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Chapter 942 The wishful man

This sound was nothing more than that, but it focused everyone's attention on him.

Xu Ying had a sudden thought. He came to Huangji Imperial Capital this time to avoid being hunted by Emperor Chen. Based on the principle of doing more things rather than doing less things, he quietly waited for them to fight, and then he could sneak away. How could he? Not good?

Now, if I say such words, can I still stay and be their Hunyuan Immortal Emperor?

How about being more open-minded? He thought to himself.

Does this fellow Taoist also want to get his hands on the throne?

The elder of the Wen family glanced over and recognized the black coffin behind him. He chuckled and said, You said that the Hunyuan emperors were nothing more than this. I think you, the Immortal Emperor in the emperor's coffin, must have achieved more than anything else. Above the emperor?

The elder of the Qin family flashed his eyes and said: You despise the emperors' families and insult them with words. Which immortal emperor's family are you from?

Another family elder sneered: All the Hunyuan Immortal Emperors of the past dynasties have been cultivators to the end. How dare you say that other Immortal Emperors are not as good as yours? How dare you say that Immortal Emperors are not as good as yours? Is the inheritance of the Emperor’s family inferior to that of your family?”

Su Hongyu couldn't help but shed a cold sweat for Xu Ying, and whispered: Fellow Daoist Xu, admit your mistake first, and my Su family will resolve the rest for you.

Xu Ying whispered: I can't thank you enough.

Fellow Taoists, it's me, Meng Lang. I promise, I'll make amends for you here.

Xu Ying looked around and said loudly, What I said just now was from the bottom of my heart. I had no other intention. I didn't mean to insult the emperors or you. I just made a breakthrough, and suddenly I reached the level of Taoist master. At such a height, with one glance, I could see through the Taoist and magical powers of the emperors and their families, as well as the great ways of practice of the emperors, that's why I sighed.

When Su Hongyu heard this, her face suddenly changed and she thought, My Su family can't resolve this.

Sure enough, all the emperors' families were furious, and even the emperor's coffins were banging and beating at the moment. It seemed that a peerless immortal emperor was so angry after hearing this that he couldn't help but want to commit suicide.

Seeing that everyone's expressions were wrong, Xu Ying hurriedly explained: Everyone, to be honest, my way has been completed now. My way surpasses the nine innate ways, whether it is the nine ways of evidence of the Tao Alliance or the non-duality of our immortal dynasty. All the Dharma methods are inferior. My Tao is so high that I can see all the mountains. It makes me realize how insignificant you are. I really didn’t mean to insult you!

This is the truth.

He has become the Master of the Houtian Dao, and he has a clear understanding of the various methods of the Nine Innate Paths. His eyes scan the crowd, and he masters all the various avenues they practice.

He looked at each emperor's coffin. From the aura emanating from the emperor's coffin, he could determine what kind of path the person in the coffin had practiced during his lifetime.

This is exactly the improvement brought about by Hou Tianyu Xiantian.

All the innate avenues that people can see and understand are all acquired avenues, and they are all within his acquired avenues. Therefore, Xu Ying only felt that the emperors of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty were just like this and did not jump out of his acquired avenues. of barriers.

However, these words were still too irritating, causing all the emperors and families to shout in anger.

Xu Ying sighed and said seriously: Everyone, at most you are more accomplished in a certain way than I am, but any way you practice is within my way. I look at you like reading a text on the palm of my hand, or seeing fire like a fire. .”

He tightened the black coffin on his back, took a step forward, and walked directly to the front of the Qin family's imperial coffin. He said with a solemn expression: His Majesty Di Xuan cultivated the nine innate avenues during his lifetime and cultivated them to the end of the avenue. But he It should have only been with the help of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi that he reached this point. His fundamental avenue is actually the avenue of cause and effect.

He activated the avenue of cause and effect, and a golden wheel of cause and effect suddenly appeared, shining with golden light, absorbing all the cause and effect in the Imperial Capital.

Even when Xu Ying activated the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect, the causal threads of thousands of universes under the jurisdiction of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty also came one after another and merged into the Golden Wheel of Cause and Effect!

The power of his Karma Golden Wheel continued to increase, and in just a short moment, a golden source of brilliant light was formed in the Golden Wheel!

This is the sign that you have reached the realm of Taoist master through practicing the non-duality method!

Your Majesty Emperor Xuan, only the avenue of cause and effect is the real end of the avenue. The ends of the other eight avenues are just false ends of the way to be proved by treasures.

Xu Ying moved his steps in front of Emperor Xuan's coffin, used his hands as seals, controlled cause and effect, controlled reincarnation, robbed luck with a snap of his fingers, and started killing!

In an instant, the other eight innate avenues emerged one by one, and together with the avenue of cause and effect, nine different flood sources were formed behind him.

The flood source of chaos is dim and devoid of any vitality.

In the Hongyuan of Hongmeng, there is innate spiritual light gestating, and vitality begins to appear.

Wuji Wu Taisheng, perform Tai Chi. Taisheng has ten thousand ways, reincarnation controls all living beings, all living beings have cause and effect, cause and effect are wrong, disasters arise, killings occur, and eventually they are destroyed.

