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Chapter 917 The Infinite Jade Emperor and the True Saint Zhong Daozu in the Xuan Dome

After a long time, Xu Ying's mind still reflected the strange scene he had just seen. Thousands of years in the future, an extremely powerful self forcibly changed the future of the Three Realms, urging Master Zhong to destroy the Three Realms!

There are many possibilities in the future. Interference from chaos will lead to changes in the future. The destruction on the other side has proven this.

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, The first future I go to may be the established future, but the second future is another future caused by interference from chaos. Just like the other side back then, there may be another future. A future, in which the Three Realms will appear, and I will become the Taoist Ancestor on the other side. But the arrival of the Heaven Realm has changed everything. In the Three Realms, I came from the Sea of ​​Chaos, sacrificed the bell, and destroyed the Three Realms.

However, I will definitely not do such a thing!

Xu Ying secretly swore, but he still couldn't be so sure, because the calamity was so strange that it could completely blind his senses.

This kind of future is entirely possible!

Is it because I have occupied many innate spiritual treasures in the universe that the fate of the three realms cannot bear the weight and the disaster breaks out in advance?

When Xu Ying thought of this, his mind moved slightly, and he saw many innate spiritual treasures emerging, nearly a thousand in total!

The terrifying power of these spiritual treasures actually forced the Sea of ​​Chaos back tens of thousands of miles!

Xu Ying directly erased his imprint on these spiritual treasures and thought to himself: Ashes will return to dust, and dust will return to earth. Although I did not steal these spiritual treasures from those universes, they are stolen goods after all, so they should return to their respective universes!

Nearly a thousand innate spiritual treasures flew away, submerged into the sea of ​​chaos, and disappeared.

Xu Ying felt a little sad after releasing so many innate spiritual treasures, but in order to resolve the disaster, he had to do this. He thought to himself: Now, the future of the Three Realms should be more than a few thousand years, right?

He once again mobilized his magical power, activated reincarnation, and headed towards the future!


The cycle of reincarnation oscillated violently, suddenly stopped, and still stayed thousands of years later, unable to move further into the future!

Xu Ying once again saw the situation where his palm activated the big clock and exploded the three realms of the universe.

The future has not changed at all!

Xu Ying was restless and hurried to see Dazhong.

Taixu Realm, magic treasure fairy court.

When Xu Ying came here, he saw the light of countless magic weapons shining in the void, and the fairy court of magic weapons was built on a Taoist scene in Taixu Realm.

The Three Realms Taixu Realm was originally the place where Emperor Qingxuan fell, and Taoist scenery was scattered here, but the original Taoist scenery was just the Taoist scenery that Emperor Qingxuan imagined. But now, Master Zhong, the Taoist ancestor of Magic Treasure, has personally moved to a piece of Chaos Qi to create a fairy garden unique to Magic Treasure here.

Xu Ying and Mr. Zhong have not seen each other for many years. Although he knows that he is tinkering with some kind of magic weapon fairy garden and wants to build a holy place for the magic weapon, he has never been here.

When he came here this time, he realized that Master Zhong's handiwork was so big.

But seeing this fairy garden built on the chaotic Taoist landscape, each fairy palace has its own consciousness, and has cultivated the soul. The soul of the magic weapon lives in the fairy palace. There are often children living among the lamps, bells, clocks and other treasures hanging under the eaves, or running around.

There are many types of magic weapons here, including buildings, palaces, pagodas, flying bridges, long streets, and even complete fairy cities!

Nature like flowers, grass, trees, woods, hills, peaks, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes and even oceans!

There are also created objects such as bells, chimes, drums, harps, harps, flutes, flutes and other musical instruments, as well as ritual vessels such as stands, seals, tripods, seals, lamps, masks, canopies and other ritual vessels.

There are also many magic weapons such as knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, axes, hooks, forks, hairpins, beads, buckles, mirrors, shuttles, ropes, chains, rings, etc.

There are also carriages, horses, boats, etc.

Xu Ying was dazzled by all kinds of treasures. What was even more strange was that these magic weapon monks each cultivated themselves into Yuanshen, which they called spiritual gods. They had spirituality but no soul. They cultivated Yuanshen through this.

The forms of these souls are human forms of men and women, old and young, but they are much smaller than humans, often with big heads and small bodies.


At this time, a voice of surprise came. Xu Ying looked around and saw a fat and fair boy, who was his old friend Gan Qi.

