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Chapter 928 The future is dead

The method of cultivating Huizhao to unify the past and future is the method used by the Taoist Alliance to deal with the calamity of annihilation. This method was created by Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall. If you practice this method, you can get rid of bad luck forever. It is known as the immortal golden body in the sea of ​​chaos.

To destroy a monk, the calamity of annihilation must first destroy its past time and space, future time and space, destroy all possibilities, and then catch up with the present and destroy the monk.

But if you practice the method of reflection, you can unify the past, present and future. The past self cannot be annihilated, and there will be no period of weakness. Various possibilities for your future self still exist, and it will not mean that you have no future.

Therefore, Hui Zhao has become a must-practice method for Taoist masters. It's just that not every Taoist master can practice this method. If you want to practice it, you must first become a reincarnation Taoist master.

Xu Ying sat by the pool of reincarnation, watching the birth and death of the universe in the pool of reincarnation, observing the cyclic changes of the nine innate paths, and comprehending reincarnation. After a few days, suddenly the three thousand avenues of heaven and earth naturally transformed into a state of Hunyuan, making it difficult to distinguish each other.

Xu Ying originally sat here to meditate on the Great Way of Reincarnation, but he naturally became the Great Way Master without even thinking about it.

This place is the realm of great emptiness and clarity, and there is no great road between heaven and earth. When he attained the Tao, there was no glow in the sky or the sound of the great road. Only the various Tao powers in his body were mixed together as one, turning one into ten thousand and turning ten thousand into one.

Xu Ying has practiced Taiyi since he was a child. Taiyi Avenue has a great connection with him and is the avenue he has studied the most. However, the first person to cultivate the Tao Master realm was not Taiyi Avenue, but Hongmeng, which he had never studied.

Even the Great Way of Nirvana came from behind and became the Master of Nirvana.

Now that Taiyi Dao finally became the master, Xu Ying couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

Emperor Haotian, who opened a new chapter in the cultivation of the earthly immortal world, pioneered the first magical method of enlightenment of Taiyi. Qingxuan, who inherited the past and ushered in the future, also practiced the Great Way of Taiyi.

But Xu Ying went to the other side and became a disciple of Tai Dao Master, and then he was able to gain a foothold.

Emperor Haotian's words of Taiyi, My nature is self-sufficient, opened the door to his wisdom and allowed him to take another step forward.

The fate between Taiyi Dao and him is too important, and now he has finally become the master of Taiyi Dao.

Xu Ying urged the Taiyi Dao to prove reincarnation based on evidence and Wuji in reverse. Suddenly, the realm of the Tao Master who only felt reincarnation and Wuji became extremely clear.

He looked at the pool of reincarnation. The universe in the pool was constantly changing, and all the mysteries of the great path of reincarnation were coming to him.

In the Reincarnation Hall, Gu Daosheng suddenly felt something. He opened his eyes with a look of surprise.

He is cultivating Tai Dao Master by my reincarnation pond? This promise is quite interesting.

Gu Daosheng couldn't help but laugh. He gave Xu Ying this opportunity so that he could become the Taoist Master of Reincarnation. He didn't expect that Xu Ying would actually achieve Taoism in Taiyi.

He probably has a very high talent on the Taiyi Avenue, but he doesn't have much talent on the Reincarnation Avenue. He may not be destined for my Reincarnation Avenue...

Just when he thought of this, he suddenly let out a light sigh and sensed a trace of fluctuation coming from the Avenue of Reincarnation.

Is this using Taiyi to prove reincarnation, so that reincarnation can break through and become a Taoist master? No, no, becoming a reincarnation Taoist based on evidence starts from Taiyi Avenue. The reincarnation avenue derived from evidence also corresponds to Taiyi Avenue. The cultivation of the two avenues It must be equal!

After all, Gu Daosheng was a being who stood at the end of the Avenue of Reincarnation. He immediately realized that Xu Ying's realization of the Avenue of Reincarnation was still higher than the Great Avenue of Taiyi, and he couldn't help but feel moved.

