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Chapter 949 Voices in the Coffin

You only need to take out the Chaos Lotus to confirm whether Second Master Lian is the missing spiritual root of the Hunyuan Universe.

Xu Ying thought of this and hesitated for a moment, but did not invite Chaos Lotus.

If the Chaos Lotus is the lost spiritual root of the Hunyuan Universe, doesn't it mean that the Chaos Lotus has the cause and effect of mending the sky, and it is necessary to use the Second Master Lian to mend the sky?

I don't believe that this outsider can have a miraculous calculation. Thousands of years later, I will come to the Hunyuan Universe, so he sent the Chaos Lotus into my hands early!

Xu Ying thought, What's more, if outsiders want to send the Chaos Lotus back to the Hunyuan Universe, why do they need to go through my hands? Just find someone to send it to you. Second Master Lian is just an ordinary Chaos Spiritual Root, it is the other side The spiritual root of the birth of the nearby annihilated universe...

Di Chen asked for the black coffin and said, Please, fellow coffin Taoist, hand over 20% of the Yuanshi Dao Qi.

According to what he said in the black coffin, the Yuanshi Dao Qi in the coffin continued to pour out. This incomparable magical Dao Qi was seen flying like smoke, gradually forming a ball, and continuously flowing in the air.

More Dao Qi flew in, making the ball of Yuanshi Dao Qi bigger and bigger.

There is a lot of Yuanshi Dao Qi in the black coffin, and 20% Dao Qi is actually a huge amount. Xu Ying has been refining Yuanshi Daoqi these days, but he has only refined 20% of it.

Gradually, the Yuanshi Dao Qi in the air became like a huge flood source of Dao Qi. It was hard to imagine how much Dao Qi was hidden in the coffin.

Although Di Chen knew that there was a lot of Dao Qi hidden in the coffin, he never thought that there were so many, and he couldn't help but be horrified.

Who is buried in this coffin? Why are there so many Yuanshi Daoqi in the coffin?

He unconsciously remembered what he saw when he opened the coffin just now. The aura coming out of the coffin was so powerful and terrifying!

The aura overflowing from the human body in the coffin made it difficult for him to resist even if he refined the power of Dao Tianxi!

Could this be the Yuanshi realm mentioned in the ancient books of Qin Luan Daozu? But why did such a powerful existence die?

Di Chen was a little confused. Who could kill such a powerful being?

However, there are too many strange and strange places in the Sea of ​​Chaos, such as the great rift valley that runs through the Sea of ​​Chaos, which was formed for unknown reasons. There are many similar places, and Di Chen also knows that his knowledge is limited, so he will not pursue it any further.

This black coffin gave him an ominous premonition. If he came into contact with it for too long and was too involved, it would probably bring disaster to the Hunyuan Universe.

Finally, Black Coffin handed over 20% of Yuanshi Dao Qi.

Di Chen breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly said: Grand sacrificial wine.

At this time, Yuan Weiyang's voice came from outside the palace: Wei Chen is here.

Xu Ying looked back and saw that Yuan Weiyang was wearing the civil official uniform of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, black clothes and red belts, a crown of virtue on his head, and a sword on his waist. He looked heroic.

The two people's eyes met, and then they looked away. Yuan Weiyang nodded slightly and saluted him, and Xu Ying also bowed slightly.

The two of them passed by each other, and Yuan Weiyang came to the front of Emperor Chen, bowed and said: Your Majesty.

Di Chen said warmly: Refining Yuanshi Dao Qi is impossible without the help of the Great Sacrifice Wine. The Void Avenue of the Great Sacrifice Wine, coupled with Yuanshi Dao Qi, is enough to complete the missing innate spiritual root in the Hunyuan Universe.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Ying couldn't help but be stunned.

He originally thought that Di Chen tried every means to seize Yuanshi Daoqi in order to allow himself to take a further step, but he did not expect that Di Chen's purpose was to complete the missing spiritual roots of the Hunyuan Universe!

This was different from his initial impression of Di Chen.

