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Chapter 950 The battle between males and females

Xu Ying was shocked. It wasn't Yuan Weiyang's voice. Could it be that there was a third person here?

Of course there is no third person here.

There is only one dead person in the coffin behind him.

Can this dead man still talk?

Suddenly, Xu Ying asked tentatively: Brother Dao, how do you open the sky?

As soon as he said these words, he saw infinite light suddenly explode in front of his eyes, and he saw the turbulent sea of ​​chaos coming from the light, drowning him.

Illusion! This is an illusion created in front of me by the consciousness of the supreme power! Xu Ying was calm and not afraid at all.

At this moment, he saw a small boat sailing in the rough sea of ​​chaos. There was a man in green clothes on the boat, with a wild aura, like a god or a devil, standing with his hands behind his back. A magnificent portal suddenly appeared behind him, rumbling, opening the sea of ​​chaos, and exuding monstrous power!

The portal is extremely complex, resembling a witch character. There is a person on the left and right, half kneeling and half sitting, with their shoulders up to the sky and their feet on the ground. Their flesh and muscles are ferocious, showing their strength and beauty.

As the man in green on the bow of the ship punched out, the portal suddenly opened, and in an instant, the power of the great power contained in the infinite time of the universe surged out. It was the power of another way, extremely violent and overbearing, tearing apart the sea of ​​chaos, Infinite power opens up the immeasurable energy of chaos!

This is creating something out of nothing, creating a universe out of thin air from a sea of ​​chaos!

Among them, the different ways opened up the sky, the chaos evolved into the world, the Yuanshi Dao Qi emerged one after another, and the innate and immortal spiritual light evolved. Such spectacular things made Xu Ying intoxicated!

And when the portal opened, Xu Ying saw that there was another universe hidden in the portal, infinite time and space, layers of different time and space that either overlapped or added up, or were high above, surrounded by layers of void, and powerful wizard gods standing tall!

Suddenly, the door suddenly closed, and the vision of opening up the world disappeared from his eyes.

Fellow Taoist, I was harmed by others and now I am dead.

The man in green on the small boat sailed towards him, riding the wind and waves, and stretched out his hand to him from a distance. A rich voice came, Praise my name! I will return! Praise my name, my name is——

Suddenly, the chimes of the Chaos Clock were heard, muddying the man's voice, and a chaotic wave came over, drowning the man in green and the boat.

The man in green and the boat were drawn into the depths of the Chaos Sea and gradually disappeared. At the same time, the chaotic sea in the illusion in front of Xu Ying suddenly appeared and the huge wall of the Chaos Clock became more and more real, as if it was coming from the Chaos Sea. It’s like squeezing into an illusion!

At this moment, the palm of the man in green penetrated the chaos and slapped the chaos clock hard. The bell rang, and all the illusions in front of Xu Ying disappeared, and he couldn't help but sweat profusely.

Yuan Weiyang's call came to his ears, and after several calls in succession, Xu Ying came back to his senses.

Weiyang, have you seen it? he asked in despair.

Yuan Weiyang frowned slightly, not knowing what happened to him, and fearing that Di Chen would find out the relationship between the two, he sent a message: A Ying, you go back to Huangji Imperial Capital first, and then contact me after I recover from my injury!

After that, she escaped into the void and disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ying was still confused, and the groundbreaking scene kept appearing in his mind, as if it was imprinted on his mind.

The scene of the opening of the Chaos Sea really shocked him. For the first time, he witnessed the magnificent scene of completely opening up a universe, and saw the invincible power!

Can Di Chen do it?

He kept asking himself in his mind, Di Chen was already the most powerful existence he had ever seen. Could he create something out of nothing and create a new universe in the sea of ​​chaos to create all things?

I'm afraid I can't do it.

He thought silently, Could it be that the person in the coffin is the outsider that Qin Luan Daozu mentioned? The outsider Su Yun also has the power to create the world, and the person in the coffin also has such power...

He again denied this view.

The man in the coffin created the world out of nothing with the alien way, and the universe he opened up was more of a variation on the alien way. The Hunyuan Universe is obviously not a different path, but more like Hongmeng Avenue.

The two people's avenue attributes are not the same.

The man in the coffin should come from the overseas world of Chaos, a visitor from the Great Void. The outsider, on the other hand, comes from the Sea of ​​Chaos. How could such a powerful being die? Who could be the person who killed him?