This is definitely not the Great Way of Reincarnation based on evidence, but the Great Way of Reincarnation that is understood from the cycle of birth and death in the universe!

The purpose of leaving the Reincarnation Pool is to enable some of my disciples to understand the great cycle of birth and death in the universe, and thus understand a direct path to the end of reincarnation!

He looked strange, but very few of his disciples could realize this, but now an outsider who had been here for only six or seven days was actually about to realize this path!

This cannot but be said to be a great irony!

Xu Ying's cultivation of the Great Way of Reincarnation and the realm of Tao Master can be said to be a matter of course, without any sluggishness.

After completing the Great Way of Reincarnation, he looked at the birth and death of the universe in the Reincarnation Pool. The kind of reincarnation that could not be erased by the sea of ​​chaos was reflected in the heart of the Tao, hazy, but it existed.

This is a road. In the heart of the Tao, this road extends forward infinitely. The avenue of reincarnation shines brightly, the light is like a ring, and the avenue is like a wheel, making haloes of various sizes appear on both sides of this road.

Those are the seekers who are walking on this road. They are the Tao masters who have built the Road of Reincarnation. There are countless tyrannical creatures who control the Road of Reincarnation.

Xu Ying looked towards the end of the avenue, and in the distance, he saw a figure swaying in the hazy light.

It was a majestic body like a giant god. When Xu Ying looked at the figure at the end of the Avenue of Reincarnation, he was as shocked as an ant standing on the ground looking up at the planet that blocked the entire sky.

There is more than one person at the end of the road to reincarnation.

You can imagine the shock in his heart. He always thought that at the end of a kind of avenue, there could only be one figure standing. However, this time when he looked at the end of the avenue of reincarnation, he found that there were multiple incredible figures there!

What frightened him even more was that there was an extremely powerful being among them, with a majestic figure and more than one halo of reincarnation behind his head. The man carries a long sword on his back, and there are nine reincarnations intersecting behind him. Various avenues are unified in the reincarnation, birth and death, and endless evolution.

I actually saw the end of the Reincarnation Avenue. Is that extremely powerful figure the Master of Reincarnation Hall, Gu Daosheng?

Xu Ying woke up from the state of enlightenment, his eyes fell on the Samsara Pond in front of him, and he did not look away for a long time.

The figure at the end of the avenue was so shocking that he could not recover for a long time.

The universe in the pool of reincarnation is still changing and changing, reincarnation is endless, and there is no end.

After a long time, Xu Ying finally looked away, took a deep look at the universe in the Samsara Pond, and then began to seriously practice the Huizhao method.

The method of Huizhao needs to simultaneously regulate the three avenues of Taiyuan, reincarnation and cause and effect, and unify the past and future. Among them, reincarnation is the center, and the cause and effect can be proved by reincarnation and Taiyi in reverse, so that unification can be achieved.

Xu Ying has not yet completed the Path of Cause and Effect, and it is still somewhat difficult to complete the Huizhao Dharma. However, he is proficient in the Path of Void and is empowered by the Void, which is enough to temporarily elevate the Path of Cause and Effect to the level of a Tao Master.

After a few days, he will have a thorough understanding of Huizhao's method, activate this method directly, and the Great Way of Reincarnation will circulate. In an instant, his past history will become independent from the three realms!

Although time and space, as well as all the causes and effects of the past, still exist, they have become an inseparable whole!

Xu Ying's powerful figure reflects back into the past time and space, and is reflected in past history!

He still has a past, a childhood, a wandering life in reincarnation, and years when immortal gods were manipulated by others, but in any past time, there is an equally powerful him!

Any time in his past is connected to the present!

If someone tries to use reincarnation to attack him in the past time and space, he will face the most powerful person in the present!

No matter at any time in the past, even as a baby, or even in his mother's belly, he was always the strongest without any weaknesses!

