A few days later.

All of them returned to their own countries.

And in the world's network, the world's media live broadcast room.

It was still full of grateful remarks to Qin Hao.

Excited to be a cultivator! During this time.

After the people in the world exchange information with each other, they can understand the power structure of the world, the spiritual energy, and even the structure of cultivating immortals.

Also started to learn more.

By this time.

That's how they know.

The colorful auras that permeate the world are not fairy energy, but spiritual energy! At the same time.

The world also knows those people with spiritual roots.

It's just that they have a natural affinity for the spiritual qi of the same attribute in their bodies.

Although it is helpful for cultivation, it will not leave other people without spiritual roots far behind.


With the world's understanding of cultivating immortals.

With the addition of immortality, the improvement of physique, the need for food is no longer so necessary.

So I don't care so much about money anymore.

The vast majority of people still live the same life as before.


at night time.

People, without exception, will use: meditating instead of sleeping.


They found that after meditating, their spirits were even better than sleeping.


Half a month has passed.

The world is back on track.


This time, the whole people cultivated immortals, and it caused too much power gap.

So the rules of the world have not been broken.

People still live the same life as before.


The world after becoming a cultivator.

The work efficiency is obviously much improved than before.


Because of the improvement of spiritual consciousness brought about by cultivation, various researches in the world can be advanced rapidly.

Urban construction has also been accelerated.


It's like a new chapter has been opened! Of course.

With the popularization of immortality.

There are countless more divers in the world.

Under the premise of ensuring that they would not starve to death, they all entered the meditation practice.

Looking forward to practicing to a higher level.


These people only occupy a small part of the world

Dahan, in the city of Golmud.

In a villa garden on the outskirts, a group of dozens of big men are sitting there cross-legged, meditating attentively.

If there are Qin Hao's fanatical followers

If you are here, you will definitely recognize the big guy who is leading.

Amazingly, it was the first big anchor who revealed that Qin Hao was showing signs in Kunlun's "Haoran Righteousness".

That is, Wei Haoran, who was in the Kunlun Mountains and witnessed Qin Hao collecting the spiritual energy of the foundation, became a foundation-building immortal cultivator and a group of jade seekers.


Since it was revealed that Qin Hao has made a mark in Kunlun and has become a well-known big anchor.

Wei Haoran stopped looking for jade, and even his group of brothers didn't go deep into Kunlun to search for jade.

They formed a team and took advantage of Wei Haoran's fame to start making money to support their family through the road of Internet anchors.

Therefore, the gratitude of this group of people to Qin Hao is much deeper than that of ordinary people.

after all.

Because of Qin Hao, they don't have to go into the mountains and use their lives to make money! At the same time.

Wei Haoran and others witnessed Qin Hao's power with his own eyes.

The desire for immortality is also extremely strong.

So this group of people, after Qin Hao preached and became immortal cultivators, became one of the few cultivators in the world.

Since that day, they have used the money they have earned in the past ten years.

After I bought such a big villa in Golmud and took over my family.

They sat cross-legged in the garden of the villa, concentrating on cultivating! And they sat here.

It has been sitting for more than half a month though.

Wei Haoran and others were able to witness with their own eyes that Qin Hao achieved foundation building.

It shows their luck, which is really good.

However, they are not very good in the cultivation of immortals.

There were more than a dozen of them, but none of them had spiritual roots.

and this.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why they became stalkers.

After half a month of booking.

Wei Haoran and a dozen people woke up one after another.


They who have just practiced Qi have not yet reached the point of piling up five grains.

Being able to go without food or drink for half a month is already the limit! After waking up, the dozen or so big men ran to the kitchen weakly and feasted.

They gathered together and discussed their cultivation experience with each other.

From it, it can be seen.

The trust of these people in each other is really deep.

Everyone kept talking about their cultivation experience, absorbing spiritual energy, difficulties they encountered, their understanding of cultivation, etc.

Along with these discussions, they also had a better understanding of cultivating immortals.

"By the way, what is your cultivation method? Back then, Qin Xian used his true essence to bring a copy of the cultivation method into my mind. Although I knew how to cultivate, I couldn't tell what the method was. !"

As the discussion came to an end, one of them asked the crowd curiously.

This question immediately stunned everyone else.

They started to think.

They recalled the bits and pieces of their cultivation, and found that although they knew how to cultivate, they could fully understand the cultivation method in their minds.

But even if they want to break their heads, they can't think of 0.

6 out.

What is your own cultivation method?

And based on their understanding of cultivation in the past half month.

But it is very clear.

What they cultivated was not the 'Earth Immortal Secret' that Qin Hao recited at the beginning.

"I-I can't seem to think of a name!"

"Uh, what's going on? Could it be that Qin Xian has erased the names of those cultivating methods so that we don't even know what they are?"

"Me too, even if I know how to cultivate, but I can't tell what exactly I cultivate.

I can't even tell how I cultivated!"

After thinking for a while, everyone spoke in surprise.

"Everyone, draw the trajectory of your spiritual energy when you cultivate and see if it's the same!"

Wei Haoran frowned and thought for a while.

Speaking to the people.

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