An Qi stepped forward and said with a smile: Ah Ying, why are you here?

Xu Ying was also very happy to see him and said with a smile: I have something to ask Master Zhong...

Before he could finish speaking, Xian Qi suddenly appeared in his true form and transformed into a dragon-horned snake. He picked him up, soared in the clouds and mist, and wandered around the magic treasure fairy court. He said loudly: Xu Ying, the Taoist ancestor of the human race, asks to see Xuan Qiong. Gao Wuliang Jade Emperor and the True Saint Zhong Daozu!

As soon as his voice fell, he heard the sound of bells and drums, the melody of harps and harps, and various melodies resounding in the magical fairy court. Many magic weapons were singing and dancing, and lined up to welcome Xu Daozu's arrival.

When Xu Ying heard such a long name, he was a little surprised and said, Master Qi, why is Master Zhong's name so long?

An Qi smiled and said: He is the Taoist ancestor of all magic weapons in the universe. How can he have such a short name like the ordinary Taoist ancestors? Naturally, the longer the better.

Xu Ying snorted, feeling that the words ordinary Dao Ancestor were a bit harsh, and asked again: Isn't the Seventh Master an official in the Demon Ancestor Immortal Court? Why are you here in the Magic Treasure Immortal Court?

Xian Qi expressed his shame and said: I was kicked out by that yellow-faced woman. I have no place in the demon clan's fairy court. The demon ancestor also said that I was cheating on others. I am not a demon clan, but a magic weapon.

Xu Ying was extremely surprised and said: When the magic weapon was in turmoil in the past, I heard a magic weapon say that you are the top existence among the magic weapons. It has become a legend.

Xian Qi was proud and said with a smile: As a senior cultivator of magic weapon, how can I sit back and watch the juniors being bullied? So I took action several times to teach those scum who suppressed the magic weapon uprising. Later, I don't know how, I became The leader of the rebel army, Demon Emperor Jin Buyi, did not dare to keep me and expelled me from the Demon Clan’s Ancestral Court. Now, I am You Tiancheng of our Magical Immortal Court.”

While they were talking, they entered the Holy Temple of the Magic Treasure Immortal Courtyard. Xian Qi put Xu Ying down and turned into a fat young man again, leading the way. Xu Ying followed him into the Holy Temple and thought to himself: Master Zhong is very impressive. . No wonder this beast destroyed the Three Realms thousands of years later!

Having said that, Xu Ying let go of his prejudice against the big bell when he thought that he was the one who sacrificed Lord Zhong and destroyed the Three Realms.

In this holy temple, many immortal officials of the magic weapon clan are arranged on both sides according to their power and cultivation level. The power of each magic weapon emits astonishing fluctuations, which is extremely impressive.

The magic weapons that can be ranked in this treasure palace are often the magic weapons of the immortal realm. Xu Ying even saw the magic weapons of several Taoist ancestors among them.

Many magic weapon spirits appeared and turned into big-headed men and women, looking at them with solemn expressions.

Xu Ying followed Xian Qi and walked forward, and suddenly saw that there were still people here who were officials in the magic treasure fairy court, and one of them was Zhuchanchan!

I guess the magic weapons gave me too much, so Chanchan rebelled against the race!

Xu Ying was heartbroken and suddenly thought, If Chanchan is here, then his master, Taoist Yuji, is probably here too!

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, he saw Taoist Yuji.

The man covered his face with his sleeves and was ashamed to see him. Zhuchanchan was very carefree and not ashamed at all.

Xu Ying glared at the girl for a few times, then continued walking, and saw another familiar face, it was Zhao Zheng, sitting in the Golden Palace of the Magical Treasure Immortal Courtyard!

Xu Ying was extremely shocked: Zu Long became the first Immortal Emperor of Magical Immortal Court?

After Zhao Zheng's death, all kinds of magic weapons were gathered into one body. Various magic weapons constituted one realm after another, such as Caiqi, Yinjing, Jindan, Dongyuan, Yuanshen, Dongyuan Nine Realms, Yaochi, Six Paths, Ascension, Dao Realm, Six Realms, The dojo, the Taoist scene, the supreme, the immortal, are magnificent!

He is simply a walking treasure trove of magical treasures, many of which are extremely powerful. If activated, no ordinary Dao Lord can be his opponent!

Proving the Tao with treasures, Zhao Zheng has achieved great success. He has gone the furthest on this road.

