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Chapter 939 Hongmeng Sutra of Infinite Tribulations

The chariot that the woman in black was riding was quite exquisite, and it was driven by a white elephant, with a blanket woven from sun and moon beads draped on the elephant's back.

There are auspicious clouds floating around the chariot as embellishments, palace lanterns are hung on the front, back and left, and flags are hung on the back of the chariot. The Tao is used as a text, and the Taoism of different civilizations such as Wind and thunder follow each other is written.

There were more than a dozen attendants on the white elephant. They were quite advanced in cultivation and were watching Xu Ying warily.

Several of the old men among them had even more vigorous cultivation. Xu Ying even noticed that these people had mastered the Hunyuan Undual Method, and he was afraid that they had already reached the level of perfecting the Five Paths!

Five innate avenues, perfect cultivation, what is this woman's background? Xu Ying was surprised and unsure.

The Hunyuan Non-Dual Method is the practice method of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. It does not rely on evidence, but exhausts one innate avenue, cultivates it to the extreme, and then practices other innate avenues to achieve the innate reality.

This method of practice is more powerful in the same realm, but it is too slow to practice.

Yin Zhong has cultivated the two avenues of Chaos and Hongmeng to the level of Tao Master Perfection, and his cultivation strength can be compared with the masters of the seven evidence-based Tao Alliance!

Xu Ying was surprised that there were actually five perfect forms of the innate path on this precious chariot.

Could this be the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty? I broke in here unintentionally. Didn't I throw myself into a trap? However, now Di Chen and others are searching for my whereabouts in the sea of ​​chaos and will not be back in a short time. In the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, No one should know my identity!”

Xu Ying felt a little relieved.

The woman in black had very fair skin originally, and she was wearing black clothes, which made her skin look better than snow. She looked at Xu Ying several times, and her eyes fell on the black coffin behind Xu Ying, showing a hint of surprise.

Hunyuan Immortal Emperor is the strongest person selected from the tens of thousands of universes in the Immortal Dynasty. Although I have the intention to become an Immortal Emperor, I am afraid that I am not as strong as him.

She smiled and said, What's more, becoming the Hunyuan Immortal Emperor requires paying the price with your life. I'm timid, so I just came to watch the fun.

Xu Ying looked solemn and said: In order to seek the throne of the emperor, wouldn't it be a pity to die?

Even so, he was agitated in his heart and thought: It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I must leave before Di Chen and others come back.

He was extremely confused in his heart. Emperor Chen was obviously so powerful, and he definitely didn't look like he was dying. With such an existence, the Nirvana Tribulation cannot do anything to him. Why is the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty starting to select the next generation of Hunyuan Immortal Emperor now?

The woman in black glanced at the black coffin behind him, her eyes flashed, and she said with a smile: What you said makes sense. The Hunyuan Immortal Emperor was originally meant to prolong his life for the Immortal Dynasty. How can it be a pity to live? I'm from the Su family. , my name is Su Hongyu, may I ask you about your origins?

Sleeping alone in the red building, the clouds are gathering in the moonlight, half of the bead curtain is hung with jade hooks. Staying in Hongyu, what a good name.

Xu Ying praised him and said with a smile, I promise.

Su Hongyu, a woman in black, saw that he was well-spoken and knew the meaning of her name. She felt a little fond of him and said with a smile: Young Taoist Xu has learned a lot and has the ambition to change the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. It's admirable. . If you don’t mind it, you and I can go together.”

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and said, I carry the coffin for fear of bumping into the beautiful lady.

Su Hongyu opened the bead chain, walked out of the car, and said with a smile: If it's not convenient for you to come to the car, you and I can just walk.

Seeing her cheerfulness, Xu Ying smiled and said, It is better to obey orders than to be respectful.

The two of them walked together. The guards of the Su family asked the chariot to slow down and followed the two of them. On the back of the white elephant, an old man looked quite nervous and said: Hongyu, the closer we get to the Imperial Capital, the more dangerous it becomes. We must enter the Imperial Capital as soon as possible!

Su Hongyu smiled and said, We've been here all the way, why worry?

Her eyes fell on the black coffin behind Xu Ying again. After a moment, she smiled and said, Brother Xu, it doesn't look like you prepared this coffin for yourself. Instead, it looks like someone has already been buried in the coffin.

Xu Ying laughed and said with awe in his heart: This woman can see it.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Su Hongyu smiled and said, To be honest, I also have a coffin in my car.

Xu Ying was surprised, glanced at her, but still didn't speak.

Su Hongyu changed the topic and pointed to the thousands of innate spiritual treasures in front of her, saying: Emperor Huangji used the innate spiritual treasures to protect the capital, in an attempt to use the power of these chaotic spiritual roots to eliminate the misfortune of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. However, the Immortal Dynasty has suffered a great calamity, owes a huge debt to the Chaos Sea, and is innately deficient, so how can these spiritual treasures be able to withstand it?

