My heart is even more happy! Haha, let you bully our big man before.

It's alright now! Even if Qin Xian didn't kill you, he was still angry with you! After all.

Qin Xian is the fairy of our big man! Not your fairy! The hearts of all the big Han people present are filled with infinite pride.

That's the pride of being a big Han man!!! Please download the novel without underline, please subscribe automatically

Chapter 158 Qin Xian preaching!

At the same time, billions of people in the world media live broadcast room, after seeing Qin Hao speak.

The sky of the whole Kunlun Mountains.

Immediately, an incredible change took place.

Multicolored lingering, gathered into auspicious clouds, floating in the sky.

Then, at the foot of Yuxu Peak.

A large multicolored lotus flower appeared.

Slowly lift Yuxu Peak up.

that scene.

Kunlun is like a fairyland.

And Yuxu Peak is the Qionglou in the fairyland! It is holy and invincible! And there are hundreds of millions of people at the bottom of the peak.

Everyone looked up dumbfounded.

Looking at the Yuxu Peak rising from the sky in shock! I couldn't return to my senses for a long time.

Hundreds of millions of people.

Head up at the same time.

that scene.

It's really shocking! But.

The people in the next world media live room.

The picture I saw was even more shocking! I saw.

From the Kunlun Mountains and the surrounding area of ​​the Han Kingdom.

Countless multicolored clouds formed rapidly and converged towards Kunlun Mountains and "six, seven, three"


that scene.

It is really like Kunlun ascending to heaven and becoming a holy mountain.

at the same time.

Hundreds of flowers bloomed in the whole Kunlun, and all the beasts formed a wave of beasts, rushing towards Yuxu Peak.

Like a pilgrimage! Then.

in the whole of Kunlun.

The golden lotus has emerged! Thousands of golden lotuses are scattered and dense.

Filled in the eyes of billions of people in the live broadcast room.

It is both gorgeous and mysterious! Even if it is not on the scene,

But they saw this golden lotus.

It feels like the golden lotus is surging with infinite energy.

That energy is even more intense than Qin Xianxian Qi at the beginning.

Even look.

They also know.

Those who can get this golden lotus.

The benefit obtained will be incomparably powerful! "Beauty, it is so beautiful!"

"With ten thousand golden lotuses emerging, Qin Xian is not only a fairy, but also a saint!"

"It's incredible, Qin Xian said, Kunlun ascended to the sky! It's too powerful!"

"That golden lotus is so coveted, just looking at it, I want to rush to the scene immediately, go!"

"Hey, I regret it, I really regret not going to Yuxu Peak, it will be the regret of my life to miss such a prosperous world!"

"You guys, I'm really curious about how much benefit the golden lotus will bring to people!"

"If you look at the scene, those people are so excited, you will know that the benefits they will get are enormous!"

With the golden lotus, pouring into the scene, after the people's body.

The people in the live broadcast room of the world media burst into commotion in an instant! They were either shocked, envious, regretful, or curious! "No, not only the people on the scene, even if I just watched the live broadcast and listened to the live broadcast I recorded and recorded Qin Xian's chanting, my spirit has been lifted a lot, and my body has become a lot lighter!"

"That's right, I feel the same way, too!"

"Oh my God, Qin Xian's hand is too much!"

Not long after.

In the live broadcast room of the world media, some surprises appeared immediately.

This made billions of people in the world's media live broadcast room immediately bewildered! It's really fake! You don't have to go to the scene,, just hear Qin Hao's sermon.

Is it so amazing to be able to get such a big benefit? If true.

This is too powerful! At the same time.

People in the world media live broadcast room also stopped discussing.

Listen carefully to Qin Hao's chant! However, the people in the world media live broadcast room.

Not found at all.

These made surprise remarks, saying that they also got the benefits of Qin Xian's preaching.

Without exception, they are all Han Chinese.

"No, I listened carefully for a while, but I didn't feel anything!"

"Me too, I don't understand, I almost fell asleep listening to it!"

"Those people just now, didn't they care!"

After a while.

some people

Doubtful comments were made.

And it's getting more and more voices.

Most people don't feel the slightest change in their bodies.

"Trust, trust your sister, does Qin Xian need support?"

"Yeah, it's just stupid upstairs 13, you didn't get any benefits, that's because you have no blessings, no immortal fate!"

"Haha, no matter what

You guys, anyway, I feel myself, strong and strong.

This moment is simply the best moment in my [-] years!"

In the face of those people's doubts, the people who made the surprise comment just now came forward and turned back.

"No, I just flipped through the comments, and the people who have benefited just now are all big men!"

At this time, there was a technical emperor who summarized the comments just now.

Made unbelievable remarks.

this comment.

seen by countless people.

I also asked countless netizens from other countries to look at the records just now.

Even Dahan's netizens began to read.

This doesn't matter.

They found that it was really like this! Immediately, Dahan's netizens were excited.

"Hahaha, it turns out that this sermon belongs to our big man alone! It's too conspicuous!"

"Suddenly, an incomparable sense of pride emerged in my heart. What Qin Xian did this time was really great!"

"Ten years, ten years! I finally feel once again that I am proud of being a Han Chinese!"

Dahan netizens were extremely excited and swiped their screens in the world media live broadcast room! "Why, why is Qin Xian so favoring one over the other,,, we are his fans too!"

"Alas, in the final analysis, our officials have gone too far, causing Qin Xian not to spread this grace!"

"Yes, it's that group... the official fault, I hope Qin Xian can count us all in his next sermon!"

People from other countries felt dazed and grieved for a while.

In their hearts, they were full of envy, jealousy and hatred towards the Han people! However, they did not dare to say anything dissatisfied with Qin Hao.


This is not only an immortal who can benefit the world! He is also an immortal who is decisive in killing and destroying the world in an instant! Who dares to provoke it! "At the scene, why is something wrong, those big Han people are all there excitedly shouting.

How come people from other countries have all fallen down, like they are resentful of women! No, even if they come to the scene, it is only for the Han people!"

A moment later, with the satellite of the world media,,,,, gave the scene, after some close-ups of people.

In the live broadcast room, someone suddenly discovered the strange situation of the scene, and immediately expressed curiosity.

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