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Chapter 959 Tao Alliance Leader

Huntunsheng is extremely accomplished on the Avenue of Chaos. He can transform himself into a chaotic creature, blend in with other chaotic creatures, and is best at gathering information.

A long time had passed since the battle in the Great Rift Valley of the Chaos Sea. He couldn't sit still, so he came out to inquire for information. He realized that neither the Chaos Clock nor the Chaos Creatures were in the Great Rift Valley, so he came secretly.

He didn't expect that Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were still alive. He was surprised and happy to find them, so he took them away without saying anything.

The moment he transformed into a chaotic creature, carrying Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang and rushing into the chaotic sea, a broken sword suddenly flew towards him, the light flickering with unparalleled power.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought, thinking that the Chaos Lord's broken knife was going to kill Hun Tunsheng, but unexpectedly the broken knife flew towards him and landed in his hand.

The power of the broken knife is restrained, not at all as terrifying as before.

Huntunsheng was startled and said angrily: Do you, fellow Taoist, take this broken sword? What a good luck. When this treasure flew towards me, I almost thought I was going to be killed by this sword.

His consciousness gradually became chaotic, and he stopped talking and flew towards the clear realm of the sky.

Xu Ying put away the broken knife and stood on top of Da Ao, recalling this experience with a lot of emotion in his heart.

Before I went out this time, I only cultivated to become the Taoist Master of the Void. I was very quiet and thought about it, and promised others to protect her. I didn't expect that I would encounter so many things. Today I have the opportunity to return to the Taoist Alliance.

From the moment he came back from guarding the road and encountered the black coffin, everything was out of control and out of his control.

He was like a duckweed in the chaotic sea, he could only drift with the tide, looking for opportunities to survive.

And his gains were also remarkable.

Not only did he acquire the Tao the day after tomorrow and become the Taoist Master of the Houtian Dao, but he also inexplicably became the next generation of Immortal Emperor of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Now, he has received the inheritance of the Chaos Lord and has become the next generation of Chaos Lord!

In comparison, he actually preferred his days in the Dao League. During that time, he was carefree and could just quietly seek Taoism and practice.

But when he returns to the Dao Alliance this time, if the Dao Alliance learns that he is the Chaos Lord or the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, can the Dao Alliance still accommodate him?

The Dao Alliance has enmity with the Chaos Lord, and it also has an enmity with the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. If my identity is discovered, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary disputes.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, he wanted to leave, but Hutunsheng would definitely not let him go.

However, the Dao Alliance probably doesn't know that I am the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor and Chaos Lord. He thought to himself.

The chaotic creatures transformed by Hutun were swimming in the sea, and the sun and moon were unknown in the sea. Together, they witnessed the magnificence and desolation of the universe in the sea, and also witnessed the magnificence and vitality of the flood source.

They saw the universe entering its twilight years in the sea, and also met some monks traveling in the sea.

When Hutunsheng stopped, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang would chat with these monks they met by chance. These monks often go to sea to find ways to save the local universe. When they saw these two people, they thought they were senior experts and asked for advice.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang didn't know how to answer, and these monks often left in despair.

On this day, Hun Tunsheng took them to the vicinity of Daomeng. When Hun Tunsheng was tired from traveling, he stopped to rest.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were already accustomed to his behavior. They sat on top of the Chaos Turtle and continued to discuss the mysteries of the Void Avenue.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ying suddenly frowned slightly, glanced into the sea of ​​chaos, and shouted, Who is there?

His gaze was like a torch, and it actually illuminated the thick energy of chaos. Yuan Weiyang followed his gaze and saw a faintly built ship parked in the distance in the sea of ​​chaos, and there seemed to be people shaking on the ship.

On the boat, a familiar voice came, saying: Two Taoist brothers, Gong Daochuan, a man from the mountains, heard the two of them discussing Taoism here, and fell into a trance, disturbing the two of them. I apologize.

Gong Daochuan? Dao Zun!

Xu Ying was shocked, Gong Daochuan was exactly the name of Dao Zun.

However, Tao Zun has been dead for more than six thousand years.

This is the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Xu Ying had mixed feelings in his heart and said with a smile: It turns out to be a fellow Taoist from the palace. If we meet by chance in the sea of ​​chaos, we are destined to meet each other. Why don't we come closer to meet you, fellow Taoist?

After a while, Dao Zun drove a green rock boat and sailed over. He looked up at Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, and saw that behind Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang there were many dao lights, covering their heads and faces, making it impossible to see. face.

Tao Zun also knew that there were many masters and hermits in the sea of ​​chaos who did not want to show their faces and be implicated in cause and effect, so he did not take it seriously.

Seeing that the two of them were sitting on top of the chaotic creatures, he couldn't help but feel solemn in his heart: These two must be strange people in the chaotic sea, otherwise how could they use the chaotic creatures as mounts? I came out this time to find a way to solve the catastrophe. Maybe I can find a way to break the fate. Right.

