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Chapter 954 The Lord of Chaos Appears

This sword, branded at the end of the avenue, was what Xu Ying saw when he was practicing the Dao of Reincarnation, hanging on the back of a tall and rough figure.

And this figure, surrounded by nine reincarnations, stood like a huge shadow behind Gu Daosheng and others.

That scene once gave Xu Ying a great shock, making him realize that there are strong and weak people at the end of the road, as well as high and low roads.

And now, the long knife was disconnected and inserted in front of them!

An unimaginable sword energy rushed towards his face, full and strong, filling every corner of time and space, the past and the future.

There is a spirit hidden in that sword energy, full of vigor, fighting against heaven and earth, never admitting defeat, never admitting defeat!

When Xu Ying came into contact with that sword energy, he immediately felt like a great era was coming, which made his blood boil!

I saw this knife at the end of the avenue, which shows that although the knife is broken, it is still alive.

When Xu Ying thought of this, he suddenly noticed that the black coffin behind him was about to move and wanted to leave, as if he didn't want to stay here.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Why did the Chaos Bell bring us here? Could it be that the existence in the black coffin has some connection with the owner of this knife?

Yuan Weiyang looked up at the knife. After a moment, she turned back to look at the Great Rift Valley of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and said softly: Aying, look, the direction of this blade seems to be the trend of the Great Rift Valley.

Xu Ying woke up, looked at the broken knife, and then looked at the Great Rift Valley of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Sure enough, the direction of the blade was the direction in which the Great Rift Valley extended.

However, this Great Rift Valley has almost torn apart the Sea of ​​Chaos, stretching for countless billions of miles. It has crammed in all the universes under the jurisdiction of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and I am afraid that it will not be able to fill it up!

Are these natural chasms created by human effort?

Xu Ying tried to imagine the power of this sword, but even if he exhausted his imagination, it was difficult to imagine the brilliant scene of this sword.

Weiyang, can your Void Avenue tear apart the Sea of ​​Chaos? he asked.

It can be torn apart, but it's nowhere near as big or as long as this rift.

Yuan Weiyang shook his head and said, And the void will soon be suppressed by the Sea of ​​Chaos and closed again. I cannot leave such a crack in the Sea of ​​Chaos forever.

Xu Ying exhaled a breath of turbid air. If the Chaos Sea Rift Valley was really man-made, then this person's combat power would have reached a level beyond his imagination!

At this moment, the Chaos Bell flew down and turned into a yellow bell that was less than a foot tall.

Behind Xu Ying, the black coffin suddenly released the chains that bound Xu Ying and floated in the air, confronting the yellow bell.

The two treasures seemed to have known each other for a long time and had a grudge. Now that Black Coffin was cornered, he simply planned to fight Huang Zhong to the death.

Murderous intent gradually arose all around.

Now there are many marks on the Chaos Bell, which are the marks left by the Nine Halls of the Dao Alliance and Emperor Chen. The injury on this bell seems to be serious, not as good as before.

Since Black Coffin kidnapped Xu Ying, he has not been injured again. It can be said that he is waiting for work.

However, the two treasures were not taken immediately.

The black coffin is just a coffin. It is afraid of the power of the Chaos Bell, and the Chaos Bell is also afraid of the people in the coffin.

Xu Ying quietly glanced at Yuan Weiyang, Yuan Weiyang understood, and the two of them walked towards the broken knife without saying a word.

Whether it is the black coffin or the chaos clock, they are far beyond what they can deal with. If these two rare treasures are used, it will definitely affect them, the two fishes in the pond.

In the scene, only behind the broken knife is the safe place!

Suddenly, the broken sword emitted a monstrous sword energy, trying to split the two of them apart. It was extremely dangerous!

But fortunately, the murderous intent emitted by this broken knife was not aimed at them.

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang breathed a sigh of relief, but then they realized that Broken Blade's murderous intention was actually aimed at the black coffin!

The Broken Knife, Chaos Bell and Black Coffin formed a two-on-one pincer attack!

But Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were right in the center of the attack!

The two of them froze in place, not daring to move.

The black coffin fought against the Chaos Bell and the Broken Knife, and its alien aura became stronger and stronger. The aura coming from the Broken Knife and the Chaos Bell gradually increased, making Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang's muscles crackle.

Without thinking, Yuan Weiyang immediately activated the Void Avenue. However, as soon as the Void unfolded, it was suppressed by the three great treasures and was completely closed. It was so thin that it had no thickness!

Yuan Weiyang felt a chill in his heart.

The sea of ​​chaos suppresses the void, and can even form amber substances and amber zones. And these three treasures were so powerful that they directly flattened the void, making her, the Taoist Master of the void, completely useless!

Xu Ying suddenly laughed loudly, full of energy, and said loudly: Lord of Chaos, I promise to come and see you!

Yuan Weiyang suddenly woke up and secretly praised his cleverness: The Chaos Bell is the Chaos Lord's bell. When the Chaos Bell comes here, the Chaos Lord will naturally be nearby! As long as the Chaos Lord comes forward, we will be safe.

There was no answer.

