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Chapter 955 Visitors from the Great Void

Am I the Chaos Lord?

Xu Ying's head was buzzing, and he didn't react for a while. He stayed where he was. After a while, he remembered that he was still sitting on the throne of the Chaos Lord. He quickly stood up and said: You guys, get up quickly!

Thank you Lord Chaos! Those strange people transformed from chaotic creatures said in unison.

Xu Ying waved his hands and said with a smile: You have recognized the wrong person. I am not a Chaos Lord. My name is Xu Ying. I am from the Three Realms and have nothing to do with the Chaos Lord. My cultivation strength is not that good either. I am much inferior to you. . Where is the Chaos Lord? Brother Tao, don’t make this joke with me.

He suddenly woke up and said, Is the Taoist brother in the black coffin the Chaos Lord?

Black Coffin suddenly retracted the chain and quietly flew away from behind him to avoid being implicated by him.

Xu Ying noticed that the cause and effect of the thousands of existences that worshiped him just now fell on him. It seemed that with the sound of Lord of Chaos, he established a causal connection with these existences.

Xu Ying was panicked. His attainments in the Path of Cause and Effect were advancing by leaps and bounds, and he was on the verge of reaching the end of the path.

However, the Avenue of Cause and Effect is now just a link in his acquired avenue. No matter how he grows, he cannot escape from the scope of the acquired avenue, so he has no worries.

What he is worried about is the title of Chaos Lord.

The Chaos Lord is definitely a highly dangerous profession. The Chaos Lord has repeatedly dealt with the Dao Alliance and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. The Dao League and Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty regard him as a thorn in their side!

Moreover, among the countless universes in the Chaos Sea, countless people had sworn to the Chaos Lord, but because they violated their oaths, they were directly turned into nothing. Even the Taoist Lords died countless times!

Becoming a Chaos Lord is definitely a target of public criticism!

At this time, more chaotic creatures seemed to have received some message and were coming from outside the Great Rift Valley of the Chaos Sea.

They swam into the Great Rift Valley and turned into human beings one after another. Of course, some of them were not human beings. They each came to the outside of the Immortal Palace of Chaos Mountain to worship Xu Ying.

Xu Ying said to Chaos Zhong: Brother Zhong Dao, I am not the Chaos Lord, there is someone else. You know better than anyone else!

The Chaos Clock still hung above his head, motionless, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with it.

Xu Ying woke up and said with a smile: Brother Zhong Dao, you are the Lord of Chaos, right? In fact, they are not worshiping me, but you!

The Chaos Clock shook slightly, seeming to deny his opinion.

Xu Ying lowered his head, his eyes flashed, he looked at the broken knife in his hand, and smiled: Then the Chaos Lord is Brother Dao, right?

The broken knife flew out of his hand and confronted the black coffin.

Outside the hall, there are still chaotic creatures taking the form of humans. The light of the avenue behind their heads is lingering, and they are walking on the road to the end, worshiping Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was stunned, could he really be the Chaos Lord?

In the infinite universe of the Sea of ​​Chaos, countless powerful people swear by themselves and then be killed by the fluctuations of their own avenues?

By the way, I once swore to the Lord of Chaos with fellow Taoists from the Yuan Realm, and even heard the sound of the bell. Doesn't that mean that I swore to myself?

Xu Ying blinked, and more doubts emerged in his heart, There is also the spiritual world. The deaths of countless monks and Taoist masters in the spiritual world were because Taoist Zuo Lian violated his oath, which caused a fluctuation in my Dao?

He remembered something again and hurriedly raised his head to look at the Chaos Clock, thinking to himself: If I were the Chaos Lord, then could this Chaos Clock be Master Zhong?

He thought of more things.

There is no time, no front, back, left, right, or direction in the sea of ​​chaos. Could it be that he exists in the past, present, and future at the same time, and is an incomprehensible existence?

Could it be that there is a promise from the Chaos Lord in the past, present and future that is so powerful that anyone who swears an oath to the Chaos Lord will be induced, and anyone who breaks the oath will be obliterated?

Otherwise, how can we explain that he, who was so weak in the past, could use the fluctuations of the avenue to obliterate those strong men who swore an oath?

Above his head, the Chaos Clock was spinning slowly. Apart from being a clock, there was no trace of Master Zhong at all.

If it were Master Zhong, he would definitely not be so calm. He would have already exposed the fact that I am the Chaos Lord. Xu Ying was suspicious.

By the Daoxue Chang River, Yuan Weiyang stood gracefully, standing by the river, watching the evolution of the avenue in the river.

This kind of encounter is really important to her, the Void Taoist master, and it is enough to make up for her various shortcomings, allowing her to catch up with Xu Ying in her understanding of the Void Tao and other avenues.

