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Chapter 958 The Resurrection of Heavenly Lord

This voice seems to have incredible power, and it is pulling great cause and effect. Although Yuan Weiyang understands the void, he has never felt this strange way.

What is Ah Ying calling for? Yuan Weiyang was surprised.

Di Chen's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly knew whose name Xu Ying was reciting!

Along with Xu Ying's Taoist call, he inexplicably remembered the scene when he opened the black coffin. At that time, an extremely loud voice came from the black coffin, blasting in everyone's minds: Praise my name! Will return!

The overseas strong man in the coffin! Could it be that the overseas strong man buried in the coffin is the Chaos Lord? Xu Ying is so bold!

As soon as he thought of this, he felt that in the recitation of Promise, cause and effect began to reverse. As cause and effect reversed, the past time and space also reversed.

In the dark, in all the past years, the time and space encountered by the person in the coffin, and the avenue mastered, resonate with this call.

In countless universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos, in the vast void outside, and in countless time fragments, there is a young man in green who seems to have heard the call from the future, and they all turned their heads to look at this moment.

For him in the past years, he in each time segment is an independent him. Even if his future self dies, he can derive another life from the independent time segment.

This is the realm of Yuanshi.

At this moment, Di Chen couldn't help but feel like he was being watched by countless eyes, as if he had seen countless identical young men in green turning their heads to look at him.

Not only him, but everyone else nearby felt like they were being watched by countless pairs of eyes at this moment.

At this moment, everyone realized that the past and future of the being in the coffin were being unified, and an inexplicable power surged from the past time and space!

This is a kind of power that reverses life and death, it is the ultimate sublimation of Taoist power, and it is the salvation of all the Yuxu Tianzun in all the fragments of time in the past!

Di Chen's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that the person in the coffin was about to revive.

This method of being able to resurrect from the dead with a single call is really unbelievable!

Next to Temple Master Jin Yu, Gu Daosheng, Jiang Ziliu and other temple masters also immediately noticed that the power from 4.4 billion years ago was surging, and it was rushing towards the present with Xu Ying's call!

That force is unstoppable, coming from somewhere, leaving no trace and cannot be cut off!

The expressions of the nine palace masters suddenly changed.

The speed of recovery is so fast!

Temple Master Jinyu stood still, with no trace of sadness or joy on his face, and stood quietly.

At this moment, the Chaos Sea suddenly turbulent, and the extremely thick energy of chaos rolled downwards. The energy of chaos became more and more dense, forming an extremely thick hand!

There was a clicking sound, and the thick hands quickly became thinner, actually suppressing the energy of chaos into substance!

This palm came from outside the Chaos Sea Rift Valley, and it was going to interrupt Xu Ying's move to revive the person in the coffin at this critical moment!

Everyone was surprised and happy. The person in the coffin was too powerful. With their strength, it was difficult to prevent his resurrection at this critical moment. But the masters outside the Great Rift Valley took action at this time, giving them a chance!

Seeing that the big hand of chaos was about to crush the Immortal Palace, suddenly a vast aura rose into the sky, forming a supreme spirit in the air, heading towards the big hand of chaos!


There was a loud noise in the air, and the big hand of chaos exploded. Suddenly, countless brilliant stars burst out from the big hand of chaos. In just a short moment, from chaos to Hongmeng, from Wuji to Wutai, and then to Taiyi. Since then, reincarnation has been established, cause and effect have arisen, and a complete universe has been formed, floating in the sky above the Great Rift Valley!

A muffled groan came from the chaotic sea, and then the sea water rolled, and a treasure tripod crushed time and space and fell downwards.

Under the treasure tripod, the entire Chaos Sea Rift Valley also became distorted, closing and pressing down from both sides to the center!

Original magic weapon?

With a sudden thought, Di Chen sensed the power beyond the end of the avenue. The power of this cauldron was even higher than the Tianxi of Hunyuan Dao!

However, why did such a valuable treasure not appear at the end of the road?

If such a powerful magic weapon exists in the world, it must be like a heavenly seal, imprinted on the ends of various avenues. But why has he never seen this cauldron?

The people who took action were like the two Taoist ancestors, proving the existence of the Yuanshi! The two Taoist ancestors have never appeared at the end of the road. Beings who have cultivated to the Yuanshi realm must have a way to hide their own strength.

Without thinking, Di Chen attacked the Immortal Palace and thought to himself, There are dragons and tigers hidden in this sea of ​​chaos. I don't know how many existences like Tao Ancestor are hidden there.

Although he has never seen the two Taoist ancestors of the Hunyuan Universe, he has seen the Yuanshi Yuanshen. There is a stone statue of the Yuanshi Yuanshen outside the Emperor's capital!

What was worshiped in the Immortal Palace just now was definitely a Yuanshi Yuanshen. This Yuanshen gave Di Chen a feeling that it was even more powerful than the stone statue of Yuanshi Yuanshen outside Emperor Huangji's capital!

