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Chapter 948 The Hunyuan Universe and the Grave

Xu Ying and others' scalps were numb. Just now they could hardly control themselves and followed the voice in the coffin to roar.

The voice coming from the coffin was full of demonic nature, making even Taoist masters like them find it difficult to control themselves. They felt a name coming out of their minds.

They realized that as long as they said this name, the devil would be awakened from death and come back to the world!

This scene was so horrifying that everyone was silent and did not dare to breathe.

On the other hand, Hei Coffin was calm and composed, and no longer threatened Xu to agree, but instead bargained with Di Chen sternly.

Xu Ying knew its bargaining skills and was not worried at all.

Sure enough, not long after that, Di Chen reached an agreement with Hei Coffin, and Hei Coffin promised to give him 20% of Yuanshi Dao Qi.

Although it was only 20% Dao Qi, it was countless times more than the Yuanshi Dao Qi he had searched for over the years!

Di Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and said: Fellow Daoist Xu, take this coffin, coffin...Fellow Daoist Coffin, follow me.

Xu Ying shouldered the black coffin again and followed him away.

Everyone was relieved. This time they failed to force the palace, and Di Chen did not execute them, which was really beyond their expectation.

Tian Buwu snorted and shouted: It turns out that Emperor Zhao has evil intentions and targets the Hunyuan emperors to harvest them. The ancestors of the Su family are so evil!

A pair of eyes immediately looked at Su Hongyu: That's right. Emperor Zhao harvested the ancestors of my imperial family, and they have a blood feud, and they are irreconcilable!

Su Hongyu felt awe-struck, knowing that other imperial families had the idea of ​​​​eradicating the Su family.

At this time, Xu Ying's voice came from afar: Before you attack the Su family, you must think about it, the emperor is not dead yet.

Upon hearing this, the faces of all the major imperial families suddenly changed, and they did not dare to mention the blood feud again.

Su Hongyu breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: I only had a one-time relationship with Daoist Xu, but he saved me many times. I really can't repay him. We originally wanted to force Emperor Chen to die during the Yuan Love Festival, but now we have lost the palace. The true identity of the ancestor Emperor Zhao was also exposed. Emperor Chen won a great victory, but what should we do about the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

She really wanted to negotiate with these imperial families, but these imperial families would not pay attention to her at all.

Emperor Chen is unwilling to sacrifice his life to eliminate the catastrophe, so this doomsday catastrophe will definitely destroy the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Great fear arose in her heart. Is the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty really going to be annihilated?

Is there really no solution?

Di Chen said that the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is hard to come back from, and its misfortune is getting worse. Maybe if we want to eliminate this misfortune, a killing calamity is needed!

Thinking of this, she unconsciously burst into murderous intent, and glanced at Tian Buwu and the others.

At this time, a voice came: Girl, Hongmeng has no sex, so why should you insist on Hongmeng? Your murderous intention is blazing at this time. If you follow the evidence and follow the path of heaven, you can prove the master of the Taoist Dao. As the saying goes, Hongmeng has no sex. When killing begins, the Tao has no origin and the Tao arises on its own.”

When Su Hongyu heard this, she suddenly felt that an important hurdle in her practice had been cleared by these words. She instantly understood the principle of Hongmeng's asexuality and evidence-based killing!

She is originally from the Imperial Clan, has the blood of Emperor Zhao, and is talented and intelligent, and has made extraordinary achievements on Hongmeng Avenue. At this moment when the Taoist heart was shaken and transformed into Hongmeng, after being prompted by others, the attainments of the Dao of Killing immediately advanced by leaps and bounds. Without a teacher, he went straight to the realm of the Dao Master of Killing!

No, no!

She suddenly woke up and felt uneasy in her heart, This is not the Hunyuan non-dual method, but the evidence-based evil method of the Taoist League. It is a heretical method! The evidence-based method of the Taomeng cannot truly achieve enlightenment, and will only allow the other eight ways to achieve enlightenment. , become a vassal of Hongmeng! I can’t make the same mistake again and again!”

