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Chapter 910: The Great One is broken, the Holy Sea is looking for a wife (No. 1, please give me a gu

Dao Zun and Dao Ji sat silently, not moving, but both the big bell and the huge flood source next to it felt great pressure.

There must be a battle between these two people!

This battle gave them an ominous premonition. As long as they took action, they were afraid that both themselves and the collapsing universe on the other side would be wiped out and cease to exist!

The big bell made a small clanging sound, interrupting the murderous atmosphere between the two of them. He asked with a smile: Just now I heard Dao Brother Daoji talk about destruction, creation and rebirth, and I still have questions. Brother Dao said, death has come. The extreme state is vitality, so if you practice the Great Way of Annihilation to the extreme, you should naturally understand the chaos and grand mist, and automatically follow the evidence. Is this the truth?

True Lord Daoji nodded and said with a smile: Fellow Taoist is right.

Dazhong said to Tao Zun: Then Tao Zun, you have made a mistake. You are not my opponent, why do you have to fight? The nine innate paths are all inferior, and open-mindedness is the first. You should be more open-minded and admit your mistake. You can live a long time.”

Tao Zun shook his head and said: I have great righteousness in my heart, and I will not compromise for the Taoist alliance. Everything else can be compromised, but principles cannot be compromised.

True Lord Daoji said: Gong Daochuan, you were selected into the Taoist League because of your outstanding talent and qualifications. The Taoist League needs a genius like you to deduce Taoism to a higher level. This is the most important thing. You are wrong. You should not betray the Dao Alliance and betray the righteousness.

The Taoist Master smiled and said: I left the Tao Alliance back then and adhered to the Taoist heart. How many people in the Tao Alliance have cultivated Nirvana? I can do it with just one abandonment. How many people in the Tao Alliance have cultivated the Nine Paths of Evidence? I can make it with just an abandoned son. After I leave the Dao Alliance, I can aspire to the end of the avenue and go straight to the palace master. If I stay in the Dao Alliance, I'm afraid I will still be like Luo Taizong. May I ask, where is the righteousness of the Dao Alliance?

True Lord Daoji's eyes were cold and he said: It is indeed not easy for you to achieve what you have achieved today. If I kill you now, you will definitely not accept it. You have been preparing for so long, and your purpose is to take advantage of the opportunity of the Nirvana on the other side to achieve perfect Nirvana in one fell swoop. The Great Way of Nirvana. In this case, you go and cultivate your perfect Great Nirvana, and cultivate your perfect Nine Paths of Evidence. After the Tribulation of Nirvana, I will come and kill you. At that time, you should have no regrets.

Tao Zun looked solemn, stood up and said, Are you so sure?

True Lord Daoji sat where he was and said calmly: Gong Daochuan, the master of the Dao Alliance Palace is more powerful than you think.

Dao Zun laughed loudly, got up and left, and said leisurely: The palace master is also a human being, he just has the first-mover advantage, but I can come from behind! When I succeed, I will be like the palace master!

True Lord Daoji had no expression on his face. A Taoist temple slowly appeared around him, and he sat quietly in the temple.

Dazhong hesitated for a moment, then saw that the giant flood source where Xu Ying was was still following Tao Zun, and quickly followed him.

Tao Zun feels the pressure.

The big clock looked around, and saw that the Taoist Master no longer talked and laughed with it, nor did he explain and teach the Taoist evidence-based way of annihilation. Instead, he meditated on one flood source after another. After each flood source, he rushed to the next one. Hongyuan.

The giant flood source where Xu Ying was located followed Dao Zun and swallowed up the flood sources of death one by one.

After six or seven years of this, suddenly there was a sound like a bowstring vibrating between heaven and earth. It was the sound of the last avenue of heaven and earth breaking.

Along with the rupture of this avenue of heaven and earth, Taiyi Avenue finally began to break! ——

Dong Xuanzi, Cen Xizi and Yuxizi returned to the Heaven Realm. Concubine Concubine and other Heaven Realm Taoist masters did not like to see the three of them, but they still came to visit.

