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Chapter 961 The Purpose of the Tao Alliance

Temple Master Jin Yu said with a half-smile, Does the Lord of Chaos still want to kill people and silence them?

Xu Ying laughed loudly, dissipated his murderous intent, bowed his head to the ground, and said with a smile: I was frightened by the contemporary master, and I felt dizzy for a moment. I actually forgot that the contemporary master's fire dates helped me cultivate to become the Taoist Master of the Void. It's Xu Menglang, You shouldn't be murderous. Can the temple master give me a way to survive?

He and Yuan Weiyang once talked about Temple Master Jin Yu, and Xu Ying also knew that Temple Master Jin Yu had gone to the Chaos Immortal Palace in the Great Rift Valley. Yuan Weiyang speculated that Jinyu Temple Master might be related to Yuxu Tianzun, and Xu Ying awakened Yuxu Tianzun, and the two parties formed a good relationship.

Previously, Xu Ying was frightened into confusion by Temple Master Jin Yu, and then he had murderous intentions. Now that he had recovered his senses, he could deal with it calmly.

Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said: You are an interesting person. The Dao Alliance has enmity with the Chaos Lord, but it is not that I have an enmity with the Chaos Lord. I will not tell anyone about you being the Chaos Lord.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: The master of the temple has seen Yuxu Tianzun?

Temple Master Jin Yu sighed, shook his head and said, After he came back to life that day, he fled far away, and I don't know his whereabouts. I guess he was seriously injured and didn't want to see me in his weak state.

Xu Ying didn't understand this emotion and thought to himself: Tianzun Yuxu is a very strong person.

Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said: The purpose of my coming to the Dao Alliance is to avenge the Chaos Lord. However, I cannot do this with my own strength, so I have to rely on the power of the Dao Alliance. Now that my father has been resurrected, The grudge with the Chaos Lord is also a misunderstanding, so I will not continue to stay in the Dao Alliance.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: You want to go back to the Great Void?

Temple Master Jin Yu said: That's right. The sea of ​​chaos is turbid, and the cause and effect are chaotic. The entire sea of ​​chaos is filled with chaotic avenues, making it difficult for people to understand and see the evil truth of the avenues. Although I have gained a lot in the sea of ​​chaos, I still have a lot to gain. My vision has been obscured by the sea of ​​chaos. Fellow Taoist Xu, the Taoist Alliance is not a good place. Are you willing to leave this place with me and go to the Great Void?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment, thinking about what he saw when he urged Master Zhong to destroy the Three Realms, and thought to himself: If we leave the Sea of ​​Chaos just like this, wouldn't that scene in the future not happen? If we want to leave, we must take Zhong with us. Let’s leave together.”

He agreed first and said with a smile: When will the temple master leave?

Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said: After the battle between the Dao Alliance Leader and Di Chen, I will bid farewell to the Dao Alliance and return to the Great Void.

Xu Ying became energetic and asked, Has the Dao Alliance Leader decided to fight Di Chen? When will they have a decisive battle?

Temple Master Jin Yu said: After the leader of the Tao Alliance came back this time, he summoned the masters of all the halls and talked about the matter. Di Chen also ordered people to come, and the two of them made a ten-year agreement.

Xu Ying took Huozao and said goodbye to her, saying: I will definitely be there for the showdown ten years from now! I will go find Master Zhong first!

He bid farewell to Master Jinyu and left in a hurry. Master Zhong has always been regarded as a big shot, so he has a high status. Although the nine halls of the Dao League know that he is not a big shot, others do not know it yet and still respect him very much.

It has its own dojo, its own mansion of the Immortal Family, and it has the potential to compete with the Nine Halls of the Dao Alliance.

The Da Kong Ming Realm is extremely vast, and Xu Ying doesn’t know where Master Zhong’s dojo and residence are, so he goes to ask Wen Nanxun.

Wen Nanxun was very happy to see him return alive and said with a smile: I thought you died in the hands of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and I was still sad about it for a long time!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Nan Xun is already the true disciple of Zhenjun Daoji, right? What a joy.

