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Chapter 957 Chaos Lord Inheritance

The Taoist name is Emperor Tai?

Xu Ying looked at the majestic figure at the end of the road ahead. His three eyes showed a rough and majestic appearance, and he had a strong and incomparable spirit. Like his figure, it was imprinted on the end of the road!

The Chaos Lord Taihuang has found the way to the end of the path of all previous Chaos Lords, has achieved great success, and has attained the Origin of Origin.

The young man in yellow had a face as old-fashioned as a bronze bell and said, His qualifications are not good, his talent is not high, and he is not smart, but his perseverance is amazing. After his Dao Yuanshi, he was refined into the physical Yuanshi, the Yuanshi of the soul, and the Yuanshi of the magic weapon. He built on the foundation of his predecessors and achieved achievements that surpassed those of his predecessors.”

Xu Ying looked up at this god-man and murmured: But he is dead. If he exists like this, why would he die?

The young man in yellow said: He met a strong man from overseas. This man called himself Yuxu. In the past, every once in a while, Yuxu Tianzun would come to the Sea of ​​Chaos to discuss the Tao with the Emperor. At their level, the so-called discussing the Tao , the best way is not to use words, but to use hands.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. Yuxu Tianzun should be the young man in green in the black coffin, right?

It turns out his name is Yuxu. I wonder if he can come back to life if I call Yuxu? Xu Ying thought to himself.

Every time they fought before, each other would be seriously injured. Yuxu Tianzun was one of the most powerful beings he encountered, and it was difficult for Emperor Tai to defeat him. However, something happened in that discussion 4.4 billion years ago. Accident. The boy in yellow said.

Xu Ying asked curiously: What accident?

The young man in yellow said dryly: Tianzun Yuxu and Emperor Tai died at the same time.

Xu Ying was stunned and lost his voice: Did they die together?

The boy in yellow nodded.

Xu Ying frowned slightly and said: Every time they talked about Taoism in the past, they were only seriously injured and not life-threatening, which shows that although they are all a little superior, their sanity still exists. So why did they die together this time? Is there any other accident here?

The boy in yellow shook his head and said, I don't know. I wasn't here at that time.

Xu Ying pondered: Then, who put Yuxu Tianzun into the coffin and put it in the black coffin?

The boy in yellow shook his head and said, I don't know.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: Yuxu was fighting with Emperor Tai. It was such an important matter, but you didn't go to protect the law. So where were you at that time?

The young man in yellow said: I am not the fundamental magic weapon of the Chaos Lord Taihuang. I am the magic weapon left by the first generation of Chaos Lords. At that time, I noticed some strange fluctuations in the cosmic cemetery within the Chaos Sea. Back then, the A generation of Chaos Lord killed a four-proof Primordial existence there, and the cause and effect was quite large. I was worried that something was strange, so I went to check it out.

Xu Ying's eyes flickered and he said, What a coincidence.

The boy in yellow said, It's indeed a coincidence.

Xu Ying frowned and thought, was it because the Chaos Bell was led away by someone, causing the two beings in the Yuanshi Realm to be unable to hold back, and they died together?

Or is it that someone took advantage of the fact that the two Yuanshi realms were seriously injured and took the opportunity to defeat them one by one?

They continued to move forward, and Xu Ying saw the Chaos Lord besides the Emperor Tai.

These powerful figures stand at the end of the avenue, their aura and momentum are no less than that of the Emperor of Thailand!

There are countless heroes in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and there are always outstanding ones who will inherit the path of the Chaos Lord, and even expand this path, allowing the subsequent Chaos Lords to get closer and closer to the truth of the avenue.

This is the seventh generation Chaos Lord, named Lingxu, who died in the cosmic cemetery.

This is the sixth generation Chaos Lord, with the Taoist name Jin Xuan. He died in the cosmic cemetery.

This is the fifth generation Chaos Lord, whose Taoist name is Ying Yuan. He died in the cosmic cemetery.

After a long time, they finally came to the mark of the first Chaos Lord.

Xu Ying raised his head and looked up. This Chaos Lord looked like an ordinary person, with a simple and honest expression and gray hair on his temples. At first glance, he seemed to be a very down-to-earth person.

This is the first Chaos Lord, with the Taoist name Chaos, and he is also my master.

The young man in yellow who was transformed by the Chaos Bell said, Back then, he fought with a supreme powerhouse in the Chaos Sea, which greatly sublimated the cosmic cemetery of the Chaos Sea. As a result, the Chaos Sea became young again, and thus was born. There are countless new universes.

Xu Ying looked up at Chaos. Chaos' appearance was unremarkable, but his eyes sparkled with curiosity. He looked honest and honest, as if making a little noise could attract this person and come closer to check.

Did Chaos also die in the cosmic cemetery? Xu Ying asked.

