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Chapter 944 Battle of Yuan Ai Festival


When Tian Buwu said these words, many voices of his own came from his mouth, shouting: Presumptuous!

He was startled and immediately realized that those sounds were his own!

His Wuji Dao has reached the Great Perfection of the Tao Master Realm, and is infinitely close to the end of the road. After a duel with Xu Ying, the Wuji Dao has changed. It actually decomposes from his body and turns into Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Tai Su and Tai Chi.

The five wild sounds just now were the sounds coming from the five great innate avenues!

The Five Innate Tai Tais are also five extremely brilliant and powerful innate avenues, and they are the five forms of Wuji. However, the evolution of Wuji Dao into the Wutai state was definitely not what he wanted.

His attack just now contained five Taoist powers in his five fingers, which split my Wuji Dao!

Tian Buwu was horrified, I don't use other innate avenues, and he can't find any flaws in me, so he wants me to use Wuji Evidence Taiyi to break me!

An existence in the early stage of the Tao Master Realm forced a perfect Tao Master Realm existence to rely on evidence without any flaws. He had never encountered or heard of such a situation.

The Hunyuan Non-Dual Dharma is the purest cultivation method and can never be influenced by others. The breadth of his Taoism exceeds mine, but the depth is definitely not as good as mine. He cannot force me to follow the evidence of Taiyi!

Now that the Wuji Dao Realm has been broken, he immediately mobilizes the power of the other eight innate avenues to suppress it and calm the trend of the Wuji Dao Realm breaking down.

However, at the moment when he was adjusting the Wuji Dao Realm, he suddenly thought that when Xu Ying cracked his Tian family's Wuji Haoran Four Certificates, what he said was that if the Tian family's ancestor Di Kong used other Taoist methods besides Wuji, he would also be deceived. He broke it!

His scalp was numb, but he had to fire the arrow with the arrow on the string, and continued to mobilize the power of the Eight Innate Paths.

Xu Ying was already in front of him. When he made a move, he used his fingers as the sword and the Tao as the sword energy. Swish, swish, the sword light was flying, as graceful as a flying giant, and as graceful as a dragon.

The two of them were fighting fast in the air of Huangji Imperial Capital. Tian Buwu felt that the eight kinds of Taoist power he had channeled were cut off one after another. He was shocked and angry in his heart, but he saw Xu Ying's five swords piercing his body.

When the five swords were thrust out, five Tian Buwu suddenly jumped out of his body. It was his Wu Tai Dao body!

The five Taoist bodies each took action, and five consecutive palms were printed on his body.

Tian Buwu spit out blood and fell down and flew out.

Tian Buwu and the five Taoists all chased him and said in unison: How reckless!

Tian Buwu was frightened and angry, and tried his best to resist, but was seriously injured by his own Fifth Taoist body.

Xu Ying is really powerful, he has indeed broken the Wuji Dao of my Tian family! He thought to himself.

Xu Ying stepped forward with a leisurely expression, raised his sword and said with a smile: Brother Tian Dao, I will send you to see Da Dao.

He was about to kill Tian Buwu in pain, but suddenly a person tore through the void and appeared behind him, with a bright light all over his body, making it difficult to identify his identity.

This person is coming menacingly, and as soon as he strikes, his reincarnation will spin. The universe and time in the chaotic sea seem to have become his dojo, turning into bright reincarnation rings one after another.

Even the Hunyuan Universe where the Emperor's Capital is located has become a part of reincarnation, making his body look extremely majestic, as if he is standing on the other side of the infinite universe, controlling reincarnation!

He can reincarnate Xu Ying at any time, deprive her of his mana, Taoism, and magical powers, and turn her into an insect, a beast, or even a lifeless rock!

However, just as Xu Ying fell into reincarnation, he looked up and said with strange eyes: Reincarnation Eternally Proven Immortality Sutra? You are from the Yu family. Emperor Wang's reincarnation road is indeed majestic, but you are not Emperor Wang after all. .”

As he spoke, he split, and one promise after another appeared in the reincarnations of the universe.

The person who took action stood on the other side of the infinite universe of the Chaos Sea. Countless universes were his reincarnation dojos. Now, all the reincarnation dojos seemed to be infected by the plague. One after another, promises appeared in these dojos, promising to him. He came and struck with his sword.

The person who took action was none other than Yu Chuan, the elder of the Yu family of the imperial clan. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

Xu Ying is about to step out of his reincarnation power, and the sword light is likely to stab in front of him!

In the countless reincarnations of the universe, countless voices of promise came: Brother Yujia Dao, Emperor Wang's eternal reincarnation certificate covers the other eight paths. At the end of the false avenue, you have only mobilized one-ninth of your mana. Why not mobilize all avenues?”

Yuchuan's face darkened. Like Tian Buwu, he only dared to use the most powerful avenue among his ancestral skills, and did not dare to use the other eight avenues.

