There is no way to advance it to the present, but the atmosphere is more and more suppressed. Everyone is a little worried and will repeat the same mistakes. As long as there is any point, it is possible to rebuild a dharma body. Do it.

Today, Lin Fei, who is the first person under the Fa, is obviously one of the best choices.

Next to Lin Fei, Zhou Xiangfu, who was also seriously injured, also shared the heart of the Kui Niu.

Unsurprisingly, under the supply at any cost, the way of spiritual warfare Taoist warfare is obvious. Zhou Xiangfu has also been promoted to the real body recently after major battles, and it was first completed in one step.

And under Tianmen City's lack of bottom-line resources, his tactics also exploded with amazing power.

Along the way, all kinds of legends have been lost for a long time, but various god-level seals that have appeared in the legend appear in his hands one by one.

Today, it has surpassed Hong Yitian and became the most powerful one under Lin Fei.

While trimming, while in Tianmen City, continue to move forward.

After this continuous battle, everyone was used to this, and soon recovered.

But with the advancement, Lin Fei's look was not easy, because Lin Fei found that the environment here began to change.

The ground on the ground is full of aura, accompanied by a pungent **** smell.

The experience of my last life told Lin Fei, these are the traces of the descent of the body ...

Only with this kind of existence, will countless years later still leave such a land full of spirits, **** gas, and so long ...

The land infested with blood is actually invaluable. If it is added to the Elixir, it will immediately double the effect of the Elixir. With the addition of the magic weapon, it will be able to refine the Celestial Magic ...


For Tianmen City, this is not good news, because this place is really too dangerous. Tianmen City's biggest reliance is that the few who have cultivated their spirits and have not been able to easily fight the magic body power, but there is a danger of falling.


Lin Fei has always been disturbed by something. The mysterious Yuan Huang has never appeared ...

I don't know where he is hiding.

No matter when, Lin Fei will never forget that once had the strength to compete with Lin Banhu, a battle that hurt Lin Banhu ’s Yuan Emperor, maybe, only that kind of existence would threaten several dharma bodies ... …

This abyss seems to have never ended.

After so many years of advancement, it seems to be endless ...

Unconsciously, several months have passed, and the deeper the resistance encountered, the stronger it has become, and the adversaries that have emerged have become stronger and stronger.

At this point, it seems that there is no obvious boundary between the era and the era. No matter what era the creatures may appear in, and there is no nonsense after the encounter, the battle is extremely fierce on the spot, that is life and death Battle.

Fortunately, just walked like this, and haven't encountered the power of the dharma body again. This is perhaps the most comforting thing ...

According to the experience gained by Lin Fei's previous life, the dharma body in the Black Abyss has been consumed so far, and with Yuan Huang, perhaps there are only two or three remaining ...

Gradually, Lin Fei even suspected that the Black Abyss seemed to want to drag himself and others here to death in an infinitely wide territory. It may go for another hundred years, and there will be no results ...

However, just days after the idea came out, it was rejected by reality ...

Because after a few days ...

Lin Fei suddenly on the wall that had become torn and broken, the spiritual consciousness exercised in the continuous war, suddenly realized that he was looking forward ...

In front, it seems that there is an invisible margin, where the appearance has changed greatly.

In that place, there is no longer a dull sky. Instead, there is a vast starry sky ...

Countless bright stars, shining in the sky, appear extremely magnificent.

And under this starry sky, it is a huge mountain winding like a giant beast lying down.

At the top of that giant mountain, it almost touched the starry sky.

At the top, I could only see one person and one person, with the starry sky vortex in it, slowly circling, and the center of the vortex was dark.

It is a very pure black, as if it can swallow all the light, revealing a mysterious meaning.

At this time, there were very few people in the city of Tianmen, and after appearing in this place, only a few dharmakayas had arrived at the city head ...

The child-like long-born child almost lost his face: "At the bottom of the Black Abyss, we ... actually arrived ..."

Lin Fei said that when he looked back at this magnificent starry sky, [country novel] was also a bit unreal.

Here is the end of Blackpool?

Not only Lin Fei, but people in Tianmen City heard that they had traveled for many years and finally reached the finish line, but no one cheered, no one was excited, some were still.

Everyone looked at the magnificent starry sky, a silence.

Finally, I don't know how long it has passed, I don't know who, and the cry of exclamation broke the silence.

"Look, what is that!"


The voice fell, and the whole land began to stand up to the east. Perhaps there was a reason covered by the mountains. A figure actually came slowly from under the starry vortex ...

Seen from a distance, it is a human, the ordinary look, it seems that there is nothing special momentum, compared with the fierce monsters seen along the way, it is simply a harmless type of humans and animals.

However, when this figure gradually approached, revealing the simple robe, the long sword at the waist, and the already red hair, the Tianmen City was silent for a while.

Chifa live.

This dharma body, whose traces have long been revealed, is hiding here?

Fortunately, there is only such a person. If he is the only one, then the Tianmen City side is in absolute advantage in terms of number.

However, at this time, only Tianji Taoists stood up and said lightly, "This person, I am here, three of you, to deal with the one over there."

Everyone looked in the direction given by Tianji Taoist, and suddenly, they saw that at the top of the giant mountain, there was only one person standing ...

I didn't find it just now. It seems that he is very close to the starry sky vortex, or that he seems to be integrated with the starry sky vortex, making it difficult to find.

But once I saw it, I could immediately feel that the figure was condescending and overlooked the people. For nothing, it gave people a feeling of being watched by the sky.

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