Xu Ying encouraged all his cultivation, and his voice turned into the sound of Taoism, which spread throughout the countryside, and said loudly: Xu Ying, a Sanye Sanye, was invited to come and ask to see the Lord of Chaos.

Still no one answered.

Xu Ying's heart sank: The Chaos Lord is not here.

He looked at the Chaos Clock, the Broken Knife and the Black Coffin, suddenly burst into laughter, and said loudly: Brother Coffin Dao, Brother Zhong Dao, and Brother Sword Dao, I have something to say. These three Dao brothers are all the greatest treasures in the world, and they have unparalleled abilities. Mighty and unrivaled in the past, they galloped across the sea of ​​chaos and commanded the wind and clouds. The three Taoist brothers stood at the end of the road, admired by countless descendants. If the three of them are so amazing and decisive, how can they be here to engage in ordinary magic weapons and unkempt battles? If the three Taoist brothers were killed or injured, wouldn't they be laughed at by hundreds of millions of magic weapons and descendants?

Yuan Weiyang was quite happy: Ah Ying, haven't you read in vain these years?

As soon as Xu Ying said this, the burning murderous aura of the three magic weapons subsided a little.

Suddenly, the black coffin flew over and was still hanging on Xu Ying's back. The Chaos Bell also flew over and hung above Xu Ying's head.

And the broken knife suddenly clanked, shrank sharply, flew out with a hiss, and the handle fell into Xu Ying's palm.

Xu Ying holds the sword in his hand, has the Chaos Bell on his head, carries a black coffin on his back, and is armed with a treasure. In his current state, even Di Chen can definitely fight, but he feels terrified in his heart.

He could feel that this broken knife could control him to wipe his neck at any time, and that the Chaos Bell could fall at any time, shaking everything under the clock into dust.

The black coffin wrapped Xu Ying in chains, as if kidnapping him as a hostage. ——Although Xu Ying felt that neither the Chaos Clock nor the Broken Knife cared whether it would destroy the vote.

Suddenly, Duandao raised Xu Ying's hand and pointed forward.

The Chaos Bell also emitted a clear chime, seeming to agree with the direction pointed by the Broken Knife. Only Black Coffin seemed quite unhappy, and the chains wrapped around Xu Ying tightened slightly.

Xu Ying followed the direction of the broken knife and walked forward.

Yuan Weiyang came to him and whispered: Ah Ying, there seems to be some deep hatred between these three treasures. You have been in contact with them for a long time, do you know anything?

Xu Ying's consciousness fluctuated and he said via voice: I don't know either. I only know that there is a person in the coffin who came from overseas. This person practices a different way. He is powerful and powerful. He can create something out of nothing, open up the world, and open up the universe in the sea of ​​chaos. , collect Yuanshi Daoqi. The person said that he was harmed by others, but if his name is called, he will be resurrected.

Yuan Weiyang thought for a while and said: Do you think it is possible that the opponent of this overseas visitor is the Chaos Lord? In the battle between the two of them, they both suffered losses and died together. The Chaos Lord's sword is buried here, and the overseas visitor is buried in the coffin. middle.

Xu Ying kept walking and thought: It is indeed possible. However, the owner of this sword is a reincarnation master. I have seen him at the end of the road. What he uses is not the Chaos Clock.

Yuan Weiyang wondered: Where does the Chaos Bell come from?

Xu Ying guessed: Maybe the overseas visitors and the owner of the magic sword are not the Chaos Lord, but someone else. The Chaos Lord's magic weapon is this bell.

Yuan Weiyang was puzzled: If so, what is the relationship between the three of them? Why is there no sign of the Chaos Lord?

Xu Ying couldn't answer.

Suddenly he stopped and looked forward, only to see a long river running ahead. What was running in that long river was not water, but blood!

It was extremely pure Dao blood, and the glow of sunlight transpired in the blood, reflecting different colors.

The river of blood is surging, and the Dao Qi is awe-inspiring.

The path is like reincarnation, but this reincarnation is not like the reincarnation that Xu Ying has seen and learned in the past. It actually includes various other avenues, all of which reach an end, which is unbelievable.

What’s even more amazing is that thousands of avenues change all the time, creating things out of nothing and evolving into various avenues that have never been heard before!

The cultivation level of this blood master is really unpredictable. Is this the Yuanshi realm mentioned by Qin Luan Daozu? Xu Ying couldn't help but have reverie in his heart.

In the past, when he first came into contact with the realm of the end of the avenue, he thought that the end of the avenue was the end of practice. However, Qin Luan's ancient book mentions the realm of Yuanshi, and there is also a stone statue of the Yuanshi Yuanshen in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

And there is also the mysterious Yuanshi Dao Qi in the black coffin!

All this means that the end of the road may not be the end of practice. Forefathers such as Taoist Qin Luan have discovered another realm!

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang came to the Blood River. The river was filled with a bright glow, and the rich Dao Qi forced them to not get close!

This is a long river transformed by Dao blood. It can be called a rare treasure. If it were taken to the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty or the Dao Alliance, I'm afraid someone would rob it of its head!

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang did not try to collect the blood river. The existence at the end of the road has many supernatural features, not to mention that the blood river may not be the blood at the end of the road.

