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Chapter 940 Yuan Ai Festival

When the masters of the Su family saw the attacker leaving, they immediately stood guard next to the emperor's coffin and were ready.

Su Hongyu thanked Xu Ying and said: Thank you Taoist friend for your help. If it weren't for the Taoist friend, I'm afraid my Su family would have suffered misfortune this time. Death is a small matter, but if the ancestor's coffin is lost, there is no way to restrain the Emperor Chen. , I am afraid that the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty will also perish soon.

Xu Ying withdrew his gaze and asked, What is the origin of that Taoist Master of the Void just now?

Su Hongyu said: This woman's name is Yuan Weiyang. She is not a descendant of my Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, but a wanderer from the Chaos Sea. I heard that she felt the void in the Chaos Sea and caused the tide of the void. Di Chen's car passed by nearby and noticed that Seeing her extraordinary talent on the Void Road, Di Chen appointed her as the Grand Priest Wine.

Xu Ying said in surprise: There is someone who is as talented as me on the path of the void? This high priest should not be underestimated.

Su Hongyu hesitated for a moment and said: For a long time, the Void Avenue has been the most difficult avenue of heaven and earth to learn. Although it is among the Taiyi Avenues, all Taiyi Avenues can be attained. Only because of the suppression of the Sea of ​​Chaos, it is innately unavailable. Incomplete. Fellow Taoist Xu, how did you attain the Tao of Emptiness?

As the two walked and talked, Xu Ying said eloquently: I don't know how I gained enlightenment in vain. I only know that I have been good at sensing since I was a child. When I first became a monk, I was able to sense without knowing that there were other worlds in the world. I went to tens of thousands of worlds and sensed their shapes and avenues. Later, I achieved some success in the path of the void, so I sensed the void and realized that the void in the universe was incomplete, but there was still a vast and boundless void in the sea of ​​chaos.

Su Hongyu showed admiration and said: You have just become a monk and you can sense other worlds? Fellow Taoist Xu's talent is really amazing!

Xu Ying continued: I realized the Tao through this. Later, I came to the void in the sea of ​​chaos and sensed that there was a huge void beyond the sea of ​​chaos. Therefore, I learned the truth of the void road and achieved the Tao.

Su Hongyu was leisurely fascinated, but she also knew that this kind of talent was too strong to be envious.

She hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly, Fellow Daoist Xu, becoming a Taoist in the Void seems to be a Taoist master, but it has huge implications. The fact that you have become a Taoist in the Void must not be told outside. Otherwise, Di Chen will be the first to kill you! Also! The Dao Alliance and other forces may also attack you!

Xu Ying nodded.

They finally arrived at the Huangji Imperial Capital, and saw that the Huangji Imperial Capital was bustling with activity, with lights and colors everywhere, and silk and satin turned into streamers of immortals and gods, floating in the air.

There are also all kinds of men and women, some reciting poems to each other, some singing to each other over wine, some making love to each other, some even loving each other, there are all kinds of charms, even there is a feeling of ambiguity in the air.

It turns out that Yuan Ai Festival is here.

Su Hongyu suddenly woke up and said, I have been running around these days and actually forgot about this festival.

Xu Ying asked: Hongyu, I live in a remote place and come from a remote universe where other immortal dynasties are subject. I don't know what this Yuan Ai Festival is. Can you give me some advice?

Su Hongyu said with a smile: This Yuan'ai Festival is the Yehe Festival, a festival where men and women behave in an ambiguous manner.

When she said this, she was slightly shy, but she was a Taoist master after all, and her Taoist mind was clear. Then she said calmly: It is said that in the ancient times, when the universe was first opened, the two Taoist ancestors saw that there was nothing in the world, so they created humans. , gave birth to children, who were the ancestors of the human race. Later, people called this day the Yuan Ai Festival. There are also legends that it came from other universes. We, the younger generations, have no way of verifying it. Later, the Yuan Ai Festival Gradually, it became a festival for monks and men to enjoy love. Because indecent things often happened, it was jokingly called the Wilderness Festival.

Xu Ying looked around and saw that the men and women in this Hunyuan Universe were quite bold, and their love song duets were also quite explicit. But if they were in love with each other, there would indeed be many wild ones.

They thought that if they set up a ban, I wouldn't be able to see it. However, my Taoism is too high. He thought to himself.

Xu Ying carried a black coffin on his back, and Su Hongyu also had a square coffin behind him. When they walked into the Huangji Imperial Capital, they seemed out of place with the Yuan Ai Festival and attracted people's attention.

They are from the Su family! In the emperor's coffin is the first-generation Immortal Emperor, Emperor Zhao!

Someone recognized them and exclaimed, The late Emperor Zhao issued a decree to let the Immortal Emperor respond to the disaster on behalf of the Immortal Dynasty to save the lives of the Li people! This time the emperor's coffin appeared, could it be that Emperor Chen did not want to respond to the disaster on behalf of the Immortal Dynasty? Come to suppress the family?