When she thought of this, the Hongmeng Avenue in her body couldn't stop transforming into the Killing Avenue, and she couldn't stop it.

Su Hongyu felt fear in her heart. This was something she had never encountered since she started practicing!

She looked around to see who had dragged her down the evil path of nine evidence-based evils, but when she turned around, she saw a man wearing a blue robe.

He is free and uninhibited, with an unkempt appearance. His hair is gently tied up with a hosta, and a few strands of long hair are fluttering in the wind.

There was purple energy hidden in his eyes, and his gaze was full of vicissitudes, as if he could see through all the joys and sorrows in the world, and everything in the world of mortals. Nothing in the world seemed to be able to shake his Taoist heart.

Unlike the strong men of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, the strong men of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty have never left the human world, and their Dao heart is the heart of the world.

But this middle-aged Taoist seemed to have a Taoist heart that left the world and became refined and unattached.

When he walked towards Su Hongyu, Su Hongyu saw that the end of Hongmeng's Avenue was approaching him, and the Hongmeng Avenue of countless universes in the Chaos Sea also danced with it, emitting light, and together they formed a road to the end!

The Master of Hongmeng Hall of the Dao Alliance, Guo Shoudao!

Su Hongyu suddenly knew who the visitor was, and the evidence-based killing of Hongmeng Dao in his body was faster. All kinds of insights came one after another, and it was self-explanatory and unenlightened!

It's amazing that there are such talents in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

At this time, another voice came. Su Hongyu looked and saw another person coming. This person looked like an elegant scholar who had read poetry and books.

However, just as he was walking, countless causes and effects from the entire Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty came one after another, flying towards the back of the scholar's head, forming a huge wheel of cause and effect!

Master of the Hall of Cause and Effect of the Dao Alliance, Jiang Ziliu! A thought flashed through Su Hongyu's mind.

This woman is amazing. She kills based on evidence directly from Hongmeng. In time, she will reach the supreme Tao and keep the inheritance of Taoist brother. Another person said with a smile.

Su Hongyu followed the sound and saw that the avenue of reincarnation of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was also coming from thousands of universes, turning into a cycle of reincarnation for the coming people.

Master of the Dao League Reincarnation Hall, Gu Daosheng! Su Hongyu's mind went blank.

Immediately afterwards, Hun Tunsheng, the master of the Chaos Palace, Ling Xi, the master of the Wuji Palace, Miao Shengzhen King, the master of the Taiyi Palace, and Dao Xian, the master of the Luck Palace, all came into her eyes.

The qualifications are really good.

The master of Lingxi Hall was like a fairy far away on the other side of the avenue, smart and ethereal. His eyes swept over Su Hongyu and he noticed her extraordinaryness. He said, I have been immersed in Hongmeng for too long before I can achieve what I am today.

King Miao Shengzhen praised: One point will make it clear.

Various insights came to Su Hongyu's mind one after another, and he was able to master it without a teacher. Hongmeng Dao couldn't help but follow the evidence of Shafa Dao.

No matter how she experienced this kind of thing, the energy of killing in her body accumulated more and more, and her Taoist heart was suddenly controlled by killing. A fire of ignorance arose in her heart, and she glanced at Jiang Ziliu, Gu Daosheng and others.

Some of the eight palace masters of the Dao League are solemn, some have serious faces, and some are smiling.

She glanced over and saw that everyone was in good hands and had no karma in the world of mortals. She immediately turned her eyes away and glanced at the strong men from the imperial family.

This is not trivial to see, as these people have serious catastrophes, affecting the operation of the great avenue of heaven and earth, causing the reincarnation of cause and effect to be disordered.

Wu Daoxuan, the master of the killing hall, said: This fellow Taoist, you should kill and become a Taoist today.

He stretched out his finger, and a wisp of murderous energy invaded Su Hongyu's eyebrows, saying: Fellow Taoist, I'll wait for you on the road ahead.