Xu Ying suddenly thought of the Chaos Clock. Just when the man in the coffin was about to say his name, the Chaos Clock sounded at the same time. Apparently he didn't want people to know his real name, so as not to wake him up.

Could it be that the Lord of Chaos is the enemy of the man in the coffin, and that it was the Lord of Chaos who killed the man in the coffin?

Xu Ying calmed down and walked towards the Huangji Imperial Capital. The scene of the man in the coffin opening up the world still appeared in his mind.

The relationship between the nine innate paths and the void has become so clear, and the evolution and changes of the various paths have become clearer than ever before.

Every time he replays the ground-breaking scene in his mind, he will gain something new, and his Taoism will be improved by one point.

Xu Ying didn't know when he returned to Huangji Imperial Capital. When he woke up, it was already more than ten days later.

But the strange thing is that the man in the coffin has never looked for him since the bell rang. I wonder if it was suppressed by the Chaos Clock.

The Chaos Bell God is here and there. I wonder if he will find my location according to this suppression? Xu Ying felt a little uneasy.

The Chaos Clock and the Man in the Coffin obviously have some stories, so they could appear in the visions that Xu Ying experienced. It was bound to win the black coffin. Xu Ying felt that the Chaos Clock could cut into the illusion and it should have determined the location of the black coffin.

Emperor Chen, Black Coffin, and Chaos Bell, I'm afraid they will meet again. But this time they will meet not in the Sea of ​​Chaos, but in the Imperial Capital of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Xu Ying exhaled a breath, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, A gentleman will not stand behind a dangerous wall. Weiyang and I must leave this place as soon as possible!

At this moment, Yuan Weiyang's voice suddenly came from the void and resounded throughout the Imperial Capital: Fellow Taoist Xu promised, after hearing that you had become the Taoist Master of the Void, you jumped out of the void again and said that your Tao is above the void. Can you give me some advice?

At this time, the civil and military officials of the Immortal Dynasty and the princes and generals of the Huangji Imperial Capital each returned from the Sea of ​​Chaos. They were all surprised when they heard this and started talking a lot.

Xu Ying is in the Huangji Imperial Capital?

This son has also attained the Taoist Master of the Void? No wonder he can't be found!

The Grand Priest Jiu personally takes action to deal with this promise, and this battle will be exciting!

Hearing this, Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief and laughed softly: Weiyang wants to discuss gender with me.

At this time, he noticed a stream of aura from the end of the avenue sweeping towards him, and his heart moved slightly. The existence of these avenues should be princes and generals of the Immortal Dynasty, extremely powerful, searching for his way out.

However, Xu Ying transformed into the void and allowed these breaths to sweep over his body without disturbing these Dao in the slightest.

He walked in vain, slowly walked to the sky above Huangji Imperial Capital, and said loudly: Since you are invited to drink at the grand ceremony, how can I not accompany you?

The princes, generals and ministers of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty each exclaimed in surprise, withdrew their consciousness and swept it towards Xu Ying.

They all saw Xu Ying clearly, but when their spiritual consciousness swept over Xu Ying, it was like sweeping through the void without any feedback.

This promise is no small matter!

On the other side of the Huangji Imperial Capital, Hutunsheng, the master of the Chaos Palace, raised his head, looked at Xu Ying in the air, and said in surprise: How come his cultivation speed is so fast? When this kid came to the Dao Alliance, he had not yet become a Taoist master, your cultivation level has increased more than a thousand times!

The voice of Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, came: The strange thing about Xu Ying doesn't stop there. That day he practiced the method of returning light at the bank of my reincarnation pool. He could see the past, but not the future. This was also a strange thing. .”

Palace Master Daoxian said: I asked Fellow Daoist Zhong, and he said that he was able to achieve the false cultivation of the magic weapon, all thanks to Xu Ying's advice and guidance.

Wu Daoxuan, the master of the Killing Palace, looked up at Xu Ying and said, He took people to go to the evidence-based Nirvana. In the past, there should not be one out of ten, but now they all come back alive. This is an anomaly.

Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, walked slowly and looked up at Xu Ying, but his eyes fell on the black coffin behind Xu Ying, and said quietly: Di Chen and Chaos Zhong are chasing this wonderful black coffin, but the black coffin is Find him impartially.”

