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Chapter 952 Mr. Hongmeng

The moment the formation of the eight palace masters of the Dao Alliance was broken, Di Chen came from the sea of ​​chaos, with a palm like the Heavenly Seal of the Hunyuan Dao, and stamped his palm on the bell wall!

The Chaos Bell was spun and flew out, and Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang fell from the mouth of the bell.

As the chaos clock rotated, it suddenly became larger and sometimes smaller, removing all of Di Chen's power.

One person and one clock are galloping in the sea of ​​chaos, two and two colliding.

Di Chen was originally not the opponent of Chaos Bell. The last time they met in the Sea of ​​Chaos, even if he added the Tianxi of Hunyuan Dao, he could barely protect himself against Chaos Bell.

But at this time, he received the power of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, and Yuan Weiyang borrowed the Yuanshi Dao Qi to complete the Hunyuan Universe, so that his strength skyrocketed, and he could compete with the Chaos Clock, but he did not fall behind!

Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang fell from the bell, Xu Ying whispered: Don't move!

The two of them stood still when they suddenly saw an extremely thick ring of reincarnation cut through the sea of ​​chaos and included the two of them into the ring of reincarnation!

Gu Daosheng stood in the circle of reincarnation, with a huge body. When he raised his hand, he could see that the sea of ​​chaos around him was almost boiling. The energy of chaos actually began to follow Hongmeng, Wuji, and Taiyi, and finally stabilized into an extremely beautiful circle of reincarnation!

This scene is like reincarnation in the sea of ​​chaos, so magnificent!

Although Gu Daosheng was like a Confucian scholar, he was gentle and gentle, but at this moment he used the power of Samsara to the extreme and left with Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang!

The other seven palace masters followed closely behind, covering him and leaving first.

Suddenly, the Chaos Bell shook back Di Chen and rushed towards them. Jiang Ziliu, Hun Tunsheng, Guo Shoudao, Miao Shengzhenwang and other seven people were about to form a formation to resist, but at this time they found that without Gu Daosheng, it was difficult to rely on evidence.

They can only be based on the evidence of chaos, Hongmeng, Wuji, and Taiyi, as well as the evidence of cause and effect, disaster, and killing.

It would be extremely dangerous to fight the Chaos Bell in this formation.

Suddenly, Gu Daosheng returned and joined the battle. The auras of the eight palace masters surged. Headed by Hutunsheng, they pushed forward with both palms to meet the Chaos Bell!


The moment the Chaos Clock touched them, the breath of the eight palace masters steamed, and each of them became unstable and fell backwards.

Especially Hun Tunsheng, his hands and fingers were dripping with blood, his muscles were completely broken, and his bones were visible!

The Chaos Bell collided again, and Hun Tunsheng yelled, and the nine evidences in his body were repeated, and the injury was healed. The other seven hall masters each also had nine evidences, and formed a formation in their strongest state. This time, the evidence is based on Guo Shoudao, the master of Hongmeng Palace, and he is used as the vanguard to fight against the Chaos Clock!

The moment Guo Shoudao touched the Chaos Bell, he felt that the avenue was about to explode and it was difficult to maintain the formation.

The bells of the Chaos Clock followed closely behind and struck, turning all avenues into powder wherever they passed!

Guo Shoudao couldn't continue, so he immediately followed the evidence to the Wuji Dao. The master of Lingxi Hall immediately greeted him, but the bell was so loud and the impact was so overbearing that she was seriously injured as soon as she came into contact with it!

The formation changed, and it was replaced by the Miao Sheng True King of Taiyi Palace. However, when it encountered the impact of the Chaos Bell, it was also damaged immediately.

Eight people formed a formation, running rapidly in the sea of ​​chaos while fighting against the Chaos Bell. However, in just a short moment, each of the eight people were injured, and they were suppressed by the Chaos Bell and were unable to form a formation!

It's a pity that without Dao Ji, if he were here, we could form a complete nine-path evidence-based formation and compete with Chaos Bell and Di Chen! Eight people thought at the same time.

Seeing that the great formation was about to be destroyed, suddenly a figure cut into the formation of eight people, immediately completing the great formation based on the nine innate evidences!

Brother Daoji!

The eight people were surprised and happy. They hurriedly looked at the extra person and couldn't help but be surprised. I saw that the person who came was handsome and majestic, with the appearance of an emperor and a suave demeanor. He was none other than Di Chen.

Di Chen took up Dao Ji's position and actually displayed the nearly perfect Avenue of Nirvana, unifying the avenues of the eight palace masters!

Although his Way of Nirvana is not as perfect as that of Taoist Taoist Daoji, and the Way of Nirvana is only infinitely close to the end of the Tao, but he has not been able to complete it, his cultivation is incomparably majestic!

Di Chen mastered the cultivation of the other eight people in one fell swoop, and struck out with a light palm. He heard the Chaos Clock make a loud clang, and the surrounding Chaos Sea was emptied!

