The light of the sun, showing this sense of fragmentation, is absorbed a little by the iron and stone.

The more it absorbs, the more it becomes: brighter and hotter.

Qin Hao was so close to it that he felt that his body was a little scorched, he quickly withdrew his strength and urged a protective aperture.

Tie Shi no longer needs Qin Hao's force to trigger, it can automatically absorb the light of the sun.

Since there is too much light energy from the sun, the iron and stone cannot be absorbed in an instant. Qin Hao watched the progress and felt that it would take time.

And scientists on Earth, they also saw this scene through instruments.

The scientists asked in shock.

"God, what is he doing"

"The sun has been absorbed, and he intends to refine the sun"

For a time, no one knew what Qin Hao was doing, and they discussed it one after another, and the crowd on the ground, because they couldn't use scientific instruments, could only discover this miracle by looking at the sky.

They saw that in the sky, besides the sun, not far away, there was a luminous body of light.

The light body looked very small, compared to the area of ​​the sun, it was as small as a green bean.

However, its luminosity gradually brightened.

Moreover, from the place where the sun connects with the mung bean light body, there is a light band, and the crowd on the ground only sees this spectacle.

As for the real picture, what exactly happened and what exactly happened, they don't know, anyway, what their naked eyes can see is just this macro picture.

For the extra light body, the crowd panicked for a while.

Chapter 377 Waiting for Results

Qin Haoxuan stood in space and waited for a long time, this iron stone has been absorbing the light of the sun, however, time has passed, and it has not finished absorbing it.

Of course, Qin Hao couldn't feel the passage of time here.

But his individual life still exists, and the perception of his body makes him feel that time has indeed passed for a long time, but Qin Hao doesn't have a watch, so he doesn't know how long it has passed.

Seeing that he couldn't fully absorb it after waiting for so long, Qin Hao was a little bored waiting.

He had no choice but to fold his arms around his chest and stood there in a depressed state, waiting.

It is estimated that he will have to wait for a long time. Before that, he has to wait patiently. Qin Hao can't be like charging or doing something. After getting the beginning, he can leave in the middle, and then he can come back and deal with the aftermath.

This is to absorb the sun after all.

If something happens in the middle, and others are not present, then it will be a disaster. If others are present, if something happens, he can at least stop or do something.

Qin Hao just waited boredly.

During this period, the iron stone has been absorbing the sun's light steadily, and this process seems to have a law, so, according to this law process, it takes a little time.

There is nothing, it can be eaten into a big fat man in one bite.

Even the macroscopic things like the sun and the earth have gradually formed what they are now through the evolution of history. The building is brick by brick, and can only be built into that kind of... spectacle.

With this incident, Qin Hao thought of himself.

In the beginning, he knew nothing and didn't understand anything. However, he has gradually progressed to the present, and he has become admired by the world.

Qin Hao was thinking that he was still young.

If he is old, what will be more great achievements?

When Qin Hao thought about this, he felt very happy, and he was looking forward to his future self.

After Qin Hao was waiting there slowly, the people on earth were also waiting.

Those scientists saw Qin Hao's appearance and knew that Qin Hao was waiting for the change of the sun, so they also turned their attention to the sun.

Because people tend to pay more attention to things that move, and often have little interest in things that are still.

Looking at the changes of the sun, its light is absorbed by iron and stone little by little, some scientists say to themselves in disbelief.

"God, what the hell is he doing?"

"This strange spot of light is absorbing the sun's light energy."

"Will it become the second sun? Qin Xian is making the second sun?"

"Just this way, what did he want to do to make the second sun, and what's the difference between the first sun and why did he have to build the second one and abandon the first one?"

For a time, scientists discussed a lot, but no one knew the answer.

No one knew what Qin Hao was doing.

The people on the ground couldn't help but marvel when they looked at the sky.

"My God, two suns, there are two suns in the sky."

Because, with the absorption of iron and stone, its light energy is more and more, and it gradually forms the same luminosity as the sun, and even the sun's luminosity gradually weakens, because the light is absorbed.

Someone was amazed.

"What the hell is going on with the sun being eaten"

They can only see two light spots, but Qin Hao doesn't emit light. Unless you use an instrument, you can't see Qin Hao with the naked eye. Therefore, these people on the ground naturally don't know that Qin Hao is there.

