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Chapter 929 Jinyu Temple, evil Taoist

No! There is morality in the sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Ying defended seriously, Brother Meng Dao, you have been practicing longer than me, and your Taoist achievements are higher than mine, but morality does not exist. If morality does not exist, it will not be born in the sea of ​​chaos. Without the spiritual root of chaos, the universe would not be derived, and the myriad ways of heaven and earth would not be derived! There would not be such a colorful life, let alone you and me!

His face was solemn: The heaven and earth have moral principles, so all living beings are born. All living beings have moral principles, so they support each other. When you and I were weak, we were crying for food when we were born, without any strength, so father and son inherited each other, and the blood line continued. When we were young, we had nothing to do. There is not much knowledge, so the teacher teaches and inherits the karma, and the fire is passed on. This is the morality of all living beings!

Taoist Menghe laughed loudly, shook his head and said: Fellow Taoist Xu, how stupid you are! You have just become the Taoist Master of Reincarnation and Huizhao. You have been the Taoist Master since you were not born. There is no need to inherit from father to son, and you do not need a teacher. If you cultivate, you will have immeasurable knowledge! Why do you need the morality of all living beings?

Xu Ying frowned when he heard this.

After cultivating Huizhao, can we ignore the kindness of our parents’ upbringing and the kindness of our teachers’ education?

What's the point?

He said patiently: Brother Meng Dao, the Chaos Sea also has moral principles, so there are spiritual roots of chaos growing in the chaos, and floods blooming, giving life a chance to bloom! Those of us who practice Taoism, as Taoist masters who have achieved Taoism, also naturally Born from the gestation of the spiritual root of chaos, coming out of the flood source of the universe, how can it be without morality?

Taoist Menghe sneered and said: If there is morality in the Chaos Sea, there will be no calamity of annihilation, and the death of all living beings will not be used to repay the cause and effect! Xu Ying, your cultivation time is too short, and your mind is still filled with unreasonable ideas such as morality and justice. Practical thoughts. If you were like me and witnessed the death of each universe, you wouldn't be so naive.

He has a solemn expression. Although he looks like a boy, he has experienced endless vicissitudes: I have experienced the catastrophe, killing and annihilation of the local universe, and I once had the same childish ideas as you. Later, I came to the Dao League, and then Know that this sea of ​​chaos is ruthless, and any universe or life has no meaning in the sea of ​​chaos. If you have seen the death of the universe too much, you will know that there is no morality in the sea of ​​chaos!

He raised his hand and pointed at the universe in the pool of reincarnation, with a serious look on his face, and said: When you see the people here becoming part of my master's magic weapon, experiencing reincarnation and annihilation again and again, you feel that our master is unjust. However, they are destined to die. , destined to die in the Calamity of Nirvana, they have no meaning to the Sea of ​​Chaos! They are just a ball of flesh and blood destined to turn into the energy of Chaos!

Xu Ying got angry, reached out and grabbed a farmer, and shouted: Come and tell me, what's the point of your life?

The farmer looked at the two men and was so frightened that he was trembling and speechless.

Seeing this, Xu Ying's expression softened and he said softly: I was debating with this Taoist brother. He said that your life has no meaning and you are destined to die. Can you tell me the meaning of your life?

The farmer calmed down and said cautiously: Two immortals, I don't know what you are arguing about, but I have something to say when it comes to living. I live in Yutian, and my family has more than ten acres of land. , I work hard during the busy farming season, digging in the soil from morning to night, and the food I grow is barely enough to feed my family. If I still have some money left over, I buy some clothes for my family and new furniture for my home. I work hard all day and come home in the evening. When I get home, my mother-in-law has already cooked, and my children will run to my knees to play and act coquettishly. After the meal, my mother-in-law will beat my sore body to make me relax. In my free time, I fish in the water, hunt in the mountains, or drink with a few idle men. Tea and wine, teaching my children, watching them grow up day by day. I am getting older, and they are getting stronger. When I see that they look like me, I feel that my life has been transferred to them. My life is limited, unlike the immortals For so long, I have been thinking that one day I will die of old age and be put in a coffin, and they will live in the world instead of me and my mother-in-law, just like my mother-in-law and I are still alive.

Taoist Menghe shook his head and said: Do you think this is the meaning of your survival? There is no meaning in your life for you and your descendants. You are destined to be the energy of chaos.

The farmer smiled and said: No one can escape a piece of rotten bones in a hundred years of life. But my descendants, from generation to generation, will always have hope to continue.

Taoist Menghe said sarcastically: Even if you pass it on from generation to generation, you will not survive the catastrophe of annihilation. You will still turn into the energy of chaos.

Maybe there will be an immortal among my descendants. The farmer smiled.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Brother Meng Dao, this is the morality of a farmer. Your ancestors were farmers like him, and they also dug in the soil. Only in your generation did you have such an immortal. You Who are you to say that your ancestor’s life is meaningless?”