The Immortal Emperors of the past generations all responded to the calamity of the Immortal Dynasty and saved the tens of thousands of universes of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty! If Emperor Chen disobeys the ancestral precepts, the descendants of the Immortal Emperors of the past generations will invite the emperor's coffin to suppress him!

The Su family has escorted Emperor Zhao's coffin to the Huangji Imperial Capital. Are the rumors true? Is Emperor Chen really going to rebel?

At this moment, someone else exclaimed: Look! The coffins escorted by the Tian family and Emperor Kong have also arrived at the Huangji Imperial Capital!

The flag of the Qin family has also been raised! That emperor's coffin should be the coffin of Emperor Xuan!

The Xiu family is here too! Di Sheng's coffin is also here!

Exclamations came one after another. Xu Ying looked over and saw convoys approaching, pulled by various strange beasts. Different flags were displayed on the chariots, and each was guarded by experts.

Suddenly, an astonishing aura emanated from the emperor's coffin. All the heaven and earth avenues of the Imperial Capital surrendered, and thousands of innate spiritual treasures were all dimmed!

Then, the other emperor coffins seemed to be disturbed by the aura of this Immortal Emperor, and the auras at the end of each avenue emitted from the coffin. For a time, the auras of all kinds of Taoists suppressed the world!

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved. There were so many auras at the end of the avenue. If these immortal emperors were immortal, how powerful would they be?

At this time, an old voice said with emotion: These immortal emperors each lived in different eras and had never seen each other, but they were able to get together after death, so they felt a sense of sympathy for each other, and their breaths complemented each other! This is me A great story from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty!

Xu Yingxun looked around and saw that the speaker was an old man with white hair and a bright head. He couldn't help but asked curiously: My father-in-law, you are already lying whole body in the coffin, are you still here to participate in Yuan'ai Festival?

The octogenarian blew his beard and glared, and sneered: I will get stronger with time!

Suddenly, a group of dozens of immortals came quickly to meet Su Hongyu and Xu Ying. The leader was an old man with a gray beard. He was extremely powerful. Seven innate avenues were entrenched around him, and he actually formed seven different forms of cosmic flood sources!

When this person saw the emperor's coffin, he hurriedly bowed down and said, I wish you the best to see your majesty! I am late to greet you!

Su Hongyu stepped forward, helped the old man with gray beard to stand up, and said: Mr. Huai'an, the current situation is corrupt, disaster has begun, and the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty is about to be destroyed. I have no choice but to alert the seniors and ask the seniors to come out!

Lord Huai'an was originally a veteran of the Emperor Zhao period, one of the oldest immortals, and his cultivation was unfathomable. However, Emperor Zhao took over the misfortunes of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, and after he passed away, he also retired.

This time he got a summons from the Su family to ask Emperor Zhao's coffin to suppress Emperor Chen, so he came out.

Lord Huai'an said in a deep voice: The matter of the Emperor Chen is related to the fate of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and the lives of countless people, as well as the foundation left by the Emperor Zhao Immortal Court! Your Majesty's foundation cannot be ruined in the Emperor Chen. Hands, the old minister has to come!

He looked at Xu Ying and said politely: Who is this?

Su Hongyu said: Fellow Daoist Xu promised to escort the coffin of another great emperor. Thanks to Daoist Xu's help on the way, otherwise we might have been annihilated by the masters sent by Emperor Chen!

Xu Ying smiled and nodded, and said: It was just a coincidence that this happened to me. Lord Huai'an's cultivation is really boundless.

He admired this Lord Huai'an quite a lot. This old man used the seven innate avenues except annihilation and chaos to evolve seven forms of cosmic flood sources to achieve the ideal state of the Tao Alliance. If he was seen by someone in the Tao Alliance , I will definitely treat him as a guest!

Lord Huai'an was furious and shouted: My dear Emperor Chen, how dare you attack His Majesty's coffin? It seems that he is really going to rebel!

At this moment, another voice came, laughing loudly: Mr. Huai'an, I never thought you would be there first! You are indeed an old-hearted person. I heard that the Yuan'ai Festival is coming, and you ran faster than anyone else!

Xu Ying looked around and saw another man who looked like a scholar flying forward. Behind him, there were also flood forms formed by seven innate avenues!

In the Emperor Zhao's reign, there were actually two great masters! Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved.

Lord Huai'an laughed and said, On the Yuan'ai Festival, Marquis Yun Bo is still so charming and suave.

Suddenly, another laughter came: Marquis Yunbo is romantic, Lord Huai'an is always strong, how can I, Lord Xuande, let you be more beautiful than before?

Xu Ying looked straight and saw that Xuande Gong had also cultivated the seven innate avenues to the extreme!

Although they are not at the end of the avenue, they have cultivated each avenue to the point where it is close to the end of the avenue, and they have refined it into a cosmic flood source with endless magic power. I am afraid it is not much inferior to the end of the avenue!