When he first encountered Di Chen, this man clearly had ulterior motives and used the Chaos Bell to severely damage Dao Tianxi, seize Dao Xing of Dao Tianxi, and claim it as his own.

In front of the major imperial clans, he admitted his selfishness and did not want to suffer for the sentient beings of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and threatened that the lives of sentient beings were not worth his own life.

Such a selfish person has now integrated the Yuanshi Dao Qi that he had won through all possible means into the Hunyuan Universe to make up for the missing spiritual roots!

This greatly changed Xu Ying's impression of Emperor Chen.

Yuan Weiyang was also slightly startled. He did not expect Di Chen to do this and bowed to accept the order.

Di Chen's eyes fell on her and Xu Ying, and he suddenly said: Fellow Daoist Xu, you are also the Taoist Master of the Void. The great sacrificial wine of my Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is also the Taoist Master of the Void. You may be able to communicate with each other.

Xu Ying looked towards Yuan Weiyang, just as Yuan Weiyang looked towards him, their eyes met, Xu Ying smiled slightly and said: I, the Taoist Master of the Void, am relatively weak. I relied on the Taoist Alliance's Fire Dates to ascend to the Taoist realm. , not as good as a large sacrifice with lots of wine. It’s just that my avenue has jumped out of the void, and I have realized the immeasurable path of acquired heaven. The void avenue is just a part of me.”

Yuan Weiyang raised her delicate eyebrows and said with a half-smile: I observe that Fellow Daoist Xu's cultivation is vigorous and his achievements are impressive. However, since Fellow Daoist Xu's Void Dao was promoted by Dao Alliance Huozao and has never witnessed the real Void, why? How dare you think that you have jumped out of the void? Isn't this a contradiction in terms?

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said: Even if the void is perfect, my way is still above the void.

Yuan Weiyang said: There is no basis for what you say. You have to see the real chapter to know the authenticity.

Xu Ying laughed and said: The so-called authentic seal still requires skill, otherwise how can it be verified?

Di Chen smiled. The words of the two Taoist Void Masters became more and more angry, and they actually wanted to test whether they were male or female.

His original intention was to let Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang fight, and he was happy to see the outcome.

It's important to refining Yuanshi Daoqi for the great sacrificial wine.

Yuan Weiyang said yes, glanced at Xu Ying indifferently, and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, please don't leave. We can communicate with you after I refine Yuanshi Daoqi.

Xu Ying said expressionlessly: I'll be with you anytime.

Di Chen walked out and said, Fellow Daoist Xu, come out and talk.

Xu Ying glanced at Yuan Weiyang, sneered, and followed Di Chen out of the Immortal Palace.

Di Chen stood outside the Immortal Palace, looking at the indestructible innate auras guarding the Imperial Capital. Even though this extremely ancient universe was supported by thousands of innate spiritual treasures, it looked old and might collapse at any time. .

If the Hunyuan Universe cannot survive this catastrophe, I am afraid it will be the same as the Tomb Universe, or even a hundred times more terrifying than the Tomb Universe. It will become a sea of ​​chaos monster that devours other universes to survive.

Di Chen recalled how he encountered the tomb universe when he was traveling, and he was still a little scared. After a moment, he calmed down and said, Fellow Daoist Xu, this fellow coffin is of great importance. You'd better not keep him around, as soon as possible. Send it back to the Sea of ​​Chaos, or you will suffer its consequences.”

Xu Ying nodded in agreement.

Although the black coffin will not harm him, the things involved in the black coffin may be extremely relevant.

How strong is the person in the black coffin? The man in the coffin was so powerful that he was killed by others. How powerful must his killer be?

Moreover, the Chaos Clock is also searching for the whereabouts of the black coffin. It would be a terrible thing if the Chaos Clock and the Chaos Lord were to target it.

Even the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty couldn't handle this kind of cause and effect, let alone Xu Ying?

It's just that the black coffin used him as a means of transportation to avoid the pursuit of the Chaos Clock, and Xu Ying was helpless for a while.