The concubine looked around and saw no one else, so she asked, Where is Jiexuan?

Cen Xizi said: After the Nirvana Tribulation broke out on the other side, we separated and she was nowhere to be seen.

What about the rest?

It has already been robbed.


The concubine no longer asked.

At this moment, Dong Xuanzi's body suddenly shook slightly, and wisps of gray snow drifted down from his hair.

Dong Xuanzi was stunned and turned back to look in the direction of the other side.

Snow was flying in his hair, fluttering, and falling continuously. Concubine Concubine, Cen Xizi and others couldn't help but change their expressions, and said hurriedly: Dongxuan, what happened?

Dong Xuanzi's expression was gloomy and uncertain, he was silent for a moment, and said: The Taiyi Avenue on the other side is broken. The Xiantian Avenue on the other side is beginning to be shattered. That disciple of mine, he...

He thought of Taiyi Taoist Master and was worried, wondering what Taiyi's current situation was.

Yuxizi said: Hua Shengsheng has cultivated the Taiyi Dao and has already faced the disaster. Therefore, those who practice the Taiyi Dao on the other side have a chance of survival. What's more, the Taiyi Dao master did not cultivate on the other side. Even if there is a disaster, he will die. Don’t fall off.”

Dongxuan, is your situation serious? Cen Xizi asked.

Can't die.

Dong Xuanzi exhaled a breath of turbid air, with some Tao snow flying in the turbid air, and said, Although I have escaped the calamity of death, the calamity on the other side will always haunt me, making it impossible for me to get rid of it. The Tao ashes will continue to fall and eat away. My Dao, but it makes me unable to die for a while. This is probably because Master Hua is there to deal with the disaster for me. It is impossible to imagine being as comfortable as before.

In the sea of ​​chaos, a streak of emerald-green sword energy lingered and flew, swaying away layers of chaos. Wherever the sword light passed, chaos opened up, leaving behind fragments of time and space.

Time and space are like tunnels, constantly collapsing, generating, and extending forward.

Master Tongtian walked in the sea of ​​chaos, not in the time and space opened by the Zhuxian Sword. He tried to take this opportunity to understand the principle of annihilation and evidence-based chaos.

It's just that it's been a hundred years since he left the other side, but he still hasn't understood the mystery, and can't achieve the destruction of evidence-based chaos.

Failure to be evidence-based means that even if he walks in the sea of ​​chaos, misfortune will still catch up with him, blind him, make him make mistakes, make him die, and return everything to the sea of ​​chaos.

Fortunately, the Zhuxian Sword has the Zhongye mark left by Xu Ying. This mark is the most magical. It can suppress the backlash of Annihilation and restore his consciousness.

Master Tongtian Dao was walking when he suddenly felt something in his heart. He turned around and looked towards the other shore, and whispered: The innate avenue on the other shore has begun to disappear. The other shore is not far away from complete destruction. I don't know my fate. When will you catch up with me? Can the Sea of ​​Chaos block this fate?

Three Realms.

The three thousand avenues between heaven and earth are violently turbulent, and the glow of the avenues is blooming, making the colors of heaven and earth become extremely brilliant and clear.

The entire three realms of heaven, earth, and man seemed to have entered the realm of Xiyi, and the colors were so full that it moved people to tears. All things in the world appear to be clearer and more layered than ever before, and the Tao has never been so close and intimate, as if it can be entered at any time!

In the Immortal World, the distant ancestors Da Long, Ming Dao Emperor, Ming Xun Emperor and Ming Man Emperor, the three generations of dragon emperors and the distant ancestors raised their heads together, stretched their necks, and watched the changes in the Dao Xiaguang in the sky.

But the faces of the three emperors and one ancestor were all filled with bright jealousy.

I want to retreat!

The distant ancestor Dalong suddenly said fiercely, I must become the second Taoist master of the Three Realms!

In the Earth Immortal World, the Earth Immortal Ancestor, Yuqing Taoist Ancestor, Taiqing Taoist Ancestor, Buddha and others also raised their heads, looking at the radiance of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, and nodded.

