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Chapter 956 Dao Name: Emperor Tai

Master Jinyu?

Yuan Weiyang thought about it carefully and remembered that Di Chen once mentioned this name and had great respect for this Jin Yu temple master.

But she didn't expect that Jin Yu, the master of the temple, would be a woman!

The Chaos Lord showed up, dragging his seriously injured body, but gave him the opportunity to kill him personally.

Temple Master Jin Yu had a gentle face and showed no murderous intent at all. He smiled and said, He showed up this time, but it was extremely unwise. However, a wise man must make mistakes after thinking a lot. This is also due to his own destiny.

She stepped forward and said leisurely: Even if you prove the existence of the Yuanshi Dao Fruit, you will inevitably be troubled by the catastrophe. The catastrophe of the Chaos Lord has arrived. Fellow Taoist, do you want to witness this together?

Yuan Weiyang thought for a while, then stepped to follow her, thinking: Ah Ying is gone. Most likely he went to see this Chaos Lord. When Jin Yu Temple appears this time, the target is probably the Chaos Lord. This place has become right and wrong. I must find Aying and stay away from here!

At the same time, Hun Tunsheng suddenly heard bursts of melodious sounds coming from the depths of the Chaos Sea. His heart moved slightly, and he also transformed into the form of a chaotic creature. He made the same sounds in his mouth, as if in response to the distant sounds. One fit.

The other hall masters of the Nine Xiantian Halls of the Dao Alliance were surprised when they saw this.

After a while, Hun Tunsheng landed, turned into a human body again, and said: I got the news that the Chaos Lord has appeared. Now all the chaotic creatures in the Chaos Sea have to go to the Great Rift Valley to pay homage to the Chaos Lord.

Guo Shoudao, King Miao Shengzhen and others were shocked. Even Dao Ji, who was not shocked by the collapse of the sky, could not help but be moved.

The Lord of Chaos, the mysterious dragon whose head has never been seen, the legend whose name is only heard but not his person, is finally coming!

For this Chaos Lord, everyone in the Dao Alliance hates and fears him.

The history of the Dao League is extremely ancient and can be traced back to trillions of years ago, but the Chaos Lord already existed at that time and was already a legend in the Chaos Sea. There are legends about him in every universe.

At that time, the Dao League was just a small force, and it was not conspicuous at all in the sea of ​​chaos. However, the purpose of the Dao League was to completely open up the sea of ​​chaos and prove the truth of the great road!

Therefore, when the Dao Alliance was established, it was to take the Chaos Lord as the enemy. The Chaos Lord must be eliminated first before the Chaos Sea can be completely opened up.

However, to this day, none of them have seen the Chaos Lord, and at most they have only seen the Chaos Clock.

What's more discouraging is that the Dao League has some difficulty in dealing with the Chaos Bell, and has been hit by the Chaos Bell many times. As you can imagine, dealing with the Chaos Lord will be even more difficult!

Should we go? Hutunsheng asked.

Go! Of course I want to go!

Gu Daosheng said flatly, The Lord of Chaos has always been a serious problem for our Dao Alliance. If we don't get rid of this person, we will never be able to completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos and verify the truth of the Dao!

Wu Dao

Seeing that everyone had decided on their plan, Hutun Sheng said: I will lead you forward, get on my back!

His body shook and he turned into a chaotic creature again. The eight palace masters came on the backs of the chaotic creatures one after another, cruising around and following the direction of the Great Rift Valley.

After they left, Di Chen came to this place with a floating figure, his eyes flashing: Lord of could he show up at this time?

He traced the direction of Huntunsheng and left quietly.

In the Immortal Palace of Chaos Mountain, Xu Ying has accepted his identity as the Lord of Chaos, and calmly accepts the worship of many strange people transformed from chaotic creatures.

The strange people transformed by these chaotic creatures are also strange. They just come to worship him and do nothing else. It is as if they have crossed the sea of ​​chaos to come here and are satisfied after seeing him.

There must be an extremely powerful me in the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying thought, I am the real Chaos Lord. He leads the Chaos Sea and competes with the Dao Alliance and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

The Chaos Bell floated above Xu Ying's head. Suddenly the bell rang, and all the strange people transformed from chaotic creatures became solemn.

Xu Yingzheng was astonished when he saw these chaotic strange people each adjusting their Taoist methods, and he saw that all the roads were flying out from under their feet, and the Taoist light was like clouds and steaming clouds, like mist.