She shook her head and said: Nowadays, the territory of the Immortal Dynasty is far less than before, and the calamities are getting worse, with internal and external troubles. After Emperor Chen returns to the throne this time, the next generation of Immortal Emperors will not be able to sit on the throne for how long.

Xu Ying activated the method of cause and effect and reincarnation and observed the Imperial Capital. He saw that this universe was composed of the original holy places of many universes, and it was countless times more prosperous than the other side.

The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has an original universe, and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is based on this universe.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved. This original universe was larger than any universe he had ever seen before, and the avenue of heaven and earth was more complete!

In the ordinary universe, there are three thousand avenues, which means that there are three thousand avenues in the world, and some say there are four thousand or five thousand avenues.

However, the original universe of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has hundreds of thousands of ways of heaven and earth!

The great avenue of heaven and earth in this universe is so prosperous, why would Su Hongyu still say that it is inherently deficient?

Suddenly, Xu Ying noticed that a strange alien force invaded the black coffin behind him. It was probably the black coffin that used his eyes to observe the original universe of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Xu Ying's consciousness fluctuated: Master Coffin, are you aware that there is a problem with this original universe?

The black coffin didn't answer, but there was a slight fluctuation, which showed that the black coffin was not at peace inside.

Could it be that this universe is what Master Coffin said was created out of nothing? Who can have such huge magic power?

Xu Ying calmed down and asked: Hongyu, you said that the Immortal Dynasty is inherently deficient. Why is that?

Su Hongyu said: It is said that at the beginning of the Hunyuan Universe in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, many innate spiritual roots were born. One of the spiritual roots was taken away, so one spiritual root was lost, resulting in innate deficiencies.

Xu Ying was stunned. Many innate spiritual roots were born? How is this going?

Who took away the spiritual root? he asked.

The person who created the Hunyuan Universe. Our Hunyuan Universe was created out of nothing, created from chaos, and has not experienced the flood of chaotic spiritual roots in the universe.

Su Hongyu didn't know much about this and said, There is no record left about who the pioneer was. However, the life and death of the universe will not end because of who the pioneer is. After the establishment of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, Many years have passed, and the Hunyuan Universe is about to go extinct. At that time, my family happened to be the first generation of Immortal Emperors.

Xu Ying was moved and looked at the girl in black. He didn't expect that she was from the imperial clan of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

After the Su family, they set a rule that the Immortal Emperor would be passed down from generation to generation. However, it was not passed on to the Su family, but the throne was handed over to the most powerful being in the Immortal Dynasty to continue the longevity of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty.

Su Hongyu was quite melancholy and said, Back then, our ancestors left an edict to pass on the throne. The edict said that the only way to solve the catastrophe of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was to find the founder of the Hunyuan Universe and please bring back the innate plant. Spiritual roots. However, the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has sent countless envoys over hundreds of millions of years to search throughout the Chaos Sea, but they have never been able to find the pioneer and recover the innate spiritual roots.

She sighed and said: Now that misfortune has returned, the Immortal Dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles. I wonder if it can still hold on.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: Could it be that Emperor Chen's imminent fall is related to the fate of the Immortal Dynasty?

He did not ask directly. After all, he was now from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. If he didn't even know this bit of common sense, it would definitely arouse Su Hongyu's suspicion.

Fellow Daoist Xu came here carrying a coffin, maybe it's for this reason, right?

Su Hongyu's eyes fell on the black coffin behind Xu Ying, and she said with a half-smile, Actually, your goal is not the throne, your goal is the Emperor! Dare I ask Fellow Daoist Xu, who is the person in your coffin? Forgive me for being ignorant, but I don’t know of any Immortal Emperor with the surname Xu.”

Xu Ying still didn't know what she meant and said vaguely: The person in my coffin is also a powerful being, but it's not convenient to say it now.

Su Hongyu did not ask further questions, but said: You are so bold to come here alone, carrying the emperor's coffin. Didn't you encounter an ambush on the way?

Xu Ying was about to answer when suddenly the void shook violently, and the great avenues of heaven and earth all around him fell silent in an instant, because at this moment, the power between heaven and earth was suddenly drained!

Void Avenue!

Xu Ying's heart was slightly shaken, Madam!

The layers of void suddenly exploded, and a slender jade hand fell. Before it fell, the white elephant was already dead. The precious chariot was torn apart, revealing a coffin locked by chains!

The coffin was square and square, measuring two feet each in length, width and height. It was like a huge box made of wood. It was painted with the mountains, rivers, geography and ancient star map of the Hunyuan universe. It was also engraved with hundreds of thousands of avenue imprints around it. It was extremely Exquisite.

On each side of the coffin, there is an old man from his hometown sitting motionless.

The masters of the Zunsu family on the white elephant shouted violently, activated their own avenues, and met the slender hands falling from the sky!

Xu Ying looked up at this scene, and his heart suddenly thought: My wife's hand!