The Master of Lingxi Hall of Wuji Hall looked at Xu Ying and realized that even the aura at the end of the avenue could not fall on him. His expression moved slightly and he said: He is still a Taoist Master of the Void.

The Master of Taiyi Palace, King Miao Shengzhen, stood aside and said with a smile: There must be something magical about him that attracts these things. All this shows that he is the big shot mentioned by the leader of the Tao Alliance!

Guo Shoudao, the master of Hongmeng Palace, said in a deep voice: This Grand Priest Liquor is extremely powerful, and there are many masters in Huangji Imperial Capital. Now we can see the elegance of a big shot.

The eight palace masters of the Dao Alliance came to Huangji Imperial Capital together. This was an unprecedented event. The eight of them were not in a hurry to take Xu Ying away. Instead, they were interested in the battle between Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang.

Their eyes were focused on Xu Ying, but at this moment, they saw cave after cave slowly descending from the void. Each cave contained a kind of Dao Qi, rich and pure.

The eight palace masters couldn't help but be moved. There were so many caves and abyss hanging down from the void, which contained hundreds of thousands of avenues of heaven and earth in the Hunyuan Universe!

Not only that, after Yuan Weiyang mended the sky, the newly added avenues of heaven and earth were also included!

In addition, there are also caves and abyss of the nine innate realms such as Chaos, Hongmeng, and Wuji, which also descend from each other, like huge cave entrances, containing infinite power!

The sky above the Imperial Capital was surrounded by these extremely bright rings, large and small!

Yuan Weiyang's figure was floating, flying under these extremely bright rings, looking extremely small.

The power of the void is unparalleled!

The Zuo Xiang of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty couldn't help but marvel and praised, The Tao of the Great Sacrifice Wine is better than the nine innate Tao! Empowering with the Void is equivalent to mastering the power of the nine Tao! Subversion, this is really subversion!

The eight palace masters of the Tao Alliance each looked up, and Hutunsheng couldn't help but said: Nine innate ways, no, the ten innate ways, Void is the first! The Void Avenue is superior to the nine ways! I am afraid that my Chaos Avenue is even better than Don’t get on it! This Void Avenue is too powerful!”

This statement is somewhat treacherous to the Taoist League. After all, the Taoist League regards the Nine Innate Paths as the foundation of all great ways.

However, the scene Yuan Weiyang showed was really shocking, especially the transformation of the void into ten thousand ways and nine ways, which really shocked them!

At this time, in the palm of the stone statue of Yuanshi Yuanshen, Di Chen was awakened by the throbbing in the void. He walked out of the Immortal Palace and looked at the vision of Huangji Imperial Capital in the distance, and couldn't help but be moved.

The Void Avenue is really powerful! It's a pity that I can't understand it.

His eyes flickered as he looked at the battle from a distance. With his eyesight, he could see everything as if he was actually there.

In a battle between the two Taoist Masters of the Void, how big of a surprise can this big shot Xu Ying give me?

He whispered, Which one of the two should I entrust to my Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty?

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart, and turned his head to look at the edge of the Hunyuan Universe, but he saw nothing. He only saw a series of Chaos Qi that was rapidly disintegrating.

It was as if something had crashed into the Hunyuan Universe from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Di Chen searched around but found nothing and frowned slightly.

At this moment, the Chaos Clock was spinning and flying through the starry sky, heading straight for the Imperial Capital. This big bell quickly shrank while rotating, and soon turned into a yellow bell that was less than a foot tall.

Soon, the Chaos Clock flew to the Imperial Capital and was hung under the eaves of a fairy palace. Xu Ying and Yuan Weiyang were in the sky, and it could be seen in the eyes.

At this time, Xu Ying also raised his head and looked up, and couldn't help but marvel at the magic of Yuan Weiyang's Void Avenue. If she were to perform it herself, it would definitely not be as magnificent as hers.

Fortunately, I don't have to stick to the void. Otherwise, in this battle, the male and female will change hands.

Xu Ying smiled slightly, his breath was calm and there was nothing surprising about it.

As he stood there, others could not feel any pressure from his body, nor could they feel any aura of the avenue, he was extremely peaceful.

Yuan Weiyang rushed in, and the caves and abyss in the sky were like bright stars, moving and rotating with it, and various Taoist powers roared in. Under her control, they formed unparalleled Taoist magical powers!