Di Chen slapped the Chaos Bell with one palm after another. There were actually deep palm prints dented on the wall of the big clock!

Even though the Chaos Bell was galloping through the Chaos Sea, it couldn't hold it any longer and flew away upside down.

Di Chen defeated the Chaos Bell, immediately cut off the nine evidence-based formations, and turned to face Hun Tunsheng and the other eight palace masters.

Emperor Chen's five command blows were like plucking invisible strings, directly striking Huntunsheng.

When Guo Shoudao, Ling Xi, Miao Sheng and others saw this, they immediately staggered their bodies and arranged their formation with Huntunsheng as the center.

Hun Tunsheng received their help and gathered the power of eight people, and his combat power increased sharply. However, in the first round of the confrontation with Di Chen, his magical power was broken. Di Chen's five fingers landed on his chest one after another, from thumb to little finger. , press on his first rib to fifth rib.

When Di Chen's five fingers landed on his five ribs, they seemed to fall on the strings of a piano, bursting out five notes.

Huntunsheng coughed up blood, five ribs were broken, and he could not bear any serious injuries.

Di Chen did not kill him. After breaking five of his ribs with his right hand, he gently swung his right hand to meet Guo Shoudao's Hongmeng palm.

Guo Shoudao immediately noticed that a majestic power burst out from Di Chen's palm, even more powerful than his own Hongmeng Dao power!

Those are eighteen innate spiritual roots, integrated into the Hunyuan, which are the foundation of the universe and the lord of all ways!

Hongmeng Spirit Transformation Root, I also know this kind of ability, and I know even more!

The spiritual light burst out from Guo Shoudao's palm, turning into thousands of innate spiritual treasures and chaotic spiritual roots, welcoming God Chen's palm.

However, the moment the two palms collided, Guo Shoudao saw that all the thousands of spiritual treasures transformed by his Hongmeng Dao power were useless and were broken one after another!

He groaned, fell on his back, and thought to himself: The end of Hongmeng Road, it turns out that I am not the first, and I haven't reached the end of the road yet...

Those eighteen innate spiritual roots form the power of Hongmeng Hunyuan, which is beyond his ability to break.

In the blink of an eye, two of the eight palace masters had been defeated. The evidence-based formations of the remaining six palace masters were even less powerful and naturally could not stop Di Chen.

Gu Daosheng gritted his teeth and was about to hand over Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang when he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming and stepping into the formation, just to make up for the missing Avenue of Nirvana.


Brother Daoji!

The hall masters were both surprised and delighted. The person who came was none other than Taoist Daoji, the master of the Taoist Alliance's Temple of Annihilation. His arrival just completed the nine-path evidence-based formation.

Even Hun Tunsheng and Guo Shoudao, who were seriously injured, were in high spirits at this moment, suppressing their injuries and trying hard to maintain the formation unbreakable.

Di Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, stepped forward, and finally used his hands, with his fingers like twisting flowers, to attack Daoji with strange sealing techniques.

Dao Ji's face was as calm as ever, and his body was like a huge source of annihilation. He raised his hand to welcome Di Chen's magical power.

Di Chen's terrifying and boundless Dao power came rushing towards him, but with the movement of the nine evidence-based formations, his power suddenly turned from annihilation to chaos, and from chaos to grand mist. After all this evidence-based work, when he returned to Dao Ji's body , Taoji can already bear it.

Not only that, Di Chen also noticed that the power of the Lord of the Nine Halls of the Dao Alliance had increased a lot because of this!

He attacked three times in a row and changed three types of seals. The last seal was like the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi, but it was still taken by Dao Ji and other nine people!

The counterattack force of the nine palace masters even made it difficult for him.

Di Chen remained calm and retreated. He distanced himself from the Nine Paths Evidence-Based Formation and said calmly: As expected of the Master of the Nine Halls of the Dao Alliance, each has his or her own abilities. Together, they are the perfect Nine-Path Evidence-Based Formation. .The Tao Alliance Leader’s strength is nothing more than this.”

He calmly calmed down Dao Ji, Lingxi and others, and did not dare to continue fighting with him.

Di Chen looked at Gu Daosheng and said leisurely: Fellow Taoist Xu, for your own safety, you might as well go with the Taoist Alliance. But please don't forget that you will return to the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty in the future.

He turned and left: After all, you are the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, and you still have to take control of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty before I die.

His figure disappeared into the depths of the Chaos Sea, leaving only the nine Taoist Alliance Palace Masters looking at each other.

Fellow Daoist Xu is the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor?

Jiang Ziliu frowned slightly and said, The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and our Taoist sect have always had disputes. Since he is the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, do our Taoist alliance still want to take him back to the Great Sky Ming Realm? Or should we eradicate it now?

Palace Master Daoxian shook his head and said: Although Di Chen said that Xu Daoyou is the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor, he is not the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor yet after all. It is very difficult to say what will happen in the future.

The other palace masters were hesitant.

They couldn't see Xu Ying's future, and even if Xu Ying urged Hui Zhao Dharma, they couldn't see their own future.

