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Chapter 908 The confusion of yin and yang

Taiyi? Dazhong was confused.

There are three certificates of Taiyi. The first two certificates are on the other side. The third certificate is not on the other side. It is the Tao Master of another universe.

The Taoist Master explained: He has the merit of opening up the heaven in that universe. In addition, unlike other Taoist masters, he does not harvest the universe and has less calamity. Therefore, he has the best hope of surviving the calamity of annihilation.

The big clock is quite happy. At this moment, Taiyi is hiding in the First Holy Land on the other side, and Xu Ying has turned into the flood source of annihilation, and the First Holy Land has also been transferred to the flood source of Chaos Lotus.

If Taiyi can survive, Aying won't have to worry. It thought to itself.

Tao Zun knows Taiyi very well, has he been to the other side? Dazhong asked.

Tao Zun shook his head and said with a smile: Although I have always been in the heavenly realm and have never entered the other shore, I know the other shore very well, and I know the temperament of every strong person on the other shore well.

Da Zhong was quite puzzled.

If you want to pass on your misfortune, how can you not clearly understand the person you are passing on to? When I wanted to pass it on, I had been living on the other side for millions of years. I saw that the people here were greedy, cruel, and extremely aggressive, so I decided to Transfer the calamity to the other side.

Dao Zun smiled and said, Because after the transfer, the aggression of the other shore will continue to expand outwards, causing more and more disasters. The disaster of the heaven is just an introduction, and the disaster of the other shore itself is the main cause of the destruction. The only person who falls to the other side is the other side. The stumbling block is people like Taiyi, but Taiyi cannot change the other side.

Da Zhong said: However, Taiyi never had the chance to change the other side. If there is a chance, he may not be able to change the other side.

Dao Zun laughed and said: No chance? It's because the other side didn't give him a chance, it's not that I didn't give him a chance. Taiyi had 120 million years in the past, but it's a pity that he was too ambitious and talented to achieve it. If he If his qualifications and understanding are higher, and his skills are stronger, he may not be able to do it. Unfortunately, his qualifications are inferior, his understanding is also inferior, and his methods are even different.

He took the big bell into the flood source of annihilation transformed by the gods and demons, and continued to study the changes in the avenue of annihilation here.

Different flood sources of annihilation contain different avenues of annihilation. If you study them individually, you may get different insights.

After a long time, Da Zhong gained a lot and gained a deeper understanding of the seven births and seven deaths.

The Taoist Master suddenly said: Another Taoist Master has passed away. Let's go there and have a look.

Da Zhong followed him and led the Chaos Lotus towards the Chaos Sea Ferry.

Suddenly, Tao Zun felt something in his heart. He looked back and saw that the source of annihilation where Xu Ying was was getting bigger and bigger. He didn't know when he came nearby and headed towards the source of annihilation transformed by the gods and demons. , actually trying to swallow up this flood source!

Under this situation, can Xu Ying really wake up? He was also a little frightened.

The Master of Yin Yang hurried to the Chaos Sea Ferry, but the journey was always not smooth. Time and space often collapsed along the way, and the road was difficult to distinguish. There were also masters who had died in his hands coming to look for him.

Although these people were all immortal, there were so many of them that it bothered him greatly.

There is another Taoist master who comes from nowhere, claiming to be the master of Yin Yang Dao, and wants to share life and death with him.

He hurriedly avoided these incomprehensible people and bypassed the chaotic and ruined time and space. The front of him was the ferry of the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Master Yin Yang was overjoyed and immediately sped towards the ferry.

When I escape into the Sea of ​​Chaos this time, I feel free and at ease, and there is no longer any risk of Nirvana! Even if the Nirvana Tribulation catches up with me, I have two spiritual treasures to protect me, and they can protect me!

He broke into the ferry, only to find that there was no one at the ferry. The Cuiyan Tower boat had long been taken away by the fleeing people, and there was not a single boat at the ferry at the moment.

But this doesn't bother him. As a Taoist master, how could he not leave a few ships as backup?

However, when he took out a green rock boat, he saw that all the Liwen branding on the boat had turned into ashes and ceased to exist.

Master Yin Yang's heart sank. These imprints can support ships sailing in the sea of ​​chaos, and they also contain the coordinates of the other shore. Without the brand, the voyage can only be driven by its own magic power. If it is not supplemented by the spirit of the fairy spirit and the two qi of yin and yang, all cultivation will be exhausted sooner or later.

Now, even the void has been annihilated, and the cave abyss cannot be used. But life is at stake, so it's better to leave the other side first!

He was about to get on the boat when he heard bursts of crying coming from the dock at the ferry. The Yin Yang Taoist Master was suspicious: Where did the crying come from at this time?

He walked forward and entered the dock. He saw a group of people wearing white clothes and white hats, squatting on the ground, forming a big circle, and burning paper there, as if they were paying homage to someone.