Even if someone kills Xu Jing and Lan Suying in the past time and space, even if someone kills Xu You, Xu Ying cannot disappear.

Because his causal reincarnation has been unified and independent from the three realms!

Today, there is also the vulnerability of the future.

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly, and he activated his magical power to illuminate the future. There are countless possibilities for the future of the Sea of ​​Chaos. Some may be that Xu Ying becomes more powerful, some may be that Xu Ying remains unknown, and some may be that Xu Ying dies.

In the future of Hongmeng Taoist Mo Feiyin on the other side, Xu Ying is the Taoist on the other side and died in the battle against the Tao Alliance.

There are people with great supernatural powers in the sea of ​​chaos, who can choose the future that is beneficial to themselves from countless futures and attack the enemy. For example, choosing a future where Xu Ying is dead, thereby erasing Xu Ying!

And the magical power of Hui Zhao can illuminate oneself towards the future, seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune!

Gu Daosheng, the master of Samsara Hall, saw this scene from a distance, his expression moved slightly, he smiled, nodded gently, and whispered: Now, we can finally know whether Xu Ying is the big shot that the Taoist leader said.

Suddenly, he noticed other auras, and his heart moved slightly.

Other palace masters are also paying attention to Xu Ying, and they also want to take this opportunity to take a look at his future.

Gu Daosheng thought to himself, They are cunning. They don't do anything themselves, so let me, an honest person, do it.

Among the Taoist alliance, the hall masters all looked at Xu Ying beside the Samsara Pond.

Xu Ying didn't realize it and urged Hui Zhao to look towards his future. Pairs of eyes were bright and focused, looking towards the promised future.

Whether you are a big shot or not depends on this!

Their expectant eyes became a little dull, and then they cheered up. After a few deep glances, they became even duller again.

Immediately, the dullness turned into confusion and confusion.

In the light of the promised light, the future is blank, and every future that is promised is like a blank sheet of paper!

What's going on? Yin Yang Palace Master Yin Changzang frowned. He had never seen this weird scene, or even heard of it.

Jiang Ziliu, the master of the Hall of Cause and Effect, said: This scene shows that Xu Ying will die in the next moment, so there is no future.

Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, said: It should be said that Xu Ying died in all the past. He was completely wiped out from the sea of ​​chaos by the great supernatural power, so he has no future.

Feng Xiaoxiao, the master of the Hall of Ecstasy, asked: Brother Daoji, even if it is Jiji, it can't be so complete, right?

True Lord Dao Ji said: If I take action, I can make him die so completely.

Is it possible that the Chaos Lord has confused his future, making it impossible for us to detect it? Hun Tunsheng, the master of the Chaos Palace, suddenly asked.

The palace masters of the Dao League were unable to answer.

Hun Tunsheng himself is the person with the highest attainments in the Dao of Chaos in the Dao Alliance. He is not sure yet, and others are naturally even less sure.

True Lord Yongle said: Do you think it is possible that Xu Ying is that big shot? He will be so powerful in the future that he will obliterate anyone's exploration of his future?

No one can answer Huntun Sheng's question, and no one can answer his question either.

I prefer that Fellow Daoist Zhong is the big shot. And Xu Ying will die in the hands of beings like Fellow Daoji in the future. The voice coming from the Wuji Hall became increasingly distant.

The voices of other palace masters gradually faded away.

Brother Wuji's explanation is more realistic.

Next to the Samsara Pond, Xu Ying was still urging Huizhao again and again to illuminate his future. However, the future was so vast that his light could not shine at all.

Weird, is it because I have never cultivated the Dao Master of Karma, so I can't see the future?

Xu Ying stopped trying and thought to himself, It won't be too late to activate Huizhao after I gain the enlightenment of karma.

His eyes fell on the universe of birth and death in the pool of reincarnation again. With a flick of his finger, a beam of light of reincarnation fell into the pool of reincarnation and submerged into the universe.

