If you think about it carefully, this person appears extremely abrupt. It seems that when I just stared at the vortex of the starry sky, there was obviously no him, but in the blink of an eye, he was here again ...

The figure, just standing there, seems to be the **** king overlooking the beings, and the pressure brought is far more than all the dharma bodies encountered before ...

At that moment, that figure seemed to be carrying a starry sky, and suddenly moved slightly, although it was not clear, but it seemed to have swept his eyes. In a flash, Lin Fei had a kind of appearance, as if he was the whole person. See through the same ...

At that time, the spiritual man on the side immediately moved, and a misty glory was blooming, and in an instant, it covered the entire Tianmen City, which separated the vision that Lin Fei's body was seen through. It felt like it disappeared.

At this time, on the top of the mountain, a sound from the starry sky came from afar, and said lightly, "Since it's here, try it and see if you can penetrate the black abyss. "

This sound, as if it really came from the sky, came directly through the protection just laid down by the Spiritualist Taoist, and even several dharma bodies suddenly changed their faces slightly, making them feel a sense of threat.

This hasn't started yet, but it was completely overwhelmed by the other party's imposing spirit ...

At this time, the eldest son, Tian Wu Zuwu, also had a dignified face, and he did not hesitate, just to withdraw and go in the direction of the giant mountain.

The Lingji Taoist stared at that figure, and after watching it for a while, he suddenly said, "You are waiting here."

When the words fell, the spiritual spirit Taoist in the soul state also drifted away.

The rest of Lin Fei and others, all with dignified faces, knew how to make these three dharmakayas stand in line, how powerful the people above should be ...

But at this time, only to see the figure, finally suddenly moved.

All of a sudden, it seemed like the whole world, because of this movement, the earthquake shook, the world shook, and even countless stars seemed to be affected, shaking slightly ...

In a trance, as if this figure is the incarnation of God ...

When I saw the three dharma bodies that challenged me, I only heard that the figure suddenly snorted. Suddenly, it seemed like a huge will, and suddenly came between this world and that kind of incompetence. The imperial imperial power is filled between heaven and earth, as if everywhere.

Even Lin Fei and others, who were under the protection of the Gate City that day, could not bear it ...

This figure, every move, seems to shock the world.

There was no nonsense, and a moment later, the war started.


At the moment of the war, the world and earth tremble. The countless stars in the sky, under the powerful aftermath, begin to tremble violently. Then, one by one, they fell down towards the ground.

The ground trembles violently, as if to crush the earth.

The realm of the three dharma bodies spread out at the same time, covering the sky and the sun.

This fierce battlefield is not the same as the usual stalemate French body war. There is no stalemate, no temptation, and some are only the most intense collisions and fights.

In contrast, Chifa real people fought with the legal person's dharma body that day. Although the reason for the last battle was more intense than the previous dharma body battles.

But with this one, it still looks dull ...

Moreover, the most unpredictable of this battle is that from the beginning, the figure carrying the starry sky occupies a great advantage.

The realm of the three dharmakayas was actually a difficult support to be beaten. Among the stars, countless stars seemed to be transformed into weapons that could be used arbitrarily in the hands of the figure. They were taken off at will, and fell down.

The three Dao realms were on the verge of breaking, but under the mutual support, they were barely supported.

And at this time, the weakness of the Spiritualist Taoist is highlighted.

After all, he is only in a state of soul, and the other two can resist, and even barely contend with it, but it is extremely difficult for this spirit machine Taoist to resist ...

Even several times, he could not support it first, attracting the other two dharma bodies to save, and almost buried the whole situation ...

In this way, I am afraid that he will soon become a breakthrough, and the whole battle will be reversed soon ...

Sure enough, in the city of Tianmen, few monks left, when they began to worry, they only saw that the spiritual realm of the Taoist people was blasted out ......

However, the soul of the Spiritualist Taoist did not enter the war again forcibly, but suddenly turned around in the air and returned to Tianmen City.

For a time, there were only two Fashens at the top of the mountain to support it.

And this time, as if the two dharma bodies had negotiated, they turned into defensive positions, but the defensive guards were there, and they never took the initiative to attack again.

In this way, it makes the pressure less.

But this situation is not a long-term plan. Over time, it will surely find flaws, or even be used by the other party, and use that overwhelming brute force to grind out a mouth ...

But now, the people in Tianmen City are too late to care about those, but after the return of the Spiritualist Daoists, everyone hastened to gather together and was quite worried.

I saw that the spirits of the Spiritualist Taoist people were unstable, as if they were about to collapse.

"Ancestor ..."

When the real emperor Qianyuan saw this, he also showed a dignified color, but the situation is not good ...

If the situation continues to develop in accordance with this situation, the entire scene will change if it is very soon.

After taking all kinds of Lingdan, Lingji Patriarch closed his eyes and adjusted his breath for a while, opened his eyes, and glanced at everyone who was concerned, but said lightly: "I can't do it."


As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was suddenly suppressed to the extreme. Everyone's face showed a sad color. Could it be said that this field of sight has hit the final counterattack, and in the end, should we still end in failure?

But at this time, Lingji Patriarch continued to say, "But there is still a way."

"Is there a way?"

Qianyuan Zhenjun and other people heard this, and all of them were shocked and asked quickly.

However, this time, the Spiritualist Taoist glanced at everyone, and finally turned his eyes on Lin Fei and said, "You come with me."

When the words fell, the Spiritualist Taoist raised his hand and took Lin Fei across the space, directly to a secret room ...

This place is a quiet retreat room for Taoists of Lingji. There are few people coming, and there are various spiritual treasures used to raise souls. These are all priceless treasures.

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