Just as a group of masters from the Su family blocked this slender hand, they suddenly saw four more figures coming from one side and rushing towards the square coffin!

These four figures have extremely powerful auras, and each has six innate avenues behind them, which are constantly based on evidence. Their faces are shrouded in divine light, making it difficult to see clearly!

Su Hongyu snorted coldly: Sure enough, it's here!

She did not take action, but the four elders of the Su family who were guarding the coffin stood up and faced the four mysterious masters.

The cultivation of the four elders of the Su family is more powerful than that of the newcomers. However, at this moment, the power of heaven and earth has disappeared. The four elders cannot borrow the power of the universe. On the contrary, they are not as good as those four mysterious masters. They are in danger for a while!

Su Hongyu's figure floated up and landed on the square coffin, and a clear voice came: Fellow Daoist Xu, buried in the coffin is the ancestor of my Su family, the first generation of the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Dynasty, Emperor Zhao! My purpose in coming to the capital of Huangji is the same as yours, to invite the late emperor to suppress the emperor and let the emperor cope with the disaster!

Xu Ying blinked: The purpose of my coming here is to suppress Emperor Chen and make him suffer the disaster? So what does my wife do? Is she against me?

He had already recognized the person standing in the void, who suddenly had all the power of heaven and earth drained away, as Yuan Weiyang.

Yuan Weiyang's appearance in Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty was beyond his expectation. What was even more unexpected was that Yuan Weiyang actually helped Di Chen.

Back then, our ancestors issued an edict: If future generations want to become Immortal Emperors, they must first gather all the tribulations in the world into one body, and respond to the tribulations on behalf of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Later, they will have unparalleled cultivation!

Su Hongyu looked up into the void and sneered, Emperor Chen has been the Immortal Emperor for hundreds of millions of years and has enjoyed endless glory and wealth. However, the misfortune of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty has returned, but he doesn't want to accept it. Immortal, even if the Immortal Dynasty is destroyed, I will not hesitate! After hearing the news, the descendants of our emperors sent the emperor’s coffin to the Imperial Capital, in order to force him to accept the disaster and prolong the life of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!”

Another mysterious master came to kill Su Hongyu, and at the same time, a flash of inspiration appeared, like a long whip, and rolled up the emperor's coffin at Su Hongyu's feet.

Su Hongyu stood on the emperor's coffin, and suddenly the whole body was filled with purple energy. The innate Hongmeng Avenue was unparalleled, and he collided with the mysterious master. He said coldly: I didn't expect that Emperor Chen actually sent a killer to intercept and kill the descendants of the emperors. ! Since you don’t have the responsibilities of an Immortal Emperor, you shouldn’t have ascended to the throne hundreds of millions of years ago!”


Su Hongyu's innate purple energy was unbelievably powerful, far superior to other innate avenues. Her opponent had practiced five innate avenues, and his realm was similar to hers. However, when he received a palm from her, he was hit so hard that his aura floated and he flew away. !

Xu Ying immediately realized: The Hongmeng Avenue of the Hunyuan Universe is far superior to other avenues! Su Hongyu has obtained the true inheritance of the Hongmeng Avenue!

Su Hongyu should be practicing the techniques of the first generation Immortal Emperor Emperor Zhao. Hongmeng Avenue is really powerful, which makes this woman's Hunyuan Non-Dual Method extremely powerful. One avenue is better than other people's five innate avenues!

The Emperor Zhao's Hongmeng Infinite Tribulation Sutra is indeed worthy of its reputation!

A thick voice came and said with a smile, It's a pity that we have the great sacrifice wine of Void to help! The Su family is destined to be extinct here!

Su Hongyu hurriedly looked around and saw that the four elders of the Su family were each injured at the moment, and many other famous members of the Su family were also injured.

She felt a chill in her heart and looked into the void: The great sacrificial wine for the master of the void? It is impossible for anyone in this world to become the master of the void!

She was unwilling to accept the Hongmeng Dao of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but she could not attract any Hongmeng Dao power.

If they are unable to sense Tao power, their cultivation will be reduced by one point.

However, the enemy can maintain his peak condition at all times with the help of the void power of the great sacrificial wine!

One thing is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and there is no doubt that we will fail!

At this moment, the power of the void suddenly surged between heaven and earth. They immediately felt that they were interacting with the avenue of Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and their cultivation strength returned to its peak again!

The four elders of the Su family and other masters became energetic and immediately attacked their opponents!

Su Hongyu looked at Xu Ying, who was carrying a black coffin, in surprise. She could sense that the fluctuation of void power came from Xu Ying.

Xu Ying did not look at her, but stared into space.

In the deepest part of the void, Yuan Weiyang stood tall and graceful, with a slender shadow.

Their eyes met.

Suddenly, Yuan Weiyang flicked his sleeves, turned around and left, disappearing.

As soon as she walked away with her front legs, the mysterious strong men on her back legs got rid of their opponents and roared away.

——It needs to be adjusted in the past few days.

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