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Chapter 960 Chao Wen Dao

The leader of the Tao Alliance has always seen dragons but never saw their tail. Xu Ying has never seen him in the hundreds of years since he came to the Tao Alliance.

I never thought that the Taoist Alliance Leader would show up here today!

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the person was surrounded by rays of light, and his long robes were flying in the wind, as if even if he was walking in the sea of ​​chaos, there was still a way to dance with him.

It was the light at the end of the avenue, shining on him, but it was hard to tell what kind of avenue it was.

When the person got closer, Xu Ying could see that the person walking in the light was a middle-aged man, wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe without any decorations, very simple. There were some wrinkles on his face, but they did not detract from his handsomeness.

He didn't have an aggressive aura, nor did he feel superior. He just walked in casually. He didn't ride in an imperial chariot like Emperor Chen did, and he wasn't accompanied by palace maids and guards, but he showed nobility and peace.

Seeing him leisurely walking in the sea of ​​chaos, even Di Chen felt that he should not have come by car at this moment.

Coming by car, my aura and temperament were invisibly weaker than that of the Taoist leader.

Xu Ying felt that he should sit in the imperial chariot. Only by sitting in the imperial chariot could he compete with the Taoist leader in terms of momentum and temperament.

Xu Ying whispered to Yuan Weiyang: This is the first time I have seen someone with a temperament and aura that can overwhelm Di Chen.

Yuan Weiyang nodded quietly, fully agreeing with this statement.

Di Chen's aura and temperament were cultivated by ruling tens of thousands of universes. His movements seemed to represent the power of heaven and earth of tens of thousands of universes, which was unrivaled!

The impression given by the Taoist Alliance Leader is that there is no dignity of worldly power, only the freedom and ease of a person who has attained the Tao, and at the same time there is a weight that surpasses the emperor.

Di Chen was still sitting in the imperial chariot. Through the window lattice, his voice was calm and calm, and he said: It turns out that it was Brother Tao who supported Hutunsheng and made him suddenly feel that he was justified.

Don't dare.

The leader of the Dao Alliance smiled and said, I just happened to pass by this place and accidentally discovered the dispute between Your Majesty and Hutunsheng. Your Majesty, Xu Ying is indeed a disciple of our Dao Alliance. It is not that the Dao Alliance is unreasonable.

Di Chen's voice came from the emperor's chariot, without the slightest hint of joy or anger, and said: Brother Tao, you are polite. The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is not an aggressive person. Xu Ying should become a disciple of the Tao Alliance first and become the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. Later, if this is the case, Xu Ying will return to the Dao Alliance first.

The Taoist leader bowed and said, Thank you for your kindness.

Di Chen said dryly: I don't dare. As for the grand sacrificial wine, you must follow me back to the Imperial Capital.

The leader of the Tao Alliance said: I don't dare to stop him.

Yuan Weiyang looked at Xu Ying, who nodded lightly.

Yuan Weiyang immediately boarded the chariot, and Di Chen was not in a hurry to leave. He seemed to say calmly: The purpose of the Dao Alliance is to open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and prove the truth of the Dao. Brother Dao, the ambition of the Dao Alliance is too great. If the Sea of ​​Chaos is destroyed by you, Once it’s opened up, where do the others live?”

The leader of the Tao Alliance looked solemn and said: Living in the supreme universe created by the sea of ​​chaos.

Di Chen smiled and said: So how do the countless creatures in the infinite universe in the sea of ​​chaos get along with themselves?

The leader of the Tao Alliance smiled and said: I will die if I hear the Tao in the morning.

Di Chen smiled slightly, bowed and said, Farewell.

The leader of the Taoist Alliance smiled and said: I won't send it away.

The emperor's chariot slowly drove away. Suddenly, Di Chen opened the window, revealed half of his face, and said with a smile: I have heard for a long time that brother Taoism is unparalleled, but I have never understood it. Can you give me a lesson?

