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Chapter 943 Nothing more than that

Di Chen smiled half-heartedly and landed on the black coffin behind Xu Ying.

Your Majesty is back now. Could it be that what you have to do has been completed? the Empress asked.

Di Chen said leisurely: Originally it was not done. But now it is done.

Neither the Empress nor Yuan Weiyang understood its meaning.

Di Chen looked at Xu Ying with his dark eyes and said silently in his heart: I and a group of courtiers have been searching the void of chaos for a long time without finding any results. Now those courtiers are still searching for your whereabouts. Unexpectedly, you actually threw yourself into the trap. Yuanshi Dao Qi, finally delivered to me.

In the sea of ​​chaos, the princes and generals of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty were still chasing Xu Ying's Taoist body, and finally crossed hundreds of universes and trapped Xu Ying's Taoist body.

The nine kings and eighteen princes of the Immortal Dynasty were all dispatched at this moment, deploying various armies to pursue and intercept Xu Ying, almost allowing Xu Ying to escape, which really made them angry.

What made them even more frightened and angry was that masters from the Dao League kept coming, and Chaos Bells and Chaos creatures also came from time to time to join in the fun, making them tired of dealing with it.

But fortunately, we finally trapped this kid!

Hunyuanxian breathed a sigh of relief towards Taoist Zuo Xiangyi and said with a smile, Now, he has no way to escape, right?

Na Xu Ying, carrying the black coffin on his back, had fallen into the trap they had set. He rushed left and right, but was repeatedly killed by the soldiers of the Immortal Dynasty.

Please ask the Nine Kings to take action and capture this boy! Taoist Zuo Xiangyi bowed and said.

Each of the nine kings of different surnames from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty came forward and were about to enter the formation when they suddenly stopped.

I saw the waves rising sharply in the chaotic sea, and a chaotic creature like a turtle riding on the waves and coming towards this side.

Taoist Yi's face darkened: It's the Chaos Hall Master of the Tao Alliance again! Hun Tunsheng is really haunted!

At this time, he saw a sudden killing spree in the sea of ​​chaos. A Taoist came forward, splitting the thick energy of chaos with his own murderous aura.

Taoist Yi's heart suddenly suddenly crossed: The Taoist Alliance is in charge of killing Wu Daoxuan!

The chaos in the sea of ​​chaos stirs, the innate spiritual light rings, thousands of innate spiritual treasures evolve in the spiritual light, and the cosmic flood sources emerge from the periphery of the spiritual treasures. Among them, an old man came and saw thousands of spiritual treasures in various shapes.

The Ten Thousand Saint Master of the Dao Alliance who is in charge of Hongmeng!

Taoist Yi had just recognized the old man when he saw the master of Wuji Temple of Daomeng, Gu Daosheng of Reincarnation Hall, Jiang Ziliu of Cause and Effect Hall and others coming from different directions.

All the nine palace masters of the Dao Alliance, except Dao Ji, have arrived!

Taoist Yi's heart trembled slightly and he looked at the eight palace masters of the Taoist Alliance. The purpose of the Dao League and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty are different. The Dao League is to pursue the ultimate mystery of the Tao, while the Immortal Dynasty is for the survival of the country and its inheritance from generation to generation.

There were many conflicts between the two sides, and they had many conflicts, resulting in many casualties. Not long ago, Hun Tunsheng and others made a fuss in Huangji Imperial Capital in an attempt to abduct the great sacrificer Jiu Yuan Weiyang.

Master Wan Sheng looked at Xu Ying who was trapped in the formation, and said with a smile: To deal with the outer disciples of our Dao Alliance, Huangji Emperor actually dispatched nine kings and eighteen princes, as well as the left and right prime ministers, and thirty With six heavenly generals, the formation is too big.

Wu Daoxuan stepped forward and said: This makes me more and more curious about what secrets are hidden in the black coffin on the back of our outer disciple of the Dao Alliance.

Taoist Zuo Xiangyi snorted coldly and said calmly: If Taoist brother Daoji comes too, I, Emperor Huangji, will give you three points of courtesy, but only eight of the nine Taoist alliance halls have come. I am only afraid of the eight Taoist brothers. Stay here forever.

At this moment, Palace Master Daoxian of the Jie Yun Palace suddenly said: Fellow Taoists, if you are not right, please leave.