Master Yin Yang stepped forward and said, Who are you? Who are you crying for? I have a ship here that may be able to carry you to escape.

Those who burned paper ignored him.

Master Yin Yang was also worried that he would be alone in the sea of ​​chaos, so he asked again. At this time, one of them cried and said: We are paying homage to Taoist Yin Yang. We were so sad for a while that we disturbed my brother.

Another person said: The master of Yin and Yang knows life and death through Yin and Yang, and his righteousness is as thin as the sky. He saves the other side. Now that he is dead, there is no one to see him die. Let's burn some paper money with him.

The Yin Yang Dao Master's heart was beating wildly, and he suddenly shouted: Who is pretending to be a ghost here? Why don't you show your true colors?

His shout used Yin and Yang Tao power. Under the pressure of the voice, even the Taoist master with extraordinary cultivation would reveal his true body under the intrusion of his Yin and Yang Tao power. However, those people in white clothes and white hats did not care. Unmoved, they just turned their heads.

Master Yin Yang was shocked when he saw their faces. He saw that these people were all old friends who had died long ago!

Some of them are their relatives and friends, some are enemies who died in their hands, and their parents are among them!

He saw his deceased wife and children again, covered in blood, standing in front of the burning paper money, looking straight at him.

The Yin Yang Taoist shouted, turned around and ran away, hurriedly jumping onto the Cuiyan Tower boat.

At this moment, the building boat was seen sinking slightly. Master Yin Yang looked back and saw that those people had appeared on the building boat without knowing when, still looking straight at him.

Fellow Taoist Yin and Yang, are you here too? Lord Dao of Life and Death was also among them, smiling miserably.

The Taoist Master Yin Yang was panicking, and mobilized his magic power to drive the ship towards the Sea of ​​Chaos. However, the world around him was like a nightmare, spinning and getting further and further away from the Sea of ​​Chaos, and he could never fly there.

He was reluctant to give up the building ship, but the building ship flew for an unknown period of time, and the Chaos Sea was nowhere to be seen.

The master of Yin Yang Taoism didn't care much and hurriedly threw down the boat, turned around and ran away.

As soon as he jumped out of the building, he saw a young man in yellow shirt and a big bell standing not far away. Behind him was a Chaos Lotus floating in the air, holding up a cosmic flood source.

Taoist Master Yin Yang thought to himself: Tao Zun, the God of Plague, has sent off the Taoist Master of Gods and Demons. Who is he going to send off to when he comes this time?

Not long after Taoist Master and Dazhong left Cuiwei Tianyuan, they encountered Taoist Master Yin Yang with his shawl spread out, urging a green rock building boat to sail towards this direction crazily, and then saw him throwing down the building boat and leaving, as if There seems to be a ghost on board.

If yin and yang are confused, you will see many illusions and lose sight of reality.

The Taoist Master said to the Great Bell, Although Taoist Master Yin Yang is the master of the great road, he has suffered a serious calamity. His own Yin and Yang and the Yin and Yang of the other side of the universe are in chaos at the same time, so he cannot escape the disaster.

Taoist Master Yin Yang listened and shouted: Tao Master, what are you talking nonsense about?

As soon as he said this, the yin and yang in his body suddenly shattered, and ashes flew around him. The broken avenue in his body suddenly ignited the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation, and all the power of the avenue of the physical soul fell into the Heavenly Fire of Annihilation.

Not long after, he turned into a flood source of annihilation.

Taoist Master walked into this flood source of annihilation with the big bell and said: People who are in the tribulation of annihilation often don't know that the catastrophe has come. They don't know that they are bound to die until the moment before the body dies and the Tao disappears.

One person and one bell studied this flood source of annihilation and understood the process of the great road falling towards annihilation. Although Tao Zun gained a lot, the understanding of the big bell was also extraordinary.

After a long time, one person and one clock left with the Chaos Lotus, and went to look for other sources of the Nirvana Flood.

Taoist Master inadvertently looked back, only to see that the flood source of annihilation that Xu Ying was at at some unknown time had also arrived here, and was heading towards the flood source transformed by Yin Yang Taoist Master.

Taoist Master frowned slightly: Is this flood source looking for other flood sources to devour, or is it following me?

He felt vaguely uneasy.

If it's the second type, it would be a little weird.

I already have no luck in my body, not to mention my nine-path evidence. Even if there is a new luck, I can't keep it. It's probably that there is a consciousness of promise in this flood source, so he took the initiative to follow me, swallowing other people on the way. Hong Yuan. He thought to himself.

The catastrophe of annihilation on the other side erupted far more swiftly and violently than the Imperial Realm that also fell into the tribulation of annihilation. It took hundreds of millions of years for the catastrophe of annihilation in the imperial realm to go from the explosion of calamity to complete annihilation.

