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Chapter 937 Dao Ben is ruthless

This person named Xu Ying is really amazing. He can actually achieve the same level of achievements as the Great Sacrificial Wine and become the Taoist Master of the Void!

Yin Zhong let out a breath of turbid air and was about to pursue him again when he saw the princes and generals of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty walking towards Di Chen surrounded by him.

Yin Zhong hurriedly bowed down and said: The humble minister is incompetent, let Dao Alliance Xu Ying escape with overseas rare objects!

Get up. Di Chen's voice came, a little out of breath.

Yin Zhong stood up and took a peek, only to see that all the princes and generals were injured. Di Chen's face was as dark as water, neither sad nor happy, and it was impossible to tell whether he was injured. But the Hunyuan Dao Tianxi was nowhere to be seen.

I wonder if your majesty will win or lose in a battle with the Chaos Bell? He thought to himself.

Di Chen glanced at the crowd and frowned slightly. He saw that although the building fleet did not suffer many casualties, the Nine Paths Evidence Formation suffered heavy damage, and many immortal dynasty Taoists died.

It is not easy to cultivate these Tao masters. They need different people to practice different Taoist ways, but they must also maintain the same realm, have almost the same cultivation level, and understand each other very well in order to activate the nine-path evidence-based formation.

If one or two people are damaged in the formation, other Taoist masters can be found to fill in, but now that all nine Taoist masters in several formations have been wiped out, this loss is too great!

Di Chen looked into the void. The power of the void here became extremely strong. Xu Ying could use the magical power of the void to kill these Tao masters, which could not be hidden from him.

The Taoist Alliance actually cultivated a Void Taoist?

Di Chen's eyes were strange and he said, Marquis Shenguang, Marquis Yanguang, please figure out where this person escaped to.

Two men, one civil and one martial, walked out from the end of the road and bowed. They practiced cause and effect and reincarnation respectively, and immediately mobilized their magic power.

The Lord Shenguang stands at the end of cause and effect, exploring the promised cause and effect. This cause and effect is the cause and effect of the Chaos Sea. Only when the Tao exists, can we detect the great cause and effect that cannot be annihilated even by the Chaos Sea!

Yan Guanghou stands at the end of reincarnation, exploring the promised past and future reincarnations. This reincarnation is the great reincarnation in the sea of ​​chaos.

The two Taoists searched individually, but could only find the past of Promise, but could not find the future of Promise.

The two men deduced Xu Ying's past, which was also extremely weird. Xu Ying had no period of weakness or growth.

It seems as if this person was at his current level of cultivation when he was in his mother's womb!

The Taoist League's Huizhao method! It was created by Gu Daosheng. It is indeed extraordinary!

Marquis Yanguang and Marquis Shenguang looked at each other, and the two Taoists suddenly reincarnated and confirmed each other. The two Taoists formed a strange eye, standing in the sea of ​​chaos, thousands of miles high!

There are endless Dao fires burning in it, the Dao fires are raging, and various pictures are reflected in the strange eyes, looking towards the promised future life!

However, in the strange eyes, there was a vast expanse of white and nothing could be seen. It was impossible to find the promised future!

Marquis Yanguang and Marquis Shenguang exclaimed, both extremely surprised.

Di Chen also saw this scene, and was even more surprised than the two of them. The two Taoist beings joined forces, but they still couldn't figure out Xu Ying's future. Even he had never seen this situation before!

Marquis Yanguang said: Your Majesty, what the two of us saw can only show that either this person is too strong and is above us, or this person is in a state of death where both body and soul will be destroyed in the next moment and there will be no future.

Di Chen shook his head and said: There is a third possibility. This person comes from the Great Void overseas. We cannot use the methods of the Chaos Sea to detect his future.

Marquis Yanguang said: But I have never heard of anyone from the Great Void coming to the Sea of ​​Chaos...

Di Chen said calmly: It is rumored that the leader of the Middle Way Alliance comes from the Great Void. It is not without reason.

He paused and said: Yuanshi Daoqi is very important. It is related to the fate of our Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty's 48,000 universes and the orthodoxy of the Chaos Sea. We cannot let Yuanshi Daoqi fall into the hands of the Dao Alliance. Everyone, Find the Taoist Master of the Void and take back Yuanshi Daoqi no matter what!!

All the soldiers agreed to the promise and fled into the void to search for the whereabouts of the promise.

After they were far away, Di Chen relaxed. Bloodshot suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but he wiped it away carefully.

As the emperor of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, he must be invincible and must not show his injuries in front of others.

Is this Taoist Lord of the Void the same big shot that was rumored a while ago? But I clearly heard that the big shot that the Tao Alliance is welcoming is Yizhong.

He looked into the void and murmured to himself: The Taoist Alliance's plan is perfect, and there should be no mistakes. This bell can influence the future of the Chaos Sea! That bell is a sharp weapon against the Chaos Bell, and also against our Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Sharp weapon. Therefore, this Void Taoist Promise cannot be a big shot.