When the masters of each hall heard this, they were startled. They all looked at Xu Ying who was trapped in the formation. However, they saw that Xu Ying had all kinds of avenues, all the wonderful things were prepared, the nine ways were evidence-based, and he was superb. Together with the people who made up the formation. All the emperors and emperors were masters, and they killed each other until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, hurriedly activated his Reincarnation Eye and looked at Xu Ying. His Reincarnation Eye could see through the entire universe, but if there were changes in reincarnation, it would be impossible to escape his Eye.

However, when he looked at Xu Ying, what he saw was a solid real person who did not use any magical powers of reincarnation to deceive them.

People can't be fake! Gu Daosheng was surprised.

Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, activated the Avenue of Cause and Effect and gained insight into all cause and effect. He looked at Xu Ying and saw clearly all the causes and effects of heaven and earth on Xu Ying. He couldn't help but frown.

If the person in the formation is fake, then he can deceive the great cause and effect, truly escape from the cause and effect, and not fall into reincarnation!

Jiang Ziliu shook his head and said, I don't know anyone who has this method.

Hutunsheng and others also looked at Xu Ying. They were at the end of their respective avenues. These eyes could be said to be very perceptive and could understand all the changes in the innate avenues such as Chaos, Hongmeng, Taiyi, Wuji, etc. However, their eyes fell on Xu Ying. But can't see any difference.

However, Palace Master Daoxian of the Luck Palace was so accomplished in the path of Luck that everyone could not help but believe her words.

Palace Master Daoxian turned around and left, and the palace masters such as Hun Tunsheng and Wu Daoxuan also left one after another.

Taoist Zuo Xiangyi was stunned and looked at the trapped Xu Ying with some hesitation in his heart. He used various means to investigate and found out that Xu Ying was a living person and definitely not a Taoist body.

Because Xu Ying has the aura of various avenues in his body, and the nine evidences are extremely authentic!

Even the aura of the black coffin behind Xu Ying was so real, exuding a strange aura from time to time!

Get him!

Taoist Yi snorted coldly and ordered, I don't care whether you live or die!

He gave an order, and Xiao Jishan, the Wuji King among the nine kings, went out to fight and invaded the formation!

Xu Ying is still resisting, but how powerful is the Wuji King Xiao Jishan?

This person had reached the end of his cultivation of Wuji Tao. He suppressed all the Tao methods of Xu Ying with a raised hand. The next moment, Xu Ying exploded with a bang and turned into a void.

Xiao Jishan was stunned and grabbed the black coffin, only to see that the black coffin also exploded with a bang and turned into a void!

Xiao Jishan rushed into the void, his sleeves shook, and he collected the void into his sleeves. However, there was nothing in the void, and it quickly dispersed in his sleeves.

Xiao Jishan raised his head and looked at Taoist Zuo Xiang Yi. Taoist Yi's face looked a little unsightly. He exhaled and said, Void Taoist Body! Hey, Void Avenue is indeed very powerful. No wonder His Majesty is going against all the opinions and wants to be granted the title of Yuan Yuan. Weiyang is offering wine for the big sacrifice...

The faces of the nine kings and eighteen princes were a little unsightly.

They had been chasing Xu Ying for several years, and after a lot of hard work, they finally trapped him, but they didn't expect that he was just a void body.

However, the Void Dao is inherently incomplete in the Sea of ​​Chaos, so how come there are two more Void Dao Masters all of a sudden?

let's go!

Taoist Zuo Xiangyi gave an order, and everyone immediately withdrew their troops. Buildings and ships rushed into the void one after another, entered the void post road opened by the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and rushed towards the capital of Emperor Huangji.

Hutunsheng, Gu Daosheng, Jiang Ziliu and other Dao League hall masters did not go far, but watched this scene silently. Suddenly, Hutunsheng said: Fellow Daoxian, how did you know that Xu Ying was not Xu Ying?

The eyes of all the palace masters fell on Palace Master Daoxian. Palace Master Daoxian said: Xu Ying's Void Dao Body has become extremely perfect, imitating his own nine innate ways, and even imitating the Avenue of Chaos. It is a disaster for him. , of course, is a no-brainer. However, his fate is the most unpredictable. He has confused the future, disrupted cause and effect, and deceived reincarnation, but his fate cannot be fooled. I have seen how he will destroy the three realms of the universe in the future. But I didn’t see this in this promise.”