The calamity on the other side is serious. It has only been a few decades since this calamity broke out. Large and small floods of death can be seen eating away at the starry sky and devouring the continent on the other side. The mortal world seems to be eaten by insects and ants. The pancakes were riddled with holes and were in dilapidated condition.

Among them, the larger flood sources are often transformed after the death of the Taoist master, causing greater damage to the other side.

Now that things have happened, Taoist masters have begun to die, not to mention other monks?

The other shore has become empty and deserted, leaving only the extinct sky fire floating between heaven and earth, constantly burning the avenue of heaven and earth, making the originally fragile avenue of heaven and earth even more fragile.

The Taoist Master continued to wander around with the big bell, and the Taoist Master from the past life and the future life also began to die and turned into a flood of annihilation.

The big clock looked at the other side, a little dazed. Hundreds of years ago, the other side was still in a state of rejuvenation. Under Taiyi's care, it was in good order, and it showed signs of surpassing its past and regaining its glory.

Who would have thought that today, hundreds of years later, it would have declined to the edge of destruction?

The other side of the Sea of ​​Chaos, which rules 4,600 universes, suddenly fell into silence and ceased to exist. The changes in this world are really strange and unpredictable. Big Bell murmured.

Tao Zun took it into another flood source of annihilation. When he entered the flood source, Tao Zun looked back unexpectedly, only to see a huge and unparalleled flood source of annihilation covering half of the sky, crushing it. Swallowing the surrounding time and space, appeared behind them!

The corners of Taoist Master's eyes twitched: It's the flood source where Xu Ying is again! If Xu Ying has not achieved the Taoist Master of Nirvana, it is impossible for him to have his own consciousness, let alone control this flood source of Nirvana! Then this Why does the Flood of Nirvana always follow me?

Previously, he was not sure whether this flood source of annihilation was tracking and devouring other flood sources, or tracking himself, but now he was sure that this flood source was tracking him!

Tao Zun urged the nine evidences over and over again to ensure that he was not contaminated with any misfortunes on the other side, and then he felt a little relieved.

But the Hongyuan where Xu Ying was located was still like a huge shadow, always shrouding his Taoist heart, making him even more uneasy.

The flood source of annihilation where Xu Ying was was swallowing more and more of the flood source, and the scale of the flood source was getting bigger and bigger, causing the surrounding space and time to continue to collapse and fall into the flood source.

Even the continent on the other side collapsed one after another, the sea water boiled and burned, the earth shattered, turned into raging fire, and fell into the source of the flood.

The large and small flood sources of death in the distance are also falling into the flood source and merging with this flood source!

The edge of the universe is getting closer and closer, and there are cracks in the membrane of the universe on the other side. The energy of chaos falls from the sky like a huge waterfall, with a loud sound, and pours into the other side.

Some of the energy of chaos is like an angry dragon, sweeping around, destroying everything around it, turning everything it can touch into dust!

What's strange is that the flood source where Xu Ying is located has never swallowed up the flood source where Dao Zun is. It will only swallow up the flood source when Dao Zun and the big bell leave.

Taoist master's cultivation is still rising steadily, and the seven births and seven annihilations have demonstrated the cessation of annihilation, allowing him to comprehend the higher and more perfect avenue of annihilation than Taoist Master Tongtian. Although he was vaguely aware of the approaching danger, his abilities were also improving by leaps and bounds!

Unknowingly, decades have passed, and the number of flood sources of annihilation that Dao Zun and Dazhong have comprehended has also increased. Dazhong's avenue of annihilation has also been successfully cultivated into seven births and seven annihilations, but it is only in the realm of immortality. Seven births and seven deaths.

The progress of Dao Zun's cultivation is even more astonishing, especially the Avenue of Nirvana, which has reached a height that has never been reached before.

And with the evidence-based practice of the Nine Paths, the cultivation of other avenues has also increased.

But what makes Dao Zun unwilling is that the Avenue of Nirvana he obtained is, after all, an imperfect Avenue of Nirvana.

At this time, a newly appeared cave of silence attracted Tao Zun's attention. When they came to it, Tao Zun suddenly felt a little sad and said: This is the cave of silence that was transformed into the abyss of silence after the death of Taoist friend Hai Ningzi. The other shore The great road of calamity has also disappeared.

Seeing his sadness, Dazhong said: Dong Xuanzi, Cen Xizi and Yuxizi should have gone to the heaven, they can survive.

Dao Zun nodded slightly.

At this moment, the flood source of annihilation where Xu Ying was suddenly stopped, no longer rotating, and no longer swallowing other caves.

Dao Zun and Dazhong also stopped and looked at this scene.

At this time, a Taoist priest stepped forward and came to the astonishingly large source of annihilation. He bowed his head with one hand and said, Taoist Alliance, Taoism, is polite.

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