He stopped the boat, carefully climbed on top of the chaotic creature, and greeted Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were still sitting where they were, not getting up, but just nodding.

Xu Ying raised his hand and asked the Taoist Master to take a seat. He looked at the Taoist Master at this time and saw that the Taoist Master was dusty and worn out. He couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

This powerful enemy that once troubled him is now running for the fate of the heavenly realm and the tide of the avenue.

He didn't know that he would see the other side of the universe opened by Xu Ying on his way back, and he didn't know that he would make a plan to transfer to the other side.

What's more, he didn't know that he had exhausted all his mechanisms and even though he saved Tianjing, he couldn't save himself.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and continued to discuss Taoism with Yuan Weiyang. Although the realm of the two of them is the realm of Tao Master, which is not as high as that of Tao Master at this time, their vision and knowledge have already surpassed that of Tao Master at this time.

During this discussion, the two of them talked at length, talking about the evolution of various avenues and their methods, but Tao Zun had no chance to interrupt.

After a few days, Hutunsheng, who was sleeping, showed signs of waking up. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang stopped talking about the Tao and said with a smile: It's time for us to set off. Fellow Taoist Palace, please say goodbye.

The Taoist Master was full of knowledge after hearing this, and his Taoist practice was greatly improved. He couldn't help but be grateful to Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, and said: Gong Daochuan, thank you two seniors for their guidance. Two Taoist brothers, I listened to the two of them discussing Taoism and Taoism. The insights are profound and unpredictable, and I wonder if there is a way to solve the catastrophe of annihilation?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: In the catastrophe of annihilation, the Taoist master can save himself, but not others. I have no solution. Fellow Taoist Palace, if you save yourself, that's it. If you save others, I'm worried that you will fall into catastrophe. , so the body dies and the Tao disappears.”

The Taoist Master said sternly: I will go through fire and water for all sentient beings, my body will be broken into pieces, so why should I retreat?

Xu Ying's heart was touched, and he suddenly remembered the future of Dao Zun. He tried all his wisdom to win a chance for the people in the heaven to survive, but he himself was buried in a human disaster, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Tao Zun said: I just listened to two people explaining the wonderful method of void. I dare to ask if this way of void can be taught?

Yuan Weiyang said: In the sea of ​​chaos, the avenue of void is suppressed and incomplete. If you want to get the real void, you must jump out of the sea of ​​chaos and go to the great void.

Taoist Master asked again: How to get to the Great Void?

Yuan Weiyang said: Don't be helpless.

The Taoist Master was disappointed and bowed again: I have benefited a lot from your guidance. I beg you two seniors to tell me my name so that I can remember it in my heart.

Xu Ying waved his sleeves and said: You don't need to remember, just go ahead. If you remember our kindness today, you will be kinder to people in other universes.

Dao Zun said yes, stepped down from the head of the chaotic creature, and returned to his boat. The huge chaotic creature let out a melodious cry, was extremely thick, and swam slowly, but it shook the Cuiyan building.

Dao Zun activated his magic power to stabilize the ship. He looked up and saw that the chaotic creature had disappeared.

What a strange man. Dao Zun thought to himself.

He activated the building boat and continued on his journey to find a solution to the Nirvana Tribulation and the Great Tide.

On Huntunsheng's forehead, Yuan Weiyang said: The tide of the heavenly realm is probably related to a fluctuation in the void. I heard that there was a duel between the Lord of Chaos and Taoist Yuxu 4.4 billion years ago. This The Yuxu Dao Lord is a powerful man from the Yuanshi Realm from the Great Void overseas. He mobilized the power of the Void to fight against the Chaos Lord, which is very likely to trigger the ebb of the Dao in the Heaven Realm.

Xu Ying thought about it carefully and said: The battle between the Lord of Chaos and Taoist Yuxu happened 4.4 billion years ago, so it can indeed be consistent with the stranding of the Heaven Realm. The ebb of the Great Avenue of the Heaven Realm happened before the stranding. . It’s just that I once went to the heaven nine billion years ago and listened to Dao Zun’s sermon. He once said that he had calculated the disasters in the heaven. During these disasters, the tide of the great road is coming. With Tao Zun’s way, It should be impossible to predict that there will be two entities from the Yuanshi Realm fighting in the future, causing a tidal wave of the avenue.

Yuan Weiyang thought for a moment and said with a smile: Husband, things in the Chaos Sea happen in no sequence, and time has no direction. I think that the Chaos Sea looks chaotic, but everything is actually destined. In the Chaos Sea, all kinds of disasters, cause and effect, Reincarnation is entangled endlessly, some from the past and some from the future, forming a state of chaos. What the Taoist nine billion years ago did not derive from his calculations, but he sensed that it came from more than forty years ago. The catastrophe of the heavenly realm after billions of years. Because somewhere in the Chaos Sea, the catastrophe of the annihilation of the heavenly realm and the tide of the avenue have already occurred. He saw this scene through the tribulation.

