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Chapter 953 The source of the cracks in the Chaos Sea

Jiang Ziliu is the master of the Cause and Effect Palace of the Dao Alliance, and Dao Xian is the master of the Luck Palace of the Dao Alliance. One of them is at the end of the Cause and Effect Avenue, and the other is at the end of the Destiny Avenue. Their vision and experience cannot be said to be unique, but they are not trivial either. .

Even if they have never seen all kinds of strange things in the Chaos Sea, they have heard about them.

But what they saw in front of them surpassed their cognition and subverted their cognition.

Leave quickly! Jiang Ziliu shouted.

Palace Master Daoxian said in a hoarse voice: Dear Daoist Jiang, have you forgotten? We have been in the sea of ​​chaos. Daoji and the others are surrounding us and have never moved.

Jiang Ziliu was sweating coldly, and then he remembered that after repelling Di Chen, they looked towards the past along the promised line of karma and calamity, but they themselves did not move.

However, the scene in front of them seemed as if they had already left that sea area and came to an endless sea of ​​​​dao composed of Hongmeng Qi.

This Dao Sea is similar to the Sea of ​​Chaos, it is also vast and shows mirror image symmetry.

At this moment, the two noticed that the mirror image and the real world began to overlap, and the front and back began to merge into one.

The two palace masters' scalps went numb and they immediately ran away, but it was too late. When Jiang Ziliu was running away, he saw the same figure flashing in front of him, but he saw another Jiang Ziliu coming towards him!

The same is the avenue of cause and effect, and the same is the end of the path of cause and effect, but the two avenues of cause and effect are completely different!

On the other side, Palace Master Daoxian also saw another version of himself rushing towards him. He was also on the path of calamity and luck, and he was also on the path of calamity and destiny. However, the Dao Xian on the opposite side was completely opposite to the path of calamity he had practiced!

If ordinary people saw this scene, it would be fine, but Dao Xian and Jiang Ziliu were the end of the road to disaster and cause and effect respectively!

One can imagine the impact this scene had on them!

Two fellow Taoists, aren't you awake yet?

Ling Xi, Guo Shoudao and others each frowned. Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian checked Xu Ying's fate. It had been a long time, but there was still no movement, which made them slightly uneasy. King Miao Shengzhen stepped forward and said, Friend Daoist Jiang and Palace Master Daoxian, what did you two see?

Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian were motionless, as if they were dead.

Dao Ji and the others knew something was wrong and said in a deep voice: Let's leave quickly!

Just as he said this, the bell suddenly rang, and then the surrounding chaotic sea water suddenly expanded in all directions. The energy of chaos quickly differentiated, turning into Hongmeng, Wuji, Wutai, Taiyi, and Wanmen. Tao, reincarnation arises, cause and effect arises, calamity arises, killing clangsheng!

All around them, countless stars were born rapidly, the stars receded, and the distant galaxies receded faster and faster.

There are countless stars in the starry sky forming the Milky Way, and the Milky Way converges to form the Heavenly Sea, which is infinite and boundless.

Dao Ji and others looked around, confused and confused. This universe came out of nowhere and they couldn't figure it out.

Something bad happened!

Guo Shoudao, the master of Hongmeng Palace, suddenly changed his expression and shouted, We may be inside the clock! This universe is the time and space inside the clock!

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

At this time, a huge bell was holding them upside down, and they were included in the bell. They were moving in the Sea of ​​Chaos, flying towards the Great Rift Valley of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Inside the clock, Dao Ji and others immediately stood up and galloped towards the edge of the universe.

The Chaos Bell roamed across the Chaos Sea, and many people in the Nine Halls of the Dao Alliance had seen the moment when it burst out with power.

When the power of the bell explodes, the surface of the bell will show the emergence and evolution of the universe from chaos!

But no one has ever been inside the clock!

Everyone took Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian, while Gu Daosheng took Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang, and everyone rushed to the edge of the universe at lightning speed. However, in front of them, the infinite starry sky continues to grow, endless!

The Chaos Clock is just a magic weapon after all. It doesn't know how to change it.

King Miao Shengzhen immediately activated the Taiyi Avenue, trying to master the countless avenues of heaven and earth in the universe inside the bell, and said with a smile, It swallowed us into the bell, but gave us the opportunity to break it!

He has already reached the end of his practice of the Great Way of Taiyi, and his Taoism is so profound that he can master the great ways of heaven and earth in the universe in an instant.

Upon seeing this, the master of Lingxi Hall followed suit, mastering the five great ways of the universe within the clock, and unifying them as Wuji. He smiled and said: This bell has repeatedly opposed our Taoist alliance, and now it has finally fallen into our hands!

Guo Shoudao also activated the Hongmeng Avenue and controlled the Hongmeng of the universe in the clock. He smiled and said: Tit for retaliation. It killed countless disciples and fellow Taoists of our Taoist Alliance, and now it is not happy with the retribution!

