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Chapter 936 Invincible Void

Yuanshi Daoqi is extremely rare in the sea of ​​chaos. Even if there are thousands of universes, it is difficult to gather even a trace, so it is unknown.

Yin Zhong and Xu Ying were facing each other, still observing each other. They were chatting and laughing without any sign of taking action.

The two of them have been testing each other. Xu Ying is afraid that this person can repel Zhenjun Daoji's Wanji whisk, and Yin Zhong is also afraid that Xu Ying can cut off his chains and control the black coffin.

The two were not sure of victory, so they tried to destroy each other's Taoist heart. However, when Yin Zhong destroyed Xu Ying's Taoist heart, Xu Ying turned his army around. When Xu Ying destroyed Yin Zhong's Taoist heart, he was defeated by Yin Zhong. Zhong used Yuanshi Daoqi to divert his attention.

Yin Zhong paid attention to Xu Ying's expression and continued: I heard from the seniors of the Immortal Dynasty that this strange Dao Qi has a wonderful power of the Dao. This Dao can only be found in the universe in the Great Void. In the Great Void , there is a kind of avenue called Yuanshi, which is similar to the end of the avenue of our sea of ​​chaos.

Xu Ying couldn't help but be moved when he heard this.

He knows Hongmeng Dao Qi, Chaos Qi, Wuji Dao Qi, Tai Dao Qi, etc., and the great avenues of heaven and earth also have their own Dao Qi. Different attributes are named after the corresponding Qi of the Great Dao.

When monks practice different ways of heaven and earth, they bring in different Tao Qi for practice. In the Three Realms, they called it the spirit of immortality.

Could this Yuanshi Daoqi be the Daoqi of Yuanshi Avenue?

Xu Ying thought, According to Weiyang's judgment, all the Dao Qi of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth are actually attributes given by the void energy. Then the Yuanshi Dao Qi should also be attributes given by the Void!

Thinking of this, he urgently wanted to see if Yuanshi Avenue could empower the void.

If void empowerment can be achieved, then Yuanshi Avenue is part of the real Tao!

If not, it means that void is not the essence of Tao!

In that case, we can discuss male and female with Yuan Weiyang!

At the moment when his heart was moved, Yin Zhong finally took action. This right envoy of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty used the Chaos Sea as a cave to use the energy of Chaos!

He struck with a punch, immeasurable energy of chaos surged, and the power of chaos almost boiled. In an instant, the pressure of the sea of ​​chaos increased countless times, crushing Xu Ying away!

The moment he punched out, he was one step closer to the end of the Avenue of Chaos!

Although he only cultivates the Avenue of Chaos, his cultivation strength is extremely strong. It is obvious that he plans to cultivate the Avenue of Chaos to the Great Perfection of the Dao Master Realm, and then practice other innate avenues!

His attainments on the Avenue of Chaos have achieved what he just called the truth of the Avenue.

His cultivation and combat power are even more powerful than those of a normal Dao Alliance expert who has cultivated the Six Paths of Evidence and the Seven Paths of Evidence!

Xu Ying seemed to have already known that he would take action at this moment. The Wanji whisk in his hand had already been swung out, and the dust threads surged.

Xu Ying turned the whisk, and one flood source of annihilation emerged one after another, facing Yin Zhong's domineering punch!

After all, Wanji's whisk is a thing of Taoji, and Taoji is an existence that can rival other ends of the road in the state of Tao Master's Great Perfection. Its strength can be imagined!

However, Wanji Fuchen was hit hard by the Chaos Clock, and now its power is far less than before. One after another, the flood sources of Nirvana were annihilated one after another!

Second Master Lian!

Xu Ying shouted, the Chaos Lotus emerged, the cave opened, and where the Chaos Lotus opened, a cute little girl with ice and snow emerged from the rosette.

Second Master, bless me! Xu Ying shouted.

That little girl is the awakened wisdom of the Chaos Lotus, a spirit god cultivated with spirit. After hearing this, she immediately mobilized the Chaos Lotus to activate the cosmic flood source, and the vast Taoist power of the entire cosmic flood source blessed Xu Ying!

