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Chapter 909 The Silence of the Tao and the Tao (please vote for me at the end of the month))

The Taoist was not paying homage to the Taoist Master, but was paying homage to the huge flood source of annihilation.

The source of the flood is extremely vast, and Xu Ying had already entered silence in his Taoist mind decades ago, transforming into the avenue of annihilation to be compatible with the source of the flood. If no one knew about this, no one would be able to tell that there was another person in this flood source of annihilation.

However, this Taoist seems to be able to see that Xu Ying is compatible with Nirvana Hongyuan.

At this moment, the huge flood source of annihilation was also slightly turbulent, as if it was returning the favor.

Zhenjun Daoji!

Dao Zun's face suddenly changed. Everyone in the Dao Alliance was familiar with the name True Lord Dao Ji. He could be said to be the shadow of almost everyone in the Dao Alliance. Few people were not afraid of this name.

Dao Zun also heard of this name back then, but he had never seen it.

Regarding True Lord Daoji, there are many legends circulated within the Dao League. The legendary True Lord Daoji is the person in the Dao League who is responsible for helping people in the Dao League solve all their worries.

But everyone he helped ended up miserable.

If you offend anyone, never offend Daoji!

This is the consensus of everyone in the Tao Alliance.

He came for me, to clean up the door for the Taoist Alliance! Dao Zun felt awe-inspiring in his heart, ready to explode at any time.

In recent days, he has raised the Avenue of Nirvana to the pinnacle of Seven Lives and Seven Destructions. The power of the Dao is extremely powerful. Coupled with the nine evidences, the other eight avenues are also rising.

But facing Dao Ji, a famous murderer, he didn't have much confidence.

Dazhong was surprised and happy, and said quickly: Taoist, you are paying homage to the flood source of destruction. Is it possible that Ah Ying is still alive?

It was afraid that True Monarch Daoji would not understand, so it explained: A friend of mine practices the Great Way of Nirvana, and his Taoist mind fell into silence and merged into the flood source of Nirvana.

Zhenjun Daoji turned around, his eyes fell on the big clock, and he showed a look of surprise. Then his surprise became more and more intense. He looked at the big clock up and down repeatedly, and said with a solemn expression: This fellow Taoist is a friend of fellow Taoist Xu. ? May I ask what you call me?

Da Zhong was also very surprised and said: Taoist, do you recognize Xu Ying? I am a bronze bell with no name or surname. Brother Dao, just call me Da Zhong.

True Lord Daoji nodded and said: I had a chance encounter with fellow Taoist Xu, and I had a deep impression. When the Imperial Realm was destroyed, I met him by chance while practicing the Dao of Jiji, so I saw his extraordinary ability and gave him the Dao Alliance Order. Then At that time, I didn’t know that Daoyou Xu was actually an old friend of Daoyou Zhong. Daoyou Zhong’s path of cultivation is truly unique!”

His expression was solemn, not joking at all, but very solemn.

Da Zhong was flattered and thought to himself: He is from the Taoist Alliance. Why does he respect me so much? In the past, people at most regarded me as Ah Ying's magic weapon, and no one called me a Taoist friend. Only this Daoji Taoist man and Tao Zun, look at me differently.

Zhenjun Daoji bowed his head and said: I should have invited fellow Daoist Zhong to join the Taoist Alliance, but unfortunately my Daoist Alliance Order has been given to fellow Taoist Xu. If you don't mind it, I will invite another palace master to come after I return to the Taoist Alliance. I will give you the Dao Alliance Order in person.

Dazhong was a little confused. He didn't know what the palace master's purpose was in giving the Dao Alliance Order in person. He thought to himself: Isn't the Dao Alliance Order given to everyone? I think A Ying has several of them.

However, Tao Zun's face changed slightly and he said with a smile: Zhenjun Daoji is well-deserved and has a sophisticated eye. Daoist friend Zhong is indeed worthy of the palace master's Taoist order.

Zhenjun Daoji glanced at him, his eyes immediately became empty, devoid of any human emotions, and said: You are not bad either. The abandoned son of the Dao Alliance can actually stir up quite a storm in a corner of the Chaos Sea, attracting For me, it’s quite impressive.”

Dao Zun bowed slightly and said, I dare not compare myself with the True Lord.

Dazhong didn't know what the past was between the two of them, and he didn't care about it. He hurriedly asked: Brother Daoji, do you dare to ask if Xu Ying can still survive? He has been dead for a long time!

True Monarch Dao Ji treated it with great courtesy, and when he saw it asking about it, he patiently explained: My fellow Taoist Xu has to go through this level when he practices the Dao of Ji Nirvana. He is the pioneer of the other shore, and now he also wants to destroy the other shore. As the saying goes, Tit for tat.”

Da Zhong was still very nervous. Seeing that he didn't answer directly, he continued to ask: When will Ah Ying wake up?