When Xu Ying heard this, he felt that it made sense and praised: No wonder Hutunsheng has never been able to understand the mystery of the sea of ​​chaos and cultivate the path of chaos. It turns out that this is the real chaos.

He teased Hun Tunsheng. At this time, Hun Tunsheng was so confused that even if he heard their words, he would just ignore them.

Suddenly Xu Ying's face changed slightly, remembering the time when he checked the future of the Three Realms, only to find that he sacrificed Lord Zhong and destroyed the Three Realms.

Weiyang said that the future Dao Zun saw was actually the past that had already happened in the Sea of ​​Chaos. So I saw that I sacrificed Lord Zhong to destroy the Three Realms. Is this something that is destined to have already happened?

He was suddenly terrified of the future.

At this time, I saw a faint glow in front of me, and the sound of silk and bamboo came from the place illuminated by the glow. Although Huntunsheng had transformed into a chaotic creature, he became extremely curious and swam along the bright light.

When I came to the vicinity of the glow, I saw that the light was emitted from a precious chariot. The precious chariot was square and pulled by a long dragon. The dragon, which was thousands of miles long, showed its majesty.

Emerald lanterns were hung around the chariot. The light of the lanterns shone through the energy of chaos, emitting rays of rays of light, showing off the jewels.

The treasure chariot is extremely spacious, and there are beautiful women inside playing the harp and strings, and the sound is sweet to the ear. There is another girl dancing gracefully, her figure is graceful and moving through the light-transmitting car window.

Suddenly, a piece of land flew out of the building boat and landed at the feet of Hun Tunsheng.

Hun Tunsheng had his feet on the ground and involuntarily transformed from the state of a chaotic creature into a human body and stood up.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat. When he saw this piece of land, he knew that the man in the chariot had probably figured out Hun Tunsheng's character. He lured him here with the sound of silk and bamboo and the glow of the sun, and used the land to lure him to reveal his true form!

This makes it clear that it is aimed at Huntunsheng.

Hutunsheng's eyes fell on the treasure chariot, and his voice was like a loud bell: Which Taoist brother is in the chariot? Why hide?

At this time, Di Chen's voice came from the car and said leisurely: Huntun Sheng, Xu Ying is the next generation of the Immortal Emperor of our Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and Yuan Weiyang is the great sacrificial wine of our Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. You kidnap them , How can I let you go?

Xu Ying felt a little relieved when he heard Di Chen's voice.

However, Hutunsheng's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly laughed and said: Brother Xu turns out to be your Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. I am so happy and congratulated! In this case, I will return Brother Xu and the Grand Sacrifice Wine to you. Goodbye! Farewell, farewell!

After he said that, he immediately turned around and hurried away, leaving Yuan Weiyang and Xu Ying behind.

Di Chen didn't expect Hun Tunsheng to be so easy to talk to. He originally planned to just wait for him to refuse and then shoot him to death. Now that Hun Tunsheng agreed so readily, he couldn't just turn his back and kill him.

A palace maid with a round face opened the chariot's bead chain, stuck her head out, and said with a smile: Brother Xu Dao, we have a big wine ceremony. Your Majesty has ordered that you two please get on the chariot.

Wait a minute.

Hun Tunsheng's voice suddenly came from the sea of ​​chaos. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were stunned. The round-faced palace maid could not help but be stunned and looked at the sound.

I saw Hun Tunsheng walking step by step from the sea of ​​chaos with a smile on his face. The previous panic disappeared and was replaced by determination and calmness.

In the chariot, Di Chen frowned slightly and his silhouette appeared on the window lattice.

Hun Tunsheng's eyes fell on his profile and he said with a smile: Your Majesty, the great sacrificial wine belongs to your Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but Fellow Daoist Xu is an outer disciple of our Taoist Alliance after all. As long as Your Majesty is alive, Fellow Daoist Xu will not be a Hun Yuan Immortal Dynasty. Emperor Yuanxian. Therefore, you cannot take him away.

Di Chen said calmly: You were respectful to me before, but now you are talking eloquently, not because you have figured out the truth, but because there are people behind you who support you and make you feel that you have a reason to say. Right?

Hutunsheng smiled slightly and praised: Your Majesty is unparalleled in intelligence. Leader, please.

He bowed and stood, and saw a tall figure exuding a quiet light, shining through the sea of ​​chaos, and walking towards this side.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at the tall figure and thought to himself: The Taoist leader finally showed up! He was the first person to spread the news that I was a big shot! How did he know that I was a big shot? ? Could it be that it was also through the tribulation in the sea of ​​chaos?

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