The power of Wanji's whisk in Xu Ying's hand increased greatly. The whisk thrust forward, like thousands of thin swords. The thin swords merged into one and turned into a sword to kill the immortal, thrusting towards Yin Zhong's fist!

The whisk is the avenue of annihilation, but his sword is the avenue of killing. The annihilation reverses the evidence of killing, and it is more powerful than before!

However, the power of the avenue of annihilation contained in Wanji Fuchen is too strong, surpassing Xu Ying's killing method countless times. Although he has the acquired avenue to unify the nine innate paths, the majestic power crushing him also makes him He couldn't bear it!


At the moment when fists and swords clashed, Yin Zhong's fist suddenly split open, almost to the bone. The crushing chaos and frenzy was suddenly split open by an invisible sword energy, like a cliff with two cliffs, and Xu Ying's body Whistling by side!

Yin Zhong didn't seem to feel any pain. He clapped his hands forward and the chaotic cliffs suddenly closed together, sandwiching Xu Ying in the middle!

The cliff of chaos slapped hard, crushing everything!

Suddenly the chaos split open, and thousands of dust threads bloomed like a chaotic lotus. Where the flower bloomed, a flood source flew out and grew rapidly, sucking up all the chaotic power around it in an instant!

Hongmeng's magical power, you actually made it look like the magical power of chaos!

Yin Zhong felt that his Tao power was pouring out rapidly. He was startled and flew away. Xu Ying's move was clearly based on the magical power created by Chaos Lotus and Hong Yuan. It looked like a chaotic magical power, but in fact it was created by the destruction of the Hongmeng. The evolved Hongmeng supernatural power.

It’s just the cycle of annihilation, shouldn’t it be chaos?

He was a little confused, why could Xu Ying be able to directly achieve the evidence-based Hongmeng of Nirvana?

If the evidence is chaotic, he can definitely make Xu Ying suffer a big loss!

Xu Ying urged Wanji's whisk to spin, and Hong Yuan flew up and hit Yin Zhong.

When the flood source rotates, the surrounding sea of ​​chaos is disturbed, and then rotates rapidly, making the flood source more and more powerful!

Yin Zhong shouted loudly and pushed his palms forward to meet the Hongyuan. Suddenly, there was an extra Tao power in his body, it was Hongmeng Tao power!

His Hongmeng Avenue cultivation is not much weaker than Chaos Avenue!

Yin Zhong has the Chaos Magical Power in one hand and the Hongmeng Magical Power in the other. The two powers collided and formed an evidence-based trend, and his power suddenly skyrocketed!

He faced the flood source in front of Wanji Feuchen with both palms, and his Tao power exploded, and the power of the flood source also exploded at the same time!

Suddenly there was an extremely bright light of annihilation in the sea of ​​chaos, shining for hundreds of millions of miles, making it transparent!

Xu Ying and Yin Zhong each groaned, staggering back, blood bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and each was injured.

Before Xu Ying could stand still, he suddenly saw the illuminated sea of ​​chaos. At some point, giant building ships had already sailed nearby, and he was shocked.

However, I saw figures swaying on those buildings and boats. They were like gods and demons, exuding a powerful aura. There were not a few strong men like Yin Zhong!

Xu Ying suppressed the blood that surged into his throat, and immediately turned around to leave. However, at this moment, he saw nine figures flying down from one of the buildings. When he turned around, they had already arrived around him, heading his way. Block.

These nine people are all peak Taoist masters, and their figures are staggered, forming a nine-path evidence-based formation!

And Xu Ying is in the center of this killing array!

Xu Ying's heart suddenly jumped. On other buildings and boats, there were also figures falling down one after another. They were also nine people. Each of them practiced an innate way, which could exactly form the nine innate ways!

There were nine evidence-based killing formations around him, around him, up and down, surrounding him.

The cultivation levels of these powerful men are surprisingly consistent. They are either at the middle stage of the Dao Master or at the peak stage of the Dao Master.