Hearing this, Wen Nanxun sighed quietly, shook his head and said, Not yet. To become a disciple of Dao Ji, you still need to complete another assessment.

Seeing that she was not in good spirits, Xu Ying changed the subject and said, Does Nan Xun know the whereabouts of Master Zhong?

Wen Nanxun smiled and said: It is now developed. It lives in the Longhan Dojo, which is second only to the Taoist Alliance Leader in the Dakong Ming Realm. It has its own Taoist temple. I will take you there!

The two walked side by side towards Longhan Dojo.

Wen Nanxun hesitated for a moment and said, Xu Ying, can you help me protect the law one more time?

Xu Ying smiled and said, Please tell me.

Wen Nanxun mustered up his courage and said, If I want to become a true disciple of Daoji, I need to go through another test. This time I'm worried that I won't be able to do it, so I asked Brother Dao to protect him.

Xu Ying was surprised and said with a smile: Nan Xun, you have already understood the evidence-based annihilation of reincarnation. Taking this as an opportunity, you can achieve reincarnation-based cause and effect, evidence-based calamity, and so on. What other test can you do? Stumping you?

Wen Nanxun frowned and said nothing.

When they arrived at the Longhan Taoist Hall, they saw dozens of Taoist masters pouring out, standing on both sides of the queue, bowing and waiting. The big bell slowly flew out from the dojo, with its whole body filled with light and its majestic sound.

There are nine evidences in this bell, and there are nine kinds of cosmic phenomena transformed by the nine ways outside. It is quite amazing, and it is a good development!

Xu Ying looked happy and called out quickly: Master Zhong! Here!

Dazhong noticed him and gave a few instructions to a disciple. The disciple nodded repeatedly, walked quickly to Xu Ying, bowed and said, Master, what do you want to ask Mr. Xu? Although he must be honest, he is very nostalgic, and his poor relatives came to his door. Come, help if you can.

Xu Ying smiled apologetically and said nonchalantly: Master Zhong has become rich... Could you please tell Master Zhong, do you still remember A Ying from Lingling City? The same A Ying who caught loaches.

The disciple was displeased and said, What are you talking about? If you have anything to say, please tell me.

Xu Ying said: I will leave the Dao Alliance soon and go to the Great Void. I wonder if Mr. Zhong wants to go with me? Please let me know.

The disciple turned around and left. After a while, the big bell pushed away the disciples and flew slowly to Xu Ying. His breath was thick and his voice was loud: Yingzi, do you think I'm glamorous now?

Xu Ying nodded hurriedly and said: Master Zhong is as polished as if he were made of new copper. The surface is gilded with a layer of gold and sparkles.

Da Zhong said: Do you think my Taoism is exquisite now?

Xu Ying said solemnly: Master Zhong's Taoism is subtle and unpredictable. The movement of the nine paths has unpredictable opportunities. The master of the Tao has done his best to bend his head.

Da Zhong said proudly: Do you think my status is noble?

Xu Ying complimented: When Mr. Zhong travels, he is surrounded by people in front and behind, and followers gather in large numbers. Although it is as grand as the emperor's travels, it is not as numerous as Mr. Zhong.

Dazhong said angrily: Now that I have a glorious life, subtle Taoism, and a high status, I will give up my current luxurious life and wander with you, a mud-legged person? You are wishful thinking!

Xu Ying said: I'm worried that you will be bullied after I leave.

Hearing this, Da Zhong laughed angrily: I am now the Taoist ancestor of Dharma Weapon Cultivator. If I go to any universe to preach, I will immediately gain merit and become the Hongmeng Taoist there! Will I be bullied by others? I am the only one who bullies others. No one bullies me!

Seeing this, Xu Ying had no choice but to let it go and said, Goodbye.

He was about to turn around and leave with Wen Nanxun when suddenly the sound of a big bell came from behind: But I'm not worried about you traveling alone. Yingzi, without my protection, I'm worried about you dying outside.

