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Chapter 905 The No. 1 Rogue in the Three Realms

When Tao Zun heard this, he remembered what he had said just now, that if Xu Ying could point out his flaws, he would leave him a way out.

But when this guy pointed out his flaw, he took the opportunity to kill him and almost used his power to kill him!

When thinking of this, Dao Zun still couldn't hide the murderous intention in his heart!

Fellow Daoist Xu is amazing. He almost killed me twice.

Dao Zun calmed down for a moment, his murderous aura slowly dissipated, he suppressed the injury, and praised, I have rarely been injured to this extent in my life, but you have been the only one for two times, which is enough to be proud of.

Xu Ying was lying on the ground, with a solemn expression on his face, and said: After all, it's Dao Zun who has a broad mind. If it were anyone else with a far inferior character than Dao Zun, they would definitely kill me.

The big clock was also lying on the ground at this moment, and all kinds of powers of the clock were running around. Hearing this, he secretly praised: Master Ying, all the bones in his body are broken, but his mouth is so stubborn! This mouth can survive!

Dao Zun snorted and said calmly: Don't worry, since I said I will let you live as long as you point out my flaws, I will never break my promise.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

Taoist Master's eyes flashed and he said: You did point out my flaw, but I still don't understand. Why was this bell leading me to the avenue of annihilation and turning into chaos?

Xu Ying worked hard to adjust the bones and reconnect the broken bones, and said: The wrinkles on Mr. Zhong's surface are the imprints left by the bells of the Chaos Sea. Although you are very strong, you are not good enough. You have to follow the evidence of your nine ways. It's okay to follow, but if you meet someone like Mr. Zhong who surpasses you in moral conduct, you will be defeated.

When he said this, he suddenly froze and thought of the simplest way to kill Dao Zun!

Dao Zun was also suddenly awe-struck, and at this moment he thought of the biggest flaw in his nine-way evidence!

In other words, it is not his flaw, but a flaw shared by all those who practice the Nine Paths of Evidence!

Although the Nine Paths are evidence-based, they are not one after all. Even if it is perfectly evidence-based, it is perfect for you, but to outsiders, especially a person with a higher Taoist practice, it is not perfect!

Xu Ying immediately thought of the method to break the Nine Paths of Evidence, and thought to himself, I don't need to be much better than Tao Zun, I just need to add things to his Nine Paths of Evidence that he can't prove, just like It's like adding a nail to a smoothly running gear system, and it can jam the nine gears, or even explode!

At this time, he suddenly noticed a huge murderous intention shrouding him. Xu Ying was horrified. Following the murderous intention, he met the Taoist Master's solemn gaze!

The corners of Dao Zun's eyes twitched, and his expression was uncertain. Apparently he had noticed that Xu Ying was also aware of the common flaws of Jiu Dao Evidence. At this moment, heaven and man were at war in his heart, whether he should break his promise and kill Xu Ying!

Xu Ying's heart was in his throat, but his tone was very gentle and calm. He slowly stood up and said: There are always flaws. If you find them, you can be on guard. It doesn't mean that someone is dead and doesn't exist. ”

Taoist Master nodded slightly and said solemnly: Thank you for your advice. In the days to come, you will follow me. I still need to ask you about the wrinkles on the big clock.

Xu Ying knew that he was worried about her and asked, When can I leave?

You can leave when the other side is completely quiet.

Having said this, the Taoist Master said to Dong Xuan, Wu Xi and others, Fellow Taoists, you were affected by your luck, violated your Taoist heart, and attacked me. But I don't blame you for knowing each other.

He waved his hand gently, and the three Taoist masters Wu Xi, Jiang Ning, and Jing Ning each let out a scream, and suddenly their bodies shattered and turned into blazing fire from the sky, roaring away.

Not long after, the annihilating heavenly fire transformed by these three Tao masters merged into the annihilating ring formed by the chaotic ring!

That ring of annihilation is evolving towards the flood source of annihilation.

Gong, I will fight with you!

Dongxuan was frightened and angry. He struggled hard and tried to fight with Dao Zun. Unfortunately, his injuries were too serious and he could not hurt Dao Zun at all.

The Taoist masters of Cenxi, Yuxi and Haining were also filled with grief and anger, and wanted to fight the Taoist Master desperately.

Their injuries were more serious than Dongxuan's, and they were even more unbearable.

The Taoist Master was indifferent to their reactions and said: Ashes return to dust, soil returns to soil. In this calamity of annihilation, the purpose of the return of the dead is nothing more than to drag the other side deeper and faster into annihilation. Four Taoist friends , Wu Xi, Jiang Ning and Jing Ning are dead, so let them leave completely.

Dong Xuanzi cursed angrily and shouted: If you are capable, kill me too!

Dongxuan, please be patient and don't be impatient.

The Taoist Master looked at the three Taoist Masters Yuxi, Cenxi and Haining and said, You three have escaped the disaster and have a chance to save your lives. You should not die in the Nirvana Tribulation. As for Hainingzi, you are probably inescapable.

