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Chapter 916 Zong Yuan enters Nirvana, Xu Ying plays the future

There is a mixture of Tao, born in the heaven and earth, lonely and lonely, independent and unchangeable. Strong name, it may be called Chaos, or it may be called Menghong. Going to Wuji is called Yuan, and staying at Taiyi is called Hunyuan. Reincarnation is based on changes, and cause and effect is based on Sorting out, it may develop into a calamity, it may end in cutting, it may finally become silent, or it may drift away, which is called void.”

In the Void Realm of the Three Realms, Xu Ying took his time to explain the concept of Tao that he understood. However, in order to facilitate everyone's understanding, he still used the innate nine ways and Void to explain what Tao is.

He wanted to promote his theory of acquired nature and innate nature, but found that only few people could understand it, and even fewer people could use it.

After he finished telling his story, no one in the audience responded, only blank eyes.

After a while, Xu Ying sighed quietly, with disappointment in his eyes, stood up and walked down the jade platform, giving way to the Xu Emperor.

Emperor Xu came on stage and gave his sermon for just a moment before the atmosphere below became heated.

Yuan Weiyang saw that Xu Ying looked a little unhappy, so he came forward and asked in a low voice the reason.

Xu Yingdao: Zhenjun Daoji said that on this road of Jiji Dao, my Dao is not alone, and there are his companions. Dao Zun also said that when you see the god at the end of the road, you will realize that my Dao is not alone. I am alone, there are people ahead of me. However, how difficult is it for me not to be alone? There is no one on my path in this world!

When Yuan Weiyang heard the words, he felt something in his heart and said: I feel the same way. My attainments in the Way of the Void are getting higher and higher. In the past, I could still go to the Yuxu Taoist Ancestor and discuss the Tao with him. Or the Emperor Xu, right? I have also studied the Void Avenue. However, over the years, no one has been able to discuss the Void with me. Suddenly, I am the only one left on this road. I am independent on the Void. Looking back, there are still people who are following me and looking towards the future. The road ahead is empty.

Xu Ying sighed and said: I can't catch up with your attainments in the void, but fortunately there are other people who study the void, but I have never seen anyone with the same path in my sect. I have been thinking about the world, there is no one before, and no one after. , I am alone in despair.

More than four thousand years have passed since the death of the universe on the other side. During these years, Xu Ying has upgraded his nine-path evidence to the realm of immortal Dzogchen. If he goes one step further, all nine paths will be the masters of the Tao.

As for the Void Dao, he and Yuan Weiyang's fellow practitioners have also cultivated to the perfection of the Immortal Realm, but compared to Yuan Weiyang's heaven-defying talent, he is still much inferior.

Yuan Weiyang has an astonishing talent in the Void Dao. Although both of them are in the Immortal Realm, Yuan Weiyang can take this step at any time and become the Void Dao Master. And Xu Ying may stay on the Immortality of the Void for a long time, until he makes a breakthrough in the acquired path, and he is afraid that he can only become a master of the Void Path.

At this time, suddenly there was a ray of light floating in the three realms, auspicious light and auspiciousness, forming the shape of a huge ginseng fruit tree.

The three thousand avenues, like the branches of this fruit tree, converge in the body of the tree and become one.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal has attained enlightenment.

Xu Ying looked from a distance and realized that what the Earth Immortal Ancestor built this time was not the Taiyi Avenue, but the Cause and Effect Avenue. The Chaos Spiritual Root Ginseng Fruit Tree was the cause and effect of the formation of the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

Yuan Weiyang stood beside him and said softly: The ancestor of the Earth Immortal was still one step earlier than the distant ancestor and cultivated the Innate Way.

Xu Ying said with a smile: The distant ancestor has been holding his breath for these years, hoping to be the second to cultivate the Xiantian Dao, but he is still missing. He has been delayed for too long, and is not as rich as the accumulation of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

During these four thousand years, the distant ancestor also attained Tao many times, but they were all inferior Tao of Heaven and Earth. His path was quite complicated. He practiced many Tao at the same time. He first cultivated the Tao of strength, tempered the physical body, and then cultivated the Tao of the soul. Soul, and practice the way of gods and demons to create a soul.