The leader of the Tao Alliance said happily: Why not? When and where?

Di Chen walked out of the car and said, It's better to do it here and now.

The two stood tall and proud. Di Chen's momentum became stronger and stronger, and his body became more majestic. Opposite him, the Dao leader's figure remained the same as usual. There was no trace of Dao power around him, and he looked as peaceful as an ordinary person.

Suddenly, nine innate rays formed around Di Chen, opening up the chaos, like an external ancient universe!

This is the power of the Nine Paths of Evidence, but it is not the Nine Paths of Evidence of the Tao Alliance, but the Nine Paths of Evidence that can only be achieved by cultivating the nine innate avenues to the extreme through the Hunyuan Buer Dharma Sect!

The perfect state that countless people in the Dao League dreamed of was now displayed in Di Chen.

At this moment, Di Chen is almost at the beginning of the Dao. He is more powerful than when he just obtained the power of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, and his Dao method is more perfect!

He turned his hands into claws and grabbed the Taoist leader!

The energy of chaos from hundreds of millions of miles behind him mobilized for him, and an airspace formed behind him in an instant. The energy of chaos exploded in an instant, turning into the energy of the nine innate paths, hidden in his grasp!

His palm is turned upside down, covering the past and future, the reincarnation of cause and effect, inheriting disasters, containing killing, and the unity of Taiyi, the vastness of Wuji, and the vitality of Hongmeng!

When Hun Tunsheng saw this, he couldn't help but turn pale. Di Chen's magical power showed a power that he could never show, allowing him to see how desperate the gap between himself and Di Chen was!

However, when this claw fell into Xu Ying's eyes, it was a different story.

The magical power that Di Chen used was the same magical power that he used when he opened the coffin of Emperor Zhao and faced off against Emperor Zhao's clothes. Although it is more subtle and more powerful, it is undoubtedly a magical power!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, but he remained calm and thought, Could it be that Di Chen suspects that the leader of the Tao Alliance is Di Zhao?

As soon as he thought of this, he saw the Taoist leader's right hand connected with his sword, aiming at the palm of Di Chen's claw.

The leader of the Tao Alliance acted like an ordinary person when he was not moving before, but now that he is activating the Tao method, his aura is even stronger than that of Di Chen!

When Di Chen used his magical power, the sea of ​​chaos behind him was evacuated into a vacuum. However, the Dao Alliance took the initiative but did not pour any external force, nor did it refine the energy of chaos in the sea of ​​chaos.

There seemed to be endless Dao power hidden in his body, exploding at this moment!

Seeing this situation, Xu Ying was quite excited: The nine innate ways are evidence-based in the body! The body of the great ways forms the universe by itself!

The Dao leader's sword finger and Di Chen's sharp claws collided with each other, and the Dao power poured out was almost equivalent to the collision of two universes, annihilating billions of stars in an instant!

However, this terrifying power was absorbed by the two of them before it could be poured out, without causing any external impact.

Di Chen's claw was blocked and he did not immediately use the second move. Instead, he turned towards the emperor's chariot and said calmly: Brother Dao has returned from abroad and has not yet returned to the Tao Alliance. Your Taoist heart is not stable and you cannot enjoy yourself. Wait until Brother Tao Go back and take care of everything and let me know.

The leader of the Tao Alliance smiled and said: Okay.

Emperor Chen came to the imperial chariot, sat down and said: Get off.

The imperial chariot left.

When the chariot was gone, Di Chen raised his right hand with an expressionless face, and saw that the palm of his right hand was bleeding.

The attack he made just now was to test whether the leader of the Chudao Alliance was Di Zhao, but what he received was not Di Zhao's magical power.

On the contrary, the Taoist leader's magical powers are completely natural and unparalleled, without any trace of the emperor's power.

