmured in disbelief.

Because, so shocked, Qin Hao's power seems to have increased again.

Chapter 373

Qin Haofei also spent a lot of time, and finally, he came to the outer layer of the sun.

Looking at the big fireball in front of him, Qin Hao was silent.

If it is in the center of the sun, then he has to go in, instead of getting it outside, Qin Hao watched the fireball keep spitting fire and exploding, he was a little depressed.

If an ordinary person saw this scene, they would have been frightened long ago.

Because the heat resistance of the human body is limited, and entering the solar system, they will be burned out, but Qin Hao's physique is different, he can temporarily protect himself with strength to avoid being burned.

Qin Hao stood there floating in the void.

He looked at the solar system, hesitated for a moment in silence, and then Qin Hao set off for it. He plunged into the gushing fires of the solar system.

Looking at it from a distance is completely different from looking at it up close.

Qin Hao watched from a distance just now, what he saw was a big fireball, but now, when he looked at it from a close distance, what Qin Hao saw was just a small particle in the sun.

The closer, finally, the fire of the solar system erupted on Qin Hao's body, but Qin Hao had already opened the aperture protection.

A halo was provoked from his body by his force.

That layer of aperture is like a bubble circle, Qin Hao is in it, the fire erupted from the solar system, even if it touches the wall of that layer of aperture, it can't burn through five, it.

The sun is a fire-breathing planet.

Its fire-breathing form is somewhat similar to that of a volcano.

Similar, therefore, there are places with high temperature and places with low temperature. In places with low temperature, there is no spray in the middle of the two layers of fire. Therefore, when people on earth watch the solar system, they will see that the appearance of the solar system is a black stripe. The wire is wound into a small section.

That's just because when viewed from a distance, it's a black line.

Up close, it's a zone of no fire.

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