Chapter 303 The Lord of the World

"Huh, boss, Qin Xian is really good, too good, there are nearly [-] billion people in the world, I guess he has tailor-made cultivation methods for everyone! How understanding, can make such a regrettable act!"

One of Wei Haoran's brothers grabbed the pictures in front of him and ran to Wei Haoran excitedly, shocked.

Wei Haoran, who was beside him, grabbed the pictures with one hand and looked at them seriously.

"Boss, look at here, here, and here, there are all subtle differences! This is still us, we can't completely recall the true essence's trajectory, and some key places are all blocked! I believe, we can't draw The key place that comes out, there must be more different places!"

A group of Wei Haoran's brothers ran up one after another, pointed to some places in the picture, and showed them to Wei Haoran.

"What's the situation, what are they doing?"

"It seems that they are studying their own cultivation methods!"

"The trust between them is too deep, and they have even taken out the methods of cultivating immortals to discuss!"

"I said everyone, your focus is wrong! Didn't you hear just now that one of Wei Haoran's brothers shouted that their sixteen people's cultivation methods are all different?"

"I, I heard it too, it's too incredible! Sixteen people, sixteen methods of cultivating immortals! If according to their guess, Qin Xian has tailored the methods of cultivating immortals for all of us.

How many immortal cultivation methods has Qin Xian mastered, nearly [-] billion?"

"If this is the case, Qin Xian is simply a living fossil of cultivating immortals! The tens of billions of cultivating immortals, even if I think about it, I find it unbelievable!"

"Look back, when Qin Xian preached, everyone absorbed a beam of light! Thinking about it now, it's really possible!"

"Huh, I can't believe it, I can't believe it, what kind of realm is Qin Xian, to be so powerful!"

"Where did Qin Xian's cultivation methods of immortality come from? There are too many!"

"Maybe not so much, you didn't listen. Just now Wei Haoran and the others said that they thought that it was not one share for each person, and there were only subtle differences between some cultivation methods! However, even if this is the case, the number of cultivation methods Qin Xian has mastered. , is also extremely large and terrifying!"

"Not only that, he knows each of us too well, and he actually customizes the cultivation method for everyone!"

"Huh, I feel that Qin Xian is the master of our world. In his opinion, we people may be a string of data!"

"No wonder, no wonder Qin Xian was able to find out that all the immortals were heavier.

More than [-] million felons could be found before! It turns out that he knows all of us like the back of the hand!"

When Wei Haoran looked at all the cultivation methods.

In his live broadcast room, his fans.

Shockingly swiped the screen.

And these people, in the end.

Without exception, all of them raised an inexplicable admiration for Qin Hao, as well as a touch of fear and awe! Even.

Those people who might have thought about practicing hard or having a chance to compete with Qin Hao before.

In my heart, I also completely lost that heart because.

Qin Hao, it's so terrifying! Hu! Wei Haoran stared blankly at the cultivation method in his hand.

After a long time.

The shock of the sky flashed in the eyes

! Slowly come back to your senses.

"Brothers and sisters, I started the live broadcast this time, originally I wanted to tell you that there may be many kinds of cultivation methods that Qin Xian has granted us.

At the same time, there is also a plan for everyone to count how many immortal cultivation methods Qin Xian has granted us!"

"But just now, everyone heard what my brother said! As for that... statistics, I don't need it!"

"However, I hope everyone will remember how selfless and caring Qin Xian is to all of us on earth!"

"Although, I know that after this incident, everyone may be afraid of Qin Xian.

However, I want to tell everyone that Qin Xian has no plans to kill everyone.

Even, not controlling our desires!"

"After all, in Qin Xian's eyes, we may be part of his birthplace, so he takes care of us like this! And in front of Qin Xian's power, we are not worth mentioning!"

Wei Haoran looked directly at the camera, and said something incoherent to his fans! Even.

There are some differences in logic between these passages, and there is no connection between the context and the context.


The people in his live broadcast room have all heard the main meaning! Qin Xian, his accomplishments in cultivating immortals are completely unmatched by the world! And Qin Xian's contribution to mankind is also enormous! As for fear, it is completely No need! Because.

In front of Qin Xian, the world is nothing at all.

If Qin Xian wants the world to die and the earth to perish.

It's completely a matter of thought! After that.