Moreover, the Dao Alliance Leader's blow pierced his palm, actually breaking his Dao, penetrating the Dao contained in his palm, and even leaving serious injuries on his Dao, which led to his The wound was bleeding.

Di Chen was sizing up the wound when suddenly a promising voice came: Your Majesty, have you given up your doubts about the Tao Alliance Leader now?

Di Chen was startled and hurriedly swept away, only to see a promised Taoist figure walking out of the void, coming to the car, and sitting down grandly under him.

Di Chen snorted. He actually didn't realize that Xu Ying had hidden a Void Taoist body early on, which made him quite unhappy.

Xu Yingdao showed a questioning look.

Di Chen suppressed his displeasure and said: The Taoism he used has no trace of Emperor Zhao. But he must be Emperor Zhao.

Xu Yingdao was stunned, and Yuan Weiyang also showed a puzzled expression.

Di Chen said: When Di Zhao Yishang took action, he used more than forty moves to get familiar with my moves, and then cracked my moves. This time, the Taoist leader used one move to break my moves. But I can feel it. Come on, my path and his behavior are similar, and we are both on the edge of the Yuanshi Realm.

When Yuan Weiyang heard this, his eyes lit up and he said: Tao and Xing are similar. He should have used dozens of moves to find your flaws, but the first move broke your move, which means he has seen your move before. , and even fought against you.

Di Chen nodded slightly.

Xu Yingdao sighed and said: Your Majesty, no matter whether the leader of the Tao Alliance is Emperor Zhao or not, I advise you not to continue to challenge him. Last time he defeated you with more than forty moves. This time, he defeated you with one move. The gap between the two of you is , instead of getting closer, it’s getting a lot wider.”

During this period of time, Di Chen perfected his Taoist and magical powers based on the previous battle, allowing him to take further steps. For a being like him at the end of the road, this is a rare improvement.

However, the Dao Alliance Leader improves faster!

Di Chen shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you are not from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and you don't know the status of the Hunyuan Immortal Emperors in people's hearts. I also started from a mortal, and I have admired these ancestors. I admire them and respect them. They, it is their spirit that inspires me to become the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. You can't understand this kind of emotion. What's more, this is a rare opponent.

His eyes shone brightly: If I want to become Yuanshi, I need such a powerful opponent!


The leader of the Taoist Alliance looked at Huntunsheng and said with a smile: Thanks to fellow Taoist Huntun, a big shot has finally returned to our Taoist Alliance.

Huntunsheng said quickly: I don't dare. If the alliance leader hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid even I would have died.

The leader of the Tao Alliance said seriously: Although Di Chen is eccentric, he still has a lot of spirit. As long as you don't go against him, he won't kill you.

He looked at Xu Ying, bowed in greeting, and said with a smile: I, Yuanxu, have met fellow Taoist Xu.

Xu Ying returned the gift: Xu Ying, I have met the leader of the Tao Alliance.

He raised his head and looked at the leader of the Taoist Alliance and thought to himself: Di Chen said that he was Emperor Zhao. Could it be that Emperor Zhao organized the Taoist Alliance after he faked his death and escaped? However, the history of the Taoist Alliance was trillions of years old. At that time, The Emperor Zhao shouldn’t be the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, right? Unless... he had already organized a Taoist alliance before he proclaimed himself emperor!

The leader of the Dao Alliance said earnestly: I was traveling around, and suddenly I felt something in my heart. I knew that a big shot was about to come to our Dao Alliance. This matter even alarmed the Chaos Lord, so I sent an order to the Dao Alliance, asking them to go and greet him, so as to avoid the possibility of someone coming to our Dao Alliance. What a disaster. Fortunately, fellow Taoist Xu had a safe journey.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: I think the cultivation of fellow Taoists is already extremely advanced. I think that after coming to our Taoist Alliance, you will be taken seriously. Which hall master are you under now?

Hutunsheng quickly blinked at Xu Ying, but Xu Ying turned a blind eye and said, I failed the test, and now I am still a disciple of the outer sect of the Taoist Alliance.