Taoist Menghe shook his head, showing a look of disappointment: Xu Ying, I originally thought you would become a strong man in the Tao Alliance and a big shot. But you have disappointed me. You are struggling with something meaningless like morality. It’s destined not to go far.”

Xu Ying was also quite disappointed, shook his head and said: To refine a universe into a magic weapon and let the creatures in this universe reincarnate and die in this magic weapon, and to do whatever it takes to get to the end of the road, this is against morality. As monks, we, the pursuit What is the purpose at the end of the road? Isn’t it just to realize the morality in your heart?”

Taoist Menghe became more and more disappointed, shook his head and said: Xu Ying, you are not a pure seeker. For a pure seeker, the goal is the end of the road. If you pursue the end of the road because of other goals, you will never reach the end of the road.

Xu Ying was even more disappointed and sighed: Even if the Chaos Sea has no morality, we monks should be more moral, otherwise we are worse than just farmers.

Taoist Menghe snorted, flicked his sleeves, jumped out of the Samsara Pond, and disappeared without a trace. Only his voice came from above: Xu Ying, you are stubborn, so please come out on your own!

As a Taoist master, you are so stingy!

Xu Ying was angry, and the Taoist body immediately activated the Great Way of Reincarnation and flew outward, trying to escape from the pool of rebirth.

Taoist Menghe flew out of the pool of reincarnation, flicked his sleeves, and saw the avenue of reincarnation moving in the pool. Xu Ying's Taoist body, along with the universe, were all extinguished and turned into the energy of chaos!

How can morality exist in the midst of annihilation?

Taoist Menghe sneered, turned and left.

After a while, the cosmic flood source in the samsara pool opened up again. At the moment when samsara was formed, a ray of samsara light flew out from the cosmic flood source.

Taoist Menghe saw this and was slightly startled: Can you survive like this?

However, he did not take action again, but allowed the ray of reincarnation light that promised to fly away.

Huaisha Xianzhou, Mingque Mansion.

A ray of reincarnation light flew over and penetrated into the body of Xu Ying, who was sitting still. Xu Ying opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Taoist Menghe looks innocent and pure, but his ideas are not in line with mine. There are people like this under Gu Daosheng's sect. It seems that Gu Daosheng is also of the same kind. The Dao Alliance Reincarnation Hall is not suitable for me.

He hesitated for a moment, remembering that the big bell was still in the Dao League, and thought to himself, The Dao League has more than one end of the road, and there are other ends of the road. There will always be people who like me. Besides, even if no one likes me, why can't I stand on my own? Dao Palace? Why should Xu depend on others?

He was at peace in his heart and no longer worried about gains and losses.

If any palace master thinks highly of him and is willing to accept him as a disciple, that would be great. If not, then be a happy casual cultivator, practice every avenue, and use the knowledge of the Tao Alliance to enrich and perfect your own path. , but better.

It's just that Huaisha Xianzhou is a bit boring, not as interesting as Yuanxiang Xianzhou. There is no one here who dares to stare at me and arm-wrestle with me!

Xu Ying thought for a while and the plan was decided.

Each temple in the Dao League has its own liaison disciples in Huaisha Xianzhou to prevent the outer disciples from causing accidents in Huaisha Xianzhou, and they also need to contact disciples to convey news.

There are also several liaison disciples of True Lord Yongle of Hongwu Palace in Huaisha Xianzhou. The leader is called Huangfu Zhen, who is a mature and steady Taoist Master of Time and Space. On this day, another liaison disciple hurriedly came to report and said anxiously: Senior Brother Huangfu, something serious has happened!

Huangfu Zhen said slowly: Why are you panicking? The outer gate is also a Taoist gate. If the sky falls, Teacher and the others are tall enough to hold it up.

The junior brother said: Senior brother, Xu Ying moved Mingque Mansion away!

Huangfu Zhen then walked out of the mansion and looked towards Mingque Mansion. Sure enough, not only was Mingque Mansion moved away by Xu Ying with great magic power, but even the fairy mountain where Mingque Mansion was located was also moved by Xu Ying!

At this moment, the fairy mountain is flying brightly over Huaisha Fairy Continent, flying towards Yuanxiang Fairy Continent!

The junior brother hurriedly said: Senior brother, look! The rules of our Huaisha Immortal Continent are that people can leave, but the Taoism remains, and the Immortal Mountain and Immortal Mansion must remain as they are! He also took the Immortal Mountain away!

Not carrying it.

Huangfu said seriously, He sat in Mingque Mansion and used great magic power to move the Immortal Mountain together with the Immortal Mansion.

The junior brother said anxiously: He broke our rules in Huaisha Xianzhou...

What rules did we break in Huaisha Xianzhou?

Huangfu Zhen glared at him and said seriously, Our Huaisha Xianzhou has no rules like this. Junior brother, don't have such a hot temper. You must learn from me and examine yourself three times every day: Can you beat him? Can't you beat him? Why provoke him? If you don’t provoke him, just pretend you didn’t see it.”