In the human world, Dao Zongyuan was giving lectures to the many immortals under his disciples, imparting the secrets of the Tao Master. Suddenly his heart moved slightly, he raised his head and looked at the glow of light emerging between heaven and earth, and said with a smile: All the great avenues of heaven and earth have become Tao Masters. The great avenues are mixed. Yuan, becomes Taiyi. The Emperor Xu takes the path of reverse reasoning, first builds the great road of heaven and earth, and his nature is self-sufficient, and then reverses Taiyi. It is really wonderful.

On this day, Emperor Xu finally launched the Taiyi Dao in reverse and became the master of the Taiyi Dao.

Qingxuan and Shengzun are also practicing hard, trying to become Taoists before the other shore is completely destroyed. The two of them suddenly sensed the aura of Taiyi Avenue in the Three Realms, and each came out of seclusion to look between heaven and earth.

Master Dao is worthy of being the most outstanding Taoist ancestor in the human race's Immortal Court era. He was one step ahead of us and became the Taidao Ancestor.

He has practiced for 600,000 years longer than us, so he takes advantage of time.

As soon as the two of them said this, there were suddenly drifts of snow floating around and falling one after another.

Qingxuan and Shengzun couldn't help being shocked, each sensing the fragmentation of Taiyi Avenue on the other side!

This calamity is chasing them across the Sea of ​​Chaos, and it should be upon them, causing the Taiyi Avenue in their bodies to begin to wither!

Xu Daozu is right. If we stay on the other side, we are afraid of disaster. Only in the Three Realms can we have a glimmer of hope.

The two of them looked at each other and let out a long sigh of relief. This was the moment when Xu Huang realized the Tao of Taiyi and became the master of the Tao. Invisibly, there was a lot of blessing for them, so that the disaster of the Taiyi Avenue was wiped out. It has been reduced a lot.

I wonder what happened to Xu Daozu and Tai Daozu? They are still on the other side after all.

At this time, the two of them suddenly thought of another thing, Yes, there is the Ancestral God! He is also the soul of heaven and earth on the other side, and the pioneer of the other side. This time the death of the Taiyi Avenue on the other side means that all the avenues of heaven and earth on the other side have been destroyed. Got it!

When the two of them thought of this, they immediately rushed to the Tiandao Ancestral Court.

Although we have never dealt with the Ancestral God, after all, the Ancestral God is the soul of heaven and earth in the three realms, so we still have to pretend to care!

The two of them quickly arrived at the Tiandao Ancestral Court. As soon as they entered the Ancestral Court, they saw Dao Hui's snow as big as a mat, fluttering, swaying, and falling from the sky!

They walked on the snow, and the snow surface cracked under their feet. I don’t know how thick the Dao snow here is. It has already buried the Heavenly Dao Ancestral Court, and the original scene cannot be seen.

The two of them were frightened, and another horrifying cry came from their ears. When they arrived at the hut of the ancestor god, they saw Senior Brother Tian standing outside the hut, looking anxiously into the hut.

When the two of them broke into the hut, they saw that the ancestor god had been controlled by the calamity and was opening his mouth to burst into tears.

It's nothing serious.

Qingxuan went out and smiled at Senior Brother Xiangtian and said, The Ancestral God only has part of his own heaven and earth avenue that belongs to the other side and turned into ashes. The rest is fine. When he finishes crying, he still has to repay the cause and effect of creating the world. That’s when it’s called dangerous.”

The Holy Lord bowed his body and walked out of the thatched cottage, saying: At that time, the ancestor god will probably repay Hong Yuan with his axe. If he does not die, he will probably turn into the energy of chaos. If he cannot survive, Then he will turn into a ball of chaos and die.

Senior Brother Tian was frightened and said: Will you two help me!

Qingxuan discussed with the Holy Lord: Back then, the old man Ancestral God was injured by three green rocks and lost most of his cultivation strength. At that time, we were worried that he would interfere with us to overthrow Emperor Haocang, so we took action to cripple him first and let him I have had blood in my stool for 600,000 years. Now that I have experienced the death of the other shore, I think it is better to resolve the cause and effect.