The array of Tao sounds, even if the Immortals of Jiutian Daluo were to sing them together, would not be as good as this scene!

This is the end of tens of thousands of avenues, the avenue that blooms their practice. In an instant, the ends of all the avenues in the universe that are close to the Chaos Sea in the Chaos Rift Valley are all revealed!

These thousands of roads connected together with a swishing sound, rushing towards Xu Ying in a mighty way.

Xu Ying was about to be drowned by the light, but he saw thousands of light flowing from his feet.

What is this doing?

Xu Ying was stunned and looked up, only to see that he was standing on a road to the end of the road. The road to the end of the road was divided into tens of thousands of forks. At the end of each fork in the road, there was a strange man from the Chaos Sea!


The bell sounded long and lingering, like a command. Thousands of roads began to merge, converging into one avenue, flowing under Xu Ying's feet.

Xu Ying looked forward along this avenue, but saw chaotic strange people standing on the edge of the road. They were tall and short, men and women, old and young, and their racial forms were also all kinds of strange.

They each stand at the end of their own avenues, but their avenues are only part of a grand end of the road.

They are like street lamps, lighting up this magnificent road to the end.

But whose road is this road?

Why did tens of thousands of chaotic beings combine to form such a magnificent road as they set out on their journey to the end?

They serve as lamps to illuminate the path for the Lord of Chaos.

A voice suddenly came from Xu Ying's ear. He looked around hurriedly, only to see a pale-faced young man in a yellow shirt standing beside him.

This young man is wearing yellow clothes, yellow trousers, and yellow shoes. The ribbon around his waist is also yellow, and his hair is also yellow. A streamer of light emerged from his body, and the various strange folds imprinted on the streamer attracted Xu Ying's attention.

These wrinkles are similar to the wrinkles imprinted on Mr. Zhong’s face.

Xu Ying looked up and saw that the Chaos Clock hanging above his head was gone.

This bell can transform into a human being! Xu Ying realized.

The young man in yellow clothes transformed by the Chaos Bell didn't look very good. He walked forward and said: These seekers of the Chaos Sea are existences at the end of the Tao. They surpass the Tao masters by countless numbers and are the most outstanding in every universe. Geniuses, they either have a natural affinity for Tao, or they have otherworldly qualifications, or their understanding is unprecedented. However, the moment they realize the end of Tao, the moment they stand on the end of their own Tao, they suddenly realize that their own The end of the road is actually just a part of a road that they have never seen or heard of before, or even just an insignificant branch.

Am I so powerful? Xu Ying asked in surprise.

He sensed the auras of these chaotic people standing on the road to the end of the road and observed each other's road. Soon, he mastered various avenues, and then used void empowerment to upgrade the cultivation of these avenues to the level of a Tao Master.

The reason why he can practice so quickly is because he is already the master of the acquired path. The concept of acquired path to conquer the innate is really advanced. All the innate path is within the acquired path. It can be said that one enlightenment leads to hundreds of enlightenments.

In addition, Void Avenue was also integrated into Houtian by him. Void Avenue's understanding of Tao power is the best in the world. The empowerment of the void and the self-sufficiency of my nature are the sources of rapid improvement in his Taoism.

The young man in yellow noticed his progress, his clothes fluttered, and he made a sound of copper hitting, saying: Ever since they saw the great way of the Chaos Lord, they knew that their practice was wrong. They have exhausted all their energy and time, but they are afraid that they can't Cultivation to the level of Chaos Lord.

Xu Ying looked forward and saw that the avenue of the Chaos Lord was too broad, too profound and profound. These tens of thousands of paths are only part of his great path.

It’s no wonder that after the proud sons of heaven in various universes reach the end of the road and see the road of the Lord of Chaos, they will be sincerely convinced by him and respect him as the Lord of Chaos.

I'm so awesome! he said sincerely.

Those who are not true seekers of the truth will not worship the Chaos Lord for his achievements.

There was a sonorous sound in the voice of the young man in yellow, like the lingering sound of a bell, thick and light, and said, So they followed the Chaos Lord and took the initiative to enter the Chaos Sea and became part of the Chaos Sea. They followed the Chaos Lord and transformed into chaotic creatures. , traveling throughout the Sea of ​​Chaos, observing the operation of each universe. From this, they understood the true mystery of the Great Dao.

Hearing this, Xu Ying suddenly woke up from his state of enlightenment and said, The truth of the Great Dao?