This is the benefit of a large empire that governs the boundless sea of ​​​​Chaos. It can use its supreme imperial power and hegemony to treat Tao Master-level beings as soldiers, and let the masters of the Tao become part of the formation!

Xu Ying calmed down, looked calmly, glanced around, and said loudly: Fellow Taoist Yin Zhong, I am not a member of the Tao Alliance, why do you have to push me to the Tao Alliance? Give everyone a way to survive, don't kill them all, in the future there will be no peace in the sea of ​​chaos. Nice to meet you.

Yin Zhong suppressed his injuries, stepped forward, and said calmly: Xu Ying, you are indeed a talent in the sea of ​​chaos. If it were in the past, our Immortal Dynasty would definitely cherish talents like you. However, this black coffin is very important and cannot be ignored. Take. Do it!”

He shouted loudly, and suddenly the nine figures around Xu Ying moved, and the formations of the nine evidence-based systems began to move. Suddenly, the innate nine-path evidence-based forces continued to flow, with great power, heading straight towards Xu Ying!

Xu Ying sighed and whispered: What I said was to give everyone a way to survive. Since you don't want it, then don't blame me!

In his hand, the silk whisk spinning in his hand instantly formed the shape of a big bell. It was exactly the shape of Master Zhong. It was the magical power of the big bell used by Xu Ying. It was more complete and more exquisite than a real big clock!

He had seen the Chaos Clock, so he took this opportunity to note down the wrinkles on the surface of many Chaos Clocks to understand the wonders of chaos.

This is the fatal flaw he found based on Dao Zun's Nine Paths of Evidence!

As long as the nine-path evidence-based method is added to the Tao method that it cannot understand, the nine-path evidence-based method will naturally be broken, and the people who follow the evidence-based theory will suffer harm!

Xu Ying's magical power is not very powerful. It comes first and cuts directly into the nine evidence-based formations. It happens to be at the threshold of chaos-based evidence!

The nine masters of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty's Nine Paths of Evidence reached their peak in an instant. At the moment when the terrifying power of the Nine Paths of Evidence erupted, the nine masters suddenly vomited blood and the formation was scattered!

Xu Ying was also knocked away by the terrifying power of the Nine Evidences. He lightly slapped it with his other palm, and the power of the void suddenly surged. The bodies of the nine masters of the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty quickly grew in size and width!

In an instant, the bodies of the nine masters of the Immortal Dynasty swelled to the extreme. Even if they were the same body as the Great Dao, Hunyuan had no structure, body, Tao, and spirit were integrated, at this moment they felt that their own Great Dao was about to be torn apart!

Master of the Void!

One of the Tai Dao Masters immediately noticed that Xu Ying's palm was using the Great Dao of the Void. He was shocked and said sternly, Everyone, be careful!

Master of the Void?

Yin Zhong was shocked, and several powerful beings who were not weaker than him on the ships were also shocked: After the great wine ceremony, another Taoist Master of the Void appeared!

The nine people who were blessed with the magical power of the void had their bodies, Tao, and spirits expanded infinitely by the void, becoming extremely thin.

Yin Zhong and several powerful men on the building ship immediately took action, trying to help them resolve the void power. However, before their magic power could get close to these nine people, they saw that the bodies of these nine powerful men turned into almost invisible membranes. Each membrane was even wider than a complete universe!

Yin Zhong and others were shocked. Suddenly, the avenue of the nine powerful immortals was torn apart. The unstructured avenue was instantly broken into countless particles invisible to the naked eye, and the distance between particles was getting farther and farther!

Soon, these nine people disappeared into the turbulent sea of ​​chaos!

Yin Zhong's heart felt cold. It was difficult for a Taoist master to die, and it was even more difficult for a Taoist master from the Hunyuan Immortal Dynasty to die. The Calamity of Nirvana cannot destroy them. Even if they die, they can be awakened by the avenue of resurrection at any time.

However, the nine people who died in Xu Ying's hands had their avenues torn apart by the void and scattered into the sea of ​​chaos. They were sent to unknown places by the sea of ​​chaos and were unable to be resurrected.