The four of them continued to curse.

Tao Zun said: If you survive the catastrophe of annihilation alive, you will return to the heaven and realize the Tao again. In the future, the three of you will be needed to teach the people in the heaven.

The four of them were stunned, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Tao Zun walked away, suddenly stopped and turned to look at Xu Ying. Xu Ying understood, picked up the big clock, and quickly followed him.

There are still various Dao powers surging on the surface of the big clock, so Xu Ying takes action to help the big clock adjust the Chaos Dao power.

Zhong Ye's current cultivation strength is extraordinary, especially since it is based on chaos and opens up eight ways of evidence. As long as the chaos power is stable, it can heal Tao injuries by itself.

Taoist Master looked at this strange big clock, his face became strange, and said: A magic weapon for cultivation? And a magic weapon that can be practiced in various realms and can be practiced independently?

Although he has seen a lot about this kind of situation, he has never heard of it.

Especially when this bell actually plotted against him just now under Xu Ying's instructions, causing him to be hit hard just after he came out of seclusion, he was even more surprised.

However, although his injury was serious, it was not a fatal injury suffered by Luo Taizong after all. Moreover, when he came out of seclusion this time, he had a deeper understanding of the avenue of annihilation, and he could barely achieve the evidence-based chaos of annihilation. As long as Jiudao relies on evidence, the injuries will become lighter and lighter.

The big bell was also based on the evidence, and Taoist Master was dumbfounded when he saw it. He shook his head and said: If those Tao masters know that one bell has cultivated the evidence of the eight innate paths, I'm afraid they will be angry to death.

Dazhong's injuries decreased rapidly, faster than Dao Zun's recovery speed. He smiled and said: What is this? If you go to the Three Realms, you can still see Dog Supreme. Well, maybe he is already an immortal dog.

Dao Zun shook his head and said: There is nothing strange about the demon clan's cultivation, but the magic weapon cultivation is shocking. Even in the sea of ​​chaos, it is completely different. The magic weapon cultivation takes a big advantage, and the body is sturdier than the human race. , can be directly branded with Dao patterns, and the branding of various understandings will not be forgotten by itself, and the self-healing of injuries is far better than that of humans.

Hearing this, Da Zhong couldn't help but feel proud.

Tao Zun looked him up and down and continued: The only shortcoming is that he has no brain. He needs to find a host and directly copy or understand the host's things. There are some things that the host can understand, but the magic weapon cannot, because the wisdom has not reached the level of the human race. Because of the height.”

This remark was quite insulting, but Da Zhong had always done it in his own way and didn't care. He quickly asked for advice: I also often feel that my brain is not enough. How can I improve it?

The Taoist Master did not hide anything and pointed it out: Humans are born with various realms in their bodies. They collect qi and knock on the gates, and water and fire are combined to refine them. You don't have a realm, but you suddenly have a whim to visualize the realm, and refine the false to become the real. Therefore, you have a realm. , you can practice like a monk. Since you can do this without a brain, why can't you visualize the brain?

Da Zhong couldn't help being stunned. After a moment, he said with joy: That's it! That's it! Thank you, Taoist Master, for your cultivation!

It couldn't help but be ecstatic that it finally found a path that suited itself!

Master Ying, lend me your brain!

Xu Ying always indulged it and let it do whatever it wanted. Da Zhong then penetrated into his sea of ​​​​consciousness and observed the various signal fluctuations in Xu Ying's brain when he was thinking, using this as the basis for his thoughts.

As a magic weapon, you have cultivated to great perfection on the other side and reached the realm of immortality. However, when the other side dies, you must also survive the catastrophe of annihilation.

Taoist Master mentioned it again and said, In the end, you still need to practice in annihilation before you can transcend and be no worse than human monks.

The big bell thanked him again and again.

It was originally extremely eager to learn. When it returned to the Three Realms with Xu Ying, a magic weapon uprising broke out in the Three Realms. It competed with the monks of the Three Realms for living space and escaped from the fate of being enslaved. It then discovered that those magic weapon qi refiners based on the spirit actually refined the soul, called the spirit god, which was a path it had never walked before, so it also followed these disciples and disciples to learn and practice to make up for its own shortcomings.

Xu Ying followed Dao Zun, and the two of them headed towards the Ring of Nirvana.

Tao Zun said: If you want to cultivate the perfect avenue of annihilation, you need to personally witness the destruction of your own universe. This is the only way to practice annihilation of the Tao Alliance. Xu Ying, your avenue of annihilation has not yet reached the realm of the Taoist master, so There is an extremely long distance from perfection. You must witness the destruction of the three realms in order to perfect the Avenue of Nirvana.

He smiled proudly and said: But I am different. I perfectly transferred the fate of the heaven to the other shore. The other shore fell into silence on behalf of the heaven and fell into annihilation. Not only can the heaven be preserved, I can also pass through this annihilation. , build the perfect avenue of annihilation!

