Dahan sent a missile, definitely not to kill Qin Hao.

There is only one possibility, to block other countries' attacks on Qin Hao! Stop it! The Han people, and even a group of Qin Hao's fans, shouted wildly in their hearts.

Can't catch up! Those who want Qin Hao to die.

Tension flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in his head.

As for Trang and the others, there was a sneer on his face.

I don't care about Dahan's missile interception at all! The attack of tens of thousands of ultimate weapons depends on Dahan's half-baked missiles.

How can it be stopped! I'm afraid I can't catch up! But.

When they looked at the satellite, in the picture.

Those big men's missiles actually quickly caught up with the tens of thousands of beams of light.

Everyone is stunned! Dahan's missile, why is it so fast! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 191 Black hole, the final form of the x-11 attack!

"These missiles, so fast!"

"Why did Dahan's missiles go so fast? In the blink of an eye, they quickly caught up with those beams of light!"

"Yeah, this is too incredible! Dahan technology is developing too fast!"

people from other countries.

Seeing the countless missiles fired from the big man, after a short while, they broke through the atmosphere and went straight to chase those beams of light! All sighed in surprise.

"Those are all new-type missiles that we have just developed in our country. The rate of fire is more than three times that of the previous ones, and the speed has reached more than 10 kilometers per hour! I didn't expect the country to mass-produce it so quickly. Qin Xian's help to our big man is really helpful. It's too big! Moreover, the range has been increased by many times, and I hope to snipe those beams of light!"

"There are only a few thousand pieces in the first echelon, which should not be enough to intercept all the beams of light, but there are 31 'Dongfeng 31' in the second echelon, which should be enough to intercept all the beams of light! It seems that the 'Dongfeng [-]' should be in the When the earth and Venus are at the same distance, they can catch up with those beams of light! And the power of this missile is also extremely powerful! There are hundreds of thousands of shrapnel in each missile.

Enough to detonate all the beams of light!"

"Haha, the two buddies upstairs must be from the domestic missile research laboratory.

We are relieved to hear what you say!"

"Those countries that dare to attack Qin Xian, prepare to bear Qin Xian's wrath!"

In the live broadcast room, some of Dahan's military experts, or members of the military research institute, explained the names and functions of Dahan's missiles.

This immediately gave the Han people who were extremely worried about Qin Hao, infinite confidence.

Then, it was the turn of the people of the hegemonic countries and other countries to become worried.

Once the beam attack is blocked.

Wait until Qin Hao calms down.

That's their end! Meanwhile.

The minds of Trump and other countries are also very worried.

The second round of 1 attack will take more than ten minutes! Moreover, the first round of 1 is the main force that kills Qin Hao.

Once Qin Hao escaped the first round.

Then it is unknown whether they have a chance to launch a second round of attacks! They can only pray now.

Those missiles of Dahan cannot completely intercept the attack of the next 1.

In other words, as long as there are [-] attacks, it will reach Qin Hao.

Even if they win! After that kind of thinking.

They all stared at the satellite, watching the screen.


All watching.

Dahan's interceptor missile quickly approached the beam of light.

Boom! Finally.

Dahan's first interceptor missile.

It collided with one of the light beam attacks of 1! There was a fierce fire! The hearts of the world.

All because of this collision, and a tight squeeze.


The next screen.

Not only the world, but also Wang Lao and others are confused.

Even Trang and the others were stunned, a little unimaginable! I saw! Following the big man's missile, a beam of light came into contact at the farthest edge.

After a dazzling explosion.

A huge black hole.

appeared in that place.

And that black hole.

In the universe, the fangs are fully exposed.

Once it appeared, it expanded rapidly.

A large space is enclosed in it.

And the follow-up Dahan's missile, once rushed into the black hole.

All of them flashed a little and made a slight 'puff puff' sound, and were squeezed into scum by the dense black hole.

no longer exists.

The world can't hear that 'puff puff' sound.

They can only be seen through live footage.

Thousands of missiles.

disappeared into a black hole.

It's as if it's never happened before! This weird picture.

Let the world, collectively, be confused.

Couldn't get back to God for a long time.

Boom boom boom! Until there are other sporadic big men intercepting the missile and avoiding the black hole,

After hitting the beam in front.

The world came back to its senses.


As more and more beams of light are hit.

Behind the path the beam of light travels.

The several huge black holes that appeared were completely connected into one piece.

block all the back roads,

Dahan's follow-up missiles also all rushed into the black hole.

No splashes came out.

Completely disappeared! Even.

Everything around, huge comets, passing meteorites, and even an asteroid the size of the moon.

are sucked into the black hole.

Disappeared! As if it never existed.

Watching this shocking scene.

The world fell into silence again.

Then, a roaring discussion broke out.

"Fuck, what are these beams of light, and why do they turn into black holes when they are detonated!"

"Black hole, the ultimate state of this attack is actually a black hole! A black hole that can squeeze everything that enters it into powder!"

"Upstairs, you mean, everything that entered the black hole turned into dust"

"Of course, a black hole is actually a celestial body in another form, and it can absorb all the surrounding light and all matter into it.

And because of its extremely high density, everything that is sucked into it will be squeezed into powder in an instant!"

"Fuck, this is too scary!"

"No wonder, no wonder they dare to attack Qin Xian, this kind of attack is really terrifying!"

People in the world media live broadcast room, after someone popularized the principle of black holes.

Everyone was shocked.

"Oh my God, even if Qin Xian is extremely powerful, if he is sucked into the black hole, he will not be able to survive."

"Qin Xian, hurry up and find out what's going on here, hurry up and hide!"

"Qin Xian, stop refining treasures, hurry up and hide!"

Big Han people, and a kind of Qin Hao fanatical fan.

Seeing the huge explosion here, Qin Hao on the other side of Venus still closed his eyes.

Countless five-color light bands were swayed there, and they all shouted in worry.

"Hehe, once this attack hits Qin Hao's words.

Qin Hao is absolutely dead!"

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