She was completely forgetful and immersed in enlightenment, and she didn't even notice that the chaotic creatures were landing and transforming.

At this moment, she felt something in her heart and noticed a pair of eyes falling on her.

Yuan Weiyang woke up from enlightenment and followed this gaze, only to see a woman coming from the Chaos Sea Rift Valley. When the woman walked, the wind and clouds moved with her. The energy of chaos broke through the rift valley and danced with the wind and clouds, turning into dragons and phoenixes, white rhinoceros, sun and moon, and stars.

However, it suddenly returned to the energy of chaos.

Yuan Weiyang's eyes fell on her body, and she was inexplicably surprised that she could detect the void aura on this woman's body.

The various visions behind her are all manifestations of the empowerment of the void. If empowered with the way of wind and cloud, it will form wind and cloud. If empowered with the way of life, it will form dragon and phoenix. If empowered with the way of spirit, it will form white rhinoceros. , empowering the way of yin and yang will make the sun and moon.

She can control the energy of chaos and empower chaos, which shows that her attainments in the void are still above mine!

Yuan Weiyang was deeply curious. When she realized the Tao Master, she felt that the Void Avenue in the Chaos Sea was excited and encouraged by it. The power of the Void Avenue continued to increase and grew stronger for it!

She is the first person in the sea of ​​chaos to realize the void!

So, where did this woman come from, and why is she so accomplished in the void?

The woman came gracefully, her green dress fluttering as she walked, her skirt flowing elegantly, like lotus leaves rolling in the wind. The belt is tight and the waist is slender but somewhat graceful.

Her face is like a peach blossom, fair and ruddy, with eyebrows like distant mountains and lips like cherries. Her hair is combed into a bun, like clouds on the top of the mountain.

Her eyes were as clear and translucent as autumn water, giving people a gentle feeling.

However, when she came, she gave people a sense of uncertainty, an elusive void, and emptiness.

It seemed that the woman who was approaching just looked like a woman, just a skin. As for her true identity, there is no way of knowing.

Yuan Weiyang saw the ceremony and said: Brother Dao, you are polite.

The woman stopped at the right place and returned the courtesy: Fellow Taoist, you are polite.

Yuan Weiyang straightened up and planned to continue observing the Dao Blood River. She greeted the woman just to dispel her suspicions and show that she had no hostility.

The other party returning the gift also shows this, and everyone can just miss it.

The woman continued to move forward and came not far from Yuan Weiyang. She looked her up and down and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist, have you been to my Taoist temple?

Yuan Weiyang was stunned and shook his head slightly.

The woman was extremely surprised and said with a smile: So, you realized the Dao of the Void on your own? The person who caused the fluctuation of the Dao power of the Void in the Chaos Sea back then was the Taoist Fellow? The Daoist Fellow is really a peerless genius of the Void Dao!

Yuan Weiyang shook his head and said: My talent may not be as good as yours. Your Void Avenue is much better than mine.

The woman looked solemn and said: This is because I came from overseas. The void overseas is extremely prosperous, far superior to other avenues, and there are countless people who study the void. I am close to the water, so my attainments on this path are barely higher than yours. Above. Fellow Taoist, don't you care at all about those chaotic creatures turning into strange beings?

After Yuan Weiyang heard this, he looked at both sides of the Great Rift Valley and saw chaotic creatures coming in a steady stream. After passing through the barriers on both sides, they transformed into strange people and strangers with different appearances after entering the rift valley.

Yuan Weiyang asked in surprise: Who are they?

They are the largest force in the Sea of ​​Chaos, supporters of the Chaos Lord.

The woman said, A group of extremely fanatical seekers, in the process of seeking the truth, only felt that chaos was extremely wonderful and could not understand it, so they simply threw themselves into the sea of ​​chaos and transformed into creatures in chaos. The Lord of Chaos is a creature of chaos. The most powerful one among them, and the most mysterious. Except for the Chaos creatures who have seen the Chaos Lord, no one else has ever seen this powerful and terrifying existence. However, these Chaos creatures are extremely interesting.

Although Yuan Weiyang had seen Chaos Creatures and heard the name of Chaos Lord, he didn't know much about Chaos Creatures and Chaos Lord, so he couldn't help but become curious and listened carefully.

The woman continued: Chaos creatures follow the Chaos Lord and maintain the order of the Chaos Sea. They turn into Chaos creatures and appear in the chaotic time outside the universe to observe the birth to death of this universe. They are confused and confused. , ignorant, but extremely curious. Sometimes, these chaotic creatures will land. If the landing place is the universe, they often choose to observe the operation of the universe without interfering in world affairs, so as not to disturb the chaos.

Yuan Weiyang asked: What if their landing place is not the universe in the sea of ​​chaos?

The woman smiled and said: Like these people, they will regain their true colors. These people are at the end of the powerful road. The only ones in the Chaos Sea who can control such a huge force are the Chaos Lords.

