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Chapter 918 Chicken and Taoist Master

When Lu Yiren heard this, his mind was shaken.

For these thousands of years, he has been staying in the heavenly realm, but he has always found it difficult to have any sense of identity. For the people in Tianjing, the other side is an enemy, even the last person from the other side is an enemy. For him, the heaven is also his enemy. Living in the enemy's universe, he has trouble sleeping and eating.

It is impossible for him to return to the Three Realms. No matter what form he returns to the Three Realms this time, it will always be a problem for him.

However, the new building sector did give him new hope.

In Xinlou Realm, Xu Ying and Lu Yiren came hand in hand. The Universe Soul of Xinlou Realm hurriedly came to greet them and said: Tianzun has known about the arrival of the two of them and ordered us to come and greet them.

He led Xu Ying to the first holy place in the Xinlou Realm. This place is the place where the innate spiritual roots grow. There is a huge tree stump and seven-leaf Ganoderma lucidum, which makes this place sacred and extraordinary.

Master Tai Dao was arranging the three thousand avenues of the new building world to give birth to gods. Seeing the arrival of the two people, he was quite happy and said with a smile: I am preparing to make the three thousand avenues of heaven and earth in the building world give birth to 3,600 Taoist gods. . This Taoist spirit is the primordial spirit of the great road of heaven and earth. He follows the great road and manages the affairs of the world.

When Lu Yiren heard this, he thought: If the great road of heaven and earth embodies the soul, and people don't interfere, doesn't it mean that the great road can be for the public?

Tai Dao Master nodded and said with a smile: The so-called Dao Master, the Dao is a private weapon, stealing the Dao of heaven and earth for his own use. He is called a Dao Master, but he is actually a Dao thief. So I established 3,600 Dao Zun at the beginning of the world. God, the Taoist God has the same strength as the Taoist Master. In the future, if the Taoist Master steals the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth as a personal weapon, the Taoist God will deal with it.

Lu Yiren clapped his hands and said with a smile: This is a good idea! Too many disputes in the world are caused by Taoist masters' selfishness. Now that we have set the rules of the universe before the acquired creatures have begun to appear, we don't have to worry about them doing anything outrageous. move!

The two of them talked more and more speculatively, leaving Xu Ying aside. When Master Taiyi came to his senses, he apologized to Xu Ying and said with a smile: I ignored you in a moment of excitement.

Xu Ying didn't take it seriously and said: I am satisfied to see you cheer up again. Teacher, I am here to say goodbye to you. I am going to the unknown depths of chaos. Whether I will see you again in the future is not yet known.

When Taiyi heard this, he couldn't help but be moved, and asked him where he was going this time, and Xu agreed: Tao Alliance.

The two masters and apprentices wandered around the new building world, admiring the Taoist scenery here and observing the majesty of the universe. Taiyi had been busy with the construction of the new building world during this period, and it was rare for him to calm down.

When he heard that Xu Ying was leaving, he couldn't help but feel a little reluctant to leave. After a moment, he said: Dao Meng is indeed a place where seekers go, but Dao Meng may not be your target place. Back then, Luo Taizong was expelled from the other side. , go to the Dao League, and when encountering disaster on the other side, take the initiative to come back to fight the disaster. Dao Zun also went to the Dao League, but later returned to his homeland. If the Dao League is the final destination of the monks, how can they return?

In the distance, a galaxy is forming, pouring into a sea of ​​stars.

Xu Ying seemed to be admiring the magnificence of the building world, but also seemed to be in a daze, saying: I also know that it is difficult to leave my homeland, but since I left the Dao League, I have decided not to come back, so as not to bring danger to the three realms.

He told the story of how he explored the fate of the Three Realms, only to find that the Three Realms only had a lifespan of a few thousand years and were destroyed by himself and the big clock.

If I come back, I'm afraid it will bring disaster to the three realms, so I simply exiled myself and Master Zhong. Maybe the three realms can avoid disaster.

When Taiyi heard this, he knew that he made this decision because he was concerned about the three realms. He thought for a moment and said: Cen Xi, who practices Wuji Dao, once told me a story about a farmer who raised a group of chickens, and one of them was a smart chicken looking up at the sky. , always find that food falls from the sky at noon. The smart chicken thus learned a universal truth, that at noon, food falls from the sky. On this day, guests came to the farmer's house, and he wanted to kill the chicken to entertain the guests. At noon, the smart chicken was the first to run out and wait. Food, yet it was caught and reduced to food.”

Xu Ying was stunned.

Tai Dao Master continued: Cen Xi also said that we monks are chickens who study the Dao of the universe. We regard the cosmic phenomena we see as Dao and the unbreakable truth of the universe. However, we Dao masters are actually just a group of chicken Dao masters. . However, I think that with Cen Xi’s vision and knowledge, it is impossible to say such words. It should be said by Dao Zun. He is just retelling Dao Zun’s story. But the words are not wrong. Xu Ying, the future you observed, Maybe it’s just a chicken that saw food falling from the sky and didn’t observe all the facts. Maybe it’s just a possibility in the future.”