Taoist Daoji suggested: Why not check the cause and effect and misfortune between him and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

Hearing this, Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian each mobilized their magic power and mobilized their magical powers. The cause and effect were based on evidence of calamity, and the calamity reversed the cause and effect, forming a cycle of the end of the Tao!

The two palace masters' spiritual skills skyrocketed, their eyes were like lightning, and they looked at Xu Ying in the circle of reincarnation.

At this moment, in Gu Daosheng's reincarnation circle, Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were sitting out of thin air. There were teapots and cups between them. They were sipping fragrant tea, which was the fairy tea collected from the three realms. Xu Ying's disciples were happy to honor him. Treasure.

Yuan Weiyang noticed the insight of the two palace masters and frowned slightly. Xu Ying shook his head gently and said: Don't move. Let them go.

Yuan Weiyang sent a message: I'm worried that they will see something.

Xu Ying said with a smile: I can't see anything myself. If they can see some karma, it may not be a bad thing for me. Besides, the accident is not over yet, and everything is not known yet.

As soon as he said this, Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian had already clearly examined the fate of Xu Ying and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Their expressions suddenly changed, and they saw an extremely strong causal line connecting Xu Ying to the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Xu Ying himself is already a Taoist, and ordinary people cannot see his fate of cause and effect. In a sense, the Taoist's cause and effect is not imposed on him, so he cannot see the cause and effect. However, for the two palace masters, the so-called cause and effect does not apply to the body, but it is just that the Tao master cannot see where the cause and effect is.

One of them is the end of the path of cause and effect, the other is the end of the path of calamity. They are both extremely powerful people who have practiced the Nine Paths of Evidence. They understand the nature of cause and effect and calamity, and they know that even the existence of the end of the road cannot be cut off. Cause and effect and getting rid of bad luck.

Promise is connected to the cause and effect and calamity of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. It does not come from now, but from somewhere outside the Chaos Sea, and it happened eight thousand years ago.

The two of them looked along this line of karma and calamity, and immediately saw the scene eight thousand years ago.

A chaotic lotus suddenly bloomed at the edge of the universe on the other side, and there was another young flood source in the chaotic sea!

Wait a minute, how do these Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan have anything to do with the misfortune of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

The two palace masters were even more surprised. Chaos spiritual roots were born all the time in the Chaos Sea, and it was not surprising at all for young Hong Yuan.

Moreover, the Chaos Lotus and the young Hong Yuan clearly appeared on the outskirts of the Chaos Sea and had no connection with the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Why did they establish such strong cause and effect and calamity through the promise?

Fellow Daoist Jiang, I'm afraid there is another mystery behind this!

Dao Xian's eyes flashed and he said, Since we have found it here, we might as well search deeper, maybe we will find something.

Jiang Ziliu nodded.

The two palace masters followed this line of cause and effect and traced back to the more ancient times, but they saw that the sea of ​​chaos was vast and vast, time and space were chaotic, logic did not exist, and the order was reversed.

They searched hard and tracked it for trillions of years, and finally tracked down the source of this karma.

But on the ruins of an ancient universe, immeasurable amounts of time and space overlap. It is the destruction of the infinite years of the tomb universe, resulting in a catastrophe that shatters time and space into immeasurable numbers!

And among these countless numbers, there is a handsome young man who uses a unique technique to unify himself in all time and space in the past and future, and burst out a ground-breaking strike in the sea of ​​chaos!

The two palace masters had just seen this scene and were shocked in their hearts. Suddenly, they saw the spectacular scene of opening up the universe in the sea of ​​chaos dissipate, replaced by boundless purple energy.

There are red clothes hunting, swinging in the purple.

They looked up at Hongshang, and suddenly they felt that the end of Hongmeng Avenue was stretched infinitely far away!

The two of them were shocked, but they saw that the existence sitting at the end of the Hongmeng was extremely vast, and they could not see its entirety.

And at the end of Hongmeng Road, there was a glimmer of light that cut Hongmeng into two halves.

Two identical existences at the end of Hongmeng reflect each other!

The impact of this scene was so great that Jiang Ziliu and Dao Xian secretly said something bad.

The two of them have seen Guo Shoudao's Hongmeng End, and it seems to be completely different from the Hongmeng End that exists in front of them!

Especially the opponent's Hongmeng Dao shows the mutual opposition of the Dao, perfect reflection, and opposite to each other!

In other words, among all the great avenues of heaven and earth, there is a perfect opposite of the great avenue of heaven and earth!

They have never encountered this situation.

Friend Dao Jiang, we'd better leave quickly! Dao Xian said hurriedly.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly saw Hongmeng Avenue extending to their feet at some point, and they were shocked.

The Hongmeng Zi Qi under his feet actually looked a bit like a mirror. They looked down and saw another version of themselves looking down behind the mirror, observing themselves here.

Palace Master Daoxian, there may be things in this world that even we can't understand! Jiang Ziliu said in a hoarse voice.

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