The young man in yellow shook his head and said solemnly: How could he die? He has cultivated to an unimaginable level and has already surpassed the Four Origins. When he left, he told the second generation of Chaos Lord that he would go back to the Sea of ​​Chaos. time, return to the void and chaos, return to the starting point of his own universe, return to the Hongmeng era before he was born. He is going to do something amazing.

It was a little melancholy and said: He did not take me with him, but left me with the second generation Chaos Lord.

Xu Ying was stunned.

Between the Great Void and the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Is there any universe left there?

He really wanted to fly out of the Sea of ​​Chaos and go there to see. Between chaos and void, many wonderful things would definitely happen and there would be all kinds of incredible avenues.

The young man in yellow said: Since the beginning of Chaos, the choice of the Chaos Lords of all ages has fallen on me. The first time I sensed you was when you used a copper bell to steal my brand. I sensed that cause and effect had arisen, and the catastrophes were connected. , I was able to observe your future, which is vast and unpredictable. You got a hint of the mystery of chaos from me, and you are destined to be the next generation of Chaos Lord.

Xu Ying asked nervously: Which generation of Chaos Lord am I?

The ninth generation.

Xu Ying blinked and thought to himself: In the future, when the Chaos Clock leads the tenth generation Chaos Lord to this place, he will say that this is the ninth generation Chaos Lord Xu Ying, who died in the cosmic cemetery. But then again, the cosmic graveyard Isn’t the field already extremely sublime? Why are there so many Chaos Lords buried there?”

Most of the chaos lords in the past were buried in the cosmic cemetery. Therefore, the Chaos Clock noticed the changes in the cosmic cemetery and hurried there, so that it missed the battle between Yuxu and Taihuang, causing these two beings to die together.

The purpose of the Chaos Lords of the past dynasties is to maintain the order of Chaos, eliminate anyone who harms Chaos, and clean up the misfortune hidden in the Chaos Sea.

The young man in yellow said, The Chaos Lords of the past dynasties often encountered disasters of untimely death, so the responsibility of preaching fell on the Chaos creatures. They are the end of the road in chaos, and they make their own avenues into the path of the Chaos Lord. On this road, you can understand all kinds of extraordinary avenues. This is the foundation of the avenues accumulated since the first generation of Chaos Lords!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved.

Although the Chaos Lords of the past generations have died and disappeared, their Taoism has been passed down through these chaotic creatures.

This inheritance can be said to be the oldest inheritance in the Chaos Sea, and it is also the most powerful inheritance!

Now, this inheritance is in front of him!

Xu Ying thought for a while and said: Brother Zhong Dao, if I can resurrect the eighth generation of Chaos Lord Tai Huang, can I get the inheritance of Chaos Lord without being a Chaos Lord?

The young man in yellow was stunned and lost his voice: What did you say?

He was so excited that a clanging bell sounded from his throat.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I mean, if I resurrect the Chaos Lord Taihuang, will I no longer need to be the Chaos Lord? However, in return, Brother Zhong Dao must let me learn the inheritance of the Chaos Lord.

The boy in yellow shook his head and said: It's useless, you can't resurrect the Emperor. His sword is broken, and so is the Tao.

Xu Ying looked at the extraordinary figure of the Chaos Lord, his eyes were faint, and he smiled and said: The brand is immortal, and our way will last forever. In order to kill the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, Emperor Chen needs to use your power to erase the brand of the Dao Tianxi. , can the Dao Tianxi be completely destroyed. Similarly, that is to say, if the mark of Dao is still there, then it can still be resurrected. I am fully confident.

The boy in yellow was doubtful.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Take me to see the black coffin.

The bell vibrated, and the next moment Xu Ying was separated from the vision of the end of the road and returned to the Immortal Palace.

It is indeed unbelievable that the chaos lords of the past generations have passed down their legacy through the journey of chaotic creatures.

With a smile on his face, Xu Ying walked directly to the front of the black coffin, patted the black coffin, and said with a smile: Brother Yuxu!

The being buried in this black coffin is none other than the Yuxu Tianzun who died together with Emperor Tai. Back in the Huangji Imperial Capital, Di Chen opened the black coffin, but encountered the Taoist voice of Yuxu Tianzun, which almost caused a big chaos.

Xu Ying was at the scene and was almost bewitched by Yuxu Tianzun's voice.

As long as you chant the name of Yuxu Tianzun, he can return.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he thought, I didn't know his name before, but now I know that he is called Yuxu Tianzun. As long as this name is reported, Yuxu will be resurrected. Yuxu and Emperor Tai are both enemies and friends, and I Although I don’t know how to resurrect the Taihu Emperor, Yuxu must know.”

However, Xu Ying called out Yuxu's name, but there was still no movement in the black coffin.

Xu Ying hesitated and called out: Jade Xu Tianzun!

There was still no movement in the black coffin.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought in his heart: Wait a minute, Yuxu Tianzun should be a Taoist name. It's useless to call the Taoist name. You have to call the real name! But, what is Yuxu Tianzun's real name?