The nine promised flood sources evolved into nine cosmic forms, which is breathtaking.

However, because Di Xuan used treasures to realize the Tao, only the cause and effect of his nine innate ways are perfect, and the other avenues have not been perfected.

Xu Ying opened his arms and activated the nine great flood sources. The nine flood sources circulated, slightly stagnant, and said: Therefore, the flaws in Emperor Xuan's Taoism will appear on the other eight innate avenues. If he meets me, It's okay to only use the avenue of cause and effect, but if you use the other eight paths, you will definitely fail.

The depth of his Taoism may not be as good as that of the emperors, but the breadth of his Taoism is far beyond that of the emperors.

The masters of the Qin family were shocked and angry. An elder slapped the table and shouted: How do you know the Qin family's skills?

The nine great flood sources that Xu Ying operates are precisely the techniques passed down from Di Xuan, the Nine Great Enlightenments of Enlightenment and Fruition!

Qin Keyong shouted: You stole my Qin family's secret knowledge and dared to slander my imperial family's skills! Today, I...

He was about to get up, but a big hand pressed him on his shoulder.

Qin Keyong looked back and was slightly startled: Wu Xiancheng, what do you mean?

The person who held him down was not a master of the Qin family, but the Immortal Prime Minister Wu Yuanji from the Dixuan Immortal Dynasty. Wu Yuanji is one of the most powerful beings in the Emperor Xuan era, second only to Emperor Xuan. There are rumors that after Emperor Xuan suffers a calamity, Xiancheng Wu Yuanji will ascend to the throne.

Xiancheng Wu Yuanji shook his head and said softly: His Majesty Emperor Xuan told me when he was still alive. When he faced off against the Taoist leader, he noticed his own weakness and was injured by the Taoist leader. At that time, he said that he only had the Dao of Cause and Effect and did not exist. Weaknesses, the other eight avenues all have weaknesses, and they were injured one by one by the Tao Alliance Leader.

Qin Keyong was horrified when he heard the words. He quickly looked at Xu Ying and whispered: He is the leader of the Tao Alliance? No, no...

Immortal Prime Minister Wu Yuanji sent a message: Of course he is not the leader of the Tao Alliance, but his origin is questionable. Many Immortal Emperor families have disappeared in the world. This time, Emperor Chen also sent people to intercept and kill many Immortal Emperor families who failed to arrive. But as long as you check, you can find out whether he is from the Immortal Emperor family.

His eyes flashed and he whispered: I have sent people to check, and there will be news soon.

Xu Ying came to Di Sheng's coffin and said: His Majesty Di Sheng started his career in the practice of killing, and he has practiced the way of killing to the extreme. Even another senior I know is only slightly inferior. However, he is not as good as him. His Majesty Dixuan has the same problem, and the other eight innate ways also have the weakness of using treasures to prove the way. These eight innate ways are only infinitely close to the end of the way, not the real end.

As he spoke, he activated the nine innate paths, with killing as the core, and the other eight paths as supplements. The Tao method was running, and the stagnation was very obvious.

Everyone in the Xiu family sneered, but their hearts were filled with turmoil.

The various visions formed by the nine movements that Xu Ying performed were exactly what they would look like when their cultivation path of conquest was fully operational!

Even among their cultivators, not many can practice the Conquest Dao to the level of Xu Ying!

However, Xu Ying spoke out about the weaknesses of Zhengdao Jujing, and his words were conclusive, but people were very unconvinced.

Tian Shanghou of the Emperor Shengxian Dynasty blocked the person who tried to challenge Xu Ying and said: Your Majesty once encountered the Chaos Bell in the Chaos Sea and was injured by it. He said that there were mistakes in his Taoism and Dharma. It is exactly the same as what this young man pointed out. You guys. If you come forward to receive advice, I'm afraid you'll be in trouble.

Everyone in the Xiu family was shocked.

Emperor Sheng conquered the Sea of ​​Chaos back then, trying to expand the territory of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty to more distant borders.

At that time, the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty opened up the Void Station and the Void Station, connecting the universes and even opening up to the periphery of the Sea of ​​Chaos!

The territory governed by his Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was more than ten times larger than it is now!

However, Di Sheng's huge empire was short-lived. After one of his expeditions, Di Sheng was seriously injured when he returned, so he voluntarily abdicated and selected the next generation of Immortal Emperors. And he carried the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and died.

That serious injury directly ruined the huge empire built by Di Sheng, and almost caused the empire to perish. Fortunately, his successor, Emperor Rui, was able to turn the tide and save the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty from collapse.

It has always been a mystery that Di Sheng was suddenly seriously injured and dying in his prime. Even the Xiu family did not know whose hands he was injured. Only now do we know that this majestic emperor was seriously injured by the Chaos Bell!

Xu Ying walked towards the Yu family. In front of Emperor Wang's coffin, he pointed out the errors and omissions in Emperor Wang's Taoism while stimulating the Taoism and Yujia's skills.

Everyone in the Yu family was livid, but no one dared to move.

The technique that Xu Ying activated was the Yu family's Sutra of Eternal Reincarnation and Immortality!