He thought of this and walked away: I still need to confirm it.

Taoist Cangyu, Taoist Min Yue and Wen Nanxun found people in the Taoist alliance and explained Xu Ying's situation. Taoist Cangyu said in a deep voice: Young Taoist Xu is in danger now. The other party is an elite member of the Chaos Empire and is powerful. If we If we go to support, I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties. Should we go to support? It's your decision.

A woman took a few steps forward, with a solemn look on her face, and said: I, a Daoist monk, have always wanted to resolve the cause and effect, so that we can avoid misfortune. Although Xu Daoyou is a disciple of the outer sect of the Daoist Union, he saved our lives. If I can't repay you, I won't be able to resolve the cause and effect. So I am willing to go! Anyone who is willing to go with me can just stand behind me!

A white-haired old man said with a smile: If it hadn't been for the help of my Taoist friend Xu, I would have been assimilated by Nirvana, and the fire in the sky would have been extinguished. What about the Taoist master? Can't I repay my kindness?

He walked forward, came behind the female Taoist master, and said with a smile, I'll go with you.

I'd like to go with you!

Count me in!

And I!

One by one, the Taoist masters walked out of the crowd and came behind the female Taoist master, with high fighting spirit. Soon, everyone came behind the female Taoist master, and several masters from the Nine Halls also came over.

Taoist Cang Yu frowned, his eyes fell on the masters of the Nine Halls, and said: Brother Shaowu, the Tao is ruthless, and you are acting on your own initiative, which violates the purpose of the Tao Alliance to pursue the Tao.

Shaowu Taoist shook his head and said: Taoism is ruthless and people have feelings. I am the protector of the Tao. The junior brothers I protect are among them. How can I let them die? I will escort them back to the Tao Alliance. If they are the scum of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, Stop me and I’ll send them to Da Dao!”

Taoist Cang Yu looked around and said with a smile: In that case, then I will fight against the scum of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty and rescue fellow Taoist Xu!

The people were united and were about to set off, when suddenly they saw colorful lights in front of them, like a tide, which actually illuminated the sea of ​​chaos.

They saw an extremely majestic being standing in the light, illuminating the ends of the avenues. At the feet of that majestic being, a man with an imperial domineering attitude was slowly walking towards them.

When Cang Yu, Min Yue and Wen Nanxun saw this man, their hearts beat violently, like beating drums, and their faces looked gloomy.

Shaowu Taoist took a step forward and shouted: Who are you?

The scum of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty, Di Chen. The man said calmly.

Taoist Shao Wu snorted, his arrogance suddenly subsided, and he turned back to look at his junior brothers and sisters behind him, with despair in his heart: It turned out to be Di Chen. There is no escape this time. I hope a few of them can survive...

Di Chen glanced at them. Taoist Shao Wu was about to fight with Di Chen. When his gaze swept across them, he felt that his path had calmed down, without any fighting spirit. He felt cold in his heart: I didn't even fight in front of Di Chen. He has no qualifications, only the chance to be slaughtered...

The gap is so huge that it is unimaginable!

Di Chen said expressionlessly, Who is Xu Ying?

Shaowu, Cang Yu and others suddenly felt that following his voice, some wonderful changes had taken place in the Dao in their bodies. They couldn't help but speak and told all the information they knew about Xu Ying. come out.

Although they are the masters of the avenue and have the title of masters of the avenue, when faced with beings like Di Chen, they cannot understand their methods and have no power to resist!

After they told them the information promised, Di Chen showed a strange look on his face and said, He lives near Jinyu Temple? Evil Taoists often interact with him? No wonder, no wonder. In this way, he has cultivated into the Taoist Master of the Void. , it makes sense.”

He waved his hand and said, You can leave now.

Wen Nanxun was stunned and said hurriedly: You won't kill us?

Although you are rebels, your level is too low and you are no match for me. Why should I kill you?

Di Chen turned around and left, his figure gradually disappearing into the retreating Dao light, My opponents are existences like Temple Master Jinyu and Dao Alliance Leader. If I attack you, they will laugh at my magnanimity. Although my magnanimity is indeed Not big.

Everyone watched blankly as he disappeared into the light, and the surrounding light was once again swallowed up by the energy of chaos.

What should we do now? Do we still have to rescue Daoist Xu? someone asked.

Wen Nanxun said: Has the kindness of fellow Taoist Xu been repaid? Has the cause and effect been resolved? Since the kindness has not been repaid and the cause and effect has not been resolved, then of course we have to go! Let's set off!

Led by Taoist Cang Yu and others, they headed straight for the place where Xu Ying fell.

Suddenly, the Chaos Bell flew silently in front of them. Everyone was startled and hurriedly hid their bodies. They saw chaotic creatures swimming around, as if they were looking for something, rummaging around and picking them up again. Kicked out.