Xu Ying was surprised and happy. He looked back and saw the big bell flying towards him. Suddenly it stopped and said to the disciples of the Longhan Dojo: You guys should guard the dojo first. As a master, I have to go out with Yingzi for a while. Guard. It’s a good Taoist temple. When I become a master and become famous, I will return and live in seclusion.”

After saying that, Da Zhong flew to Xu Ying and said, Yingzi, you can enter the universe inside my body and practice in the universe inside my body.

Xu Ying quickly thanked him and said, Master Zhong, I'm used to being undisciplined.

Da Zhong did not force himself and said: If you have any difficulties, just call me. I am no longer what I used to be.

Xu Ying repeatedly said yes and said: There are still ten years until the battle between the Dao Alliance Leader and Di Chen. In ten years, we will leave the Sea of ​​Chaos and go to the Great Void to avoid the disasters of the Three Realms.

Hearing this, Da Zhong felt awe-inspiring in his heart and said, Do you think we still haven't avoided the disasters in the three realms?

Xu Ying nodded slightly and said: With your current strength, Mr. Zhong, can the bell cover the three realms of the universe and turn the three realms into powder?

No. Dazhong said quickly.

Xu Ying frowned slightly. With the current strength of the big clock, it was unable to directly destroy the three realms of the universe. If Xu Ying personally urged it, it would still be far behind.

With one blow, he could destroy a universe and turn countless creatures and stars into powder. Even the end of the road might not be able to achieve this level of strength!

The future I saw took place four thousand years later. Just go to the great void to hide for four thousand years and avoid this period of time.

He was a little relieved. Wen Nanxun offered a willow leaf and Xu Ying climbed on the willow leaf. Wen Nanxun activated the Taoist method and borrowed the branches and leaves of the fire jujube tree again to sail into the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying didn't know the purpose of his trip. He sat on the willow leaves, his eyes flashed, and he whispered: With the Taoist leader's elegant temperament, he does not need to agree to Di Chen's challenge. But this time he was very attentive and returned to After the Dao Alliance, they talked about Di Chen's challenge to the hall masters. It seemed that he was indeed tempted to kill. He was probably Di Zhao. Dao Alliance, Hunyuan Universe, Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, Emperor Chen, there seemed to be something strange in this The connection...

He vaguely felt as if he had caught something, but the inspiration flashed by and disappeared without a trace. Xu Ying tried to catch this aura and even went back in time, but the aura seemed to have disappeared and no longer existed.

It's strange. It seems like there is a strange power that erases the cause and effect here. I don't want anyone to notice...

Xu Ying felt that this situation was quite strange. It was as if someone had used magical means to erase the causal relationship contained in the aura, causing it to be destroyed.

He is now the Taoist master of the acquired path, and there are very few people who can erase his karma and plot against him. The person who erased the cause and effect in the aura should not be targeting him, but all those who have insight into the cause and effect relationship between the Dao Alliance, Hunyuan Universe, Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and Di Chen.

As long as someone understands the mystery, their memory of this aspect will be wiped out by this person's great path!

These achievements made Xu Ying alert.

It's too weird to ignore.

Xu Ying glanced at Da Zhong and saw that Da Zhong was still cultivating at this time, practicing diligently, and thought to himself: It's best to use Master Zhong to imprint it on Master Zhong at the moment when my inspiration flashes. You can find clues on your body.”

Master Zhong is a magic weapon, and it is imprinted on it. If the fluctuation of that person's avenue erases this imprint, the bell will definitely be triggered, and maybe he can be found along this avenue.

Xu Ying blinked and once again carefully calculated the internal relationship between the Dao Alliance, Hunyuan Universe, Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and Di Chen.

This time, he adjusted the path of cause and effect and explored in more detail. Suddenly, a spiritual light flashed through, and Xu Ying immediately imprinted this spiritual light on the surface of the big clock without thinking!

The big clock screamed: Ah Ying, what did you brand on my body? Now my strength is not what it used to be. Your brand is no longer worthy of me. It was just a waste of my body...

At the same time, an inexplicable force invaded, and the moment Xu Ying imprinted the aura on the wall of the bell, it wiped away the aura!

