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Chapter 930 The First Void in the Sea of ​​Chaos Achieves the Dao

Xu Ying realized the void here. Although the Void Dao made extraordinary progress, it was still difficult to break through and become the Void Dao Master.

His attainments on the Void Avenue have already surpassed that of Master Luo and reached new heights. However, even in places like the Great Sky Ming Realm, it is difficult for him to break through.

He always felt that there was a great oppression in the sea of ​​chaos, and it was impossible to break through to the Void Taoist Lord.

He was getting anxious when the old man's voice came from outside the Mingque Mansion: Mr. Xu, the jujubes that I, Jin Yu, watch are ripe. The owner of the watch is not here, and I can't finish them all by myself. I'll give you some.

Xu Ying put away his distracting thoughts and quickly stood up to greet you. He said with shame, Elder, I moved next door to you and even ate your dates. I feel very guilty.

The evil Taoist held a jade plate with a smile on his old-fashioned face and said: If these fire dates are not eaten by people who like them, how can they be eaten by the palace masters? I would rather feed them to dogs!

Xu Ying laughed loudly, took the jade plate, and invited him in. There were only five fire dates in the jade plate. They were fiery red, like agate, crystal clear, and you could even see the core.

What's even more strange is that Xu Ying clearly noticed that there was a strange void power hidden in this fire date!

The evil Taoist saw his expression in his eyes and knew what he was thinking. He smiled and said: The fire jujube tree that I, Jin Yu, looked at was not a spiritual root in the sea of ​​chaos, but a void spiritual root from the great void. The entire sea of ​​chaos, This is the only one! And it was brought back from the great void by the temple master with great difficulty!

When Xu Ying heard this, he was greatly shocked and lost his voice: The spiritual root of the void? The great void? How can Master Jinyu be so powerful that he can leave the sea of ​​chaos?

When the evil Taoist talked about Jin Yu, he couldn't help but feel boundless admiration, and said solemnly: It is said that Jin Yu is pure, the sun and the moon produce light. The Taoist heart of the temple is like Jin Yu, so holy that no chaos can be left. Therefore, you can step through the chaos and enter the void.”

Xu Ying was stunned, his Taoist heart was like Jin Yu's, and he couldn't stay in chaos?

What kind of Taoist state of mind is this?

He became more and more curious about Jin Yu, the master of the temple.

Xu Ying put down the fire dates and thanked him: I have been studying the Great Way of the Void these days, but I still haven't realized it. Thank you very much for the gift of the fire dates, elder.

The evil man said: I'm just giving you the jujubes that the temple master won't eat. You return the plate to me, I can still use it.

Xu Ying put away the five fire dates, and the evil Taoist took back the jade plate and left, returning to Jinyu Temple.

Xu Ying held up a fire jujube in his palm and observed carefully. The fire jujube was crystal clear, as if it contained infinite void. He thought to himself: No wonder the power of the void here is so strong. It turns out that there is a tree in Jinyu Temple that comes from the Great Void. The spiritual root of the void. Could it be that the Great Sky Ming Realm is supported by this void spiritual root?

He took this fire date, and suddenly all kinds of mysteries of the void poured into his mind.

The evil Taoist returned to Jinyu Temple and noticed the strange fluctuations in the void coming from the Mingque Mansion. He whispered: No matter how qualified, understanding, or talented, it is impossible to become a Taoist Master of the Void. The Void in the Sea of ​​Chaos The Great Dao is not enough to support you in cultivating the Tao Master of the Void. But with these five fire dates, you can take this step.

He observed Xu Ying these days and found that although this young man acted absurdly and deviantly, he was quite in line with his wishes.

This time the fire dates were ripe, so I simply sent out five fire dates to help Xu Ying.

At this moment, strange fluctuations suddenly came from the sea of ​​chaos, as if the void was resonating, as if at this moment, the void of the sea of ​​chaos had a master of the avenue!

The evil Taoist hurriedly looked at Mingque Mansion, surprised and confused: You have become a Taoist Master of the Void so quickly? No, no! It's not the fluctuation of the Void Avenue that comes from the Mingque Mansion! This fluctuation of the Void comes from outside the Great Sky Ming Realm. !”

At the same time, after taking Huozao's promise to comprehend the void, he also noticed the strange fluctuations coming from the void. The void avenue in the sea of ​​chaos actually became lively and agile in a short period of time!

Not only that, he also noticed that the flow of Tao power in the void had changed!

This change even caused the Void Dao power in the Great Sky Ming Realm to gradually decrease!

It seems that there is a tide that is about to hit, and it will draw away the void power of the Great Sky Ming Realm!

In the sea of ​​chaos, a Taoist Master of the Void was born!

Xu Ying was shocked and doubtful. After taking Huozao, his attainments in the Tao of the Void reached an unprecedented height. He surpassed Luo Shizong at that time and was infinitely close to the Master of the Tao of the Void. His senses also became extremely keen, and he immediately sensed an unknown part of the Chaos Sea. Someone had become the Taoist Master of the Void, causing tidal fluctuations in the power of the Void!