He wanted to obtain the Tao through this, and then follow the reverse deduction to imitate the path of Xu Huang, follow the path of self-sufficiency in my nature, and become an innate Taoist master.

He is the first immortal in the three realms of the universe. He is self-taught and creates his own realm. He is extremely talented. However, it is still difficult to catch up with the ancestors of the Void Emperor and Earth Immortal and become the Innate Taoist Master before them. arrive.

However, Xu Ying visited his distant ancestor and he had extremely unique attainments in reincarnation. If he wanted to compete with Taiyi Tianzun as the master of reincarnation, he could still do it.

In the past four thousand years, there have been several people who have become Tao Masters, but the only one who has become the Innate Tao Master is the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal has become a Taoist master and wants to go and congratulate him.

Xu Ying and his wife went to Wuzhuang Temple in person to congratulate the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. There were already many strong men from the three realms in Wuzhuang Temple to congratulate the ancestor of the Earth Immortal for attaining enlightenment.

When the Ancestor of the Earth Immortal heard that Xu Ying and his wife were coming, he hurriedly came to greet them personally and said with a smile: Lao Dao Ancestor and Mrs. Dao Ancestor are very ashamed about the Xiaodao matter.

Xu Ying smiled and said: I owe my achievements today to the guidance of the Immortal Ancestor. The Immortal Ancestor has now attained enlightenment, and I sincerely come to congratulate you.

After the ancestor of the Earth Immortal attained Taoism, a few days later, Dao Zongyuan sent someone to ask Xu Ying to go to the Yuanjie ruins. When Xu Ying got there, he found that the Yuanjie ruins were turning into ashes at a speed that was unknowingly faster. Come faster and faster!

Around Dao Zongyuan's corpse, Dao ashes turned into snow. Half of the giant's body had melted away, and half of the body's bones were exposed.

After the Nirvana on the other shore, I became depressed and relaxed my vigilance. I never thought that I was blinded by bad luck and Nirvana invaded the Tao body and destroyed my physical body.

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said, I invite Xu Daozu to come here today. I am here to bid farewell to Daozu. I will return to the Sea of ​​Chaos and never come back again.

Under his seat, Min Bo, Wu Zhenzi, Guo Daozi and others were mourning in their hearts, and each of them recited Taoist sounds in Yuanjie's Taoist language, which were thick and pale.

Never again?

When Xu Ying heard this, he couldn't help but feel great sadness in his heart and cried, Brother Taoist, can we never see you again in the future?

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said: I came from chaos, and I will naturally return to chaos. This is to repay the cause and effect, which is not enough to be sad.

Xu Ying shook his head and said, It's precisely because if you don't bring life with you, if you don't take death with you, nothing can be left. That's why I'm so sad.

Dao Zongyuan was touched by his words. Looking back on his life, he was full of heroes and had done many glorious and magnificent deeds. However, not even a trace could be left in this sea of ​​chaos!

Xu Daozu has aroused my delusions.

Dao Zongyuan smiled and said, I had already faced Nirvana calmly, but what you said aroused my unwillingness to admit defeat. I want to fight against the fate of this Yuan Realm to see if it is completely destroyed. If you save me, you should survive the disaster and live another life!

Xu Ying asked: Do you need my help?

Dao Zongyuan shook his head and said: This is the fate of my Yuan Realm. I had evil intentions and used the Three Realms to resist the fate of the Yuan Realm, which has already implicated the great cause and effect. How can I implicate Dao Zu again? Besides, in addition to passing on the fate of the Yuan Realm, I I haven’t seen anyone help another person overcome the calamity.”

Xu Ying did not force himself and said solemnly: I wish Brother Dao in advance that he will survive the disaster and ascend again!