Xu Ying's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: I always gain something from talking to the teacher. Hehe, Chicken Taoist Master, it's such an appropriate metaphor.

He bowed his head to the ground and said goodbye.

Master Taiyi waved to see him off, and saw the building boat carrying Xu Ying sail out of the building boundary and disappear into the vast chaos.

Xu Ying was standing on the Cuiyan building boat, and another building boat was approaching. Yuan Weiyang was standing on the bow, and the two building boats were keeping pace with each other.

Yuan Weiyang collected another ship and came to Xu Ying's ship. Xu Ying told her the story of Chicken Road Master, saying: The chaos, chaos, cause and effect, disaster, annihilation, and even the void that we observe are all... It is not the real Tao, it is just a part of Tao. If Tao appears as void, it is void, if it appears as chaos, it is chaos, if it appears as annihilation, it is annihilation. We observe the phenomena caused by Tao with our naked eyes, and use flesh and blood to observe the phenomena caused by Tao. If you try to understand the existence of Tao with your heart, what you get will never be true.

Yuan Weiyang thought for a long time and said: I think void is closest to the real Tao. Void has no attributes and can empower chaos. It can also empower the innate avenues of Wuji, Taiyi, and Cause and Effect. The reason why all avenues have power , are inseparable from the Tao power in the void. Innate Dao, the void is number one! Master the void, and you will master the Tao.

Xu Ying laughed dumbly and said: Weiyang, what is the difference between your words and the number one in the nine innate ways of killing, the number one in the nine innate causes and effects, and the number one in the nine innate annihilations?

Yuan Weiyang was very serious and said: The nine innate ways are just the appearance of void, even if it is chaos. Logically speaking, chaos will crush everything and assimilate everything. There is absolutely no void in the sea of ​​chaos. However, void happens to be It can exist in chaos! The void cannot exist in annihilation, but the void exists in annihilation!

Xu Ying frowned slightly and was about to speak when Yuan Weiyang stopped him and continued: The void can empower the nine paths, and the void is above the nine paths, so the void is the essence of the great path!

Xu Ying thought about it and said with a smile: In that case, Weiyang, why don't you and I compete? When I gain enlightenment the day after tomorrow, when you gain enlightenment in vain, let's compete. If you beat me, it means that your Void is the essence of the great road. If I defeat you, it means that my path to the future is correct.

Yuan Weiyang couldn't help but feel competitive and said with a smile: Although my husband is the ancestor of Taoism, he is always less intelligent and agile than I am. Be careful of the male and female changing positions. If I am on top, my husband will be. As a concubine.

Xu Ying laughed loudly: That's nonsense! There's no way I can lose!

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuan Weiyang suddenly jumped out of the building and jumped into the void in the sea of ​​chaos. She was clearly standing in the sea of ​​chaos, but the sea of ​​chaos couldn't hurt her at all!

The immeasurable void emerged behind her, and the amber material was transparent and invisible.

Yuan Weiyang waved his hand and disappeared in a flash.

Xu Ying's expression was gloomy, he turned his face to one side and whispered: If we lose, I'll be down there...but it's not bad.

He immediately felt relieved and said with a smile: Master Zhong, in honor of the Dao Alliance Order, let's go to the Dao Alliance!

The big bell quickly activated the Dao Alliance Order, and saw the emerald-green token floating, rising from the building ship, and coming to the sea of ​​chaos, emitting a faint light.

There is still no Dao aura that can be sensed from the Dao Alliance Order, but the strange thing is that the light emitted by this thing can pass through the chaos, and the fluctuations it emits can attract people from the Dao Alliance across the distant sea of ​​chaos. Come and greet.

Xu Ying also sacrificed his Dao Alliance Token, and the two Dao Alliance Tokens each floated in the sea of ​​chaos. The light illuminated the surrounding chaos sea, as if the energy of chaos did not exist.

The token of our Three Realms Dao Alliance is not so impressive!

Xu Ying and Dazhong sat on the boat and waited quietly.

Several years passed unknowingly, and suddenly a clanging bell sounded from the depths of the Chaotic Sea. Xu Ying and Da Zhong were surprised, and hurriedly stood up, lying on the side of the ship to look at the source of the sound.

It's just that even though the token is shining, the distance they can see is not very far.

The bell of the Chaos Sea sounded extremely fast. After a while, it began to sound from far away to near, and the sound gradually became clearer.

The sea of ​​chaos around the building ship was shaking violently, with undulating waves, as if some huge behemoth was making waves in the sea of ​​chaos, throwing the building ship they were in high up, and then falling heavily!

The building ship was surrounded by strange chaotic power, and the pressure made the building ship creak!

Xu Ying couldn't help but his face suddenly changed, and he was secretly surprised. This building ship might not be able to survive the sound of the bell for long before it would be shaken to pieces!

The last time I remembered the Dao Alliance Order, this kind of bell sound also appeared! After I put away the Dao Alliance Order, the bells went away!

