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Chapter 938 Hunyuan Immortal Emperor

Xu Ying stubbornly opened his eyes, expressing that he did not want to close his eyes.

The black coffin put up another chain, intending to blow out his eyeballs so that he could rest in peace.

Xu Ying quickly stopped it and said: Master Coffin, could it be that you chose me because you saw that my future is bleak and that others cannot predict my movements, and even the Chaos Clock cannot find me?

Black Coffin didn't answer.

Xu Ying said seductively: Master Coffin should know that everything in this world has a price. I am no exception. Master Coffin uses me to avoid the Chaos Clock and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and I have to pay a price.

Chains flew out of the black coffin, waving like tentacles, baring their teeth and claws. One of the chains wrapped around Xu Ying's neck, as if threatening to hang him if he disobeyed.

Xu Ying sneered: If I die, can you escape the calculation at the end of the Cause and Effect Avenue? Can you escape the Chaos Bell's pursuit? Can you escape the control of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty? But don't worry, since we are In a cooperative relationship, I will definitely not be too open-minded, I am very cheap.

Hei Coffin hesitated for a moment and thought he was a good person, so he loosened the chain around his neck.

Xu Ying rubbed his neck and said: I will take you away to avoid the pursuit of Chaos Bell and Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. I am not greedy, as long as you...

He hesitated for a moment, his face trembling with pain, his voice a little cracked, and he gritted his teeth and said: I only want 80% of your Yuanshi Dao Qi!

Black Coffin was furious, and the chains flew out, strangling his neck tightly, and wanted to hang the profiteer in the sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying's neck was strangled, so Yuan Shen flew out and said sadly: Master Coffin, think about it, if you fall into the hands of Chaos Bell or Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, how much Yuanshi Dao Qi will you get? Let alone Yuanshi Dao Qi, You're afraid that even the coffin boards won't be left! You'll be torn down and used as firewood! Twenty percent, I'll give you two percent, you've taken a huge advantage! Master Coffin, you want to be a miser. Should I die, or should I retain 20% of Yuanshi Daoqi and live happily?

Black Coffin tightened the chain around Xu Ying's neck until his eyes turned black, and put up another chain, meaning to give him 10% of Yuanshi Dao Qi, otherwise he would be turned into a corpse.

Xu Ying took a step back and said: I will save face for Mr. Coffin and leave you 2.5% of Yuanshi Daoqi. Mr. Coffin, please don't bargain. I've already suffered a lot and made a loss.

The black coffin still has a chain erected.

Xu Ying asked tentatively: How about Master Coffin keeps 30%? No more bargaining, I've lost all the money on the coffin! Master Coffin only gave Yuanshi Dao Qi, but what I gave was my own life! Life -

The chain holding the black coffin upright didn't move at all.

Xu Ying gritted his teeth and promised to give Hei Coffin 46% of the bill. Hei Coffin was still unmoved and still gave him 10%.

Are you hard-hearted? This time I am not risking my own life, but also the second master's life! My life is worth 10%, and the second master's life is worth 10%! Otherwise, there is no business negotiation!

In the end, Hei Coffin relented and promised him and Chaos Lotus each 10% of Yuanshi Dao Qi.

Xu Ying said to the little girl of Chaos Lotus: Second Master, you are still young, so I will use this 10% of Yuanshi Daoqi as New Year's money for you. Since you are still young, I will help you collect the New Year's money first. I’ll give it to you when you grow up.”

The little girl nodded solemnly.

Xu Ying blinked and thought to himself: Master Coffin is really stingy. By the way, what is in Master Coffin? Is there nothing else besides Yuanshi Daoqi?

His eyes flashed and he asked the black coffin.

The black coffin hesitated for a moment and did not answer, but Yuanshi Dao Qi surged out and flowed into Xu Ying's body.

Xu Ying slowly refined this Dao Qi, and the acquired Dao circulated. The alien Dao, the Nine Innate Dao, and the Void Dao in his body were actually moving forward at the same time!

This Yuanshi Dao Qi is really wonderful, but why is there no such Dao Qi in the Sea of ​​Chaos?

Xu Ying wondered, what is the difference between overseas and the Sea of ​​Chaos?

The black coffin put up a chain and pointed at the little girl in the chaos lotus next to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying was slightly startled, his eyes fell on the little girl, and he asked doubtfully: Is it related to Master Lian? Do you mean, is it related to the root of chaos or the source of the universe?

He fell into thinking. Could it be that Black Coffin was trying to say that if there is no chaotic spiritual root and cosmic flood source, and a universe is created directly, there will be Yuanshi Daoqi?

However, without the spiritual root of chaos and the source of the universe, who could have such magic power to forcibly create a universe?

Perhaps only at the end of the nine evidence-based avenues can we do it?

He guessed, Di Chen, as well as Master Jinyu and Master Dao, may have the ability to create a universe out of nothing.