Dao Zongyuan laughed loudly and said: Even if I fail to succeed, we will pass on the civilization and Taoism of the Yuan Realm. The Yuan Realm will perish with me, but our civilization will continue through the Three Realms! Disciples——

His voice was thick and loud, and he glanced at the immortals of the Yuan Realm such as Min Bo, Wu Zhenzi, and said with a smile: After I enter annihilation, you will not be able to survive. Instead of doing this, why not simply fight against the fate of the annihilation calamity for the last time! You guys! What do you think?

Min Bo and others bowed down and said in unison: I am willing to follow the Taoist Master and live and die together!

Dao Zongyuan said to Xu Ying: Xu Daozu, the Taoism that our Yuan Realm can pass on to those disciples in the Three Realms has been passed on, and the civilization of the Yuan Realm has also spread in the Three Realms. Now we are expelling these disciples from the ruins of the Yuan Realm , Daozu, please leave too.

Xu Ying bid farewell to them and left the Yuanjie ruins.

A few days later, at the Yuanjie ruins, the sky was filled with brilliant lights, and the rays of light formed a cosmic shape. It should be the Yuanjie of that year, which was reappeared in the form of Daoguang by Dao Zongyuan.

Even though he has been dead for a long time, the Dao in his body is still extremely powerful. This scene seems like the ancient universe of the Yuan Realm is not willing to be destroyed and is making its final struggle!

Xu Ying looked at the human world from afar, and saw that the light of the Yuan Realm was becoming more and more brilliant and dazzling. It even showed hundreds of millions of stars and rivers in the void, as if the Yuan Realm had really revived from its annihilation!

After five days of this, the light suddenly dimmed rapidly and turned into ashes of snow all over the sky.

Xu Ying looked there and saw Dao Zongyuan's body collapsed in the ashes, and suddenly a raging sky fire of death engulfed the entire Yuan Realm ruins.

It turned into the last source of destruction in the Yuan Realm and burned for more than two thousand years.

In the end, when the source of Nirvana was extinguished, the ruins of the Yuan Realm completely disappeared.

Xu Ying came to the place where the flood source of Nirvana was extinguished, and there was only one Nirvana Sky Fire left there. The flames were leaping, like pieces of flame crystals, tumbling inside and outside the flames.

Xu Ying took off the Sky Fire of Death, came to the ferry of the Sea of ​​Chaos, and released it into the Sea of ​​Chaos.

In order to extend the life of the Yuan Realm, Dao Zongyuan forcibly opened up the Three Realms, cut off the growth path of the Three Realms, and planned to seize the Three Realms and occupy the magpie's nest one day in the future. He tried every means to extend the life of the Yuan Realm. , but it is impossible to escape the pursuit of disaster.

Xu Ying sent away the Annihilating Heavenly Fire, felt something in his heart, and whispered, After he passes away, this Annihilating Heavenly Fire will drift in the chaos, and it should eventually give rise to new chaotic spiritual roots, right? Maybe there is A new universe will be born from this. Dao Zongyuan delayed the birth of this new universe by more than 100 million years.

He looked back at the Three Realms and said silently in his heart: The other side cannot escape the disaster, and the Yuan Realm cannot escape the disaster. So what about the Three Realms? When will the disaster of the Three Realms come?

Suddenly, Xu Ying opened his eyes, combined the cause and effect of the tribulation, and turned it into an all-knowing eye, looking into the three realms to observe the direction of the tribulation!

At the ferry of the Sea of ​​Chaos, green rock-shaped boats frequently come and go, shuttling through the Sea of ​​Chaos. These building ships carry many monks from the universe, and the exchanges between the Three Realms and other universes have become more frequent over the years.

The Three Realms have become the new other side, and luck has also risen with it, becoming more and more prosperous.

Many people from the Three Realms went to the Heaven Realm to mine the green rocks there, build new buildings and ships, and enter the chaos to look for various opportunities.

There are many people who are strengthening the Void Realm in the Void, expanding the scope of the Void Realm, and attracting more universes and more geniuses to join the Three Realms Taoist Alliance.