True Lord Daoji smiled and said: He is half the pioneer of the other shore. Destroying half of this other shore will return the cause and effect. He can cultivate into the Taoist Master of Jiji, and he will naturally recover. Fellow Daoist Zhong, I see that you have reached the seventh life of your practice. The critical period of the Seven Nirvana. It is rare for you and me to meet each other. I happen to have some attainments on the Great Path of Nirvana, so I can take this opportunity to communicate with fellow Taoists.

Although he was smiling, it always gave him a strange feeling, as if he had no real emotions. The reason why he smiled was because he felt that he should smile kindly at this time.

That's all.

Dazhong felt relieved and thought to himself: This True Lord of Daoji is going to teach me how to practice the Dao of Jiji? He is so good.

But it doesn't know that magic weapon cultivation is inherently different, a path that no one has thought of before.

Even if he promised to reform the cultivation system of the three realms, it would only be for the three realms and would not affect other universes, so he would only be the Taoist master of the three realms. But magic weapon cultivation can affect countless universes and countless magic weapons in the Chaos Sea!

The name of the Taoist Patriarch of Magical Weapon Cultivator alone is enough to awe!

In addition, the big bell itself is a magic weapon. On the way to refine itself into a spiritual treasure, it is now on the verge of nine-way evidence. This kind of achievement is very rare even among Taoist alliances.

Taoji and Taoism respect the name of its Taoist ancestor and its achievements, so they are willing to be worthy of their Taoist friends. If they don't understand anything, they are willing to teach them.

True Lord Daoji was sitting on the ground here, and the big bell shrank in form, floating opposite him.

On the other side, Tao Zun sat calmly.

True Lord Daoji is dressed in a wide robe with long flowing sleeves and a fly whisk in his hand. He looks like a Taoist immortal and is otherworldly.

Dao Zun is a young man in a yellow shirt. He still has a childlike spirit, but he also has Dao Zun's old temperament, with yellow hair and slender young hair, all rolled into one.

As for the huge flood source, it is opposite to Tao Zun.

But compared to the grandeur of the Flood of Nirvana, the two of them seemed small for a moment.

True Lord Daoji looked serious and said: Among the nine innate paths, Jiannie ranks first, and he deserves it. The Daoji of Jiannie is vast and profound, and people often compare it with chaos and grand mist. It is really a huge fallacy!

Tao Zun nodded and said: Brother Daoji's words make me feel sad. The nine innate ways, Hong Meng suddenly emerged from the chaos of nothing, Wuji evolved from the Hong Meng to the five innate Tai Tai, and then there was Tai Yi. , reincarnation, cause and effect, calamity, killing and other ways. I originally thought that the nine innate ways were parallel to each other, and there was no difference between them. But after understanding the seven births and seven annihilations, I realized the power of the great path of annihilation.

Many of his words were compared with Tao Nirvana, and he was the first to point out that all seven avenues other than chaos can directly enter silence and become the avenue of annihilation. Show that you realize this too.

If Lord Daoji said the same thing, then there would be no need to say it.

The True Lord of Daoji did not take it seriously and said: The seven births and seven annihilations, Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, catastrophe, and killing, have each entered silence. This is used to prove the cessation of silence. Although it is not ordinary, it is still not the true silence. Destroy.

The Taoist Master nodded and said: Only when the universe of our own birth is annihilated, can monks like us be able to comprehend the silence of the Tao mind. Only when the Tao mind is silent, can we understand the true meaning of the avenue of annihilation.

He once again cut off True Lord Daoji's words and told all the secrets of how Tao's heart fell into silence. This was nothing more than telling True Lord Daoji that I also understand what you know, and there is no need to use these things to fool Master Zhong.

True Lord Daoji still didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: When the Taoist mind enters silence, it is just like fellow Taoist Xu at this moment. This level is not so easy to overcome. But in addition, annihilation also includes creation.

As soon as he said this, Tao Zun could not answer the words and had to listen quietly.

If someone else had said such nonsense, Taoist Master would definitely scold him loudly and scold him for talking nonsense. The Great Way of Nirvana destroys everything, so how could it create life?

But the person who said this was Daoji Zhenjun, one of the palace masters of the Dao Alliance, so he couldn't help but refute it.

Da Zhong asked doubtfully: Isn't the Avenue of Nirvana the annihilation of everything? It is a strong will to die, annihilating everything, how can it create life again?

True Monarch Daoji said: This is the real secret of the Avenue of Annihilation. The Avenue of Annihilation seems to destroy everything, destroying all the ways of heaven and earth, and even the innate avenues such as Hongmeng and Wuji. Even the Taoist master cannot escape. . However, this is a common misunderstanding. The Avenue of Annihilation is indeed the strongest will to die, but this intention to die does not come from the Avenue of Annihilation itself, but from the universe itself.

As soon as these words came out, Dao Zun and Dazhong couldn't help but be stunned.

Even the Nirvana Flood Source was slightly turbulent at the moment, as if it didn't understand the words.

Lord Daoji took out a seed and gently threw it up. When the seed fell, the earth appeared naturally in the sky, and the seed fell into the soil.