The Taoist leader frowned, turned to look at Hun Tunsheng, and asked doubtfully: What's going on? Why did you neglect fellow Taoist Xu?

Hutunsheng shouted at Qu: Fellow Daoist Xu is a big shot. Which of us palace masters dares to become his master? So we did not accept him as an inner disciple. We plan to wait until the Taoist leader returns before making any plans.

The Taoist leader nodded lightly and said with a smile: I see. You handled it very well. Fellow Taoist Xu, I can't blame them for this. They also have good intentions.

Hutunsheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I am also very grateful to the Dao Alliance. If it had not been for the rescue by the Lord of Huntun Hall this time, I am afraid that I would still have fallen into the Great Rift Valley.

The leader of the Taoist Alliance said: Although they neglected their duties, fortunately they did not make a big mistake. Fellow Taoist Xu, we will return to the Taoist Alliance now, please.

Hun Tunsheng turned into a chaotic creature again, carrying the two of them towards the Great Sky and Bright Realm.

The leader of the Dao Alliance said meaningfully: Just now Emperor Chen said that countless creatures in the infinite universe will die because we open up the Sea of ​​Chaos. This is actually to sow discord between fellow Daoists and our Dao Alliance.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Di Chen, Xiaoxiao, how can I not understand his thoughts? Alliance leader, if we open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, will so many lives really die?

The leader of the Tao Alliance smiled and said: The condition for the opening of the Chaos Sea is that all the universes must first be reduced to chaos, and then they can be completely opened up. All life in the Chaos Sea is just a mayfly in the sea, living and dying. Since it is living and dying, then the morning news What difference does it make if Tao dies? In order to see the true Tao, one needs to make sacrifices. Only by making sacrifices can a universe with a complete Tao be opened up and the universe be eternal. Fellow Taoist Xu, do you think so?

Xu Ying thought carefully, in this sea of ​​chaos, the universe is born and destroyed all the time. How many of the creatures in the universe can survive the catastrophe?

From this point of view, the Taoist leader's words are not unreasonable.

This place was originally not far from the Great Sky Ming Realm, but within a few days, Hun Tunsheng took them to the Great Sky Ming Realm.

The leader of the Taoist alliance stood up and said apologetically: Fellow Taoist, please rest for a few days. I will go back to deal with some matters first. I will come to visit you again after the handling is completed.

Xu Ying said yes and said, Alliance Leader, please allow me.

The leader of the Tao Alliance left with Hun Tunsheng, and Xu Ying also returned to his Mingque Mansion.

He thought of the conversation between himself and the leader of the Tao Alliance in Hun Tunsheng's head, and fell into deep thought again without realizing it.

Is the purpose of the Taoist Alliance correct? Are those ephemeral creatures really meaningful?

He was in a trance when he suddenly heard the evil Taoist's voice: Fellow Taoist Xu, the temple master has returned and ordered me to come and greet him.

Xu Ying asked in surprise: Master Jinyu is back?

He quickly got up and followed the evil Taoist into Jinyu Temple.

Jinyu, the leader of the temple, was dressed in green, but the inner part was white, which was very eye-catching. He picked up a few fire dates with a bamboo pole and said with a smile: Fellow Daoist Xu, did you come back with the alliance leader?

She gave a few fire dates to Xu Ying, who quickly thanked him and said with a smile, I came with the alliance leader.

Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said: This generation of Chaos Lords is indeed so brave, they actually dare to sneak into the Tao Alliance!

Xu Ying's face turned pale, and when his hand shook, the fire date almost fell down.

Temple Master Jin Yu sneered: Lord Chaos, something happened to you!

With trembling hands, Xu Ying was about to sacrifice the broken sword of the Tai Huang Chaos Lord, and thought to himself: If I chop this woman down with one sword, can I kill her through the Dao Alliance and escape?

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