You must know that the Primordial Spirit of the Hunyuan Universe cannot be wiped out even by the annihilation and destruction tribulations!

However, the one who attacked the Immortal Palace was also an entity from the Yuanshi realm. This person’s Yuanshi magic weapon could definitely rival the Yuanshi Yuanshen!

We must not resurrect the Chaos Lord!

Di Chen's eyes flashed, and he directly mobilized all the Taoist techniques, using his hands as seals, containing all the avenues of the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor in the past years, and blasted towards the Immortal Palace in front!

Although his attack was not as powerful as Yuanshi's attack, it was still very powerful. It was equivalent to the strongest attack from the Heavenly Seal of Hunyuan Dao!

At the same time, Dao Ji, Hun Tunsheng, Guo Shoudao and other nine hall masters were scattered, forming a nine-path evidence-based formation. When the formation was activated, the power skyrocketed, and the strength of the nine people instantly increased to their own capabilities. The limit reached!

The nine people shouted in unison, each activated their strongest Taoist skills, and blasted towards the Immortal Palace!

No matter what, they must interrupt the resurrection of the Chaos Lord!

The nine of them formed an formation, and the combat power they unleashed was still superior to that of Di Chen!

Yuan Weiyang's heart tightened. Xu Ying was in the Immortal Palace. How could he protect himself in the face of such an offensive?

Beside her, Temple Master Jin Yu did not take action. Instead, she watched the scene quietly with a smile on her face.

In the sky, the Yuanshi Yuanshen waved his palm to meet the falling Yuanshi Dao Cauldron. His palm prints landed on the Dao Cauldron. At this moment, between the palm prints and the Dao Cauldron, many things that did not exist in the world even burst out. Avenue texture!

The collision between Yuanshi Yuanshen and Yuanshi Dao tripod actually gave birth to a new avenue!

However, the existence of these avenues was extremely short, and they were completely wiped out by the power of the tripod and palm seals, and they ceased to exist!

When the palm print of the Yuanshi Yuanshen fell on the Dao Cauldron, the palm print was deeply embedded in the cauldron, and the inner wall of the Dao Cauldron was deeply dented!

Immediately, the palm stretched out and turned into other palm prints. Taking advantage of the short moment of contact, he continuously slapped the Dao Cauldron with different seals.

There were more than a dozen marks on the Dao cauldron, whirling and spinning, flying back and crashing into the sea of ​​chaos.

At the same time, Di Chen, Dao Ji and others also launched their attacks spontaneously, and in the sky above, the clothes of the Yuanshi Yuanshen were flying, just in time to block everyone's attacks!

The sleeves of clothes came into contact with everyone's attacks and rolled up. Di Chen, Dao Ji and others suddenly felt that their own attacks were like stones sinking into the sea.

Di Chen, Dao Ji and others advanced step by step and kept attacking forward, causing the clothes and sleeves to flutter backwards.

The Yuanshi Yuanshen cannot be so strong!

Di Chen paused and revealed the mark at the end of the avenue. His figure overlapped with the end of the avenue. He used all his strength to finally push back the clothes and step into the portal of the Immortal Palace.

His eyes were like lightning, and he saw the chaos clock above Xu Ying's head, a broken knife and a black coffin beside him, and his heart skipped a beat.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​chaos split open above, and an old man came smiling on a donkey. The donkey grew lotuses step by step. Wherever it passed, there was an innate immortal spiritual light under its feet, turning into blossoming lotus flowers.

Di Chen raised his head and saw this situation, and his heart suddenly thought: The existence of the Yuanshi Realm is here in person! If this existence of the Yuanshi Realm can defeat the Yuanshi Yuanshen, then I can join forces with the Dao Alliance Nine Halls to try Give it a try and break into this immortal palace!

The old man riding a donkey should be as old and as powerful as the two Taoist ancestors of the Hunyuan Universe. He was also alarmed by the resurrection of the Chaos Lord and was ready to prevent his resurrection!

The donkey carried the old man and walked leisurely towards the Yuanshi Yuanshen. It seemed slow, but the speed was not slow. In an instant, he arrived in front of the Yuanshi Yuanshen.

The old man stood up from the donkey's back, and in an instant he became extremely majestic, with ferocious muscles and incomparable strength, like a giant who could tear apart the body of chaos and open up the avenue to establish the universe!

The old man opened and closed, fighting in close combat with the Yuanshi Yuanshen. Every move and every move, just the aftermath invaded the chaotic sea on both sides, and earth-shattering changes occurred!

With one move after another, countless stars are born, Taoism overflows, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is born!

One of the two was in physical form, the other was in spirit. The battle lasted very short, only five moves passed between breaths.

After five moves, the old man suddenly coughed up blood. He wanted to spit out his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, and his breath became exhausted rapidly!

He fell on his back and his body shrank rapidly. The donkey stepped forward, caught the old man, turned around and ran away, shouting: I just said you can't beat me, so you have to run out and fight. Now you know how powerful you are. ?”

The old man was dying and struggled: Run!

