"Then, what are those things so bright!"

Just when the residents of San Francisco were paying attention to the live broadcast room of the world media.

Suddenly, someone looked at the distant light beam in horror and shouted in shock.

The people in Sanpan City also followed this shout, and either looked up, or were blinded by the dazzling light, and hurriedly closed their eyes.

"Then, what are those things? Why are they so bright?"

"Look at the surroundings of the beam of light, it looks like it's all scorched!"

"Not only that, when you look at the atmosphere, a big hole has been shot out!"

The residents of Sanpan City looked at the beam of light in horror, which was extremely shining.

It lighted up quickly, quickly tore out a big hole in the atmosphere, and shot it toward the sky! Even if it was very far away from the beam of light.

But the residents of Sanpan City smelled the burning smell.

Residents in San Francisco, when looking at these towering beams of light.

The hegemonic country, the country, the country, the people who have launched an attack on the country.

They also all saw the picture of the beam of light rising into the sky.

They turned their attention from the media live room to those beams of light.

There was a lot of discussion, and no one knew what these beams of light were and what they were for! Even the people of other countries.

I also vaguely saw these towering beams of light.

Curious in my heart.

at the same time.

Authoritative media around the world.

These strange conditions on Earth were also quickly discovered.

after all.

The world is pitch black now.

These ten thousand beams of light suddenly appeared.

Absolutely very bright.

The world media hurriedly used another satellite,.

The situation on earth was photographed and broadcast live to the eyes of the world.


More than six billion people in the world.

See all.

In the territory of nearly ten 10 countries such as hegemonic countries.

Thousands of beams of light were emitted.

Where these beams of light rise.

All the water vapor was evaporated, leaving those countries covered in fog and hazy.

at the same time.

Where those beams of light rose, bursts of charred gas rose up.

It was as if the air was scorched! And after the blink of an eye.

The world will see it.

Thousands of beams of light.

The atmosphere was torn apart in an instant, and the tens of thousands of beams of light suddenly gathered towards the sky, slowly gathering in one direction.

It seems that it is to attack a target! "This, these beams of light will not go to Qin Xian, right?"

Seeing this converging trend, especially the finger of the light beam, is clearly the direction of Venus.

The world, this is how to recover from the daze.

Someone even instantly connected these beams of light with Qin Hao.

"The hegemonic country, the country, the country is a world power! Did they develop some new weapons specifically to deal with Qin Xian?"

"Oh my God, the speed of these beams of light is too fast, they have already flew out of the atmosphere in the blink of an eye!"

"I can't believe that Qin Xian is so powerful that these countries dare to attack Qin Xian!"

When the people in the world media live broadcast room had this speculation, they all started talking in shock.

"Fuck, these countries are too despicable, they actually did it when Qin Xian was refining treasures!"

"Mad, damn bastard, Qin Xian will never spare you!"

"Hey, I don't know if Qin Xian can escape this time. Judging from his current appearance, he has not noticed anything unusual about the earth!"

"Every time Qin Xian refines treasures, although it is shocking to the world, it can be seen from those videos that after each treasure refining, there will be a period of weakness. These despicable politicians must deliberately choose this time to punish Qin. Xian started it!"

The people of Dahan, in the world media live broadcast room.

To the countries that launched the attack, he shouted and cursed.

At the same time, they were also worried about Qin Hao's safety.

after all.

So many countries, dare to do it.

It must be this kind of attack that kills Qin Hao to a very high degree.

Otherwise, they would never dare to do it! And the world.

Instinctively, Qin Hao was refining treasures.

In addition, Qin Hao's weak scene after refining the moon ten years ago.

It has already been seen by countless people.

That's why they are so worried about Qin Hao.

But what the world doesn't know is.

Qin Hao is not refining treasures, but is experimenting with the power of the gods.


When he launched attacks in various countries.

already knew.


He didn't stop them right away! Qin Hao.

Rather have a look.

What are the trump cards of these countries?

How could they even dare to attack him even after he created the world! As for the domestic networks of those countries, fierce quarrels occurred.

"These goddamn officials, do they want to drag us to bury them together, and they dare to do something to Qin Xian!"

"Oh my God, crazy, they must be crazy, thinking that with these beams of light, they can kill Qin Xian? Not to mention these attacks, can they kill Qin Hao?

Even if it can be killed, might it attack Qin Xian? Qin Xian is on Venus, and he will definitely discover these beams of light soon! Qin Xian just needs to hide at that time!"

"These idiots are going to kill us this time!"

Most of the people from all over the world scolded loudly.

"Che, you cowards, this time I support the official move, even if I can't kill Qin Xian, I admire their courage!"


Yes, since the official can make such a decision, they must be confident, hoping to kill Qin Hao.

Otherwise, we will be trampled under the feet of the big Han people all our lives! I don’t want to be a third-class citizen all my life!”

"Kill Qin Hao, and the serf turns over to be the master!"

Of course, there are also some people who agree with the official attack.

At the same time, they are looking forward to these attacks, which can kill Qin Hao! They can get rid of Qin Hao's shadow.

It can overturn the fact that Big Henkel and the others are first-class! People who hold two views are immediately scolded in the Internet of various countries.

Of course, when they were scolding, they also kept an eye on the live broadcast.

Look at the light beam and Qin Hao's situation on Venus! They expect that the light beam is fast enough to attack Qin Hao before Qin Hao finds it! But at this time.

Dahan officials apparently also noticed this.

Looking at the satellite, Wang Lao, who was in the picture, showed astonishment and a little anger in his eyes.

Facing Cheng Huai next to him, he said, "Cheng Huai, notify the military immediately and ask them to send me all the missiles that can hit those beams of light in the military bases."

"Qin Xian has not discovered these beams of light yet, we must try our best to block these attacks, so that Qin Xian can face fewer attacks in the future.

Even if it can't be stopped, I want Wang Zhao to make some noise and remind Qin Xian!"


Cheng Huai hurriedly picked up the satellite phone on the side and gave orders to the military.


Among all the military bases in Dahan.

All missiles capable of reaching the outer sky were launched.

人 世! From the live broadcast of the world media, the world saw the situation of the great em such as the big man!

All discussions stopped.

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