As he spoke, Daoxuan, the Daoxuan of the Killing Kung Fu, the Hall of Chaos, and the Silence of the Dao, each activated their Taoism and mastered the innate avenue of the universe within the clock.

Only Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian did not move.

Gu Daosheng also screamed, and the circle of reincarnation expanded again and again, and in an instant he controlled the avenue of reincarnation in the universe within the clock.

But the next moment, he realized that his reincarnation loop was starting to get out of control, and his own reincarnation avenue was attacking in the opposite direction!

Gu Daosheng knew something was wrong and shouted loudly: Everyone, there is a scam!

As soon as he said these words, his reincarnation ring suddenly shook violently and escaped from his control!

All the avenues of reincarnation belong to the Chaos Clock, and Gu Daosheng cannot control it at all!

Everyone else, except Taoist Daoji, is like this!

Guo Shoudao, the master of Hongmeng Palace, lost Hongmeng Avenue, Ling Xi, the master of Wuji Palace, lost Wuji Dao, Miao Shengzhen King, the master of Taiyi Palace, lost Taiyi Avenue, Huntunsheng lost Chaos, and Wu Daoxuan lost Killing!

Palace Master Daoxian and Jiang Ziliu, because they didn't take any action, were safe and were not deprived of the avenue.

Gu Daosheng and others were shocked and angry. They each shouted and stood at the end of different innate avenues, fighting for control of their respective avenues!

The so-called end of the road refers to the ultimate point that a certain road can reach. There is no way forward, so it is called the end of the road.

Although there are countless avenues at the end of the world, there are really only a few truly high avenues. The Nine Innate Paths are one of the representatives.

Each of the nine Taoist alliance masters one innate path, and then develops the other eight paths based on evidence. They are definitely the top experts in the sea of ​​chaos.

They stand at the end of the avenue, in the infinite universe of the sea of ​​chaos, and their respective innate avenues are all vividly visible. No changes in the avenues of the universe can surpass them!

As long as they stand at the end of the avenue, they are invincible. It will be easy to regain their respective avenues!

But just when their respective figures appeared at the end of the road, behind them, an extremely huge shadow suddenly appeared at the same time.

That is the bell wall of the Chaos Clock. Farther away at the end of the avenue where they each stand, the huge bell wall is like an insurmountable chasm, standing behind them, making people look up to the mountains!

Guo Shoudao, Miao Shengzhenwang and others felt their scalps numb. They had never seen this Chaos Bell before on their way to the end of the road, but now, they actually saw the Chaos Bell!

This shows that their cultivation has improved and they can see the more distant end of the road.

There is heaven outside the sky, and there is a clock outside people.

All the palace masters sighed secretly and thought to themselves, The so-called end of the road is just the end of the road that we each think is our end. If the road is high enough, there is another end ahead, but it may not be visible.

At this moment, Taoist Daoji suddenly took action, and a flood of annihilation enveloped everyone.

Outside the flood source, a bell rang, but the universe inside the bell was destroyed, and everything was gone!

At the same time, the bell vibrated, almost shattering the flood source of Nirvana.

Everyone inside the bell was terrified, fearing that they would be buried in this chaos bell. Suddenly, he saw the universe inside the clock opening up again. Daoji immediately took this opportunity to activate the flood source of annihilation to escape outwards.

This is the only vitality in the Chaos Clock. Because the Chaos Clock’s avenue of annihilation has never reached the end of the avenue, the universe dies within the clock. At the moment of rebirth, there is a slight glitch in the rotation of evidence. , only to have a chance to escape.

This opportunity is fleeting. If they cannot seize it, the nine of them will be gone in a flash!

Daoji Dao's body method is extremely fast, passing through the layers of space in an instant, passing through the opening of the energy of chaos!


Gu Daosheng exclaimed in shock, Xu Ying and that high priest are still in my cycle of reincarnation!

That's too late!

Dao Ji activated the flood source of annihilation, and passed through the energy of chaos with a hiss, finally escaping from the universe inside the clock at the moment when chaos evolved into Hongmeng!

As soon as the nine of them escaped, Gu Daosheng, Guo Shoudao, Ling Xi and other palace masters increased their cultivation levels crazily. It didn't take long for their cultivation levels to recover on their own!

However, Dao Xian and Jiang Ziliu were still unconscious.

Dao Xian and fellow Daoist Jiang haven't woken up yet. I'm afraid the seven of us can't do anything about the Chaos Clock.

Guo Shoudao frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, In my opinion, we'd better wait. We'll make plans after the two fellow Taoists wake up.

Even if they didn't make any plans, there was nothing they could do, because the Chaos Clock had long gone. This sea of ​​chaos is vast and there is no trace to be found.

This time the Taoist alliance can be considered a failure.

Hun Tunsheng lost his interest and sighed, We, the Nine Palaces, were dispatched. We originally thought that we would be able to capture them, but we didn't expect that we were frustrated first by Di Chen, and then by the Chaos Bell, and the ship was out...