Everyone was shocked and confused, but the Chaos Clock and these chaotic creatures turned a blind eye to them and left in a hurry.

After these chaotic creatures flew past the big clock, one of the chaotic creatures suddenly broke away from the team and swam towards them.

Shaowu was a disciple of Huntunsheng. When he saw this, his heart moved slightly and he immediately sacrificed a piece of the debris of the universe.

This chaotic creature swam to the wreckage of the universe, landed on land, shook off the energy of chaos from its body, and transformed into a burly and majestic man, who was the master of the Chaos Palace of the Dao Alliance, Hun Tunsheng.

Why are you here?

Hutunsheng snorted coldly, glared at Shaowu, and said, This is the territory of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. The scum of the Immortal Dynasty led by Di Chen have already arrived nearby! I can't protect you in front of this old boy. ,go back!

At this time, an extremely bright light came from the sea of ​​chaos. Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Karma, and Gu Daosheng, the master of the Hall of Reincarnation, each had nine evidences. It was as if there was a universe around them that was constantly pushing away the chaos. They walked out of the darkness and saw everyone, Everyone looked surprised.

The three of them noticed that someone had become the first Void Taoist in the Chaos Sea, so they followed the aura and found the Imperial Capital.

The three of them made a fuss in the Imperial Capital and tried to take Yuan Weiyang away, causing quite a commotion. They fought their way out of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty. Over the years, they had been recovering from their injuries while avoiding the pursuit of several old monsters in the Immortal Dynasty. They never had time to return to the Great Sky Ming Realm.

While they were recuperating, they discovered what the Chaos Clock was looking for, so they asked Hutunsheng to transform into a chaotic creature and wander around to find out the news.

Are you the disciples who are going to comprehend Nirvana?

Jiang Ziliu asked in shock, How come there are so many disciples who survived this time?

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, nodded and said: You should die so that there are only a dozen or so of you left.

Wen Nanxun then told about Xu Ying's rescue of everyone. Gu Daosheng showed surprise and said: This promise saved you all? Can he bring you back from the state of annihilation?

Everyone said yes.

Gu Daosheng said to Hutunsheng and Jiang Ziliu: This promise must have been perfected to create the perfect path of silence. He is more humane than Daoji. Daoji also has such means, but he never saves people.

Jiang Ziliu nodded and said, He saved many of my disciples. I should repay him for this.

Hutunsheng waved his hand and said, You guys go back to the Dao League first, and we'll go rescue Xu Ying!

Jiang Ziliu shook his head and said: They were saved by Xu Ying, how can they not repay the karma? They have to go. Do you know where Xu Ying is now?

Wen Nanxun and others shook their heads.

Gu Daosheng suddenly said: The three of us, plus these disciples, can't deal with Di Chen.

Then call a few more people!

Jiang Ziliu smiled slightly, Let the rats in the Chaos Empire know who is the authentic leader of the Chaos Sea! Brother Huntun, call someone!


Xu Ying was walking in the void and did not sense the pursuers, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, he fought against seven strong men like Yin Zhong in a row, and was hit hard every time, jeopardizing his future. However, strangely enough, the eleventh avenue in his body, the overseas heretic, quickly restored his acquired avenue.

It was for this reason that he was able to defeat Yin Zhong's seven men and break through the siege.

This alien way is the avenue formed in the Dao Qi of Yuanshi. Why can it repair my acquired avenue? The Void Avenue can empower the void and make the avenue powerful. The alien way can repair the acquired avenue. In addition to the Great Void, there are also What?

Overseas is so mysterious.

There are countless universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos, which are experiencing life and death all the time. Even if the creatures living in the Sea of ​​Chaos become Taoists, they cannot leave the Sea of ​​Chaos and have no way to see the scenes overseas.

Back then, Taoist Master left the Heaven Realm and traveled around the Sea of ​​Chaos for more than three billion years. He never traveled all over the Sea of ​​Chaos and never found a way out of the Sea of ​​Chaos. So, how did this black coffin end up in the Sea of ​​Chaos from overseas? ?”

Xu Ying tightened his grip on the black coffin. This black coffin did not help him in any way during the duel just now, which made him a little disappointed.

Master Coffin is obviously not as good as Second Master. Second Master is extremely righteous!

Xu Ying praised Chaos Lotus. If it hadn't been for the power of Chaos Lotus and the cosmic flood source just now, Xu Ying would not have been able to fight against Yin Zhong and other powerful people, let alone withstand the siege of the nine evidence-based killing formations.

The little girl in the Chaos Lotus was lost in the flurry of flattery, feeling proud and slightly tipsy.

Xu Ying sneered and said: On the contrary, Master Coffin, when the powerful men of the Immortal Dynasty used the nine evidences to attack me, Master Coffin did not stop me at all. If I die, Master Coffin can ascend the coffin and make a fortune, right?

The black coffin danced the chains and gently closed his eyes, meaning that he was dead, so he was buried in his belly.

Card, card, card

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