He suddenly remembered the ninth-level reincarnation figure at the end of the avenue, and thought to himself: This person should be able to do it too.

To create something out of nothing, open up the sea of ​​chaos, and recreate a universe in the sea of ​​chaos, you need to cultivate all the nine innate paths to perfection!

The Tao power possessed by this person can certainly compete with the Tao power contained in the entire universe, and the Tao power of the entire universe includes all the Tao masters that may be born in the past and future and even the end of the road!

The power it requires is unimaginable!

The black coffin erected a chain in front of him and shook it slowly, indicating that these people he said were not qualified.

The chains are twisted into the shapes of chickens and dogs, which means that these people are chickens and dogs.

Xu Ying asked: Master Coffin, they are the most powerful beings in the Chaos Sea. If you say they are chickens and dogs, then who do you think is the one who can create something out of nothing and open up the universe?

The black coffin lifted a chain and pointed it at himself, then suddenly put it down again without continuing to point it.

Seeing this, Xu Ying wondered: Is there buried in the black coffin a being who can create something out of nothing and open up the universe in the sea of ​​chaos?

However, Hei Coffin was unwilling to open the coffin and let him see what was hidden in the coffin.

Someone is here!

Xu Ying suddenly felt something in his heart, and immediately put the Chaos Lotus into his body, activated the Void Avenue, and fled far away with the black coffin on his back.

As soon as he stepped forward, he saw ships sailing into the void with a crash, and then powerful beings flew up from the ships, walking in the void, and their consciousness swept away in all directions!

The strength of these people is far superior to that of Yin Zhong, and they are the strong ones who fight against the Chaos Bell with Di Chen!

The strong men who participated in the fight against the Chaos Bell were all the most powerful beings in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. At this moment, these people were dispatched to capture Xu Ying, and they obviously valued the black coffin very much.

Their powerful magic even distorted the surrounding void, causing the void to shrink continuously. There were even a group of nine of them, showing the terrifying combat power at the end of the nine evidence-based avenues!

It's just that although their cultivation level is high and their speed is fast, in the void, the promised speed is even faster!

Xu Ying is the Taoist Master of the Void. This alone can defeat countless of them. In the void, no one can keep him unless there is another void master!

Yuanshi Daoqi is very important, related to the survival of our Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty! We must find Xu Ying no matter what!

They searched around, and suddenly the void was turbulent, and a huge ring of reincarnation cut into the void from the sea of ​​chaos, as if the plain colorless land suddenly had half a brilliant halo.

The halo covers an incredibly large area, and the boundless sea of ​​chaos and the universe are reflected in the halo, as if they are all in reincarnation!

At this moment, all the powerful men in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty felt like they had fallen into reincarnation, and they hurriedly stopped their boats.

Before the cycle of reincarnation, there was a Taoist with his big sleeves fluttering, walking wildly, and singing: Chaos is originally uncertain, and it is ruined by Gu Daosheng. Only then did it appear, and then the flag disappeared. Changing the face and changing the head, becoming a man or a woman . If you don’t know the owner, it will be so hard to come and go.”

In front of the building ship, nine princes from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty immediately flew out, forming a nine-channel formation.

Once the killing formation was completed, the auras of the nine people suddenly merged into one, and their auras increased rapidly, competing with the cycle of reincarnation!

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall of the Dao Alliance, has met fellow Daoists from the Immortal Dynasty!

The master of the Samsara Palace smiled slightly, stopped and bowed, and said politely, You are all seniors and prominent beings in the Immortal Dynasty. Why are you hunting down the outer disciples of our Dao Alliance? It would be ridiculous to spread the news.

The leader Shen Guanghou was about to speak when suddenly on the other side of the void, someone also sang a song loudly. The song said: If there is no reward for good and evil, there must be selfishness in the universe. The Tao has no merciless things, how come all living beings come to be? The cause and effect of Tao alliance The master of the palace, Jiang Ziliu, is here to meet all fellow Taoists.

A middle-aged Confucian scholar stepped on the void, walking on the ground, and walked towards this side. Suddenly, the masters of the Immortal Dynasty on the ships felt that the cause and effect that they had disappeared from the invisible reappeared one after another, and they were actually attacking the middle-aged Confucian scholar. Scholars gathered together to form the mighty Yangtze River of Cause and Effect.

Yan Guanghou led eight people to fly up and formed another nine-path evidence-based formation, cutting off the cause and effect river and facing Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Cause and Effect Hall of the Dao Alliance.

Marquis Yanguang snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: Jiang Ziliu, you were severely beaten in the Imperial Capital, and how dare you show up?

Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, smiled and said: There are so many masters in the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty who cannot keep Jiang. It is your Immortal Dynasty that is embarrassed. Why don't I dare to show up?

Marquis Shenguang said in a deep voice: Jiang Ziliu, Gu Daosheng, your Nine Paths of Evidence is not the real Nine Paths of Evidence. This has been confirmed in Huangji Imperial Capital. You two are no match for us.