Palace Master Daoxian of the Luck Palace took out a red pill and flicked it with his finger. The red pill flew out and landed on Su Hongyu's head. He said: Fellow Taoist, you should be in the midst of the killing. Hongmeng proves your luck. I will use it to rob you. Yunhongwan will help you practice.

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, penetrated Su Hongyu's body with the energy of reincarnation and said with a smile: They are helping you. If I don't help you, Hongmeng Evidence-Based Reincarnation, won't I make them laugh at me for being stingy?

The seven hall masters of the Dao Alliance each helped, either by giving treasures or talismans, or by inserting a ray of Dao Qi into Su Hongyu's body.

Su Hongyu originally followed the Hongmeng Avenue to kill people based on evidence, thinking that he had fallen into the evil way. Now he was disturbed by the treasures given by these palace masters and the way of killing. He shouted: There are so many sins in this world, and there is only one killing. Let it go!

After saying that, the woman jumped up and disappeared. The next moment she appeared behind Tian Buwu. She raised her hand and saw the pagoda transformed by the immortal spiritual light, which was suppressed by Tian Buwu!

Tian Buwu was caught off guard and was shaken to the point of breaking his bones and tendons.

The other Tian Family Imperial Clan children came to kill one after another. Su Hongyu simply went on a killing spree, shouting: The cultivators asked for spiritual energy and spiritual power from heaven and earth, but nothing was returned to heaven! Kill! Kill! Kill!

Upon seeing this, the other imperial clans knew that she was possessed by a demon, and stepped forward one after another, intending to suppress her. Unexpectedly, Su Hongyu's cultivation level skyrocketed due to the evidence-based killing, and the Master of the Seventh Hall of the Tao Alliance enlightened her Hongmeng Evidence-based Killing, doubling her cultivation level!

Her cultivation was already extremely powerful, but now it was even deeper and her cultivation was getting higher and higher. For a time, all the emperors were unable to suppress her.

Hutunsheng and others turned a blind eye to this scene and laughed and said: If this girl can cut the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, maybe we can continue the Immortal Dynasty's luck and live for a few more years.

Palace Master Daoxian said: Fellow Daoist Xu should be hiding here. Find him and bring him back to the Dao Alliance. If you can't take him away, you can only get rid of him.

All the palace masters nodded.

Xu Ying must be a big shot. If he falls into the hands of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, the only way to go is to eradicate him.

Hutunsheng said leisurely: I wonder if the eight of us can deal with Di Chen with our strength?

At this moment, Emperor Huangji was in chaos because of Su Hongyu. Su Hongyu appeared and disappeared, attacking and killing the strong men of the older generation, asking them to repay the karma of heaven and earth.

The eight palace masters of the Dao League came to the Huangji Imperial Capital, but no one noticed them.

At this time, Xu Ying followed Di Chen to the place where the innate spiritual treasures were located. These chaotic spiritual roots were rooted in the void, and together they defended the Imperial Capital.

The spiritual light emitted by these chaotic spiritual roots was actually wrapped around the palm of an extremely huge stone statue. The stone statue was condensed from the gray stone left behind after the universe was burned. It was naturally in the form of a human being, sitting cross-legged with the five fingers of his palm spread out.

The huge Huangji Imperial Capital was built on the palm of this stone statue. It's just that this stone statue is damaged in many places and its appearance cannot be recognized.

The stone statue is too huge, even bigger than the largest soul of heaven and earth in the Hunyuan universe.

Di Chen said: It is said that this stone statue existed at the beginning of the universe and was the creator of chaos. The legend left by the two Taoist ancestors said that the stone statue was transformed from the original soul and was the remains of the previous universe.

Xu Ying looked up at this stone statue and marveled in his heart.

This is such a huge soul, it can actually exist in this form forever after the disaster breaks out.

Di Chen led him to an incomparably ancient innate spiritual root and said: When the Hunyuan Universe was opened, a total of eighteen chaotic spiritual roots were born. One of the spiritual roots was taken away by the developer and disappeared. The remaining seventeen spiritual roots were collected by the two Taoist ancestors and refined into seventeen Yuanshi magic weapons that created the world.