Therefore, the Tao power he can mobilize is only one-ninth.

He attempted to use one-ninth of his magic power to completely drive Xu Ying, a different kind of Taoist master, into reincarnation. Now that he tried it, he realized that it was impossible!

In the reincarnations of the universe, the number of promises is increasing, and there is a tendency to fill all the reincarnations, and the pressure on Yuchuan is also increasing.

Not only are the pasts of these universes filled with promises, but even the future of this universe is filled with promises one after another!

It's as if Xu Ying fell into his reincarnation, not turning into an insect or beast in the reincarnation, but all the people in the universe have turned into Xu Ying!

All the lives in these reincarnation dojos whose fates he controls have turned into promises, and they are all stabbing at him with their swords!


Finally, with the earth-shattering screams of the avenue, Yuchuan's countless reincarnation dojos were crushed, vomiting blood.

In front of him, countless promises merged into one, piercing his chest with a sneer.

Xu Ying's sword turned into a killing sword, trying to cut off Yuchuan's reincarnation path and destroy the Taoism he had cultivated for hundreds of millions of years!

At this moment, a sword light suddenly came out and struck Xu Ying's head. Xu Ying drew his sword without thinking and faced the blow.

The two of them were both swords of killing, and murderous aura filled the universe. The sword energy in Xu Ying's hand was suddenly cut off, but he laughed loudly: The Xiu family has a long history of conquest, and it is based on killing. It is indeed overbearing. It's a pity. , you can’t beat me!”

He clasped his right hand inward to meet the killing sword of Xiu family elder Xiu Feng, and the flood source of annihilation suddenly erupted in his palm, covering the entire Huangji Emperor in an instant, as if it was going to annihilate the Hunyuan universe!

Xu Ying smiled and said: Elder Xiu, I will send you to see Da Dao!

Nie Mie Hongyuan swallowed the killing sword of Xiu Feng clan elder. Xiu Feng's expression suddenly changed. He felt that his killing sword fell into Nie Mie Hong Yuan, further increasing the power of Nie Mie Hong Yuan!

The Nirvana Hongyuan was about to swallow Xiu Feng in one gulp when suddenly another person came to kill him. It was Wen Yuan, the elder of the Wen Family of the Imperial Clan. He raised his hand with the same Nirvana Taoist power.

The two great floods of annihilation suddenly collided, and in the sky above the imperial capital, as if the flood of annihilation erupted, a vision of light and reflection emerged, reflecting the billions of years of history of the Hunyuan Universe!

At this moment, the young men and women in the Yuan Ai Festival, bathed in hundreds of millions of years, witnessed the development of this extremely ancient universe and the reproduction and evolution of living things!

Using the Avenue of Nirvana in front of our Wen family is asking for trouble!

Wen Yuan snorted coldly, channeled the avenue of annihilation, gathered all the reflected light into the palm of his hand, and seemed to be in a position to annihilate Xu Ying too!

Xu Ying mobilized Hongmeng Dao power to penetrate the Nirvana, and collided heavily with his palm. Wen Yuan's figure was shaken, and the Nirvana Heavenly Fire around his body dimmed a lot. Blood bleeded from the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help but take a step back.

Xu Ying took a step closer, and another palm came out. The Wenyuan clan elder raised his hand to catch it forcefully. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose suddenly began to bleed, and the sky fire all over his body became even dimmer.

Xu Ying took another step forward and was about to kill him. The other members of the Imperial Clan could no longer sit still and came to kill him one after another. All kinds of great avenues practiced by the Imperial Clan, no matter how they were used, rushed towards him!

Xu Ying couldn't help but have a fierce light in his eyes when he saw that the crowd was approaching fiercely, and all kinds of imperial clan Taoisms gathered together and became a torrent of great avenues, which actually had the tendency to kill him.

He no longer mobilized various avenue breaking moves, but directly used the acquired avenue. In an instant, the nine evidence-based methods in his body, empowered by the void, directly burst out with the pinnacle attack since attaining enlightenment!

He pushed his palms forward, and in just a moment, the power that opened up the universe seemed to be created out of nothing, and collided with everyone's imperial magical powers!

Below, around the Huangji Imperial Capital, thousands of innate spiritual treasures shine brightly, and the thick light lingers, guarding the Huangji Imperial Capital against this terrifying impact.

Xu Ying's footing was unstable and he was knocked upside down by the impact. The inner and outer Houtian Dao universe was immediately broken, and his cultivation was damaged!

Even if he mixed hundreds of thousands of innate avenues from the Nine Innate Paths, Void Avenue and Different Paths, he still wouldn't be able to fight against so many masters at the same time!

Xu Ying groaned, staggered, and barely stopped his decline.

Seeing that he was injured, the dozen or so emperor clan elders immediately rushed forward, their respective Taoist and magical powers erupted again, and they all attacked Xu Ying!