Xu Ying stopped and saw the big bell hanging high above Zhao Zheng, solemn and solemn, not moving, and quite imposing to suppress everything.

Zhao Zhengdao: Xu Daozu came all the way, why?

Xu Ying smiled and said: I'm here to see Master Zhong. Master Zhong, I'm coming down. I plan to leave the Three Realms and go to the Dao Alliance!

Zhao Zheng was still waiting to speak when suddenly the big bell flew down from above and said with a smile: Master Ying, are you finally planning to go to the Dao Alliance? If you don't come over, I'm afraid I will lead an army of magic weapons to expand territory in the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Xu Ying said with a smile: Master Zhong is under the promise of True Lord Dao Ji. I have to rub Master Zhong's face no matter what. Maybe I can get more care by joining the Dao Alliance.

Da Zhong was very proud and said to Zhao Zheng: I have helped you build the Magical Treasure Immortal Palace. Now that Master Ying has come to find me to practice in the Sea of ​​Chaos, I will take the first step.

He quickly urged Xu Ying and set off to leave.

Xu Ying nodded slightly to Zhao Zheng, Zhao Zheng bowed hurriedly, and Xu Ying left with the big clock.

A Ying, why are you in such a hurry to go to the Dao League this time?

I went to the future and saw that the Three Realms were destroyed thousands of years later. So I had to go to the Dao Alliance to improve my strength.

Who destroyed the Three Realms?

You still have me.

It took a long time for Da Zhong to figure out the reason. He suddenly woke up and said cautiously: Master Ying, do you think it is possible that we destroyed the Three Realms after you and I went to the Dao Alliance? What if we If we stay in the Three Realms, will things like this not happen?

Xu Ying thought for a while, nodded and said, This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Dazhong said nervously: Then, do we still want to go to the Dao League?

Xu Ying hesitated for a moment and then said resolutely: I have to go! If you go to the Taoist League, you might be able to find my fellow Taoist on the road of acquired and innate imperialism. If you don't go, I will be the only one on this road! Master Zhong, if you If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to go.”

Da Zhong smiled and said: If you are determined to go, how can I leave you?

Xu Ying was quite moved, but also a little hesitant. Dazhong was considerate and said, You don't know how to bid farewell to Yuan Weiyang?

Xu Ying said yes and said: When I was on the other side, she and I were together less and less often. Only in the six thousand years after the death of the other side can we always be together. Now that I have to leave again, I'm afraid that I will betray the beautiful woman.

Da Zhong smiled and said: You go and say goodbye to the Xu Emperor, the Earth Immortal Ancestor, your parents and others first. They know that you are leaving, and Yuan Weiyang will naturally know about it. When she asks, you will know how to speak.

Xu Ying nodded slightly, went to visit his old friend, and talked about his upcoming trip to the Taoist League. After a while, Yuan Weiyang came to find him and said, Husband, you want to leave the Three Realms and go to the Dao Alliance?

Xu Ying apologized and said, I should have been the first to inform you, but I just didn't know how to say it, for fear of betraying your friendship.

Yuan Weiyang smiled and said: I also have the intention to travel far away, leaving the Three Realms, to find the true mystery of void. I noticed a glimmer of hope for enlightenment in void, and this hope is in chaos. There is void in chaos, and void is not Destruction, connecting the infinite universes of the Chaos Sea. If you can understand its secrets, you can also attain the Tao!

Xu Ying was surprised and happy, and said with a smile: Weiyang's achievements in the void can be said to be unmatched by anyone!

Yuan Weiyang shook his head and said: There are passages in the void that extend in all directions and connect the universes. Therefore, I suspect that even if I gain Taoism in the void, I may not be unprecedented. It is very possible that someone has already cultivated to become the Taoist master in the void.

There is no quarrel between the couple, and they have no obstacles in their minds.

Xu Ying was well prepared, and after saying goodbye to his old friend, he took a boat to the sea of ​​chaos and found the source of the flood of death on the other side. The things in this flood source have been burned clean and reduced to pure energy of chaos.

The flood source of Nirvana is also gradually dissipating, revealing some things that cannot be destroyed by the Nirvana Heavenly Fire, forming a rugged glaze platform floating in the sea of ​​chaos.

The innate spiritual light generated from the Nirvana Sky Fire gradually strengthened and turned into a chaotic creature, taking root on the glazed platform.

All around, the purple aura of Hongmeng is dense, fueling the innate aura.