The donkey let out a long cry of er ah er ah and ran wildly, escaping into the sea of ​​chaos.

And all around, there were commotions in the chaotic sea, as if some giant creature was frightened, and they all moved away from this place.

When Di Chen saw this situation, his expression changed slightly. He immediately gave up his plan to enter the Immortal Palace and turned around to leave. He was still wondering: Strange, why didn't Chaos Bell and these strange people from Chaos take action? If they had taken action, we would definitely not have survived. possible!

Before Dao Ji and others reached the gate of the Immortal Palace, their expressions suddenly changed when they saw him leaving. Taoist Daoji took the first step, and without saying a word, he transformed into a flood source of annihilation and flew away through the sky.

Upon seeing this, several other palace masters also left one after another, not daring to make any stop.

——The strength displayed by the Chaos Lord after his soul was revived was so powerful that the giants hidden in the sea of ​​chaos were forced to retreat with just his soul. Even if they stay, they will only die.

Master Jinyu hasn't left yet! Master Lingxi said in shock.

King Miao Sheng said quickly: She is very powerful and far better than us. She will be fine!

Temple Master Jin Yu stood outside the Immortal Palace, and did not leave with them, but waited quietly.

In the sky, the dancing robes of the Yuanshi Yuan Shen gradually calmed down, and like a rainbow, they continued to fall back into the temple.

After a while, all the visions disappeared.

In the Immortal Palace, Xu Ying, Chaos Bell, Black Coffin and Broken Knife each remained motionless, watching the Yuanshi Yuanshen fall back into the black coffin.

The movement outside the palace was earth-shattering, but inside the palace it was very quiet.

Everything outside seems to have nothing to do with the inside of the temple.

Suddenly, the black coffin burst through the air, broke through the immortal palace, and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying hurriedly took a few steps to catch up, but the black coffin had disappeared.

Brother Yuxu, remember to come back and revive the Chaos Lord! Xu Ying called out to the direction where the black coffin was leaving via voice transmission from his spiritual consciousness.

He didn't know if Yuxu Tianzun could hear clearly.

The moment the black coffin flew out, Temple Master Jin Yu quietly left.

Yuan Weiyang looked around and saw that only those strange people from Chaos were left on the Chaos Mountains, and the others had disappeared without a trace.

She composed herself and walked into the Immortal Palace in front of her. She saw that Xu Ying was fine and uninjured in the Immortal Palace, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

After a period of time, the black coffin did not return, so Xu Ying had no choice but to honestly agree to the Chaos Clock and stay to succeed the Chaos Lord.

Those Chaos Strange People each bloomed with the Dao End Mark, forming the Chaos Lord's Dao End Road. Xu Ying stood on this road every day, under the protection of the Chaos Bell, to figure out various avenues.

He is learning more and more avenues and mastering more and more avenues, but he has never encountered an avenue that is not within the acquired realm.

A few years later, Xu Ying learned all the great ways on the way to the end of the Chaos Lord. However, Yuxu Tianzun and Black Coffin still have not returned.

The Chaos Bell left, and those Chaos Strange People turned into Chaos creatures one by one, returning to the Chaos Sea to search for the whereabouts of the Black Coffin and Jade Xu Tianzun.

Only Yuan Weiyang and Xu Ying are left here.

Xu Ying mastered thousands of avenues, and his understanding of acquired avenues was at its peak, and he began to try to find the unbreakable truth among all the avenues.

Whether it's the Nine Innate Paths, the Void, or the foreign ways overseas, they all contain the same truth. This truth can be turned into a grand mist, chaos, a different way, or thousands of things. There are no exceptions to the known and unknown roads.”

Xu Ying said to Yuan Weiyang, I think there is such a great way in the world, and it is the same principle contained in all great ways. The innate ways, heaven and earth ways, and different ways that others think are just manifestations of this way.

Yuan Weiyang disagreed with his statement and said: The Great Dao is just the attribute given by the void to the Dao. It does not mean that there is really a great avenue that can achieve what you said. If there is, it can only be the void.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: This way must exist, even the void is in it.

Suddenly, Hun Tunsheng's voice came from outside the hall, and he said with a smile: What way can encompass the void?

He poked his head in, his head in a mess, and said with surprise and joy: Xu Ying, you are indeed alive! I was passing by here and learned that the Chaos Lord and the Chaos Clock were searching for the whereabouts of the black coffin, so I wanted to see if you were still alive. I didn’t expect that you are really alive! Come on, let’s go back to the Dao League!”

Return to the Dao Alliance? Can I return to the Dao Alliance? Xu Ying was stunned.

Hutunsheng smiled and said: Of course. Are you still planning to stay here? The Chaos Lord has a grudge against our Dao Alliance. Your identity as a disciple of the Dao Alliance has not yet been exposed. The Chaos Lord and Chaos Bell have not killed you. If your identity is If exposed, you will definitely die! Without further ado, let’s go——”

After that, he grabbed Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, roared out of the Chaos Immortal Palace, and flew towards the Chaos Sea.

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