This tidal fluctuation even made the Dao masters and immortals in the Great Sky Ming Realm realize that the power of the Dao suddenly weakened!

And the trend of decline is gradually accelerating!

At this moment, a deep and boundless aura emerged in the Great Sky Bright Realm, blocking the tide of Tao power in the void. It was the palace masters who each used their own Taoism to stabilize the void so that the Tao power could not flow away.

The Tao Master cannot resist the tide of the avenue, but for the existence at the end of the avenue, the tide of the avenue is nothing more than that.

This fluctuation in the void took a long time to subside.

Xu Ying noticed that the breath of void in the depths of the Chaos Sea disappeared, and he still couldn't hide his shock: Who is this person who became the Master of the Void?

At the same time, Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, stood up and left the Reincarnation Hall, walked directly to the outside of the Chaos Hall, and called: Fellow Taoist Huntun!

Hutunsheng, the master of the Chaos Palace, was well prepared and walked out of the Dao Palace. He said solemnly: With just the two of us, we can't find the person who has realized the Dao of Void.

And I, Jiang Ziliu, can help these two fellow Taoists. We must find Taoist Master of the Void!

The two of them followed the sound and saw Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, already coming behind them.

Gu Daosheng was overjoyed and said with a smile: With the help of Daoist friend Jiang, we will be able to find the Taoist Master of the Void! Once we completely open up the Sea of ​​Chaos, there is hope!

The three palace masters immediately went hand in hand, entered the sea of ​​chaos, and headed towards the direction where the waves were coming from the Void Avenue.

At the same time, in the depths of the Chaos Sea, a rather heroic woman gradually dissipated her Void Avenue aura.

When she became the Master of the Void Dao, the fluctuations of the Void Dao were so strong that the power of the Void Dao surged, tearing apart the surrounding sea of ​​chaos!

The surging void power even caused incurable wounds to the Chaos Sea, forming a void chasm!

The energy of chaos that fell into the chasm of the void was torn apart one after another and turned into void, making it impossible to fill the chasm!

On both sides of the chasm, the chaotic creatures like turtles and turtles flying around her seemed to have lost interest in her and swam into the sea of ​​chaos one after another, disappearing without a trace.

At this time, a ship sailed from the other end of the void chasm. The hull was not carved from green rock, but a strange kind of wood that could withstand the erosion and corruption of the Chaos Sea.

A person on the bow of the ship bowed and said: Congratulations to the Great Sacrificial Wine for attaining the Taoist Master of the Void! The appearance of Chaos Creatures during the Great Sacrifice Wine will surely alarm the Chaos Bell, so we'd better leave as soon as possible.

The heroic woman nodded lightly, landed on the bow of the ship, looked back at the crack in the void she had created, and whispered: The innate avenue, the void is the first. Even the nine innate paths, even chaos, are restrained by the void. Husband, look It’s the right concubine to come.”

That woman was none other than Yuan Weiyang who left the Three Realms with Xu Ying!

The wooden boat Yuan Weiyang was on suddenly disappeared from the chaotic sea, and the next moment it appeared in the amber material in the void in the sea.

There are varying amounts of amber material in the Chaos Sea. Some places are rich and some are barren. However, the wooden boat Yuan Weiyang is on seems to be able to see this and travels along the weak areas of the amber material.

These weak areas extend in all directions, penetrating tens of thousands of universes in the Sea of ​​Chaos, forming a huge network of void post roads!

After an unknown amount of time, the wooden boat carrying Yuan Weiyang sailed into a huge void composed of multiple universes.

The incomparably majestic ancient gods sitting in the void raised their heads and watched the wooden ship sail out of the void and sail towards the holy land guarded by thousands of chaotic spiritual roots.

This is the Chaos Empire hidden in the Chaos Sea, the Imperial Capital.

Yuan Weiyang got off the boat, looked up into the sky, and saw that the void connected tens of thousands of universes in the Chaos Sea, forming a huge chaotic territory.

This powerful empire has risen and fallen several times, and now it has reached a critical moment.

According to the emperor's decree, please invite the great sacrificial wine to the court to see you!

Yuan Weiyang walked up the stone steps and walked towards the high-altitude Golden Palace.

After I became the Taoist Master of the Void, Emperor Chen ordered me to meet him. Is his purpose to extend his life or to extend his life for his empire? She thought silently in her heart.

At this moment, she noticed another slight fluctuation in the void, and her heart moved slightly. She stopped and looked at the stars.

After me, who has attained the Taoist Master of the Void?


Xu Ying took the fifth fire date, and after absorbing the power of the void in the fire date, he was able to become the master of the void.

The movement when he attained enlightenment was far less terrifying than when Yuan Weiyang attained enlightenment.

