When the sky is dark.

I was confused for a while, but didn't fall into panic.

Instead, they were guessing.

at the same time.

Countless people flocked into the world media live broadcast room.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room of the world media is also rising like a rocket.


Two billion.

[-] billion.

Six billion! Just a few minutes.

Because the sky is pitch black.

Most of the world's people poured into the live broadcast room! And the world saw the situation in the live broadcast screen.

Such a sentence rose in my heart! Sure enough, it is! On Venus at this moment.

The light is bright, like another sun! At the same time.

The entire Venus is also constantly vibrating.

A wave of ripples, a shock

Swing out.

The space debris around Venus and the passing meteors were all shaken out.

Like that.

It was as if the body of the golden star trembled! Everything retreated! "Could it be that Qin Xian refined a magic weapon?"

"It doesn't seem to be, you can see that although Venus is dazzling, there is no other movement at all!"

"What's the situation, what is Qin Xian doing on Venus?"

While watching the situation of Venus, the world keeps guessing and is curious! When the world notices the situation of Venus.

Officials from various countries have also received the news.

They turned their satellites,,, to Venus.

Especially the hegemonic country, the country and other national minds, all dropped everything and connected them together.

"Everyone, Qin Hao has appeared again, and it's time to kill him!"

Trang shouted excitedly to the minds of other countries.

"Commander Trang, we are all ready, as long as Qin Hao shows up, we will launch an attack!"

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The heads of the rest of the country also all looked furious and responded again and again.

"Everyone, there are more than [-] billion people in the world's media live broadcast room. We are about to kill the people who they call immortals and who they think are invincible in front of most of the world's people!"

Trang, scanning the situation in the world media live broadcast room, sneered and said another sentence to the crowd.

And the others laughed when they heard Trang's words.

in front of the world.

Killing a strongman who overwhelmed the world! Thinking about it makes people excited! "Hehe, we have over-completed the arrangement, there are nearly 1, and I don't believe that this can engulf all Venus. The black hole, it will not be able to kill Qin Hao!"

"Yes, no matter how powerful Qin Hao is, can he escape the black hole, and even if he is not killed immediately, he will still be lost in the darkness of the universe!"

"We still think about it now, how to deal with the big man then!"

"Hehe, after we kill Qin Hao to deal with the big man, we will directly confront the big man. I don't believe that the big man is not afraid!"

"Yes! Under the threat of such an attack, it's not what we put forward, the big man agrees to what conditions! Unless, they want to destroy the country!"

"The big man's... Immortal Realm must be handed over, this is the first rule!"

"There are also top scientists in Dahan, none of which can be left for them!"

The minds of the rest of the countries, after being excited for a while, were all discussing there with great excitement.


They were all thinking, after killing Qin Hao, how to convince the big man! Just when the world was paying attention to Venus, Trang and the others were chatting while their eyes fixed on the situation of Venus.

Qin Hao.

Slowly from the radiant Venus.

Floating out of the air! He sat cross-legged in the air.

Beside him is colorful! He waved his hands.

A looming light band appeared beside him, and the surrounding universe was printed and painted, extremely gorgeous! These light bands.

Red orange, white, blue and blue! The colors are distinct! After being promoted to a god.

Qin Hao has begun to have the power of rules.

Even though 673 has a little bit of aura in this barren Venus.

Qin Hao can also instantly draw in the spiritual energy from the earth.

And peel them off completely! At the same time.

What Qin Hao originally absorbed was all Qi training and aura.

But after the blessing of his rule power.

It was quickly induced to create a base-building aura, a golden core aura, and finally it didn't stop until the Nascent Soul aura! The rules of heaven and earth.

It consists of three rules of time, space and reincarnation.

And Qin Hao, who had just entered the realm of transformation, only took three days.

The time rules have already begun to take shape! Let the spiritual energy evolve rapidly! It can be seen how huge the improvement to Qin Hao after being promoted to God Transformation! "Qin Xian has come out! The things around him are too cool, right? "

"Could it be that this is the magic weapon newly refined by Qin Xian, I don't know what effect it has?"

"Looking at it like that, it doesn't seem to be a magic weapon, but Qin Xian's appearance of separating the five-colored fairy qi completely."

People in the live room.

Looking at Qin Hao who is like a fairy, I yearn in my heart.

Excited! "Appeared!"

"What are you waiting for in ten seconds, let's attack together!"

"This time, we will completely remove the mountain that is on our heads!"

"The earth will also restore its original order!"

Seeing Qin Hao floating out.

Trang stood up excitedly and yelled at the rest of the nation's minds.

The rest of the people also stood up one after another.

roared furiously.

"Qin Hao, today is your day of death!"

"Since today, you are a dead fairy!"

"Hmph, you are not qualified to overwhelm the entire earth with one person's strength!"

"Qin Hao, go to hell!"

Ten seconds 1.

Blink past.

Trang and the others pressed the attack button in front of them together.

From hegemonic states, states, states and other countries.

They have shot out the light that shines in the world! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 190 Tens of thousands of ultimate attacks, directed at Qin Hao!

Overlord, Sanpan, California.

It is the gathering place of the Han descendants in the hegemonic country.

In the past, they were bullied by the black and white people of the hegemonic country.

But since Qin Hao appeared in the world.

The treatment of the residents here has obviously changed! All those ruffians dare not come here to make trouble.

Even the official people of the hegemonic country have changed their attitude towards them.

This made them extremely grateful to Qin Hao! At this time.

Although the world is dark.

But the residents of San Francisco, almost all of them in groups of three or five, were watching with their phones in hand.

"When I look at Qin Xian, why do I feel a little different!"

"Yeah, when I looked at Qin Xian before, I always felt that he was very powerful and out of the ordinary, but when I saw Qin Xian this time, I couldn't help but reverence flashed in my heart, and even a lot of people wanted to kneel!"

"If you don't say it, I haven't felt it yet. When you say it, I feel the same way!"

"Also, look at the light strips Qin Xian made with his hands, they are so cool!"

Residents of Sanpan City, while watching the pictures in the live broadcast room of the world media, have a lot of emotion and discussion.

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