She smiled slightly and said: Now, the purpose of their landing is to meet the mysterious Chaos Lord. I have been tracking these chaotic creatures over the years, pursuing the whereabouts and news of the Chaos Lord, and found all kinds of clues. , today I finally found this mysterious existence!

When she said this, her expression became a little excited, allowing Yuan Weiyang to capture a bit of her true self hidden in the void, and he felt that this woman was a living person, not just a skin.

Aren't you curious about the Chaos Lord? The woman asked, seeing that Yuan Weiyang didn't have any emotional fluctuations.

Yuan Weiyang shook his head: I'm not curious. I haven't reached the realm yet, and I have never been exposed to the level of Taoist brother. I only have respect and awe for such existence, and have no curiosity.

Hearing this, the woman unconsciously thought more highly of her and said with a smile: If you are curious about such existence, you may indeed cause great disaster to yourself. Especially the mysterious and unpredictable Chaos Lord. . Since ancient times, there are probably tens of millions, or even billions, of Taoist masters who have died due to the fluctuations of his avenue because they violated their oaths! There are even rumors that there are beings at the end of the avenue who have also been punished for violating their oaths. The Chaos Lord’s avenue wavering obliterates it.”

Yuan Weiyang was still indifferent and just blinked his big eyes.

Seeing that she couldn't move her, the woman said: In the history of the Chaos Sea, there have been many legendary battles, all related to this Chaos Lord. It is said that trillions of years ago, there was a supremely powerful man with a physical soul magic weapon. He and Dao, both proved the original fruition status, confidently mastered all the Dao in the Sea of ​​Chaos, and challenged the Lord of Chaos. They fought in the cosmic cemetery of the Sea of ​​Chaos. That battle led to the sublimation of the universe with countless deaths in the cosmic cemetery, and the Sea of ​​Chaos. Restore youth. Since that battle, no one has seen this supremely powerful man in the Yuanshi state. Some people say that he has become a new grave in the cemetery of the universe.

Yuan Weiyang was still not interested in this and simply continued to observe the Tao Blood River.

The woman continued: The latest thing about the Chaos Lord happened 4.4 billion years ago. This time it was a powerful existence from the Great Void. He had already realized the original fruition status four times, and could create something out of nothing and create the world. .His Void Dao can even control the Void Dao power of the Chaos Sea, causing void tides.

Yuan Weiyang finally became interested and looked back, looking like he was asking for advice.

The woman's eyes were full of admiration, her face was serious, and she said: He has supreme power, but he is also kind, and he never abuses his power. He is almost omnipotent, and he is meticulous about his relatives, friends, lovers, and children. He I pity the weak and hate the powerful. This person is called Yuxu Tianzun in my great void, which means the supreme Yuanshi Zun.

Yuan Weiyang blinked: He understands the Void Avenue?

He understands.

The woman continued, He was looking for the secrets of all the ways. He once said that the great ways in the world are all the same, and this sameness is the origin of all the ways. He started his career in reincarnation, and heard that there was a Taoist friend in the sea of ​​chaos, so he came happily. Come to the meeting. Unfortunately, he was defeated and died in a battle with the Chaos Lord.

Yuan Weiyang thought of the black coffin behind Xu Ying and asked tentatively: Is this Jade Xu Tianzun buried in a black coffin?

The woman nodded lightly and said: Since then, the Chaos Lord has not appeared again. The black coffin where Yuxu Tianzun is buried is also missing. But according to my observation, the Chaos Lord has also been fatally injured.

Yuan Weiyang asked in confusion: Since you can't find the Chaos Lord, how can you observe him?

The woman smiled and said: It's very simple. Fourty-four billion years ago, in the Sea of ​​Chaos, anyone who swore an oath to the Chaos Lord and broke their oath would die under the fluctuations of the Chaos Lord's avenue. And fourty-four billion years later, Anyone who breaks the oath will die under the sound of the bell. The Chaos Lord does exist, and it is not the Chaos Bell. Why are those who break the oath eliminated by the Chaos Bell? Because of the battle between the Chaos Lord and Yuxu Tianzun, Very seriously injured!

A sharp light flashed in her eyes, like a great void that could tear apart chaos!

She looked forward, and said without a trace of murderous intent in her words: Four and four billion years have passed, and the Chaos Lord finally dared to appear again. These chaotic creatures came to pay homage to him. But his injuries must be There is no recovery. The injuries left by Yuxu Tianzun will never be healed!

Yuan Weiyang noticed her murderous intention, her heart moved slightly, and asked: How dare you call me brother?

The woman restrained her murderous intent and said with a smile: My surname is Ye, and my given name is Qi and Jinyu. People in the Taoist Alliance respect me as the master of Jinyu Temple.

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