Xu Ying tried his best to stabilize the building boat and was about to take back the Dao Alliance Order. Suddenly, the sea of ​​chaos came overwhelmingly towards them. Cracks suddenly appeared in the hull of the Cuiyan building boat and was about to fall apart!

At this moment, there was suddenly a loud bang, and a terrifying wave came, throwing the building high into the sky, and the building suddenly shattered in the violent jolts!

Xu Ying lifted the big bell without thinking, jumped out of the broken ship, and walked on the sea.

However, the power of the Sea of ​​Chaos is really terrifying. Even the dual masters of Hongmeng and Nirvana like him are like duckweeds in the waves, unable to stabilize their bodies.

Xu Ying urged Hongmeng Avenue, and his body was like a chaotic spiritual root, bumping up and down in the huge waves caused by the sound of the bell.

He activated the nine innate avenues, and the nine innate avenues formed a huge flood source outside his body. Starting from Hongmeng, it opened up the energy of chaos around him!

He used his body as a seed, and regarded his body as the spiritual root of chaos. The nine innate avenues were constantly based on evidence, and his body was like a cosmic flood source, from chaos to annihilation, endlessly rotating!

The pressure around him rose sharply with the sound of the bell. In an instant, his nine evidences were compressed and shrunk rapidly, trying to crush him!

At the same time, Xu Ying used his physical body as the source of the flood, and the source of flood inside his body was roaring. The nine paths of reverse evidence continued in cycles to support the physical body!

The nine innate avenues, based on internal and external evidence, and coupled with void empowerment, can make any of his nine innate avenues instantly rise to the mid-level realm of a Taoist master!

However, facing the sea of ​​chaos, he still cannot resist!

At this moment, a flawless white palm suddenly came out from the sea of ​​chaos, grabbed the two Dao Alliance Tokens floating above, and took away the two Dao Alliance Tokens.

Then the other hand grabbed Xu Ying's hand from behind and gently pulled Xu Ying toward an ancient fairy palace in the back.

Xu Ying's figure fell into the immortal palace, and he was shocked and confused. He saw that the person holding his left hand was a lively and lovely girl.

The woman's eyes are clear and bright, her eyebrows are curved, her eyelashes are long and trembling slightly, her skin is white and flawless, with a hint of pink coming out from the bottom of her skin, and her lips are like rose petals, plump and textured.

Her clothes were fiery red, very sassy, ​​and she looked extremely beautiful in this bumpy and dangerous sea of ​​chaos.

She took a step forward, and Xu Ying realized that she was not wearing shoes, and her fiery red skirt was not too long. Half of her long white legs were exposed. Her feet were stepping on the waves of the Chaos Sea, and she was looking around warily.


She lifted a finger and put it between her lips, making a silent gesture. Her eyes rolled around, but she never looked at Xu Ying.

After a while, the violent sea of ​​chaos outside seemed to gradually calm down.

The girl in the red dress was still extremely nervous. She still didn't put down her slender green fingers on her lips. Her big bright eyes didn't even blink, and she still stared outside.

The big bell was about to speak, when suddenly in the sea of ​​chaos in front of the Immortal Palace, a huge thing moved slowly, setting off an extremely thick energy of chaos and whizzing past in front of the palace. In the energy of chaos, the ground, water, wind and fire surged, and the fire was bright and terrifying. !

In the firelight, a simple and thick bronze wall with an unknown height, an unknown depth, and an unknown length on the left and right could be vaguely seen, sliding sideways in front of them with the energy of chaos.

The big bell was immediately frightened. It was a big bell that was countless times larger than it. The bell body was so big that when passing by the temple, the wall of the bell looked extremely straight, with no curvature visible!

I have met the rightful owner!

It tried its best to control its trembling desire, thinking, The wrinkles on my surface are the marks left by its bells!

Xu Ying also remained silent, controlling his heartbeat and not daring to make any moves. After a long time, the big bell making waves in the sea of ​​chaos left the front of the Immortal Palace.

The girl in red clothes and bare feet was still staring nervously at the movement outside the palace. After a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest, and said with a trembling smile: Finally escaped! Nanfeng The Xunxi can relieve the anger of our people. My name is Wen Nanxun. Whose Taoist order is this?

Xu Ying said quickly: Mine. I promise.

The girl in red, Wen Nanxun, looked him up and down and said doubtfully: Zhenjun Yongle said that his token was given to a girl named Zhong Yuliu, but you are a man. Could it be that you are an imposter?

Xu Ying's face turned red and he was about to argue. Wen Nanxun's eyes turned into crescent moons and he smiled and said, Maybe you reincarnated once and became a man? But you are not important. Whose is this token?

The big bell flew out from behind Xu Ying and said quickly: It's mine!

Wen Nanxun stepped forward, bowed in greeting, and said solemnly: It turns out to be Brother Taoist. Forgive me for being blind, I didn't recognize Brother Tao just now! Nanxun almost came a step too late, putting Brother Taoist in danger, but fortunately he didn't make a big mistake!

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