The junior brother said angrily: You are not doing anything!

Huangfu Zhen smiled and said: It's useless for us to do anything. He will definitely teach him a lesson. Besides, Yuanxiang Xianzhou has the rules of Yuanxiang Xianzhou, and not everyone can enter. When he arrives at Yuanxiang, he will naturally be guarded The strong man there blocks him, so we just watch the excitement and wait for him to be driven back.

The junior brother suddenly understood and said with a smile: He was driven back by the strong men guarding Yuanxiang Xianzhou, so we can't think of breaking the rules of Huaisha Xianzhou.

The two watched Xu Ying fly to Yuanxiang on the fairy mountain, waiting for Xu Ying to fight with the strong men guarding Yuanxiang. However, the strange thing was that no one stopped Xu Ying.

The two of them stood in the air, feeling the wind was a bit cool today.

On the Immortal Mountain, Xu Ying felt that he was kind-hearted, but the strong men guarding Yuanxiang felt that he was ferocious and showed his fierce features. They did not dare to stop him and watched him fly into the Yuanxiang Immortal Continent by riding the Immortal Mountain.

Yuanxiang Immortal Continent is many times larger than Huaisha Immortal Continent. The void power here is stronger, making it easier to practice and comprehend.

Xu Ying drove around the fairy mountain to find a suitable place to stay. He had made great achievements in the Void Avenue, so he sensed the void and looked for the strongest point of the Void Avenue.

After flying like this for more than ten days, he finally found the strongest place on the Void Avenue in Yuanxiang Xianzhou. There was only one mountain peak here. The top of the mountain was not big. There was a temple on the mountain with the word Jin Yu written on the plaque.

There was only one old man in this Taoist temple, a Taoist. He was sweeping the floor. He looked up and saw a fairy mountain flying towards him, landing next to Jinyu Temple.

The old Taoist's face was dark, and he was a little surprised, and thought to himself: Who has the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard, and dares to leave his mountain top here?

At this time, I saw a young man flying out of the fairy mountain. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old. He was quite tall, with a strong back and a strong waist, but his face was a little dark. He flew directly towards this side.

Elder, you should be polite.

The young man saluted and said, I am a disciple from Huaisha Immortal Continent. Because I want to comprehend the void and feel that the void here is the strongest, I take the liberty of disturbing you.

Seeing that he was still polite, the old Taoist was not embarrassed and said: I am not the master of Jinyu Temple, but the one responsible for cleaning. There are no hills nearby. If you want to live here, just stay here.

Xu Ying thanked him, bowed and went back to contemplate the void.

Not long after, the masters of the major halls of the Dao League got the news, and they all looked shocked: Then Xu Ying moved the Mingque Mansion next to Jinyu Temple? Is he losing his mind and going crazy?

Our Taoist temple doesn't dare to be built nearby, but he is so bold!

It's okay that he moved out of Huaisha Xianzhou. For the sake of fellow Daoist Zhong, I won't care about him. But what did he think, that he actually moved near Jinyu Temple!

While Jin Yu was observing, the old Taoist looked around at Mingque Mansion not far away, and saw that Xu Ying had actually settled down in Mingque Mansion, sensing the Void Avenue.

My understanding is not bad.

The old Taoist continued to clean. At this time, Zhenjun Yongle came to Jinyu Temple. He did not enter the temple, but stood outside the Taoist temple with a respectful expression. He bowed and said: Brother Xie, that person who promised to be my Hongwu Temple in name , has actually been expelled from the Hongwu Palace. If he causes any trouble, senior brother, please punish him, but don’t blame me, the Hongwu Palace.

The evil Taoist held his broom and said: I think this boy has a good understanding. Why expel him from the Hongwu Palace? If you don't accept him, the losses to the Hongwu Palace will be too great. Don't regret it in the future.

True Lord Yongle smiled and said: He is so implicated that I can't handle it.

He hesitated and asked, Senior Brother Xie, is Master Jinyu back?

The evil Taoist shook his head: I never came back.

True Lord Yongle asked again: Then is there any news?


True Lord Yongle showed regret and left.

The evil Taoist invited: Why don't you come in and have a cup of tea?

Although he said this, he did not really mean to invite Zhenjun Yongle in for tea.

True Lord Yongle also knew what was going on and said with a smile: No, no. After saying that, he bowed to say goodbye and turned around to leave.

The evil Taoist watched him go away, and then his eyes fell on the Mingque Mansion next to him, and whispered: Is that so? Xu Ying? How do you manage to make people hate dogs when they see them? However, his Taoism is great Something is weird. Could it be that he is the big shot?

He stared at Xu Ying, and the more he looked, the more moved he became, and praised: Although he has four great ways and is already a Taoist master, he is still in the immortal state! He used a unique method to unify the nine innate ways and the void. Daodao! How did he do this?

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