The big clock was struck by this inexplicable force and made a soft clang. Suddenly, I felt confused, as if something had been erased from my memory.

Xu Ying only had time to read out the sentence open up the sea of ​​chaos before the aura disappeared. He mobilized the avenue of the void, and his spiritual consciousness lurked in the void, tracing the source of this power!

The next moment, his consciousness passed through the void and reached the Daomingming Realm of the Tao Alliance, running towards a simple Taoist temple.

As soon as Xu Ying's consciousness entered the Taoist temple, he saw the figure of Yuanxu, the leader of the Taoist alliance, sitting still.

Promise made an immediate decision, his spiritual consciousness burst and burned, and at the same time, he used the void as a blade to cut off the void layer by layer and remove all traces of cause and effect!

After he finished doing this, he was just about to calm down from the shock, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the leader of the Tao Alliance did not come after him.

Opening up the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, looking in the direction of the Great Sky Ming Realm, and thought to himself, The purpose of the Dao Alliance is to open up the sea of ​​chaos and see the truth of the Dao. How can it be related to Emperor Zhao, Hunyuan Universe, and Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

He thought hard.

Wen Nanxun was unaware of this and urged the willow leaves to follow the texture of the jujube tree. After a long time, he suddenly said: Xu Ying, Lord Bell Hall, we are here!

Xu Ying and Dazhong each woke up and looked around, only to see that the branches and leaves of the jujube tree were connected to an ancient universe. Willow leaves follow the branches of the jujube tree and sail into this universe.

This is where I was born.

Wen Nanxun smiled and said, This place is called Yinghua. Since I joined the Taoist Alliance, I rarely come back.


Dao Meng advocated opening his eyes, looking at the annihilated consciousness, showing surprise, and whispered: The probe has reached my head, it's interesting!

He stood up, walked directly along the spiritual consciousness that promised to be annihilated, and soon entered the void.

I saw the void of the Great Sky Bright Realm, connected to thousands of universes. These universes were like translucent jellyfish, hanging on the sky.

But when you enter the void, you can find that the fire date tree connects thousands of universes.

Although Xu Ying annihilated spiritual consciousness and smoothed out cause and effect, in the eyes of the Taoist leader, there were still many traces that had not been erased.

He walked away in search of the trace, and suddenly he saw the fire jujube tree shining brightly in the sky, appearing in various colors, rising slowly and blocking his way.

The Taoist leader raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw a beautiful woman under the jujube tree, raising her head and holding a bamboo pole, and beating the jujubes on the tree, while the evil Taoist was standing aside, using her lapels to catch the fallen jujubes.

The leader of the Taoist Alliance greeted him: Fellow Taoist Jinyu.

The beautiful woman stopped, holding the bamboo pole, and said with a smile: It turns out to be the alliance leader. Why is the alliance leader in such a hurry? Why don't you sit down and eat a few fire dates?

The leader of the Taoist Alliance smiled and said: Don't dare to disturb me. Master Jinyu, I have something important to do and I have to pass by here.

Jinyu, the leader of the temple, held the bamboo pole and said with a smile: The leader of the alliance is coming over.

The leader of the Taoist Alliance leaned slightly to the side of the jujube tree. He was smiling, but his eyes fell on the hands of Jin Yuguan holding the bamboo pole. It seemed that these hands were the most attractive thing in the world.

Temple Master Jinyu's hand holding the bamboo pole was also changing its position slightly. The bamboo pole was like a big gun that could be thrust out of her hand at any time and deliver the most powerful blow.

The Taoist leader's eyes flashed and his steps slowed down.

Temple Master Jinyu moved his hands on the bamboo pole. Every move was a change of technique, which gradually made him feel strenuous.

After a while, the Taoist leader stopped and said with a smile: Guanzhu, my matters are not that important anymore. Farewell.

Temple Master Jin Yu smiled and said, I won't give it away.


The leader of the Tao Alliance turned around and left, expressionless, and whispered, Big shot.

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