"I, I just looked at it, it seems that all the golden lotus poured into the body of the Han, and no one from other countries was selected by the golden lotus!"

"Uh, is it true? Could it be that Qin Xian's sermon this time is really only for Han people?"

"Woooooo, I'm so jealous, I'm so envious of big Han people! Why, I wasn't born in a big man!"

The billions of foreigners in the world's media live broadcast rooms are extremely envious, jealous, and complaining frantically! And Dahan netizens are no longer screaming! But in their hearts, they are dark!

The feeling of 6 people is really cool! In the world, everyone found that Qin Hao preached, only for the fact that it was a big man.

Officials of various countries, of course, also found out.

Dahan officials, each with ruddy faces and excited expressions.

Looking at Qin Hao in the live broadcast, he was even more grateful.

It's too bad, I pay homage to Qin Hao! As for the officials of other countries, they are like eating flies, which is extremely uncomfortable! Qin Xian.

This is punishing them! Is it punishing them for the persecution of Dahan before? Although, this punishment did not cause them any harm.

But it is enough to hit them and even the spirit of their countrymen with hundreds of millions of critical strikes! But even if you know this fact.

They were helpless.

Although, I don't know how Han people's bodies and brains have improved in Qin Hao's preaching.

However, they faintly felt it.

The Han people will be the existence that surpasses the people of any country in the world! They can even be said to be immortals! Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 159 All foreigners are envious and jealous!

The world is in turmoil.

Qin Hao ignored it all! He still closed his eyes and condensed.

Open your mouth slowly and recite the scriptures! And the golden lotus on the Kunlun Mountain is still gushing out.

Even, the colorful mist on the whole Kunlun is getting thicker and thicker.

If someone uses satellite,,, to check the surrounding countries of Dahan and the situation in the sea.

will find out.

The spiritual energy of this area,

All are rushing towards Kunlun Mountain.


Endless! Qin Hao.

The advantage of being the only cultivator in this world.

at this time.

Exhausted! With the excitement of the previous period, the excitement after.

The big Han people at the scene also calmed down.

They all adored their eyes, looking at Qin Hao sitting on the colorful lotus.

Listen carefully to his sermons.

As for people from other countries.

The sadness in my heart has gradually faded away.

These people who come here are all because of their admiration for Qin Hao and want to pay their respects to Qin Hao.

Now that I have met Qin Hao, I have also witnessed the magic of Qin Hao.

For them, it was a worthwhile trip! And after their mentality changed.

Also found something different.

Although, they can't get the slightest benefit from Qin Hao's chant.

Even, most people don't understand what Qin Hao's song is about.

But after listening carefully 19 times, they still felt it.

The whole body and mind were extremely relaxed.

The mental state is also much better than before! Even the sullen mood about some things gradually dissipated.

Their lives seem to have been sublimated! This sublimation has nothing to do with the body or IQ.

It is the sublimation of life attitude! As for the people in the world media live broadcast room, they gradually stopped making noise.

Most of the people are also listening carefully to Qin Hao's sermons.

Feel the truth in it.

Even, there are many people who want to understand what Qin Hao is chanting.

Start learning obscure Chinese.

And when they understood the true meaning of Qin Hao's singing of Huang Tingjing.

Also feel it.

The spirit has been sublimated! Qin Hao.

Chanting the Huang Ting Jing over and over again.

"The five flavors are all perfect and good, and the wholesale practice can last for a long time. Don't be troubled by the great road. Don't spread my words when I'm done."

Until 1:[-] of the next day! With this Huang Tingjing finished reading.

Qin Hao stopped speaking and continued to chant.

The world, when Qin Hao stopped.

They all returned to God.

Or look up, or stare at the screen.

They all looked at Qin Hao with great admiration.

Qin Hao, feeling the scene, is a big Han man.

The physical fitness has only increased by about 30%: the development of the brain is only 5% higher than before.

With such an improvement in time, the industry has already surpassed many people in other countries.

But Qin Hao thinks.

It's not enough! "This sermon is over, tomorrow at twelve o'clock, we will preach again!"

Therefore, Qin Hao said something to the people below.

Then, slowly stood up.

Qiang! The Dragon Slayer Flying Sword that has been standing behind him.

A small beep.

Flying around the Kunlun Mountains quickly.

Then, Fei returned to Qin Hao's feet.

With Qin Hao.

Breaking away! And Qin Hao left with the same momentum as when he came! Powerful and powerful! The world.

All because of Qin Hao's words.

continue tomorrow.

Their eyes lit up! Then, they watched Qin Hao leave! After Qin Hao disappeared into the sky.

The big Han people at the foot of the mountain were all excited.

"Great, we will be preaching tomorrow, we are so lucky!"

"Huh, the greatest blessing in my life is to listen to Qin Xian's preaching here!"

"I feel like I can beat down a cow now! Qin Xian's preaching energy is incredible!"

"Yeah, I feel that if I take the college entrance examination now, I can definitely be one hundred percent higher than before!"

At the scene, the big Han people were very excited to discuss there.


Shall we go?"

"Don't go! Maybe Qin Xian will benefit the world tomorrow!"

"Don't hold such illusions for now, Qin Xian's purpose this time is to make the Han people better than people from other countries! In the final analysis, Qin Xian came from the great Han, and got the most distant inheritance from the great Han.

There is nothing wrong with such a move! I just hope that I will listen to Qin Xian's preaching again.

After listening to his sermon.

I feel that the whole person has sublimated a lot!"

"Yeah, I'm not going, even if I can't get my body better and my mind smarter.

We can continue to pay our respects to Qin Xian's sermons, and we can express our admiration to Qin Xian.

I am very satisfied!"

At the scene, people from other countries looked at the scene jealously, the big Han people.

But no one left! Even without any benefit.

Witnessing such a grand event in person is also an amazing thing! Compared with the scene, people's commotion.

On the Internet in various countries, but after Qin Hao finished his sermon.

An instant sensation.

"I'm so jealous of the big Han people, why are they the only ones who bear Qin Xian's huge favor!"

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