The cause and effect and disasters in the three realms are also increasing accordingly.

However, this is far from overwhelming cause and effect and reincarnation, leading to killing.

The Three Realms are still a nascent universe, and no one has passed on any misfortune, and everything is prosperous.

Xu Ying urged the Taiyi Avenue to integrate the heaven and earth avenues, and looked at the future of the three realms with his omniscient eyes.

In the billions of years in the future that his all-knowing eye could see, he saw no sign of the decline of the Three Realms, let alone the outbreak of calamity!

Xu Ying stimulated reincarnation, and the entire three realms seemed to be twisted into a reincarnation ring, with light like a halo, constantly flowing.

This cycle of reincarnation cuts to the more distant future time and space, and in an instant it reaches billions of years later.

He continued to move forward, raising the road of reincarnation to the extreme, until twenty billion years later!

At this point, the avenue of reincarnation has come to an end, indicating that the avenue of heaven and earth has begun to decay. The avenue cannot reincarnate, and naturally it cannot move forward!

If the Three Realms did not experience strong interference from other universes, their fate would probably break out and enter a state of annihilation in 20 billion years.

Just as he thought of this, the ring of reincarnation suddenly shook violently, and an extremely powerful force was invading the future reincarnation of the three realms!

Xu Ying was surprised, and suddenly he saw time shrinking rapidly, going backwards to the past, and hundreds of millions of years in the future were flowing backwards!


The cycle of reincarnation suddenly stopped, thousands of years in the future, and it was difficult to move forward.

Xu Ying was stunned: There is a powerful and evil force coming from the Sea of ​​Chaos, invading the future of the Three Realms, causing the Three Realms to fall into misfortune in thousands of years! Where did this power come from? Come?

He suddenly mobilized all the innate avenues, and the infinite light in the circle of reincarnation gathered to form a huge eye, looking into the future that was impossible to see clearly!

That powerful evil force comes from the sea of ​​chaos, just like Tao Zun changed the future of the other side, it changes the future of the three realms!

However, precisely because it comes from chaos, it is vast and invisible!

Want to use chaos to blind my eyes? Then, use the Chaos Eye to see who you really are!

Xu Ying couldn't help but get angry. The Nine Paths were based on evidence and empowered by the void. He used all his power to elevate the Avenue of Chaos to the extreme!

Behind him, the huge Eye of Reincarnation disappeared, replaced by the boundless energy of chaos that was turbulent!

The thunder and fire intertwined in the chaos, which was a vision formed by the annihilating heavenly fire igniting in the depths of the chaos!

Suddenly, the layers of Chaos Qi separated to both sides, and then a dim Eye of Chaos was revealed. The light suddenly lit up in the eyes, and the Nirvana Sky Fire burned brightly, lighting up the eyes!

Xu Ying looked toward the future beyond the reach of the power of reincarnation, and saw that the vast chaos of the future gradually dissipated, and the scene of the Three Realms thousands of years later gradually appeared before his eyes.

At that time, the Three Realms were prosperous and there were far from signs of imminent destruction.

At this moment, an extremely powerful external force struck from the sea of ​​chaos and blasted into the three realms. It was an incredibly large bell, bringing the billowing energy of chaos to the three realms. Wherever it passed, all the avenues of heaven and earth were destroyed. All turned into powder!

Xu Ying was shocked when he saw a huge palm behind the bell, reaching out from the chaos. It was this palm that drove the giant bell into chaos, causing the extinction of the three realms!

who are you?

Xu Ying looked towards the source of the giant hand, and saw the face of a young man in the vast sea of ​​chaos.

That was Xu Ying's face.

That promise, standing in the sea of ​​chaos, raised the bell and smashed it into the three realms!

Xu Ying's mind was shaken, and he unconsciously collided with Xu Ying's eyes. Then his whole body was in chaos, and all the visions in front of him disappeared and returned to the real world.

Is it me who destroyed the Three Realms? he murmured.

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