Chapter 378: The Sun-Earth Fusion

Qin Hao waited for a long time.

At this time, most of the sun's light has been absorbed by the iron stone, so the luminosity of the iron stone is higher than that of the sun. After the sun's light energy is absorbed by most of it, now he only has a red shape.

However, this is not completely absorbed.

Qin Hao is still waiting there, how long has passed, he doesn't know, in space, there is no concept of time.

The earth will appear sunrise and sunset according to the existence of the sun, so there is a concept of time.

However, for all the things in space, it is difficult to have a slight change on the surface.

The sun is still the sun, glowing there, the earth is still the earth, but the position of the possible rotation has shifted, and Qin Hao stood in place and the void remained unchanged.

Therefore, when he looked at the earth, he realized that the position of the earth was different from the original one.

If he moves himself, it is difficult to find the earth moving, because there is no reference, just like a train, looking out the window, the trees outside the window are retreating.

But if you are standing in the position of a tree, the train is moving.

The iron and stone have been absorbed until now, and finally, all the light energy of the sun has been absorbed, and the sun slowly cooled down, turning from the original crimson to a small white planet.

It was very huge before, however, it expands and contracts with heat, and its light and heat are now absorbed by iron and stone, so it becomes smaller.

Seeing that the sun has become like this, Qin Hao thought, the earth of this planet of the sun cannot be wasted.

Qin Hao decided to refine the sun and make it part of the earth.

As for Qin Hao, who was produced by the original sun, look at the piece of iron stone suspended in the void, just like it, he can simulate the second sun, and save solid matter.

This iron stone is a

1 Iron stone, it is not like a planet, it needs some solid material to make up.

Qin Hao raised his hand forward, he urged, and then, the whole sun was pulled and pulled by his power, seeing this, Qin Hao looked at the earth.

He used his power to move in the direction of the earth.

In an instant, the planet, the sun, moved towards the earth. When Qin Hao saw it, he stimulated the force again. In an instant, the sun could decompose into a solid, turning into a substance like mud, which drifted towards the earth, like a stream belt. Same.

The solid matter of the sun is completely integrated into the earth and forms part of the earth.

For this reason, the area of ​​sea water on the earth has been reduced by a part, because, after filling the solid land area, only 30% of the ocean area is left.

In this way, people on earth have more land area to live in.

People no longer have to worry about no land area to live in, no more fighting, human beings can have a wider population distribution, and no longer live so densely in a small area.

Seeing this result, Qin Hao was very satisfied.

He turned to look at the iron stone again.

Qin Hao urged the force to move the iron and stone to the original position of the sun, so far, the iron and stone replaced the sun and floated there, producing light and heat.

Only, it is different from the sun.

When people on earth look at the sun, it may be like the size of a plate. However, when people on earth look at it, it may be like the luminous body of a mung bean.

But that's fine, as long as it produces the same light and heat as the sun.

As for its size, I believe that people on earth will slowly get used to it. After a long time, they will become accustomed to this kind of thing. After hundreds of thousands of years, they will become accustomed to this new sun.

Chapter 379 Firm Faith

After solving this matter, Qin Hao returned to Earth.

When he came back, Qin Hao also brought back one thing, that is the map of Shanhe Sheji. It turned out that the iron stone was refined and finally got this effect.

Qin Hao didn't understand this map of mountains and rivers, and he needed time to study it.

Qin Hao returned to that valley again.

This is a valley that Qin Hao was looking for temporarily. Unexpectedly, as soon as he found it, Qin Hao would temporarily live here.

It's quiet here, no outsiders disturb you.

Moreover, the mountains are beautiful, and every morning when I wake up, I can smell the sound of birds, and when I fall asleep at night, I can also hear the sound of unknown nocturnal insects.

This made Qin Hao feel a little isolated from the world.

At this time, Qin Hao was sitting cross-legged on the stone. He was holding the map of the Mountains and Rivers, and he was looking at it. The shape of the map was a piece of soft cloth made of iron and stone-like cloth and paper.

If he hadn't seen this map of mountains and rivers, Qin Hao would also be in disbelief. There is such a thing in this world, but it's true.

Just like those irons, they are obviously hard, but they can be made into iron balls, the kind used to scrub dishes.

Its material, touching and looking at it, is indeed an iron-like material.

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