Yuan Weiyang was the first person in the Chaos Sea to prove the existence of the Void Dao Lord, which caused the resonance of the Void Dao that was suppressed throughout the Chaos Sea, causing void tides to occur in many places.

But fortunately, Yuan Weiyang did not take the initiative to trigger the tide of the void, but dispersed the fluctuations of the void avenue, so it did not cause huge damage.

Although Xu Ying has a high level of understanding, his talent on the Void Avenue is not as good as hers. In addition, Xu Ying deliberately suppressed the fluctuations in the void, which did not cause much movement or much attention.

Could that fluctuation in the void be Weiyang?

Although Xu Ying became the Master of the Void Dao, he did not look very happy. His face was gloomy and uncertain, and he thought, This Void Dao seems to be more powerful than the Nine Innate Paths... I made a bet with her when we separated. If The avenue of void is the essence of the avenue, I am female and she is male.

The deeper he understood the Void Avenue, the more he admired its power.

The Void Avenue can completely tear apart chaos and tear apart all avenues, and Void Empowerment can turn the Void Avenue into any of the nine innate avenues!

Xu Ying secretly thought something bad, If my concept of acquired nature is wrong, I'm afraid Weiyang will be on top of me.

However, it is always a good thing for Void to attain Taoism. Xu Ying quickly put the fight between men and women behind him, left Mingque Mansion, came to Jinyu Temple, bowed to the old Taoist in the temple and said with a smile: Elder, I After taking the fire dates, I gained enlightenment in the void, so I came here to express my thanks.

The evil Taoist was sweeping the floor when he heard the words: You have gained the Tao of Void because of your extraordinary understanding. My five fire dates are just to help you break through as soon as possible. If it were other palace masters who did not have this ability, they would use the fire The bark of the jujube tree has been gnawed away by them, and they cannot achieve enlightenment in vain.

Xu Ying stepped forward, snatched the broom from his hand, and diligently cleaned it for him. He smiled and said, Having said that, without five fire dates, it would be difficult for me to attain enlightenment.

The evil Taoist didn't have a broom in his hand and was a little uncomfortable with it. He followed him and watched him sweep the floor and said: Xu Ying, I think your practice is extremely strange. Although you have attained Taoism in the void, you are still not in the Taoist realm. What is your major? What avenue is it?”

Xu Ying smiled heartily and said: The great road of tomorrow.

The great road of tomorrow? The evil Taoist was slightly startled, a little confused.

Xu Ying then explained his concept of acquired nature and innate nature, and said: There is a man named Tao Zun on the other side. He once told a story about a chicken Taoist master. This story later fell into the ears of my master Taiyi. Taiyi Tell me. I had already understood the concept of acquired nature and innate nature at that time, but it was only after I got the story of Chicken Taoist Master that I finally realized it.

Chicken Taoist? The evil Taoist was even more confused.

Xu Ying eloquently told the story of Chicken Taoist Master and said with a smile: So in my opinion, whether it is the Nine Innate Paths or the Void Avenue, or other discovered avenues that have not yet been discovered, or even avenues that have not yet been created, , are all acquired avenues, and are all part of the true Tao. We monks, these Tao masters, and even the end of the avenue are all self-righteous chickens. We think we have observed all of the Tao, but the real Tao follows The true face has not been revealed. In this case, all the Tao we have understood are acquired Tao, and are never the real Tao. Therefore, I use the Hou Tian Tao as a framework, and the Hou Tian controls the innate to prove the only Tao.

The evil Taoist was stunned for a long time, then suddenly laughed out loud, laughing so hard that he lost all his previous grace.

Chicken Taoist Master! Hahahaha! The end of Chicken Avenue! Xu Ying, I read you right! You are indeed a deviant and a complete rebel! People call me an evil Taoist, but you are the real evil one! No wonder the more I look at you, the more... It’s pleasing to the eye!”

The evil Taoist laughed for a long time, and his laughter gradually fell. He grabbed the broom from Xu Ying's hand and said with a smile, The Taoist who told the story of the Chicken Taoist is quite a powerful person. This person will definitely achieve extraordinary things in the future, more than the Taoist League Nine. The palace will not be inferior, and may even surpass these nine self-righteous bastards! Where is this Taoist Master now?

He has already passed away due to the calamity. It was the hands of True Lord Daoji.

Xu Ying paused and said, This Dao Lord was originally an outer disciple of the Dao Alliance. He failed the assessment during the assessment, so he betrayed the Dao Alliance and became an abandoned son of the Dao Alliance. True Lord Dao Ji should be his. Human robbery.”

The evil Taoist was stunned, and after a long time he sighed: Today's Taoist alliance can't tolerate strange voices. Xu Ying, I can appreciate your acquired nature, but regarding your concept of acquired nature, you don't want to talk to the Taoist people. Talk to anyone in the alliance.”

He looked solemn and said: In the future, you will become a great being, but if your acquired nature is exposed, you will have no future.

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