When Xu Ying arrived, Hongmeng Taoist Master Mo Feiyin hurriedly stood up to greet him. Xu Ying looked at the aura carefully and saw that this thing should be an immortal vine, but it was just in the process of forming.

The universe on the other side has passed away, but the new universe has been resurrected on this basis. This new universe has integrated so many catastrophes and absorbed so many Taoist masters that even the Taoist masters have turned into annihilating heavenly fire.

Xu Ying looked at the immortal vines and said with a smile, The chaotic spiritual roots that have grown from the Nirvana Heavenly Fire must be extremely extraordinary. Mo Feiyin, should you stay here and wait for the birth of the next universe, or should you go to the Three Realms and do the Three Realms Taoist Hongmeng?

Mo Feiyin bowed and said: The future where my disciples live has never existed. Even the future of annihilation cannot kill a Hongmeng Taoist master, so I survived. I am willing to repay the glory of the three springs with the heart of an inch of grass and protect this place. A spiritual root of chaos until the birth of a new universe.

Xu Ying encouraged: You have this intention, I won't force you. Your Hongmeng enlightenment, your enlightenment on Hongmeng is extraordinary, and it is still above me. If you can observe Hongyuan from scratch, you will definitely make further progress.

He got up and left.

In Tianjing, Dong Xuanzi was teaching the disciples in Tianjing. He was so angry that he wanted to kill these incompetent disciples.

While he was furious, a big hand suddenly covered the back of his head.

Dong Xuanzi was touched on the head by this big hand for a while, and became angry. He turned around suddenly, and when he saw it was Xu Ying, he turned his anger into joy and said with a smile: Xu Ying, you haven't been to the heaven for a long time. There must be nothing good going on here!

Xu Ying smiled and said: I will go to the Dao League and come here to say goodbye to my master.

Dong Xuanzi blinked his eyes and asked, Are you going to say goodbye to my unfilial disciple?

Not yet.

Dong Xuanzi smiled and said: That bastard Taiyi hasn't come to see me for many days. He is not bad at teaching his disciples. When you go to see him, ask him to come to my place and teach me for a few days.

Xu Ying agreed, and Dong Xuanzi wanted to arrest him to teach these heavenly disciples for a few days. Xu Ying saw that something was not going well and left in a hurry.

When he was about to leave the heavenly realm, he heard a familiar voice: Xu Daozu, the other shore no longer exists. The Tai Dao Master also went to other universes to become the pioneer there. As the last saint of the other shore, what should I do? At home?

Xu Ying looked around and saw a tall saint from the other side standing not far away, it was Lu Yiren.

He did not die in the Calamity of Nirvana, but went to heaven to escape after the death of Dao Master Lin. After the Nirvana Tribulation broke out, he actually didn't have much luck and survived the Nirvana Tribulation safely.

Xu Ying looked at him and could see how complicated Lu Yiren's Taoist heart was. He doesn't want the other side to harvest the universe and cause disasters, and he also doesn't want the other side to be destroyed.

He hopes that the other side can undergo a top-down change and make the other side become the other side in his mind.

Brother Lu Dao, I went to the Ziwei Ancestral Court before leaving. I came to the imperial mausoleum of Emperor Haotian, ready to imitate Dao Zongyuan.

Xu Ying spoke eloquently and softly, Dao Zongyuan once captured all the information about Zhou Qiyun in the entire Three Realms universe, and combined this information to recreate Zhou Qiyun. He has Zhou Qiyun's memory, Zhou Qiyun With his consciousness, I can completely regard him as Zhou Qiyun. This time I followed Dao Zongyuan and tried to gather all the information scattered in the universe by Emperor Haotian. I already have this method.

He looked calm and said: However, I found that I could not gather the memory and thoughts of Emperor Haotian's broken soul. Because he did not die in the Three Realms, but died on the other side. His soul, memory, and thoughts have been with him. It disappeared with the silence of the other shore, returned to chaos, and ceased to exist.

How many people like Emperor Haotian are there in the universe? Countless. They came to the other side, pursued their dreams, and tried to realize their dreams, but they all turned into bones on the other side. What is there to cherish about this other side?

He stretched out his hand and said sincerely: Brother Dao, you are the last saint of the other side. You are also a person from the Three Realms and half of the teacher of Emperor Haotian. You don't need to worry about your identity. If you want to build a real other side, I am just the one. I know there is such a place, and there is a stubborn old guy who also wants to build a real other side!

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