Their Dao particles will soon fall into chaos, be assimilated by chaos, and cease to exist!

How come there is suddenly a Void Taoist Master in the Dao Alliance? Yin Zhong looked at Xu Ying.

Xu Ying staggered his steps to avoid the attack of another nine-ray evidence-based killing array. He waved his whisk and followed the same pattern. The dust threads turned into the shape of a big bell and blasted into this killing array.

The nine-path evidence-based killing formation immediately became stagnant, and the nine people vomited blood. The formation was already broken before they even had time to use their second magical move!

He waved his sleeves, and the nine masters of the Immortal Dynasty each fell into the void, and were beaten to the point of disintegrating rapidly!

While the nine people were rapidly expanding, nine evidence-based killing formations were attacking from behind Xu Ying. One of the killing formations' attack landed on his back, just as he waved his sleeves to weaken the nine people!

This blow landed on his back. Xu Ying bowed his back and withstood the nine evidence-based attacks!

Just hearing a pop, the nine masters seemed to be hit in the air. The supreme Tao power brought by their nine evidences entered Xu Ying's body, as if entering a vast void, without causing any damage in a short period of time. destroy.

However, even if Xu Ying is the Taoist Master of the Void, it is impossible for him to completely suppress this power. Soon this violent power will fill every void in his body!

Even if he activates the Void Avenue and tries his best to expand the Void, he can't match the expansion speed of the nine evidence-based Taoist powers!

Xu Ying has the Chaos Lotus at his feet and the Universal Flood above his head, mobilizing the power of both at the same time. His body shape became infinitely hollow, and at the same time he transformed the void energy, trying to destroy the power of the Nine Paths of Evidence!


One of the petals of the Chaos Lotus fell, and the source of the universe was shaken to the point that it almost transformed from the one state of Tai into the state of ten thousand ways.

And when Xu Ying's emptiness reached the extreme, he saw the power of nine evidences overflowing from the boundless void, finally pouring out this supreme Tao power!

He groaned, and even though he removed the nine evidence-based tools, the terrifying power still impacted the physical flood source formed by his Houtian Dao and almost exploded!

The destruction of the flood source of his physical body means that his acquired path has been destroyed, and his cultivation level will inevitably be greatly damaged.

At this moment, suddenly the eleventh avenue in his body, the alien path from Yuanshi Daoqi, started to change, and it actually repaired the flood source of his body!

This kind of heresy is probably not inferior to the Dao of the Void! The Taoism in the Great Void must have some other secrets!

Xu Ying didn't care to think about this change, and he bumped backwards, suddenly knocking out a master of the Immortal Dynasty in the nine-path evidence-based formation behind him.

He occupied the magpie's nest, making it easier to crack the nine evidence-based killing formations. While the formation was in motion, the other eight people were spitting out blood and their breaths were sluggish.

As Xu Ying's sleeves waved, the eight people also flew up and disappeared quickly.

With his other hand, he activated Wanji's fly whisk, and faced off head-on with another nine-path evidence-based killing formation. Just as he was about to break through this formation, other killing formations suddenly started to move, crushing him.

At the same time, Yin Zhong and the masters on several other ships flew towards them one after another. Xu Ying smiled slightly and jumped into the void.

Yin Zhong rushed into the void and fought with Xu Ying. Chaos Hongmeng relied on evidence. Although Xu Ying was injured, he was also seriously injured and fell out of the void.

Another master from the Immortal Dynasty followed closely behind him, but he was the master from the Luck Killing and Evidence-Based Demonstration. He was also a Taoist Master, and he came to kill Xu Ying while he was injured.

Xu Ying mobilized Wanji's whisk, and had just fought with him to force him back. The third master also committed suicide, but it was the evidence of cause and effect.

Yin Zhong stabilized his body and looked up, only to see the masters of the Immortal Dynasty falling out of the void one after another, and they were all injured!

But seeing the distance between these Immortal Dynasty masters falling out of the void getting farther and farther, soon, the last one fell out of the void, and Xu Ying actually walked away!

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