At the same time, different paths circulated in Xu Ying's body, and the perfect inner and outer universe formed by the acquired path was immediately restored.

He mobilized the Tao power of the void, evacuated the Tao power of the nearby heaven and earth, and once again relied on the nine evidences, the Tao power exploded to meet the magical powers of the more than ten clan elders!


This time the collision was more intense. Xu Ying was injured more seriously and fell backwards. The elders of the Imperial Clan rushed forward again with their energy and blood flowing.

Although they are the masters of the avenue, they are not the end of the avenue after all. The masters are still affected by the avenue of void. If the energy of the void is taken away, they will not be able to mobilize the power from other universes.

However, at the end of the road, after draining out the energy of the void, it is as if the power of Tao has been transferred from other universes, and even something can be created out of nothing. The power of Tao is endless, and it is not the same as the Tao Master!

Xu Ying collided with the dozen or so elders of the Imperial Clan for the third time. This time, the blood of all the elders was boiling, and they were even on the same level as Xu Ying.

When the fourth collision occurred, the faces of more than a dozen elders of the Imperial Clan turned red, as if they were about to bleed.

By the fifth collision, the dozen or so elders of the Imperial Clan were spitting blood from their mouths, their bodies were unstable, and they could no longer resist Xu Ying!

Deploy the power of other avenues and kill him! someone shouted loudly.

Hearing this, the elders of other clans mobilized their Dao power from other avenues. Until now, they had only used one-ninth of their Dao power. Although more than ten people joined forces, they still could not directly kill Xu Ying. But if all the Tao power can be mobilized, then one person is equivalent to nine people joining forces, and the combat power will naturally increase dramatically!

However, just as they were channeling all their Tao power, Xu Ying suddenly rushed into the crowd. The moment Yu Chao, the elder of the Yu family, collided with Xu Ying, he was hit by eight moves. He heard his forehead, throat, and occipital bones , the third thoracic vertebrae, the eighteenth vertebrae, the tail vertebrae, the sound of the knees breaking!

The Taoism of his Yu family was completely destroyed in just one encounter. Even if Yu Chao was lucky, the pride of the imperial clan turned into dust as his body fell.

Before Xiu Feng could fully mobilize his Tao power, Xu Ying passed through his magical power with a palm, held his face, and leaned back involuntarily. Half of his body was broken, and the back of his head was hit on his buttocks!

The sword light flashed in front of Wen Yuan's eyes, his hands and feet were severed, and he flew away immediately. Suddenly he felt his body lightened, his head flew away from his neck, and he ran away leaving his body behind.

Xu Ying hit Qin Fenggu with the black coffin behind him, causing Qin Fenggu to spurt blood from his mouth. He raised his hand to meet Yuchuan's reincarnation and eternal certification of magical powers.

The moment the two people's bodies intertwined, Yuchuan hit eight moves in a row, and his mind was buzzing: He is right, the Ancestor Emperor Wang's Sutra of Eternal Reincarnation and Immortality does have eight flaws. However...

He spit out blood and fell weakly from the air. He was completely dejected: However, even though Xu Ying pointed out these eight flaws, I can't change them...

Panic voices came from the sky: Keep your distance! No one is his opponent in a single fight! Keep your distance from him!

Having said that, there are still people who are constantly being hit hard by Xu Ying and falling down.

In the Immortal Courtyard, Di Chen stood in front of the Jinluan Palace with his hands behind his back, watching this scene from a distance, with no sadness or joy on his face.

Behind him, the Empress showed a shocked look and murmured: Why is this person's Taoism different from the normal Taoism? Why does his Hongyuan look like this?

He is not cultivating Hongyuan, but Hunyuan Universe.

Di Chen opened his mouth and said, There are two kinds of universes in the Chaos Sea. One is the cosmic flood source born from the chaotic spiritual roots. The flood source opens up to form the universe. The other is similar to our Hunyuan Universe, which is created out of nothing. The universe. The former opens up the easy, the latter opens up the difficult. He practices the latter.

His eyes flickered, showing no emotion or anger, and he suddenly said: He is the big shot that the Dao Alliance has been looking for.

The Empress's heart was slightly shaken: A big shot in the Dao League? Your Majesty, isn't this person a rival of our Immortal Dynasty? While he is still weak... Weiyang, I can't give you this little lover.

Di Chen said calmly: I will handle it myself.

Yuan Weiyang said nothing.

On the other side, Tian Buwu, the elder of the Tian family, finally beheaded his Fifth Taoist body. He just breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to see Xu Ying holding the face of the Dan family elder, as if he was carrying a dead body.

Tian Buwu had a sudden thought when he saw Xu Ying carrying Mr. Dan from the family and walking towards him. When he was not far away from him, he threw Mr. Dan down.

Tian Buwu smiled and said: Fellow Taoist Xu...


Xu Ying punched him in the face and knocked him away!

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