This kind of cause and effect should not be contaminated.

The Tao in this long river is unpredictable. It will continue to change forever and endlessly. From it, we can understand many principles of the acquired Tao.

Xu Ying unconsciously slowed down and observed the river of blood, gaining new insights every moment.

He has cultivated the acquired avenue to the realm of Tao master. At this point, it is far more difficult than before to continue to expand the acquired avenue.

He must travel around, looking for different universes, looking for different innate avenues, and integrating into the acquired world. You can imagine how difficult it is.

And the changes in the avenue contained in this long river of blood gave him great enlightenment!


The bell rang, urging him forward.

Xu Ying recovered his mind and continued walking along the river bank. Yuan Weiyang was also attracted by the Daoxue River. He did not follow for a while, but stood on the river bank and continued to comprehend.

The ringing of the Chaos Clock just now only woke up Xu Ying, not her.

Xu Ying stopped and planned to wait for her to come. The broken knife in his hand raised again and pointed forward.

Xu Ying had no choice but to move on.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that on both sides of the Great Rift Valley of the Chaos Sea, huge chaotic creatures were swimming in the energy of chaos.

These creatures looked like turtles but not turtles, and looked like tortoises but not turtles. They followed his footsteps and swam, but they did not leave the Qi of Chaos.

Xu Ying was surprised and continued to move forward. After he walked through the long river of blood, he saw another pair of huge footprints in front of him. The footprints were very deep and pressed the energy of chaos into stone, turning it into a huge chaotic stone. !

Although Xu Ying has traveled many universes, he has never seen anything like the Chaos Stone. He walked on the edge of the footprints and saw that the footprints left many skin textures. The shape of these textures is very strange, it is the shape of a human head and a snake body, carrying the great road!

Head of a human and body of a snake...

Xu Ying continued to move forward, but saw that the surroundings became brighter, and huge halos of reincarnation were pierced into the chaotic rocks, and some were pierced into the chaotic sea, which was extremely messy.

Is this the place where the existence of the nine reincarnations fight?

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the Sea of ​​Chaos had become filled with strange holes and chaotic mountains formed by various solidified chaotic rocks. In addition, there were various Dao Qi,

Even Yuanshi Daoqi actually has one.

Chaos sacred mountains came into Xu Ying's eyes. Various Dao Qi were transformed into spiritual springs or waterfalls in the mountains. There were also innate immortal spiritual lights turning into strange chaotic spiritual roots in the mountains, just like ordinary Fruit trees, grass, and flowers dot these chaotic mountains.

These chaotic sacred mountains are not high, but because they are solidified by the energy of chaos, they are extremely solid and also extremely heavy.

Xu Ying estimated that if a chaotic sacred mountain was opened, it could turn into several universes!

Among the mountains, there is a mountain that is the highest, and it actually has chaos jade as steps, all the way from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

There is an Immortal Palace on the mountain, which is also made of chaotic strange stones and decorated with pearls and jade, which is quite beautiful.

This is the place where the Chaos Lord lives!

Xu Ying looked solemn, looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose. He abandoned distracting thoughts, climbed up the steps, and walked towards the immortal palace.

At the same time, chaos creatures swam out of the Chaos Sea one after another. They swam out of the Chaos Qi and landed on the shore from the moment they stepped onto the Chaos Stone.

Chaos creatures landed on the ground one after another, and each transformed into a strange person with an ancient appearance. There were men and women, old and young, with different heights, fatness and thinness.

There are all kinds of strange halos behind their heads, and the Tao Dharma is so profound that when they move their feet, they can see the light of the Tao as the road, paving a road to the end.

They followed Xu Ying, step by step, climbing to the top of the mountain.

It's just that Xu Ying is ninety-nine steps ahead, and the distance between them and Xu Ying is always ninety-nine steps away.

At the same time, many chaotic creatures swam out of the cliff one after another, appeared in mid-air, and fell down one by one lightly, also landing on the stone steps.

Xu Ying also noticed them and thought to himself: They are also here to pay homage to the Chaos Lord.

Finally, he climbed up the Chaos God Mountain, followed the path under his feet, and arrived in front of the Immortal Palace.

Disciple Xu Ying, please see the Chaos Lord. Xu Ying bowed outside the hall.

Behind him, the strange people transformed by the chaotic creatures stopped one after another.

The portal to the Immortal Palace was opened, but there was no response from inside.

Xu Ying waited for a moment and spoke again, but still no one answered.

While he was about to say more, the bell suddenly rang, and Xu Ying couldn't help but walk into the palace. When he regained his mobility, he saw that he was already sitting on the throne in the upper hall of this immortal palace.

He was just astonished when, at this moment, loud voices came from outside the hall.

Disciple Ziyang Daojun!

Disciple Chongxu Daojun!

Disciple Tongmiao Dao Lord!

Disciple Dongyuan Daojun!

Disciple Baohua Daojun!

A trumpet sounded, and thousands of voices turned into the same torrent.

See Chaos Lord!

On the throne, Xu Ying was stunned. When he raised his head, he saw countless strange people transformed from chaotic creatures paying homage to him.

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