The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty's Hunyuan Non-Double Method is not inferior to the Dao Alliance's Nine Paths of Evidence! Although the cultivation speed is slow and there are not many ways to reach the end, in the realm of the Tao Master, it can chase the end of the road. It is really powerful. match!

Xu Ying secretly praised and thought, But having said that, the combination of the Hunyuan Buer Dharma and the Nine Paths Evidence-Based Method can just make up for my acquired Dao and help me become a Dao Master!

In just a short moment, three more powerful men who had retired from the Emperor Zhao Immortal Dynasty came, causing a great sensation in the Imperial Capital.

Suddenly, a woman's clear voice was heard: Although our Emperor Kongxian Dynasty is later than Emperor Zhaoxian Dynasty, how can we let the Taoist brothers from Emperor Zhaoxian Dynasty be more beautiful than those before us?

Xu Ying looked around and saw that a peerless expert from the Emperor Kong Immortal Dynasty had arrived. Although she was a woman, her cultivation level was not weaker than that of Huai'an Jun and others. She had cultivated seven innate avenues and had mastered the Hunyuan Budu method to the extreme!

At this time, another voice laughed and said: Since the seniors of the Emperor Zhaoxian Dynasty and the Emperor Kongxian Dynasty have arrived, our Emperor Shengxian Dynasty cannot fall behind!

Wouldn't it be a shame if the soldiers of our Emperor's Immortal Cultivation Dynasty didn't come?

Gradually, more and more peerless experts came to the Huangji Imperial Capital. Waves of unparalleled aura shook time and space, suppressing thousands of innate spiritual treasures and turning them from their aura state into magic weapon form.

In the past, it was difficult to see such a powerful being, but now there are hundreds of them gathered in Huangji Imperial Capital!

As the saying goes, one immortal emperor has one courtier. The ministers of the previous dynasty may not be reused by the current dynasty. In order to maintain rule, the new emperor often replaces the ministers of the previous dynasty with his own people. Therefore, many masters from the previous dynasty have been retained, and in these extraordinary times, they have stepped forward to turn the tide.

Seeing this situation, Su Hongyu's heart surged and she whispered: With so many old ministers of the Immortal Dynasty, the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty can definitely continue.

She suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but be stunned: It's strange, how come no old ministers came to protect Daoist Fellow Xu's imperial coffin?

She was wondering, Xu Ying got up carrying a coffin on his back. This coffin was pitch black and didn't have the shape and specifications of an emperor's coffin, but it couldn't be without any of his ministers, right?

Xu Ying noticed her gaze, turned to look at her, and smiled.

Su Hongyu smiled back and thought: Maybe I'm over-worrying. Fellow Daoist Xu is the Taoist Master of the Void and our savior, so he can't be a spy placed between us by Di Chen. Maybe he has other plans. .”

Lord Huai'an said: This time, the coffins of the emperors and the Tianxi of Hunyuan Dao are enough to suppress Emperor Chen and make him fulfill his oath!

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly when he heard this, and asked: Jun Huai'an, Emperor Chen can't master the Tianxi of Hunyuan Dao?

Lord Huai'an smiled and said: The Hunyuan Dao Tianxi is the supreme treasure left by His Majesty the Emperor. Immortal emperors of all dynasties have sacrificed it at the end of their own avenues and refined it into the most powerful magic weapon in the sea of ​​chaos! Once this treasure comes out, Even if Di Chen has any rebellious intentions, he will be suppressed!

Su Hongyu said: The Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty can rule the Sea of ​​Chaos and compete with the Dao Alliance, and it relies on the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi.

Xu Ying's heart suddenly trembled as he recalled the scene when Emperor Chen sacrificed the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi and fought against the Chaos Bell.

He saw the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi being shattered by the Chaos Bell with his own eyes!

Although Di Chen put the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi together again, the power of the Dao Tianxi was bound to be greatly damaged, and later Di Chen sacrificed the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi again and besieged the Chaos Bell!

Di Chen's purpose is definitely not just as simple as the coffin master behind me. His other purpose is to use the Chaos Bell to get rid of the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi!

Xu Ying's eyes flashed, Su Hongyu and others tried to carry out the coffins of the emperors, and added the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi to force Emperor Chen to submit.


What if the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi has been destroyed?

Xu Ying suddenly asked, Hongyu, with the corpses of the emperors, can you deal with Di Chen?

Su Hongyu said in shock: What?

Xu Ying guessed: The Hunyuan Dao Tianxi must have been destroyed by Emperor Chen.

No one in this world can destroy the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi!

Marquis Yun Bo came over, smiled proudly, and said, This treasure is the most precious treasure at the end of the avenue. It is a hundred times more powerful than other ends of the avenue! No one can destroy the Dao Tianxi!

Where's the Chaos Clock?

Xu Ying asked, If it is the bell of the Chaos Lord, can it destroy the Dao Tianxi?

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