Chronicles of the Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 2067: Thirty years

And it will also fall deep into the depths of this black abyss. If it is here, the Tianmen City side has been hit hard, and there is really no chance of escape. It will be here, and the whole army will be wiped out.

And here, Lin Fei also found that this possibility is getting bigger.

Because with the advancement here, the resistance encountered has become more and more serious. Like Li Qingshan ’s real combat strength, it seems that he has just begun. Later, this can be called the ancestor in the outside world. Real souls appear one after another ...

The ancestors of the Fashen were also aware of this. After some deliberation, they still did not make a decision to leave. They just sent the Tianxin ancestors to stay here and opened up a way for others.

So as not to be surrounded by people from behind.

If you encounter an enemy before, you can also respond to the withdrawal of Tianmen City.

Obviously, all the ancestors of the Dharma Bodhisattva have also discovered the dangers among them. Otherwise, they will definitely not waste a valuable dharma combat power in this place, and such arrangements, even in the worst circumstances The ancestors of Tianxin ancestors should still be able to preserve a ray of incense for Tianmen City.

With the departure of the ancestor of Tianxin, there are only three physical powers in the Tianmen City, including the eldest son, Tianwu Zuwu, and Tianji Taoist.

As for the Spiritualist Taoist, he has never seen him shot along the way, and no one knows whether he can still exert his magic power at the peak state.

But just here, the vastness of this black abyss has become more and more obvious, and he has never been able to see his head, which makes people desperate ...

This continued for almost 30 years. This is also the end of the war estimated by Lingji Taoists. Lin Fei is face-to-face again, a peak power of a real body level.

In this battle, the people around Lin Fei were mostly killed in the battle, but there were only ten others left behind.

At the same time, news of the few French body wars in the rear also came.

Phoenix battled against Beiyin's Great Capital Emperor. After being trapped by Phoenix for ten years, Beiyin's Great Capital Emperor finally broke the seal and launched a protracted offensive.

The Phoenix also came up with the means to calculate the old dragon. When the Great Emperor Beiyin appeared, he fell into a large array of Phoenix fires that Phoenix had already arranged and was alive for several years.

Then the Great Emperor of Beiyin Fendu, fighting against the risk of damage to Fendu, fought against Phoenix.

This battle caused the Great Yin Yin Emperor to be hit hard by the Phoenix Fire. In a short period of time, he was unable to fight anymore. He closed the wounds and wounded, and the Phoenix was not well. It was almost engulfed by thousands of ghosts. Only barely able to be expelled, the injury is considered to be a little lighter than that of the Great Yin Yin Emperor.

At this time, the original situation was restored, and the Great Emperor Beiyin was consumed, but the news came that if something failed, it would be better to retreat temporarily, she would tear the space channel in the periphery as a response.

Obviously, she also heard about Tianmen City's last expedition and was trapped in the depths of the Black Abyss. Seeing that this protracted war has not stopped, and Tianmen City's advancement was deeper and deeper, and she began to worry a little.

In addition to this, Bibo Old Demon is much firmer and supports the continued advancement of Lingji Taoist people, but it may be because he has been fighting with Lingbao Tianzun that day, and has never had any reason to fight. His state is maintained. the best.

The news came also diametrically opposite to Phoenix, only saying that if necessary, he would immediately go deep into the black abyss ...

The rest of the dharma bodies are also in the same situation. After a few battles, they tried to test each other, but there was no result.

There is no way, the war between the dharma bodies is like this. Once it starts, it is protracted. After all, both sides are extremely powerful. Even if you stand there and let you fight, it may cost a lot ...

For example, the invasion of the Black Abyss of the previous life is also the same situation. It is completely a dharma body, and it is only after carrying the Black Abyss that the protracted situation is formed.

Like Lin Banhu, the routine that comes up with one sword is alien among the aliens, and it is precisely because of the excessively perverted combat power that he was recognized as the strongest magic body in those years.

Just thinking of Lin Banhu, Lin Fei was a little puzzled, how did it all advance here, Lin Banhu has not yet appeared ...

This kind of thought happened by accident, because now the war is over, and the monks on this trip have already hurt everyone.

Moreover, Lin Fei was the most seriously injured, because as the opponents that appeared became stronger and stronger, Lin Fei could only go up again and again, and several times, he was killed by his own strength. Block the road ...

The gains in return are equally powerful. It is needless to say that Tianmen City ’s intentional resource dumping is almost what Lin Fei needs, and some of Tianmen City will be given priority.

Even the real body beheaded from this head has gained a lot.

Several of them, even encountering some rare blood lines passed down from the flood, were swallowed by Lin Fei.

The benefits brought by this are also very obvious. Lin Fei ’s ghost earth alone has expanded to its limit, and after the suggestions of several dharma bodies, Lin Fei has decided to combine this ghost earth with his own sword star sea For one.

In this way, I am ready to shape my own Dao State and lay a perfect embryo for the Dao State.

After all, the underworld that has swallowed countless resources is already like a small world in itself, and it can be used to get the bottom. In the future, Lin Fei ’s promotion to the dharma must be able to leap forward to the old dharma. To the peak.

It is the first time Lin Fei has practiced to this day to obtain such an environment where resources are completely unrestricted. The slow speed of practice should be the fastest time Lin Fei has felt since his practice.

A lot of Dharma bodies are taken care of everywhere. It is simply the realm of several Dharma bodies, all of which have become Lin Fei's daily practice places.

This kind of environment is a paradise for spiritual practice ...

After another World War I, Lin Fei suffered a lot of injuries and was already habitual. From the treasure trove, he found a Kui cow's heart and devoured it.

This Kui Niu didn't know whether it was Lin Fei's encounter in the illusion. In short, the creatures of this kind of wild blood, and their flesh and blood, became the general supplies of Lin Fei when they needed it.

As long as they can improve their cultivation, even if it is the moon in the sky, several dharma bodies must be taken down together.

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