Xu Ying knew that his heart-breaking words to him were just to damage his Taoist heart, so he immediately said quietly: Taoist Master, am I too outstanding and make you feel the pressure?

The Tao Master's yellow shirt fluttered, he paused outside the Ring of Nirvana, glanced at him, and said with a half-smile: I am the Tao Master of Great Perfection, a strong man who is about to complete the Nine Paths based on evidence. You are just an immortal, Nine Paths If you are uneven, I will try every means to break your Taoist heart?

Xu Ying smiled slightly, with a leisurely expression: The Nirvana Tribulation and the Great Dao Tide are coming together. Is there really no solution? There is a solution, but it can only save oneself, not others. Based on the evidence of the Nine Paths, one can save oneself.

Dao Zun felt awe in his heart and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Xu Ying continued: Can you save yourself based on the evidence of the Nine Dao? Gong Daochuan, thank you two Tao brothers for your guidance. The Dao Alliance has abandoned your son, why do you need to say more?

Dao Zun had clenched his fist unknowingly, as if his fist would come at any time, blasting Xu Ying's head, and smashing his mouth that could not be smashed with a hammer!

But he slowly stretched out his fists and said softly: Gong has always been very grateful for his guidance back then.

Xu Ying smiled and said: Since you are grateful, why do you want to break my Taoist heart?

Tao Zun laughed loudly, and the laughter shook the whole world and lasted for a long time. Xu Ying looked at him with a smile and let him laugh until he couldn't laugh anymore.

After a long time, Taoist Master finally couldn't stop laughing. Xu Ying smiled and said, Has Taoist Master already thought about how to respond?

Dao Zun said calmly: Why should I answer? I am Dao Zun, the Supreme Dao, Xu Ying. Now you are my prisoner, why should I answer all your questions?

Xu Ying smiled and said: You just made those heart-breaking words to me, implying that I must annihilate the three realms of the universe before I can cultivate the perfect avenue of annihilation. You are clearly jealous of my qualifications, understanding and nature by destroying my Taoist heart. The score is higher than yours, and you felt a strong threat, so you planted a demonic seed in my heart and tried to destroy me.

Dao Zun's childish face was a little stiff. He snorted and said with a smile: If I want to destroy you, why do I have to do this? It would be easier to kill you directly! But your guess is right. You have learned the true meaning of the Avenue of Nirvana. After practicing the method, the Tao heart will breed demonic seeds, and the demonic seeds will sprout and grow until they destroy your Taoist heart. This is a conspiracy!

Xu Ying stood beside him. One of the two boys was as gentle as jade and had an extraordinary temperament, while the other looked like a rogue.

The mischievous temperament is also very erratic. Sometimes he is high-pitched and aggressive like a hero, and sometimes he collapses all of a sudden, like a venomous snake that is swimming, sneaking close to the ground when swimming, and raising its head high when attacking.

Xu Ying smiled and said: How should I break Tao Zun's Taoist heart? Pointing out the flaws in Tao Zun's nine-path evidence-based approach is obviously not enough to break your Taoist heart. I am better than Dao Zun, so I shouldn't be able to let Tao Zun do it. Your Majesty was deeply shocked. I was kind enough to give you guidance back then, and even thinking about it, I wouldn’t be able to make you burst into tears with gratitude.”

Tao Zun smiled slightly and said nothing.

Xu Ying said quietly: Then, if I opened up the other shore, and now the other shore has fallen into silence, and in the calamity of annihilation, I will understand the supreme mystery of the avenue of annihilation. Can this matter shake Taoist Master's Taoist heart?

Dao Zun's face changed slightly.

Tao Zun, you tried every possible means to let hundreds of millions of people in the heaven be slaughtered and pass on the disaster. You tried every means to make the other side fall into silence. You used every means to make everyone betray and alienate. Your Taoist friends and your relatives, You sacrificed them one by one. You paid such a high price and you are left alone.

Xu Ying showed a sarcastic look, looked at the Ring of Nirvana in front of him, and said calmly, You think you have a plan, and you are proud of yourself in front of me, bragging that you will build a perfect Nirvana Avenue, and you are cunning and want to destroy my Daoist heart. . However, I don’t have to do anything to cultivate the perfect path of annihilation. If I don’t know this, can it damage the Daoist heart of the Taoist?

Dao Zun's face suddenly darkened.

At the same time, the Ring of Nirvana gradually grew, making rumbling sounds, and finally began to transform into the Flood Source of Nirvana!

And outside the universe on the other side, in the Taoist temple floating in the sea of ​​chaos, Lord Daoji finally opened his eyes, without any emotion in his eyes, and glanced towards the other side.

It's time.

He stood up, put away the Taoist temple, and walked towards the other side.

It's time to solve the problem of the Taoist Alliance's abandonment.

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