They originally thought that the Sutra of Reincarnation and Eternal Achievement of Immortality must be the most powerful technique in the world, with no flaws to speak of. However, they did not expect that a young man would use this technique directly in front of other imperial clansmen. And point out the fatal flaw!

Xu Ying ignored them and came to the Wen family's emperor's coffin.

The writer felt like facing a formidable enemy.

After Xu Ying finished talking about Wen's Taoism and its flaws, he walked towards the next emperor's coffin. He eloquently said that in this Jinluan Palace, while practicing the emperors' techniques and performing them to the fullest, he also pointed out the shortcomings of the emperors' techniques.

The faces of all the major imperial families were ashen.

Xu Ying walked around and finally came to Su Hongyu. After hesitating, he walked to Emperor Zhao's coffin.

Yun Bohou and others were nervous and took a step forward to stop him from practicing the Su family's Hongmeng Infinite Tribulation Sutra. Su Hongyu raised his hand and said with a nervous expression: No need to stop him. I also want to know, I, Su Is there any flaw in my Hongmeng Infinite Tribulations Sutra? If you know it, you can hope to correct it. If you don’t know it, there will be no possibility of progress.

Ignorance is prejudice.

She really wanted to surpass her predecessors and her ancestor Emperor Zhao, but if she wanted to surpass him, she had to break through her ignorance.

In front of everyone, Xu Ying displayed the Hongmeng Boundless Calamity Sutra and pointed out the flaws in Emperor Zhao's Taoism in every detail.

Su Hongyu's face became paler. By the time Xu Ying pointed out all the flaws, her face was already pale, but she still stood up, bowed to Xu Ying on the ground, and said sincerely: Hongyu, thank you Dao Brother Xu for your advice. I'm grateful. Not enough.

Xu Ying hurriedly helped her and said with a smile: Without your guidance, I would not have been able to solve the problem that has troubled me for a long time. You give me peaches, and I will repay you with Qiong Yao.

Su Hongyu whispered: You should leave quickly. The emperors and their families will never leave you in this world!

Xu Ying was startled and didn't understand what he meant.

In the Luoshui Palace in the Imperial Capital, Yuan Weiyang was dressed in the attire of a female military attache, with her horizontal sword on her knees, sitting on the water. The water was calm and waveless, with only white mist floating around.

The water surface in the mist is like a bright mirror, reflecting everything in the Jinluan Palace.

She has been spying on the Jinluan Palace here for a long time, but no one has been able to notice it.

You've been watching the Grand Ceremony here for a long time. Do you have any interest in this black guy?

The Empress stepped on the water and walked over, jokingly saying, This is the Yuan'ai Festival, a time when men and women enjoy love. The grand sacrificial wine is also a girl, so I can match it.

Yuan Weiyang looked away and said: I'm joking.

The Empress said sternly: Looking at the sea of ​​chaos, there are very few people who can catch up with you in talent and learning. His Majesty Emperor Chen is already a peerless figure, but he is not worthy of you. But this black-faced man, I will not lose to you in terms of Taoism and Dharma. Don’t miss the opportunity to offer a great wine ceremony.”

Yuan Weiyang was noncommittal.

The Empress smiled and said: If you like him, I will come forward to save him.

Rescue him? Yuan Weiyang was stunned.

The Empress smiled and said: This man named Xu Ying has pointed out the flaws in the emperors' skills and shown his peerless emperor style. Do you think the emperors family can tolerate him? You have mastered the flaws in my skills, and you are The biggest stumbling block for me to ascend to the throne is, of course, the sooner I get rid of you, the better.

She sneered and said: Before His Majesty even showed his intention to rebel, there were rumors that His Majesty was going to rebel. Naturally, these people were behind it. They couldn't tolerate His Majesty, and naturally they couldn't tolerate Xu Ying either.

Yuan Weiyang probed: Then your Majesty wants to rebel?

Of course we have to fight against it!

The Empress said confidently, Your Majesty must rebel! If your Majesty does not rebel, the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty will not recover!

She was very interested, stared at the lake, and said with a smile: All emperors are public, but all the emperors and families are full of selfishness! Just wait and see, these old people will not be able to help but take action to steal your wish. The young man will be beaten into powder!

Yuan Weiyang couldn't help but worry about Xu Ying.

At this moment, a voice came from outside: Mother, Grand Sacrificial Wine, what are you looking at?

The Empress showed joy and said with a smile: Your Majesty is back! Let's hold a big wine ceremony. Your Majesty will be saved when he returns!

Emperor Chen came from outside the palace and was surprised when he heard this: What kind of young man?

The Empress smiled and said: Your Majesty, please look at this young man with a black face.

Di Chen came to Luoshui Palace, his eyes fell on the water, and Xu Ying's face came into view.

————After Zhu Sanyang was born, he may have suffered from sleep apnea syndrome. He used an APP to record his snoring during sleep. He stopped breathing many times during the night, and for a period of time, his breathing stopped for a minute. Frequent drowsiness during the day and difficulty concentrating. Go to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow. The new strain is about to spread, please be careful.

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