"Me too, why am I not so lucky to be born in a big man!"

"I really want to be a big man!"

"From today onwards, Dahan will surpass other countries, and Dahan people will become real immortals!"

On the Internet in every country, without exception.

It's all envy, jealousy and hatred of the big Han people! Countless people hate themselves at the moment, why are they not born in the big Han! But they didn't expect it.

Just a month ago.

They are also very contemptuous and sympathetic to the big Han! There are even people who regard the big Han people as inferior people.

Qin Hao preached once.

Completely changed the world's attitude towards Dahan and his identity as a Dahan! Even secretly, countless people have submitted naturalization applications to Dahan.

I want to be on the tower tomorrow, Qin Hao's evangelistic train to the sky.

Become the children of the fairy! Dahan official Wang Lao et al.

Seeing the naturalization applications like snowflakes, all felt extremely proud.

The admiration for Qin Hao in my heart is also deeper! Qin Hao is in one fell swoop.

Let the big man be above the rest of the world! They start to rush into work.

For some people who have made outstanding achievements in certain fields, especially in scientific research.

They began to be selective, agreeing to their naturalization.

In the world, it is only vaguely felt and seen.

When the physical fitness of the Han people becomes better and the brain becomes smarter.

In the Dahan network.

However, shocking stories began to circulate! "I am a first-year student, because I used to be naughty, so I didn't learn the basics well, which makes it difficult to keep up with the school's learning.

But just now, after I listened to Qin Xian's sermon.

I only relied on rote knowledge before, and it was integrated in an instant! I feel that I will soon become the top student in the eyes of my parents! Thank you Qin Xian, you can give me a chance to start over! Let my life be infinite again possible!"

A poor first-year student who couldn't keep up with the progress of his studies because he didn't have a good foundation, posted a shocking post on the Internet.

"Me too, me too, I'm a senior in high school. I thought it was a difficult topic before, but after listening to Qin Xian's sermon, I found it very easy! Thank you Qin Xian!"

"The college entrance examination is coming soon. I didn't expect to hear Qin Xian's preaching. I feel that the 'double first-class' is waiting for me! Thank you Qin Xian!"

All the students also expressed their emotions and expressed their excitement.

"Haha, a few days ago I fell into a thinking dilemma with a design, but I didn't expect that after listening to Qin Xian's sermon, I actually figured it all out.

I believe that the most gorgeous building in Haihe City will soon be born in my hands! Thank you Qin Xian!"

"Me too, the problems that have plagued our team for several years have been solved after Qin Xian preached! Thank you Qin Xian!"

On the Dahan network, one case after another has been exposed.

It makes the big Han people extremely excited! And these people, when they make speeches, are without exception.

They all followed the words 'Thank you Qin Xian'.

Express gratitude to Qin Hao! Just when the world is making noise.

Gratitude post from some scientists.

They also appeared in the world one after another! This moment made the Han people extremely excited! The gratitude and worship for Qin Xian is even more overwhelming! On this day, everyone in the Han Dynasty is like a dragon! Please download Feifei to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 160 One day, wipe out the ten years behind the big man!

Xi Jie.

As a leading figure in the medical field of Dahan.

His disciples are all over the place.

The number of people who have been rescued can't be counted! But in the past few years, he has been obsessed.

Take yourself all the time.

For research, a world-class medical problem.

That is, how to selectively cut off certain immune responses in humans.

This medical problem, even after a decade of technological explosion.

There is still no scientist in any country who can conquer it! It shows how difficult it is.

But just now.

After Xi Jie listened to Qin Hao's sermon.

His thoughts were very clear in his mind.

Suddenly, he thought of the key point to solve this puzzle! Then, he immediately.

Gather some of his scientific experts.

Validate his practice.

After two full hours.

The experiment was successful! He, and his assistants.

He successfully blocked the strong rejection of a patient with liver metastases! Then, he and his assistants immediately rescued a patient with lupus erythematosus! And collected all the experimental data! This also means.

They really got over it.

This is a world problem that spans the world and has taken away countless organ transplants and the lives of patients with autoimmune diseases! It has been conquered by humans! After summarizing the data.

Xi Jie immediately and his opponent officially announced the good news to the outside world! At the same time, he expressed his gratitude to Qin Hao in the press release! This old professor almost knelt down to Qin Hao! Thanks to Qin Hao Everything you did for the big man and the world! This news instantly shocked the big man! Countless people, especially those who were tormented by these diseases.

Weeping with joy.

Say hello to Professor Xi Jie at the same time.

Thanks again to Qin Hao! And the success of Xi Jie's medical research group.

It seems to have officially opened the curtain of Dahan's research in various fields and achieved breakthrough progress! "We are from a research institute of Dahan, and just now, we have officially overcome the difficulties in the promotion of laser weapons! Starting today, Dahan will also have Your own full-fledged laser weapon!"

"I'm Jiang Weimin, leading a biological research team.

Just now, after our group listened to Qin Xian's sermon, many problems that lied in front of us were all solved.

I now officially announce that Dahan's research on human genes has made a breakthrough! Thank you Qin Xian for his contribution to Dahan and the world!"

"I'm Hong Jixue, a researcher of Dahan Aerospace Physics.

Just now, our department officially solved the problem of aerospace endurance.

We Dahan will be more confident in landing on Jupiter, and it will no longer be a problem to conquer the solar system! Please Qin Xian, accept all the researchers of our Institute of Aerospace Physics, and sincerely thank you!"

One after another, experts from various research institutes and various fields posted their posts one after another.

Speak out the breakthrough progress made by your department, yourself and others! And what they mean in their language.

more clearly stated.

All because of listening to Qin Hao's sermons.

Their research has made such breakthrough progress! Dahan netizens are instantly boiling! "Oh my God, Qin Xian's preaching power is so great, it not only improves the quality of our citizens, but even those scientists have gained incredible results. With the improvement of our power, our big Han will become the first powerful country, and we are just around the corner!"

"Qin Xian, I admire him so much! The topics announced by the scientists just now are all world-class problems! Especially the one tackled by Professor Xi Jie... I don't know how many lives it can save!"

"It turns out that we feel that our heads are clear, not an illusory feeling. Qin Xian is raising the IQ of our Han people collectively!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible, Qin Xian's preaching power is so powerful!"

"Haha, in this case, even if we are targeted by the world again, we will not be afraid! The power of our country can completely crush the world!"

"Yes, this is the first day of preaching, Qin Xian will preach again tomorrow.

At that time, the physical quality of our Han people will be stronger.

IQ will crush all other nations too!"

The big Han man watched the breakthroughs of the scientists one by one and was nervous, swiping the screen with great excitement.

Of course, they didn't go to other countries' networks.

It is best to make a fortune in silence. Moreover, this kind of hatred should be done less often.

It will be abused a hundred times by the jealousy of foreign netizens! Although the big Han people do not publicize it everywhere.

But know.

Because of Qin Hao's scarf thing.

There are many foreign netizens who will appear in Dahan's network from time to time.

After they saw this shocking news one by one.

It quickly spread back to its own country.

Instantly caused a sensation in the world.

"Oh my God, Qin Xian's one-day sermon, the promotion of the big man, is actually so great, how many scientific research problems have they overcome?"

"Judging from the number of exposures, there are at least dozens of items.

Several of them are still difficult problems that all countries in the world have not overcome! It's incredible!"

"Huh, I really, really want to become a Han Chinese now! This benefit is so great!"

The world was shocked and stunned.

All felt unbelievable.

They couldn't believe it at all.

A person, just sitting there and talking for a day, something they don't understand.

All the big Han people are like being empowered by Daigo.

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