The seed took root in the soil and soon grew, blooming bright flowers in front of them.

The birth and death of the universe, for example, this plant takes root, sprouts, grows, blooms, bears fruit, withers, withers, dies, and finally returns to dust. Death is killing, and returning to dust is annihilation.

When Lord Daoji said this, the flower had already begun to bear fruit. After bearing fruit, it began to turn yellow, its branches and leaves withered, and it gradually died.

Eventually the plant fell over and fell into the soil.

True Monarch Daoji stared at the soil with his faint eyes, and said: From taking root and sprouting to withering and dying, plants are all formed naturally and have nothing to do with returning to dust. The same is true for the birth and death of the universe. They are all caused by the universe. Its own evolution is determined by the fact that it is not the Avenue of Annihilation that destroys the universe, but the universe itself destroys itself. The Avenue of Annihilation is just sweeping away these causes and effects, gathering the fruits, and preparing conditions for the birth of the next life.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the plant just now rotted and became incompatible with the soil. However, a new plant grew from its fruit, gradually taking root, sprouting, and growing stronger.

What carries the fire of life is this annihilating heavenly fire that seems to incinerate everything.

When the plant grew to bloom, what bloomed was not a flower, but a dying sky fire.

True Lord Daoji gently raised his hand, picked off the celestial fire of annihilation, held the flower and smiled, saying: The sky fire after the annihilation of the universe continues to burn, turning everything into chaos, and then turning into fire in the chaos. Eventually. One day, the fire turned the surrounding energy of chaos into a grand mist, and the fire in the grand mist took root and sprouted, turning into a chaotic spiritual root.

With a flick of his fingers, he saw the Heavenly Fire of Nirvana flying out of his hand and submerging into the energy of chaos.

There seemed to be a source of fire churning within the Qi of Chaos, and gradually the Qi of Hongmeng overflowed, becoming more and more intense. When the purple energy was at its strongest, countless rays of spiritual light from the fire source spurted out like fountains!

There are spiritual roots of chaos that are shaped like lotus flowers, emerging from the mist. They take root and sprout, absorbing the energy of chaos and growing vigorously.

But seeing the vast mist like a pool, where the lotus blooms, a new cosmic flood source rises slowly in the flower room, with dazzling light, and makes its first cry to the sea of ​​chaos!

Chaos Lotus on the side observed this scene, quite surprised, surprised that her birth was exactly the same as the evolution of this Taoist.

This is the fire of the new universe, the place of vitality that reaches the extreme of silence.

Lord Daoji smiled and said, To realize the vitality at the extreme point of death is the true meaning of the Dao of Jiji. If you practice the Dao of Jiji and only seek to eliminate the power of all the Dao, you are just abandoning the basic and chasing the last. It is what a fool does. It will make the wise laugh. .”

He seemed to be really laughing, but it felt like his skin was laughing, but the person was not laughing.

Da Zhong seemed to understand what he heard, and quickly wrote it down with great concentration. He was afraid that his mind had just been visualized, and what he was visualizing was Xu Ying's mind, which was probably unreliable, so he engraved it on his inner wall.

Tao Zun couldn't help but be moved and expressed his respect: True Lord Dao Ji is indeed the True King of Dao Ji. His understanding of the Dao of Ji Ji is indeed far above that of others, which is admirable.

True Lord Dao Ji glanced at him and said calmly: The abandoned son of the Dao Alliance also has some tricks. He is self-taught without a teacher. He actually relied on a little Taoist secretly learned from the Dao Alliance to practice to the present level. Your ability, But it’s no small matter. Why are you a thief?”

Dao Zun knew that he was about to see the situation, so he smiled slightly and said: If the Dao Alliance's actions are bloody, they must be reversed.

True Lord Daoji sneered: The opinions of ordinary people!

Tao Zun smiled and said: I am a layman, how can I be exempt from the secular world? If I had escaped back then and stayed in the Tao Alliance, I would have been just another Luo Taizong. How could I have achieved what I have achieved today?

True Lord Daoji nodded slightly and said: You are indeed very remarkable, and your cultivation today is also quite good. As for Luo Taizong, he is nostalgic for his homeland and cannot give up his love for his homeland. He deserves to die.

Tao Zun's face changed slightly, and he said solemnly: I think that although Luo Taizong is my enemy, for the sake of his homeland, knowing that he will die but still coming to fight me to fight for a chance of life on the other side is what a man does!

His tone turned cold and he said: As for some people, for the so-called end of the road, they are even willing to destroy the universe where they were born. Such behavior is worse than animals!

The tone of True Lord Dao Ji gradually turned cold, he sighed, and said sarcastically: It seems that you have never understood the significance of the creation of the Dao of Ji Nie.

There seemed to be a source of destruction hidden in his eyes, and he said calmly: You took the wrong path and went astray. When the Taoist Alliance abandoned you, they should have taken back what you had stolen. But now, it's not too late. .”

It’s the last hour of the month. I’m asking for a monthly ticket for the first time this month.

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