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, was inexplicably surprised and lost his voice: Can you see his future? No, when he was practicing in my Reincarnation Pool, all his futures were invisible!

Palace Master Daoxian said calmly: I can only see one kind of future for him.

So, the big shot mentioned by the Taoist leader...

Hutunsheng murmured, Isn't it Zhong Daoyou, but him?

The other palace masters were slightly shocked.

If Xu Ying is a big shot, then if they can't see Xu Ying's future, there is only one possibility: in the future, Xu Ying's cultivation achievements are far higher than those of the palace masters, and the future will be chaotic!

Palace Master Daoxian said: The important person is related to the outcome of our battle with the Chaos Lord, and whether our Dao Alliance can see the truth of the Dao! No matter what, we cannot let him fall into the hands of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Jiang Ziliu said calmly: If the big shot cannot be a big shot in our Tao Alliance, then it is best to be a dead big shot.

All the palace masters nodded.


Xu Ying didn't know that Di Chen had returned to Huangji Imperial Capital. Hearing Su Hongyu's words, he was surprised and said: I have broken their Taoism, and they still dare to attack me? But Hongyu, you can tell them that I I have no idea about the throne.

Su Hongyu frowned slightly and said through a message: It's not that you can escape without any ideas. You pointed out the weaknesses of the various imperial clans' exercises and Taoist methods. According to ordinary people's ideas, they should have thanked you. But for them Say, you are seeking your own death.

She paused and said: The Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties themselves cannot repair these techniques. They are only the descendants of the Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties, and they are even less able to repair and perfect the techniques passed down by their ancestors. It is useless for you to tell them where the flaws are. Instead, they will pass them down. The flaw in your secret skill has been exposed. If you don’t die, they will feel uneasy!”

Xu Ying laughed.

They were obviously kind to them, but they wanted to kill the benefactor.

The logic of these imperial clan clans is no different from that of the Yuan Shou clan back then. He thought to himself.

The purpose of his coming here was just to avoid being hunted by Di Chen and others. He had no intention of participating in any struggle for the palace or the throne. He immediately sent a message: In that case, I will leave.

Su Hongyu's eyes flashed and she said, I will escort you away!

Need not.

Xu Ying walked directly outside the Jinluan Palace and said leisurely, Before I became a Taoist master, these powerful men in Huangji Imperial City needed me to look up to them. After I became a Taoist master, when I looked at them again, each of them had a piece of grass stuck in their head. , the price is marked.”

Su Hongyu frowned slightly, wondering what he meant by this.

Where are you going, Fellow Daoist Xu?

Suddenly, Tian Buwu, the elder of the Tian family, had a kind face and said with a smile, Fellow Daoist Xu, this is a critical period for dealing with Di Chen. You can't leave.

Xu Ying smiled and said, I'll forgive you. Emperor Chen hasn't returned yet, and it's Yuan Ai Festival now. I'm a young boy, so I can't help but have thoughts of love.

I see.

Everyone showed understanding expressions, and Tian Buyu smiled and said, Young people are not romantic in vain. Fellow Taoist Xu, if you go to the meeting with the emperor's coffin on your back, aren't you an outrageous beauty? Leave the emperor's coffin behind.

Xu Ying walked straight outside the Jinluan Palace without stopping and said with a smile: This coffin is of great importance, please forgive me for not leaving it.

Hearing this, Tian Buwu stood up and said with a smile: On the Yuan Ai Festival, the girls are young and graceful, which makes me even an old man fall in love. I also went to join in the fun, maybe someone likes me. Bones.”

Qin Fenggu, the elder of the Qin family, said with a smile: My friend Tian Dao has an old heart. In that case, I will go and accompany him.

Wen Yuan, the elder of the Wen family, laughed and said: You old people who don't practice cultivation are not afraid of being laughed at when you go out. Since you are not afraid, I am not afraid either!

Several more clan elders got up one after another, shouting that they wanted to participate in the Yuan'ai Festival, and walked outside the Jinluan Hall.

Xu Ying strode outside the palace and thought to herself: Weiyang knows that I have come to Huangji Imperial Capital, and she will definitely come to look for me. But she may not know where I am.