Di Chen looked into the distance and said quietly: If Emperor Zhao is alive, he will definitely not be at ease. He can no longer use the face of Emperor Zhao and will definitely turn into other faces. This person can harvest the immortal emperors of all generations, and he will definitely be able to do so. He will not miss the opportunity to harvest me. There will be a battle between me and him.

Xu Ying suddenly noticed the murderous intent coming from him, but this murderous intent was very light and was wiped off as soon as it arose.

Di Chen said: Fellow Daoist Xu is a member of the Taoist Alliance.

Xu Ying said carefully, I am a disciple of the outer sect of the Dao Alliance, but I have not yet become an inner disciple of the Dao Alliance.

Emperor Chen turned a deaf ear and thought to himself: Fellow Daoist Xu is the protector of the inner disciples of the Taoist Alliance.

Xu Ying blinked and smiled: I'm not a protector, I'm just entrusted by others. How can I be qualified to be a protector of the inner disciples? Hahaha!

Di Chen said: You took Huozao and became the Void Taoist Master. So, you are very close to the Master Jinyu. The status of the Master Jinyu is second only to the Master of the Tao Alliance.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said seriously: I definitely don't know Master Jinyu!

Di Chen thought to himself: You are a big shot, and the Taoist League values ​​you so much. It shows that they also know that you will become a great weapon in the future. The big shots of the Taoist League are the biggest enemies of our Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty...

Xu Ying smiled and said: Your Majesty is not a big shot. How can a big shot like Your Majesty be afraid of me?

well said.

Di Chen looked leisurely, However, if you can be a big shot in the Dao League, can't you be a big shot in the Chaos Immortal Dynasty?

Xu Ying pondered for a moment and then asked tentatively: Your Majesty means that as long as I am a big shot in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, you will not kill me?

Di Chen did not answer, but looked into the void. Xu Ying could still sense the vague murderous intention from him.

He was hesitating to kill me.

Xu Ying guessed Emperor Chen's thoughts and thought, He is not sure about dealing with Emperor Zhao, nor is he sure about dealing with the fate of the Hunyuan Universe, so he wants to choose a successor. He thinks that I am the best candidate for the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor. He is a good candidate, but at the same time he feels that I am a threat to his status.”

He blinked. After all, if Di Chen got rid of Di Zhao and resolved the misfortune of the Hunyuan Universe, then Xu Ying would be his competitor and a threat to his throne.

So Di Chen wants to kill me, but he doesn't want to kill me that much. Xu Ying thought to himself.

As the saying goes, accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger, and this is true when it comes to Di Chen.

This man was moody, which made Xu Ying deeply feel the danger. After all, his life and death depended on Di Chen's thoughts.

After mending the sky, look for opportunities to take Weiyang away! He thought to himself.

In the void, Yuanshi Daoqi was refined by Yuan Weiyang and turned into the power of mending the sky, causing changes in this extremely ancient universe!

Xu Ying looked around and saw an incomparable force descending from the sky, turning into boundless spiritual light. The surrounding world suddenly became distorted, as if it had returned to the state of the primitive soup at the beginning of the world.

The rolling spiritual power gathered to form a pool of spiritual light, forming lotus roots, lotus leaves, and lotus flowers.

The 20% of the Yuanshi Dao Qi that Di Chen obtained from the black coffin was actually used by Yuan Weiyang to use the Void Dao method to shape it into the founding spiritual root of the Hunyuan universe!

The Hunyuan Universe is missing a spiritual root and a piece of Yuanshi Dao Qi. At this moment, using Yuanshi Dao Qi to repair the sky, the form of that spiritual root will naturally form.

Di Chen looked up at this lotus spiritual root, his eyes a little blurry, as if he was attracted by the wonder and mystery of this spiritual root, and murmured, This is the missing Tao of my Hunyuan Universe, which has not appeared for trillions of years. Through the ages, The Immortal Emperor, including Emperor Zhao, and the two Taoist ancestors Qin and Nan, have never been seen before. But at this moment, they are placed in front of me, flawless and perfect...