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, said calmly: Only nine of you can stop one of us. The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is on the wrong path, that's all.

Marquis Yanguang said in a deep voice: Let's stay and deal with them. The others should go look for Xu Ying and must find him out!

On the building boat, Yin Zhong and others said yes, and each urged the building boat to prepare to bypass the two palace masters of the Dao League.

They were about to go away when suddenly the void in front of them shook. Cang Yu, Min Yue and other Dao Alliance masters appeared one after another, standing in the void and blocking their way.

Yin Zhong sneered and said: A group of inner disciples of the Dao Alliance want to keep the elite of our Immortal Dynasty without getting the true inheritance of the Dao Alliance? Everyone, send them to see the Dao!

One building after another, the ships rushed forward. Cang Yu, Min Yue and others immediately led the crowd to kill, and a fierce battle broke out in the void!

At the same time, two nine-path evidence-based killing arrays were activated, submerging Gu Daosheng and Jiang Ziliu at the same time!

The two great avenues have their own laws bursting out, and the golden wheels of reincarnation and cause and effect are intertwined and intertwined. They actually argue with each other and fight in and out of the two killing formations!

This battle at the end of the road caused waves of fluctuations in the void, even disturbing the Chaos Sea. Suddenly, a huge head poked out from the void, but it was a chaotic creature that stuck its head into the void and looked around.

Then in the void ahead, the heads of chaotic creatures plunged into the void, like pillars standing upright from the sky, and they were also looking curiously.

They were attracted by the war in the void, so they looked out to see.

However, some chaotic creatures were unlucky enough to have their heads plunged into the two extreme and nine evidence-based killing formations. They were beaten with bruises and swollen faces, and they quickly retreated into the sea of ​​chaos.

Suddenly, the nearby void suddenly shattered, and the energy of chaos poured into the void. Then the chaos clock rotated, crushing the void.

The energy of chaos crazily invaded the void, and the wall of a big bell could be vaguely seen, like a wall across the void!

Chaos Clock!

Everyone who was fighting was shocked, seeing walls across the void everywhere around them!

The bell wall is not really smooth. There are many palm prints, knife marks, sword marks and other marks on the bell wall, as well as huge dents, which should be left when the bell had a duel with Emperor Chen!

We are in the mouth of the Chaos Clock!

The Chaos Bell wants to take advantage of this opportunity to wipe out all the forces of our Dao Alliance (Immortal Dynasty)!

They suddenly woke up, their scalps became numb, and they immediately sank, escaping from the void, entering the Sea of ​​Chaos, and escaping from the scope of the Chaos Bell.

As they were fighting and walking, they heard the sound of bells coming from the Chaos Sea. Someone must have been overtaken by the Chaos Bell and killed by the bell.

They finally escaped from the Chaos Bell's pursuit range. Someone entered the void again, finally found Xu Ying's traces, and immediately pursued them.

We can't let Xu Ying go!

In the following years, they could still find traces of Xu Ying in the void from time to time, but strangely enough, they were never able to catch Xu Ying.

No matter how the powerful men of the Immortal Dynasty chased and intercepted him, Xu Ying could always escape.

This promise is so flexible that it doesn't look like a real person! they said angrily.


My Void Dao Body should be able to lead the Immortal Dynasty and the Chaos Bell to the inner layer of the Chaos Sea. The further I send them, the less likely they are to catch me.

Xu Ying walked out of the void and came to a strange universe.

He walked in doubtfully and saw an extremely ancient and majestic ancient god sitting in the starry sky here.

Immortal cities were built on the bodies of the ancient gods, such as shoulders, backs, foreheads, etc., and immortals lived in them.

The strength of these ancient gods is astonishing, and they are definitely not inferior to the Tao Master!

These ancient gods are the souls of the universe like the ancestor gods!

Xu Ying was inexplicably surprised. None of these ancient gods were weaker than the ancestral gods. Xu Ying even saw several ancient gods that were stronger than the ancestral gods!

Where is this place? How come there are so many souls of heaven and earth?

Xu Ying carried the black coffin on his back and passed under the eyelashes of an ancient god that looked like it was carved out of rock. The ancient god even nodded slightly to him.

Xu Ying bowed slightly in return and continued to walk forward. More than ten days later, he saw thousands of chaotic spiritual roots surrounding an extremely prosperous and prosperous Immortal Holy Land.

What is this place? Xu Ying was shocked.

Of course this is the Imperial Capital!

A voice came, and Xu Ying looked around and saw a dragon chariot coming this way. The window of the chariot was opened, and a woman in black beside the window said to Xu Ying, Emperor Chen is about to fall. Could it be that you are also here to compete for the next generation of Hunyuan? From the Immortal Emperor?

Xu Ying blinked his eyes, nodded mysteriously, and said, Girl, what about you?

——In the past two days, I have been stuck so hard that I have revised the manuscript over and over again. Please give the pig some time to sort it out.

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