The Holy Lord was also frightened by the cause and effect on the other side, and said: Solve it in advance, and when the calamity of the three realms strikes, there will be an extra chance of survival.

The two of them stayed in the ancestral court of Heavenly Dao, quietly waiting for the ancestral god's fate to strike.

In the sea of ​​chaos, Changsun Shenghai drove a green rock boat alone, passing through the thick energy of chaos, and sailed towards the spiritual world according to his own induction.

Back then, the scouts on the other side left a eucalyptus tree in the spiritual world. According to the eucalyptus tree's induction, the spiritual world can be found.

His Taoist companion Yin Rao still remains in the spiritual world as the Taoist ancestor of the resurgence of the spiritual world. Back then, he wanted to avenge the destruction of the Imperial Realm, so he left the spiritual world and returned to the other side. However, Yin Rao was not interested in revenge and stayed in the spiritual world.

Although the two were separated, Changsun Shenghai still cared about his Taoist companion because they already had a child.

Why can't I find the spiritual world? Why can't I sense the direction of the spiritual world? Has the eucalyptus tree been uprooted?

Changsun Shenghai has been searching for a hundred years. It stands to reason that he should have been able to find the spirit world long ago, but there is still no trace of the spirit world.

The spiritual world must still be there, it must still be there...

While he was thinking, suddenly a piece of snow fell from his head. Changsun Shenghai raised his hand to catch the piece of snow, and was slightly startled.

The avenue of heaven and earth on the other side was completely shattered, and the avenue turned into snow, finally crushing the Taiyi Avenue. The Taiyi Avenue was extinguished. Master Taiyi, and Uncle Xu, are they okay?

He sighed and activated the nine evidences, and no more snow continued to fall.

Since we can't find the spirit world at the moment, let's go to the Dao Alliance first. The Dao Alliance has great magical powers, so someone must know the whereabouts of the spirit world!

He urged Luo Taizong's Taoist order and sat on the bow of the boat to wait quietly.

After some time, I saw an abandoned green rock boat coming from the depths of the Chaos Sea. There was a man on the boat who was tall and handsome, quite heroic, but his hair was gray.

When the two met, they were both startled.

Changsun Shenghai hurriedly bowed down, surprised and happy, and shouted: Master Zuolian, we were separated in the spiritual world back then, but today we meet again!

The man on the abandoned Cuiyanlou boat was Taoist Master Zuolian. Back then, in the spiritual world, Changsun Shenghai had another chance and was able to become a disciple of Taoist Master Zuo Lian.

He never expected that when he went to the Dao League this time, Dao Master Zuolian would come to greet him!

But didn't Dao Master Zuolian go to resist the Dao Alliance in response to Shen Tu Lun's agreement? How could he become a member of the Dao Alliance? He was puzzled.

When Taoist Master Zuo Lian saw his disciple, his Taoist heart that had been dusted for so long felt ripples. He was quite excited and said with a smile: Holy Sea, we meet again after nearly nine billion years.

Changsun Shenghai was greatly shocked. Nine billion years? Where to start?

Master Zuolian, where is the spiritual world? Where is the spiritual world?

He hurriedly stepped forward and said urgently, And Yin Rao, where is she? Master Zuolian, after you leave, we will get married and become Taoist couples. She is also pregnant with my child! Where is Yin in the spiritual world? Where is Rao?

The spiritual world has long been extinct. Fellow Taoist Yin Rao has become the Taoist ancestor of the spiritual world, and your child will also have a very glorious life.

Although Taoist Master Zuolian couldn't bear it, he still told him the truth, saying, They lived a fulfilling life for the four billion years after they lived in the spiritual world. When the spiritual world dies, they have to protect all living beings in the spiritual world and fight against the annihilation. The calamity resists, so the body dies and the path disappears. As for where the spiritual world is...

He paused and said: That's the other side. The other side is another chaotic spiritual root that sprouted from the corpse in the spiritual world.

————On Army Day, I wish our motherland a more prosperous day! Today is the first day of August, please get a guaranteed monthly ticket!

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