He was inexplicably excited. He was excited not only for completing the Hunyuan Universe, but also for his own wisdom.

Even if others can think of mending the sky after obtaining the Yuanshi Daoqi, they often do it wrongly, and cannot truly complete the Dao that the Hunyuan Universe lacks.

Because the Dao that everyone practices has its own unique attributes, as long as you practice the Yuanshi Dao Qi, it will pollute the Dao Qi and endow it with attributes.

As long as there are different cults involved, repairing the sky will not be successful, and the repair will not be perfect.

Di Chen's wisdom lies in finding a Void Taoist like Yuan Weiyang. By taking advantage of the attributeless nature of the void and refining Yuanshi Dao Qi, and using this to mend the sky, the disappeared spiritual root of chaos can be perfectly revealed!

And the missing avenue in the Hunyuan Universe will be perfectly reappeared and completed!

To complete the missing avenue of the Hunyuan universe, as long as Di Chen understands it, he can surpass the previous Hunyuan Immortal Emperors, even surpass Di Zhao, and surpass the two ancestors of the great avenue!

Di Chen's Taoist heart was stirred, and his eyes fell on the Chaos Spiritual Root that was being formed. He was extremely intelligent, and he quickly understood the mysteries of various avenues, and his shortcomings in various avenues were immediately made up for!

His Taoism was getting higher and higher, and he suddenly had murderous intentions in his heart: If the Hunyuan Universe's Tao is perfected, the disaster of the Hunyuan Universe will be postponed for many years. My Tao will also be perfected, and Emperor Zhao will not be my opponent. My kingdom is eternal, is it necessary to keep the promise?

Xu Ying also noticed that the murderous intention coming from Di Chen's body was getting stronger and stronger, and his heart suddenly thought: If Di Chen dares to do something to me, then I will open the black coffin and wake up the corpse of that existence. Everyone No one can run away!

At this moment, the Chaos Lotus Spirit Root that was on its way suddenly rumbled and trembled, causing the void to tremble, and the void was actually pressed so hard that cracks appeared!

In the Immortal Palace, Yuan Weiyang groaned, and then the Immortal Palace was shaken so much that many cracks appeared!

These cracks are void cracks, extremely sharp, and will tear apart Taoist-level beings with just a slight touch!

Grand Sacrifice Wine, what on earth is going on? Di Chen's face changed slightly and he asked.

Your Majesty, after all, the lotus spiritual root transformed by Yuanshi Daoqi is not the lost spiritual root of Hunyuan Universe.

Yuan Weiyang stood up, walked out of the hall, and said apologetically, I have tried my best to restore the lotus spiritual root, but it can only go so far. This spiritual root can last for thousands of years in the Hunyuan Universe, but for thousands of years After that, they will be crushed by the misfortune of the Hunyuan Universe and fall into a catastrophe of destruction.

Di Chen looked at the lotus root that radiated holy light, his face uncertain. After a moment, he said: The great sacrifice of wine is a great achievement. You can go down and recuperate.

Yuan Weiyang said yes and glanced at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying said calmly: The great sacrificial wine is good for people to rest and heal their wounds. I will not take advantage of others' danger.

Di Chen stared at the lotus root and suddenly said: Fellow Daoist Xu, please leave first. But don't leave Huangji Imperial Capital.

Xu Ying said yes, turned around and left.

Not long after, he caught up with Yuan Weiyang, their eyes met, Xu Yingchuanyin smiled and said: Fortunately, Madam, she did something about damaging her spiritual roots, otherwise Di Chen would definitely kill me.

Yuan Weiyang shook his head quietly and said through the voice: I didn't do it.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought, turned back to look at the lotus spiritual root, and murmured: Will the Hunyuan Universe really be destroyed after ten thousand years?

Suddenly, a voice came from his mind: It will be destroyed, and the sky will open again.

Xu Ying trembled and said with a smile: Weiyang, you are deliberately making a manly voice to scare me, right?

Yuan Weiyang said in surprise: What man's voice?

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