Yuan Weiyang slapped her palm, and even the Dao power of the entire Hunyuan Universe was drastically reduced at this moment, turning into the power of her palm!

Everyone who was looking up to this battle changed their expressions when they saw this situation.

From Yuan Weiyang's palm, they saw the power of various avenues!

When Xu Ying faced Yuan Weiyang's palm, he couldn't help but feel moved, and said: Madam, if I hadn't become the master of the acquired path, I would have died under this palm.

He mobilized the acquired avenues, and countless avenues also emerged, turning into power bursting out from his palms to meet Yuan Weiyang!

His Taoism is not as eye-catching as Yuan Weiyang's, but it also contains the power of countless Taoism.

The moment the palms of the two collided, countless caves and abyss were flowing rapidly in the sky above Yuan Weiyang, which was extremely dazzling.

Yuan Weiyang groaned and flew backwards, and all the caves and abyss flew backwards.

Xu Ying followed gracefully, and when he raised his hand, the sky filled with clouds turned into jade towers. The boundless void and the jade towers fell into his hands. He smiled and said, Does Madam know whether they are male or female?

Yuan Weiyang fell into his palm, stabilized her figure, looked up, and saw that Xu Ying had become extremely majestic and vast, like an unparalleled god.

Yuan Weiyang's sleeves fluttered, and suddenly all her caves turned into the same kind of Hongmeng Cave. The power of Hongmeng Dao turned into eighteen innate spiritual treasures, vines, ancient trees, duckweeds, flowers, among which there was a Chaos Lotus Spirit Root. .

Yuan Weiyang actually used Hongmeng Dao power to evolve the eighteen spiritual roots that created the Hunyuan Universe. The eighteen spiritual roots danced with her sleeves, each bursting out immeasurable power, exploding the void in Xu Ying's palm, and towards Xu Ying. Attack!

Xu Ying looked up and saw that the eighteen spiritual roots had become extremely vast. He was like an insect trapped between these spiritual roots and could not escape.

Yuan Weiyang spread out his palms, as if he were controlling the Hunyuan Universe, and said with a smile: My husband, are you willing to be a female?

Xu Ying laughed heartily and allowed the eighteen spiritual roots to crush him, his body remaining motionless.

Yuan Weiyang's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly grasped it with his five fingers, intending to crush him and the Hunyuan Universe in his palm.

However, as she lowered her fingers, she felt that the promise in her palm was getting bigger and bigger, and her palm could no longer hold it.

Yuan Weiyang spread his fingers and heard Xu Ying's voice coming from above: Void is everywhere, but void is not all of Tao. Madam, you have gone astray.

Yuan Weiyang raised his head and looked up, only to see Xu Ying sitting in the void, his body was vast and boundless, and there were one after another in the universe, either innate nine ways, or all heavens and ten thousand ways, each of which could evolve into nine. The way is based on evidence.

Every avenue can form a mixed universe!

What’s even weirder is that these universes have almost perfect voids!

She had never seen such a magnificent scene.

Husband, your way of the void has become timid!

Yuan Weiyang jumped into the air, rushed towards Xu Ying, and said with a smile, You haven't shown your true form yet?


She was suddenly swallowed by one of the universes. As soon as she landed, she saw that she had a phoenix crown and a red hijab on her head. She was holding a red ribbon in her hand, just like a bride. The other end was held in the hand of Xu Ying, who was dressed as a bridegroom.

The two of them sat beside the bed. Xu Ying lifted her hijab, pressed her on the bed, and said with a smile: Madam, you should know by now that the Void Avenue is only a part of the Tao and cannot take over the host.

Yuan Weiyang struggled hard and quickly escaped from the universe. Looking back, the groom Guan Xu Ying was chasing after him.

She had just escaped from this universe when she saw countless light bursting out in front of her. The next moment she saw herself turned into a fat and white piglet, standing in the pig pen with her head in front of the food trough, groaning, waiting to be thrown in. Feed food.

At this time, the sound of eating came from the rice trough on the other side, and Xu Ying's voice came from the mouth of the pig next door. While eating, he said: Why is Madam so stupid? Why does the true Tao need the empowerment of the void? Then follow me and become a female.

Xu, you humiliate me!

Yuan Weiyang was furious, jumped into his stall, overturned his food trough, then stepped out with four hooves, flicked his tail, and ran away.

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