Wei Haoran didn't say much.

He directly closed the live broadcast! His goal has been achieved! Even better than expected, there is no need to continue the live broadcast! And he did not expose the cultivation methods of himself and others.

He believed in his own words.

It will definitely create a huge sensation in the world.

There will be countless people who will join in on this topic.

And when people find someone they trust, and share the method of cultivating immortals.

will know.

Everything that I and my brothers said is true!".

Alright, everyone, take a break and continue to practice!"

"Although Qin Xian's strength is enough to destroy the sky and the earth! But his goal is the sea of ​​stars.

Wang Zhao also doesn't know what unknown existence exists in this vast universe! We must be fast and strong, and when Qin Xian's day comes, when we need us, we can also stand up! Live up to his generosity. !"

After closing the live room.

After Wei Haoran said something to the crowd.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and began to rest.

The rest of the people raised their heads and glanced in the direction of Yuxu Peak, with admiration flashing in their eyes, already awe-inspiring.

After that, like Wei Haoran, he rested cross-legged.

Wei Haoran and the others recovered their spirits.

Just non-stop, start to continue to practice! And while they are practicing.

Those who were in Wei Haoran's live broadcast room just now looked at the pitch-black screen in confusion.

After a long time, he slowly came back to his senses.

And in the live broadcast room where there was no live broadcast, there was a sudden discussion.

Chapter 304 The name of the immortal ancestor is well deserved!

"Hao Ran, you have made it clear, let's take a look at your immortal cultivation method and confirm it!"

"Dad upstairs, aren't you stupid! Haoran is righteously showing their cultivation methods to so many of us. If some people have bad intentions and give it to them while they are cultivating, it won't be too bad! "

"Tell me if you want to be punished by Qin Xian, just do it! I believe that even if Qin Xian doesn't know what to do now, as long as you have bad intentions, he will definitely know!"

"Huh, Qin Xian is so terrifying, he's even better than the creator of the world!"

"The creator of the world, in front of Qin Xian, is a scum!"

"Everyone, stop talking nonsense here, find your own family members, and see if what Haoran is righteous and what they say is true!"

"Yes, yes, everyone, go and see!"

"Yes, but I can't even remember what my own cultivation method is!"

"Upstairs, you are really stupid! I didn't see it, Haoran is righteous and they are drawing the trajectory of the true essence in his body by drawing? Just by comparing, you can see whether everyone's cultivation methods are the same or not. Yes!"

"The solution is upstairs!"

Facing the pitch-black screen, everyone made a fuss and left one after another.


In the country of Dahan, there was a wave of mutual exchange of immortal cultivation methods! And these fans of Wei Haoran, after comparison, confirmed what Wei Haoran and the others said.

"Tell everyone a shocking news, Qin Xian not only taught us all to relax, but also tailor-made the method of immortality for all of us!"

"Beyond the nickname, the powerful Qin Xian, who has hundreds of millions of cultivation methods in the palm of his hand, has granted everyone in the world a different cultivation method!"

"Everyone, please take a look at these two methods of cultivating immortals. They seem to be the same, but there are actually subtle differences! Qin Xian's hard work for the sake of our world is simply a kindness to his parents!"

"Qin Xian's toughness has surpassed our perception of toughness, and his understanding of our world is also unexpectedly powerful! Although, I don't know, Qin Xian gave different teachings for this shocking preaching. , what did you pay.

But I believe that there will never be less! All of us in the world should always remember Qin Xian's great kindness!"

Wei Haoran's fans, after confirming it, quickly posted the news on Dahan's network.


In order to make the evidence more abundant, some people exposed themselves and their own comparison of the true essence running trajectory! Millions of people posted at the same time.

Coupled with the popularity of the word Qin Hao.

Suddenly, it caused a sensation in Dahan's network.

It even attracted the attention of foreign officials, media and the public.

"It's true, it's fake, Qin Xian is not so good, but he's not so good!"

"Yes, everyone's cultivation methods are different, so how many immortal cultivation methods are nearly [-] billion!"

"I, why do I feel that I don't believe it, is someone spreading rumors? This is just the beginning of cultivation, and someone actually wants to kill Qin Xian"

"Yes, is there anyone here to refute a rumor, I really can't stand it anymore, it's so nonsense!"

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