Although the other palace masters were not as dejected as he was, they were also quite shocked.

The Nine Xiantian Palaces have always been the symbol of the Taoist Alliance, apart from the leader of the Taoist Alliance, and their ranking is still above Jinyu Temple. But now the nine people have been frustrated one after another, which is a big blow to them.

After a long time, Dao Xian and Jiang Ziliu finally woke up. They opened their eyes, still unable to hide the look of shock.

Two fellow Taoists, what happened to you? Lingxi asked hurriedly.

Dao Xian and Jiang Ziliu each composed themselves, and then they recounted what they saw at the end of Hongmeng Avenue and the Sea of ​​Hongmeng.

Guo Shoudao originally listened with a normal expression, not paying attention to what the two said about the existence of the end of the Hongmeng Dao. However, the two mentioned that the figure was boundless and vast, and the Hongmeng was like a mirror, reflecting each other, and that there were opposites in the various avenues. Then his expression suddenly changed.

Who is that?

Guo Shoudao was in despair, and suddenly he stood at the end of Hongmeng Avenue, trying his best to look forward. However, with all his eyesight, he could not see the majestic figure in the purple, nor did he see Hongshang.

I haven't gone as far as that person. In addition, I haven't understood the principle that Hongmeng is one and the avenues reflect each other, so I am further away from that person.

He wanted to seek the Tao and wanted to visit that existence, but on the way to the end of the Tao, he couldn't see it, let alone visit it.

The two of us investigated the karmic fate promised by Xu Ying, and saw how Hongmeng Daojin opened up the Hunyuan Universe in the Sea of ​​Chaos when he was young.

Jiang Ziliu said, When we took a closer look, we were noticed by Hongmeng Daojin. We each fought with our mirror images. After going through life and death, we narrowly escaped.

He sounded calm and calm, but in reality it was extremely dangerous.

Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian in the mirror image each have the same Taoism and cultivation as them, and their Taoism and magical powers are even more bizarre, completely opposite to them.

This kind of opposite is a complete opposite, everything is reversed, even the particles that make up Dao Qi move in the opposite direction.

If you fight against yourself like this, if you are not careful, you will be dead!

The Lord of Lingxi Palace asked curiously: How can you confirm that it is the real you who come back and not the you in the mirror?

Dao Xian and Jiang Ziliu had a sudden thought.

Lord Lingxi said: How do you know that you are not the mirror image? Maybe you are the mirror image. You killed the real you, but when you came back, you thought you were the real you...

Hutunsheng hurriedly pulled her sleeves and signaled her to stop talking.

Taoist Daoji said calmly: What they experienced was just a battle of consciousness. What difference does it make whether the person who comes back alive is the mirror image or the real body?

What he said was quite ruthless, but it was also reasonable.

Dao Xian and Jiang Ziliu only had a life-and-death fight with their mirrored selves in their consciousness. Their bodies and avenues were still here, untouched. Even if the mirrored image returned, to the Dao Alliance, the two palace masters had not changed. Pass.

Probably the only person who will be sad is the real person who was killed, but if the real person is dead, how can he be sad?

Jiang Ziliu was the first to figure this out, and simply did not investigate whether he was himself or a mirror image, and said: Ashamed. This time, the two of us failed to explore the source of Xu Ying and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty's karma. But we can contact the cause and effect. It was a chaos lotus and a newly born flood source that ruined the fortune.

Dao Xian said: The Hongmeng Taoist master is too high, and he may have some karma, but he has hidden it.

Guo Shoudao muttered: That Hongmeng Daojin's abilities are infinitely better than mine, so we don't need to pay attention to him. As long as we find Xu Ying and let him take out the Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan, everything will be clear.

Gu Daosheng sighed: But Xu Ying was abducted by the Chaos Bell, and the universe inside the bell was annihilated. I'm afraid that Xu Ying and the Grand Sacrificial Wine will be wiped out together.

King Miao Sheng shook his head and said: Xu Ying should not die. The black coffin on his back is still there. If his life is threatened, how can this coffin sit still and watch? The question now is, where will Xu Ying be taken by the Chaos Bell? How? How can we find him?

The Chaos Bell quietly passed through the sea of ​​chaos. Many strange things happened in the undercurrent of the sea of ​​chaos, but none of them could shake this big bell.

Finally, the big bell flew to the Great Rift Valley of the Chaos Sea and flew into the rift valley.

This rift valley is countless millions of miles long and millions of miles deep. The Chaos Sea seems to be separated by it. At this point, the Chaos Sea has left and right, up and down.

On both sides of the rift valley, the energy of chaos fell like a waterfall, making a roaring sound.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang noticed that the Chaos Clock suddenly stopped, and then they flew out of the universe inside the clock involuntarily.

When Xu Ying landed on the ground, before he could salute the Chaos Bell, he saw a huge broken knife stuck on the ground. The handle of the knife penetrated the sky, and the blade was as sharp as a clear water.

Xu Ying has seen this knife before.

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