The Chaos Clock returned to the form of a clock from the boy in yellow, and continued to hang above his head, turning slowly.

Xu Ying had a flash of inspiration and asked with a smile: Brother Zhong Dao, you should know the real name of Yuxu Tianzun?

Chaos Bell said: I know. When he was discussing Taoism with the Emperor of Tai, he once mentioned his real name.

Xu Ying smiled and said, Tell me!


In the Great Rift Valley, Temple Master Jin Yu and Yuan Weiyang came to the Chaos Mountains. The woman looked at the mountains and couldn't help but be moved.

In the sea of ​​chaos, there are probably no more than ten people who can compress the energy of chaos into substance and turn it into strange rocks of chaos!

And here, there are actually mountains of chaos!

Such strength can already touch the universe, and the world's great avenues are under control! Temple Master Jin Yu secretly thought in his heart.

Chaos stones are the supreme material for refining weapons. There are so many chaotic stones here that it is staggering.

This should be the Chaos Mountains formed by my father's discussion with the Chaos Lord.

Temple Master Jin Yu cast his gaze into the distance, landing on the tallest sacred mountain, and said in his heart, My father respects this fellow Taoist very much, even respects him. He considers him to be his lifelong rival. But he is also his lifelong best friend. . But I didn’t expect that he would still be buried in the hands of this great enemy and close friend.”

She didn't show any killing intent because there were too many Chaos Strangers nearby. Even though her cultivation level was extremely high, far surpassing these strange people from chaos, but there were too many of them, and she was afraid that she would not be able to please them.

She walked towards the Immortal Palace on the top of the mountain. At this moment, those chaotic strange people stood motionless like wood carvings and clay sculptures.

All roads lay open under their feet, leading directly to the Immortal Palace.

Temple Master Jin Yu had never encountered such a thing before, so he continued to move forward. Yuan Weiyang followed cautiously, only to see that those chaotic strange people turned a blind eye to them, as if they did not exist.

At this moment, Temple Master Jin Yu's heart suddenly moved. He turned around and saw that Hun Tunsheng was among the strange people from the chaos.

Immediately, she saw the other hall masters of the Nine Halls of the Dao Alliance.

Dao Ji and others also noticed Master Jinyu, and couldn't help but be surprised and happy: Master Jinyu is here too! Master Jinyu, together with the nine of us forming a nine-path evidence-based formation, are enough to defeat the Master of Chaos. The Dao method! This time the great revenge of our Dao Alliance can finally be avenged!

Temple Master Jin Yu suddenly changed his expression slightly and glanced at the energy of chaos outside the Great Rift Valley.

At this moment, Di Chen's figure was clearly illuminated by her gaze, and even the energy of chaos could not block Jin Yu's gaze.

Di Chen's heart skipped a beat: Master Jinyu, your strength is getting stronger and stronger.

He smiled at Temple Master Jinyu, walked directly from the Sea of ​​Chaos into the Great Rift Valley, and came towards Temple Master Jinyu.

When he traveled to the Sea of ​​Chaos, he met the Master Jinyu and was astonished. He received the guidance of the Master Jinyu and benefited a lot.

Nowadays, Di Chen is already the number one person in the Chaos Immortal Dynasty, and he has devoured the power of Dao Tianxi. However, when facing Temple Master Jin Yu again, he still feels that this woman is unfathomable.

Miao Sheng, Dao Xian, Gu Daosheng and other nine palace masters were shocked when they saw Di Chen coming. However, there were too many chaotic strange people nearby, and they did not dare to make any move.

Di Chen came to them, bowed to Jin Yu, the master of the temple, and said, I've seen Dao brother.

His strange eyes fell on Yuan Weiyang, and he thought to himself: Why is the Great Sacrifice Wine here? How did she get together with Temple Master Jin Yu?

Temple Master Jin Yu returned the courtesy and said with a smile: Your Majesty's strength has improved to such an extent, which is admirable. Could it be that Your Majesty is also here for the Chaos Lord?

Di Chen nodded slightly and said: That's it. Know yourself and your enemy, and you will be victorious in every battle. The Lord of Chaos appears, so I have to come.

Temple Master Jin Yu's heart moved slightly, and she looked around and said, It seems that besides us, there are many people who want the Chaos Lord to die.

However, Di Chen didn't notice any other auras around him, and he felt awe-inspiring in his heart: Her cultivation level is still higher than mine.

Temple Master Jin Yu took the lead and walked towards the Immortal Palace on the top of the mountain.

Di Chen glanced at Yuan Weiyang and followed Jin Yu. The nine palace masters followed suit and walked behind.

Yuan Weiyang glanced at the chaotic strangers who stood silently and motionless, and he was worried in his heart: Aying is still with the Chaos Lord. If there is a war, I wonder if he can escape?

She had just thought of this when she suddenly heard Xu Ying's voice coming from the Immortal Palace in front of her, making a profound call in ancient Taoist language.

Fellow Daoist Ye Xu, why don't you wake up?

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