The truth of the Dao is what the Dao Alliance says.

The young man in yellow said, The Chaos Lords believe that all the mysteries of the great road can be answered from chaos.

Xu Ying understood and said: Every universe is also in the sea of ​​chaos. We transform into chaotic creatures and swim in the sea of ​​chaos. We can observe the birth and death of the universe and the experience of the universe, and thus understand the true mystery of the great road.

The young man in yellow walked side by side with him and praised: As expected of a big shot, you are very spiritual and suitable to become a chaotic creature.

He paused and said: The world often talks about the Nine Innate Paths, and believes that there is no greater avenue than this. Even chaos is just one of them. However, the real avenue of chaos is not just the so-called avenue of chaos?

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he wished he could immediately shout out The First of the Nine Innate Chaos, but after thinking about it, he stopped this thought.

The young man in yellow continued: The so-called nine innate ways, the so-called void, and the so-called entire universe are in chaos. The sea of ​​chaos is all-encompassing and cannot tolerate anything. The sea of ​​chaos is the avenue of chaos.

Xu Ying thought carefully and said: In other words, chaos accommodates other innate avenues, and all known and unknown avenues are within chaos!

The boy in yellow nodded slightly.

Xu Ying followed the young man in yellow and passed by a Zun Dao Existence. He said with emotion: In my heyday, I was so powerful and realized the true meaning of the Chaos Dao. No wonder these strange people from Chaos will follow me. But my My vision was a bit narrow, and I only saw the Sea of ​​Chaos, but never the Great Void.

He shook his head and said with a smile: I thought before that it was me who confused the years and blurred time and space, allowing me to appear in the past and future, becoming the Chaos Lord who unified the Chaos Sea, and doing so many earth-shattering things. Look now Come on, I'm not him. The Chaos Lord is someone else. Brother Zhong Dao, you really have the wrong person.

His eyes were clear and he said sincerely: I am not the big shot you are looking for.

The young man in yellow's eyes fell on him and said: I did not find the wrong person. You are the big shot we are looking for.

Xu Ying was quite puzzled and said with a smile: I can be sure that I am not the Chaos Lord. My way will not be limited to this path.

He paused, and the acquired avenue burst out. The scene in front of him suddenly changed. Xu Ying actually jumped out of the path of the Chaos Lord!

Or it shouldn’t be called jumping out, but the promised road of tomorrow is broader than the road of the Chaos Lord!

At this time, the young man in yellow, like those strange people from chaos, has actually become another bright light on his path!

Xu Ying's voice sounded ethereal, and he said leisurely: I admire the Chaos Lord and everyone who stands at the end of the path. But my path may not be able to surpass them. Brother Zhong Dao, I am not your Chaos Lord. Please admit your mistake. People.

At this moment, a bell rang. Along with the bell, Xu Ying returned to the boy in yellow.

The boy in yellow still walked forward and said: You are the Lord of Chaos. The fact that you can escape from this road proves that you must be the Lord of Chaos.

Xu Ying was confused and followed him step by step, saying: My current path is wider than the Chaos Lord, and I will definitely be stronger than the Chaos Lord in the future. How can I be the Chaos Lord?

The young man in yellow said: Who said that the Chaos Lord can only be one person? The Chaos Lord is passed down from generation to generation to this day.

The further they moved forward, the fewer the number of Chaos Strangers on the road ahead. Gradually, there were only a few Chaos Strangers on this road.

It is becoming more and more difficult for the boy transformed by the Chaos Bell to walk. Although it is the end of the road, the number of roads imprinted on it is different from the number of roads mastered by the Chaos Lord. There is also a gap between the understanding of the end of the road and the Chaos Lord, so gradually reaches its limit.

At this time, Xu Ying saw a sudden light coming from the front. It was a large-scale halo of reincarnation, interspersed with each other, and the reincarnation rings almost obscured the entire road!

At the end of reincarnation, the existence of the nine reincarnations!

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the distance between him and the Nine Paths of Reincarnation was closer than ever before. He felt that this person was becoming more majestic and taller!

This being of the Nine Paths of Reincarnation is also the master of the Broken Sword!

The long river of blood that Xu Ying encountered on the road was the blood shed by this person's injury.

This is the Chaos Lord of this generation.

The young man in yellow looked solemn and said, This generation of Chaos Lords has guarded the peace of the Chaos Sea for trillions of years. Under his governance, the Chaos Sea is full of vitality. His Taoist name is Tai Huang.

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