At this time, Taoist Menghe came over, looked up at Xu Ying, and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist Xu has finally become the Taoist Master of Reincarnation. I'm so happy to congratulate you. The Hall Master said that your fate with my Reincarnation Hall has ended, please come back.

Xu Ying turned around, bowed in the direction of the Reincarnation Hall, and said, Xu Ying would like to thank the master of the palace for his guidance and cultivation. If I achieve anything in the future, I will definitely repay today's kindness.

Taoist Menghe smiled and said: Master will not see you. I will send you out.

Xu Ying walked side by side with him and said: I have to take care of the favor of the palace master. I have never seen him and don't know his appearance. How will I repay the favor in the future?

This is simple.

Taoist Menghe thought about it for a while, but saw a Taoist walking towards him in the void. He was tall and thin, with long and narrow eyebrows, bright eyes, elegant clothes, and a refined temperament. Behind his head stood a ring of reincarnation, which contained the vastness of the universe. .

Xu Ying took a deep look, wrote down the appearance of Gu Daosheng, the master of the Reincarnation Hall, and said, Now I know the appearance of my benefactor, thank you Brother Mengdao.

Even so, a storm arose in his heart.

The Gu Daosheng that Menghe Taoist imagined was not the majestic figure wearing the nine reincarnations he saw at the end of the avenue!

We are both at the end of the road of reincarnation, but Gu Daosheng is not the strongest!

He walked out of the Reincarnation Hall, said goodbye to Taoist Menghe, and returned to Huaisha Xianzhou Mingque Mansion. Xu Ying sat in the main hall, silent and speechless.

And the ray of samsara Dao light that he flicked down beside the samsara pool fell into chaos and changed rapidly. When it fell into the universe in the pool, it turned into Xu Ying's dao body.

Xu Ying's clothes are fluttering and he is walking in this universe.

When he looked at the universe from the outside, he saw that the speed of birth and death was extremely fast, and the evolution speed of the Nine Innate Paths and the Avenue of Heaven and Earth was astonishing. However, when he arrived in this universe, he discovered that the speed of time here was different from what he saw in the Great Sky and Bright Realm.

This is a real universe.

Xu Ying looked at the starry sky around him, and suddenly flew up and came to this world derived from the universe. He saw that there was already a civilization here, and there were monks who had understood the great ways of heaven and earth and understood the Tao, Dharma and supernatural powers.

Xu Ying saw this scene, looked up at the sky, and realized that the aging speed of the Heaven and Earth Avenue was a million times faster than the normal speed, and his heart sank.

The reincarnation pool of the Lord of the Reincarnation Hall actually circles a universe, isolates the sea of ​​chaos around it, and uses this universe and all the creatures in it to conduct reincarnation experiments!

He had just thought of this when suddenly the surprised voice of Taoist Menghe came from behind him: Fellow Taoist Xu, how did your Taoist body end up here? You must have been too careless.

Xu Ying looked back and saw that Taoist Menghe had also arrived at the pool of reincarnation at some point. He looked at him with a half-smile, obviously aware that he had let his body enter the pool of reincarnation.

It's not accidental, but I wanted to observe the detailed operation of reincarnation, so I jumped into the pool of reincarnation. Xu Ying said with a smile.

Menghe Taoist sighed and said: The Samsara Pond is my master's magic weapon. It is easy for you to get in but difficult to get out. I will send you back.

Xu Ying thanked him and said: The master of the palace forged this sea of ​​chaos and this universe into a magic weapon? But, so many living beings...

Taoist Menghe smiled and said, In order to seek the Tao, why not?

Xu Ying stopped and looked confused: But brother Meng Dao, where is the morality?

Taoist Menghe also stopped, as if he had heard something extremely funny, he laughed, shook his head and said: Moral justice? What is moral justice? Fellow Taoist Xu, you and I are both people who have attained the Tao, and what we are pursuing is the end of the road. You should know , there is no morality in the sea of ​​chaos!

————Thanks to Chachahaohao Alliance for the silver reward! ! !

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