He strode outside, and the acquired path was running in his body. In an instant, the nine innate paths, the void path, and the alien path all lost any attributes of the path. The flood source in his body was like a flat lake with no ripples.

As he walked forward, the lake rippled, and the avenue was like ripples. Some became Hongmeng, some became chaos, some became Wuji, and some became Taiyi.

Ripples collide with ripples, forming thousands of different avenues of heaven and earth.

His acquired avenues are so wonderful. The various avenues of heaven and earth are in the process of birth and death at all times. The source of the universe is born and destroyed, and evolves itself.

At this time, Tian Buwu walked quickly to his side and said with a smile: Young hero Xu Daoyou, I wonder which immortal emperor is buried in the coffin?

Xu Ying shook his head and said, If I said that I don't know whether there are people or things buried in the coffin, you would not believe it. Right?

Tian Buyu laughed loudly: Of course I don't believe it.

Xu Ying sighed and said: I really don't know who the person in the coffin is. In fact, I am not from your Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. I just passed by here, but I was involved in your disputes.

Tian Buwu smiled and said: Brother Xu is very serious when he jokes. I wonder if Brother Xu has ambitions for the throne?

Xu Ying said seriously: I don't have the slightest idea about the Hunyuan Emperor. I don't want to be the Immortal Emperor of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty at all. I just came out to help others protect the law, and I didn't expect these things to happen.

Tian Buwu laughed and said, Brother Xu's jokes are getting better and better! Please, please!

The two of them walked hand in hand and flew out of the fairy court unknowingly. They saw more boys and girls in the imperial capital, many of them extremely talented, showing off various magical methods in the hope of gaining the attention of their beloved.

Tian Buyu said: Brother Xu, what do you think of the woman over there?

He raised his hand and pointed at a beautiful girl. Just as Xu Ying looked over, Tian Buwu suddenly activated the Four Proofs of Promise and Haoran passed down by Emperor Kong. In an instant, everything in front of Xu Ying disappeared, replaced by the endless vastness. The infinite realm!

Tian Buwu's figure stands in the Wuji Dao Realm. This old man who was previously thin has become extremely majestic at this moment. In the sky of the Wuji Dao Realm, universes of all sizes are like transparent jellyfish in the void, swimming endlessly. .

And outside the Wuji Dao Realm, eight other different Dao universes can be vaguely seen floating!

Xu Ying, my Tian family's Four Enlightenment Chapters of Wuji and Awesomeness were realized by our ancestor Di Kong four times. The first time he realized the Tao, he sealed the heaven and the earth. The second time he realized the Tao, the Great Way is equal to the body. The third time he realized the Tao, Wuji Hunyuan, the fourth enlightenment, reaching the end of Wuji!

Tian Buwu's eyes fell on Xu Ying. In front of him, Xu Ying looked extremely small. He slowly clenched his fist, as if he was holding the infinite path of thousands of universes in the sea of ​​chaos, and the sound vibrated between heaven and earth.

For hundreds of millions of years, our Tian family has been practicing hard. Let alone breaking through the flaws in the technique, no one can even practice this technique to the level of our ancestor Di Kong. But you have broken through the flaws in my Tian family's technique. You It is said that the ancestor Emperor Kong only has one avenue to reach the end, and the others are all false ends. So the only one you can't break is the Infinite Avenue, presumably?

He closed his fist and punched out, his voice booming: So, I will kill you with the infinite way!

Xu Ying raised his head and watched the punch come, and the acquired path in his body suddenly rose up like a flat lake.

In an instant, the nine innate paths, the void, and the different paths erupted at the same time. Hundreds of thousands of heaven and earth avenues running through various avenues suddenly became energetic!

At this moment, a perfect universe seemed to be born inside and outside his body, a universe in which the void, the nine innate paths and the different paths were balanced!

A perfect universe that cannot exist, cuts the Wuji Dao Realm open and forms its own realm!

The sky in the Huangji Imperial Capital suddenly seemed to freeze, and then the Wuji Dao Realm and the Houtian Dao Realm each emerged, and Tian Buwu's huge figure appeared in front of the world!

His Wuji Dao Realm began to disintegrate under the violent impact!

Brother Tian Dao has misunderstood. I never said that I can't break Wuji. What I said is that you and the emperors are nothing more than that.

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