Chapter 302 Tailor-made Immortal Cultivation Method

"Everyone, draw the trajectory of the spiritual energy during cultivation and see it!"

Wei Haoran said something to his brothers.

Everyone was stunned, nodded, and began to think.

Not long after.

Everyone started to bring pen and paper.

I began to draw the trajectory of the aura that I could remember.

It's also because people trust each other so much.

Otherwise, I believe that no one will expose the secret of their own cultivation just like that.

after all.

After this trajectory is known.

Once outsiders, when they are cultivating, deliberately do bad things and cut off the track of their cultivation.

Those who are cultivating will lose their cultivation base, and will not be able to cultivate again for eternity.

If it is heavy, the soul will fly away, and the ashes will disappear.

And also for this reason.

People in the world have been practicing for half a month and have not found it.

Almost all the cultivation methods they practiced are different! After all.

Few people, like Wei Haoran and the others, devoted themselves to cultivation.

Up to now.

The world is still ignorant about cultivating immortals.

Not to mention finding yourself waiting for others, the cultivation method is different! After a while.

Wei Haoran and the others drew a rough outline of the trajectory of the aura when they were cultivating! Moreover, they were all placed in the middle.

And when they see.

Among the dozen or so people, the trajectory of the true essence is not all different.

But there are as many as ten! Wei Haoran and the others were all stunned.

After half an hour.

Wei Haoran and the others came back to their senses with a jolt.

"Ten, the sixteen of me actually have ten different ways of cultivating immortals.

Even if they are the same, there are at most three people the same! This, this is too incredible!"

"Oh my God, Qin Xian has mastered too many methods of cultivating immortals, and there are ten of us alone.

There are nearly [-] billion people in the world, how many different ways of cultivating immortals!"

"Old, boss, could it be that Qin Xian, according to each of us' physiques, gave each of us a different way of cultivating immortality?"

"The cliff is like this, Qin Xian is simply too good. Not only did he give us different methods of cultivating immortals, but he also made us all forget about our own methods. Even if I draw it now, there are some key points that I actually draw. don't come out!"

"Huh, if this news is exposed on the Internet, it will definitely make everyone bite their tongues in surprise!"

"Qin Xian, it's too powerful. I really want to know how many immortal cultivation methods Qin Xian has granted to the world!"

Wei Haoran's brothers, with their eyes shining, shouted with incomparable admiration.

And Wei Haoran's eyes flashed with excitement! Thinking about the huge change Qin Hao brought to his life.

He even allowed himself to step into immortality.

Possibly eternal life! He silently made a decision in his heart! Propaganda for Qin Xian and let the world know.

Qin Xian paid silently for the sake of the world! What a great contribution Qin Xian made to the world! After thinking of this.

Wei Haoran opened himself up, and he hadn't logged in for a long time, "Yeah, Haoran's righteousness actually cheated!"

"Damn it, it's really fake, he hasn't started the live broadcast for a long time, why is it now open again?"

"Could it be that he wants to share with us the experience of cultivating immortals"

"Maybe this is really the case, I heard people in the anchor circle say that since the last time Qin Xian preached, let us all enter the cultivation of immortals.

Haoran is righteous and their team has become an ascetic monk, planning to ignore the world!"

"If this is the case, what are you waiting for, let's go and see!"

Although, more than ten years have passed since Qin Hao was promoted to the foundation-building stage.

But I have to say that Wei Haoran is indeed a

Capable man.

He has maintained his original, popular live broadcast room and his reputation very well.

Through a series of Qin Hao's news, a group of fans who are extremely concerned about Qin Hao's news are closely surrounded.

These fans, from time to time, will pay attention to his movements.

And when he, half a month later, suddenly started the live broadcast again.

Immediately, it aroused the curiosity of his countless fans.

They flooded into his live broadcast room.

After just ten minutes.

In Wei Haoran's live broadcast room, there are already millions of viewers.


The number of people has continued to rise.

"Haoran, why did the live broadcast suddenly start!"

"Haha, Haoran is big, restart the live broadcast, does Qin Xian make a big move again?"

"Haoran, is it because you have cultivated to a certain level, and you want to show us your achievements!"

"Yo, Zhengqi brother, the lineup for this live broadcast is very large, and you actually brought all the buddies of your team!"

These fans, after entering the live broadcast room.

It started to swipe continuously.

I wonder why Wei Haoran suddenly started the live broadcast again.

Ask, is Qin Hao doing something again! It's just.

Facing the hot live broadcast room, Wei Haoran didn't say anything.

And his group of... brothers, didn't even watch the live broadcast.

Still looking at the real Yuan running diagram in front of him.

After such careful observation, they suddenly made a more shocking discovery.

Even those few copies seem to have the same true essence trajectory, but there are subtle differences! Immediately, a more intense shock flashed on their faces! Could it be that Qin Xian, tailor-made for everyone in the world If this is the case for the cultivation of immortals! Qin Xian's cultivation base, his understanding of immortality, and his understanding of the world are too powerful! Although Wei Haoran did not find this, he also felt the emotional change of his brother.

Originally, Wei Haoran, who was just about to say something to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Doubt a moment.

Turn around and look behind you.

"What's wrong"

At the same time, Wei Haoran asked the crowd curiously.


In Wei Haoran's live broadcast room, there are already nearly 673 million viewers.

When they saw the dozen or so people behind Wei Haoran, their faces were shocked.

There were countless question marks in my mind.

In an instant, they stopped to swipe the screen.

Curiously, he looked at Wei Haoran's dozen brothers.

Waiting for them to answer Wei Haoran's question.

at the same time.

Their eyes were all focused on the papers that the dozen or so people could see.

These fans of Wei Haoran knew immediately.

These people, so shocking, may be because of the pictures on the paper.

They, although they could not see clearly, what exactly was drawn on the paper.

But in their hearts, they instinctively thought of the trajectory of the true essence, and the way of cultivating immortals by Wei Haoran and others.

Immediately, their eyes lit up.

more curious.

To know.

In the world now, except each knows his own way of cultivating immortals.

But there is no other method of cultivating immortals that has flowed out! If so.

Wei Haoran and the others wanted to announce their cultivation methods.

For them, it will definitely be useful for reference! Maybe, they might be able to master two methods of cultivating immortals! "Old, boss, I, we took a closer look just now, the sixteen of us are not There are ten copies of the method of cultivating immortals! But sixteen copies, sixteen copies!"

"Qin, Qin Xian is too good, he actually gave each of us a tailor-made method of cultivating immortals!"

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