Xu Ying looked up at these chaotic spiritual roots, and saw that the spiritual roots were extremely strong. Some of them were like vines reaching through time and space, extending to the extremely ancient past. That was the past trillions of years ago, when the Hunyuan Universe was still in the state of Yuanshi soup.

Some are like ancient trees, taking root in the ground, with branches and leaves extending in all directions, leading directly to the depths of the Chaos Sea.

Some are like duckweeds, floating in unknown time and space, surrounded by terrifying storms.

Some are like flowers, and there seem to be billions of galaxies hidden in the buds.

The power of each Chaos Spiritual Treasure is more powerful than any Spiritual Treasure Xu Ying has seen before, even more powerful than the Kaiyuan Divine Axe, which is known as the number one Spiritual Treasure in the Chaos Sea!

The true creation of the world, the spiritual root of birth is so powerful.

Xu Ying murmured, No wonder Yuanshi Daoqi was born in such a universe.

Di Chen raised his hand, and an immortal palace flew over. He stepped into the immortal palace, and Xu Ying followed him in. He saw that there were various classics in the immortal palace, recorded on jade slips, arranged neatly in rows and rows.

Di Chen walked forward, and a jade slip automatically flew up and unfolded with a crash. The words written on it automatically burst out with a Taoist sound, but it was the voice of a woman, the female Taoist ancestor of the two Taoist ancestors, Taoist Qin Luan.

Qin Luan Taoist ancestor came and told the history before and after the creation of the world in a leisurely and unhurried manner.

At that time, they and a stranger from another universe were ordered to leave the tomb of the mother universe, enter the unknown sea of ​​chaos, and explore a mysterious place.

On the way, they discovered this rapidly expanding primordial matter soup, where a new universe was forming.

Foreigner Su Yun took away one of the Chaos Spiritual Roots that was being formed. This spiritual root was one of the eighteen spiritual roots. It was shaped like a lotus, with one lotus, two leaves and one lotus node, and was rooted in the lotus pond.

When Xu Ying heard this, his heart skipped a beat. For some reason, he always felt that the shape of the Chaos Spiritual Root looked familiar.

No, it's definitely not Master Lian! Second Master Lian was the Chaos Spirit Root I encountered on my first trip to the other side of the universe. It can't be the one that was taken away by someone in the Hunyuan Universe!

Xu Ying thought to himself, Maybe, they are just two similar spiritual roots. That must be the case!

In the book, Taoist Qin Luan continued to narrate the past. She became a Taoist couple with another Taoist, Nan Kongyuan, created all living beings, collected Yuanshi Dao Qi and innate spiritual treasures, and after countless millions of years of practice, she achieved perfection and reached The realm of Yuan Shi.

They realized that the Hunyuan Universe would be destroyed like the tomb of the parent universe, and they also realized that the Hunyuan Universe was actually opened up by the outsider Su Yun. The outsider took away the Chaos Lotus Spirit Root, which fulfilled the cause and effect of opening up the universe.

They are now looking for the foreigner Su Yun, intending to retrieve the lotus spiritual root and complete the Hunyuan Universe.

Di Chen closed the book, and the book automatically floated back to the bookshelf.

This is the past of the Hunyuan Universe.

Di Chen said, I once went to the depths of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and saw the Grave Universe, which was devouring other aged universes. In the depths of the Sea of ​​Chaos, there was chaos, and time and space did not exist at all. It was an extremely scary place.

Xu Ying asked: Your Majesty, is the Grave Universe you saw the predecessor of the Hunyuan Universe?

Di Chen nodded and said: The creation of the Hunyuan Universe happened trillions of years ago.

Xu Ying was stunned, what happened trillions of years ago? So ancient?


Will Second Master Lian be that foreigner Su Yun who puts him on my only path to use my hand to return Second Master Lian to the Hunyuan Universe? He said silently in his heart.

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