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Chapter 904 Dao Zun’s flaw

Dong Xuanzi's cultivation level was still higher than that of Xu Ying, but he did not struggle. He smiled and said, A Ying, I did plan to look for Taiyi, but I met the resurrected Wu Xi, so...

Xu Ying pounded him on the ground like a stick, and sneered: You cats and dogs, you want to kill Dao Zun? Your skills were all taught by Dao Zun. Your magical powers are all controlled by Dao Zun! Master, if you follow them, you will only die! Come back with me!

Dong Xuanzi shook his head and said with a smile: Xu Ying, I won't go with you. The other shore will perish and there will be no enemies in the heaven. Our eight innate masters will either escape the disaster or die. The only thing left is the last thought, which is to Settle the grievances with Dao Zun for being plotted by him!

Cen Xizi said quietly: As a Taoist master, if someone plots against you, if you can't take revenge, how can you have the face to call yourself a Taoist master?

Yuxizi said: After the death of the other shore, we will be duckweeds in the sea of ​​chaos, homeless and homeless. Three of our Taoist friends have passed away. They want to put an end to all cause and effect, and we will take it upon ourselves to do it!

Jing Ningzi said with murderous intent: The Eight Innate Masters, we can't just let go of this grudge!

Xu Ying glanced at the faces of these people, and he could see that Cen Xizi had escaped from the disaster, and he probably killed another Wuji Taoist. And Yuxizi's calamity has also dissipated, and there should be a Taoist Priest of Chaos to deal with the calamity on his behalf.

However, Hai Ningzi himself is the master of luck, and his luck is the strongest. The other side should not have fallen into the luck so early, and no master of luck was born to deal with the disaster on his behalf.

As for Wu Xi and Jiang Ningzi, they had already died and appeared in the human world in the form of corpses. Jing Ningzi was somewhat beyond Xu Ying's expectation that he was also dead.

Who can kill Jingning on the eve of entering Nirvana? Only Master Tongtian. However, Master Tongtian has cultivated the Avenue of Nirvana, so he shouldn't kill Jingning in order to escape disaster. Then, it should be Jingning who challenged Tongtian, but was defeated instead. kill.

In just a short moment, he thought clearly about the cause and effect, and said loudly, Everyone, listen to me! You are all people who want to betray you, and you are just going to die!

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was so angry that they were filled with murderous intent. They wished they could send him to Nirvana first.

Da Zhong secretly praised: A Ying's cultural accomplishment is getting higher and higher. Taoist Master Tongtian only said the word Selling the First once and he remembered it. He didn't use it wrong.

Xu Ying said sternly: You said it was based on the evidence of the Nine Paths, but you still lack the Master Hongmeng and the Master of Annihilation. What do you use as evidence? Is it the evidence of the Eight Paths?

He sneered and said: Luo Taizong has already tested this method. The eight evidence-based confrontations with Dao Zun will lead to death with only a piece of rotten flesh left. You, you, you, and you!

He pointed at Dongxuan, Cenxi, Yuxi and Haining, snorted and said: You have escaped the catastrophe, why are you joining in the fun with these dead people who are destined to be annihilated? They are the puppets controlled by the annihilation tribulation! The fate of the catastrophe is so harmful to Dao Zun. Not willing to escape the catastrophe, you want to use them as bait to drag the Taoist Master into the catastrophe of annihilation on the other side, why do you want to follow them to death?

His voice was deafening, which really startled the four Taoist masters, and they couldn't help but look towards Wu Xi, Jiang Ning, and Jing Ning.

These three Taoist masters are lifelike. Although they appear to be alive, they are indeed dead people.

Moreover, there are strange catastrophes running in their bodies, and their bodies are filled with the energy of killing, which is very different from what they were in life!

Could it be that Xu Ying was not lying when he said they were puppets of the Nirvana Tribulation?

Jiang Ningzi sneered: Xu Ying, you say I'm a puppet? When you and I joined forces to fight against Lin Chuanting, why did you join forces with me, a puppet?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: The puppets don't know that they are puppets. Jiang Ning, Wu Xi, and Jing Ning, every move of the three of them seems to be autonomous, but in fact they are all under the control of the calamity, pushing the other side bit by bit. Towards annihilation.”

The entanglement of reincarnation and cause and effect behind him formed an all-knowing eye, which allowed him to discern the fate and killings of Jiang Ningzi, Wu Xizi and Jing Ningzi. He said in a deep voice: Jiang Ningzi, why did you come up to kill Lin Dao? host?

Jiang Ningzi was furious and shouted: Lin Chuanting is my disciple and he killed me, so I want to kill him for revenge! Is this wrong?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Wrong. You are walking on the other side of silence in the body of the dead. Your goal is not revenge, but to make Master Lin enter silence, ignite the ring of chaos, and push the other side into silence!

Jiang Ningzi sneered.

Xu Ying turned to look at Wu Xizi and said, Wuxizi, Master Luo is dead, so what is your goal?

Without thinking, Wu Xizi said decisively: Of course I will take revenge on Taoist Master! Taoist Master allowed me to enter the other side to practice, and caused us to suffer disaster. If this revenge is not avenged on the eve of Nirvana, when will it be avenged?

Xu Ying shook his head and said: Wrong again. Your goal should be to completely destroy the other side, but you have forgotten this goal. It is obvious that you were affected by the disaster and controlled your thinking. In fact, your goal is to make way for Tao Zun entered the calamity and implicated Dao Zun in the calamity of annihilation on the other side! Jing Ningzi!

He turned to look at Jing Ningzi and said, You died in Tongtian's hands. Shouldn't your purpose be to take revenge on Tongtian?

Jing Ningzi shook his head and said: I challenged Tongtian, but my skills were inferior to others and I lost to him. How could I shamelessly challenge him again? What's more, Tongtian has already left the other side...

Who told you that Tongtian left the other side? Xu Ying asked.

Jing Ningzi was stunned, her eyes became blank, and she murmured: Tongtian left the other side, the source of this news...

He was suddenly stunned. He could not find the source of this news. It was like the news that Tongtian had left the other side had always existed in his mind!

Xu Ying asked: Shouldn't your first goal also be to completely destroy the other side? Why did you change your mind without realizing it? Why did you know things that you shouldn't know? Your thoughts, Is it really what you think?

Jing Ningzi was covered in cold sweat and said in a hoarse voice: There is a ghost in the misfortune!

As soon as he said this, Wu Xizi and Jiang Ningzi were also horrified.

Jiang Ningzi suddenly thought, why was he able to find clues about Dao Master Lin immediately after his resurrection? At that time, he seemed to know where Dao Master Lin was hiding naturally, without any need for causal calculation!

Is there really a ghost? he asked tremblingly.

Xu Ying shook his head and said: It's not that there is a ghost, but...

At this time, another voice came, saying leisurely: It's not that there are ghosts, but that Nirvana will try every means to destroy all catastrophes, smooth out all causes and effects, and completely restore the other side to the state before it was opened!

When Xu Ying heard this voice, his hair stood on end, and his hair almost stood up.

At the same time, Jing Ning, Jiang Ning, Dong Xuan, Cen Xi and others said in unison: Tao Zun!

A young man in a yellow shirt walked toward them, with a gentle smile that made people feel like they were in a spring breeze, without any sense of oppression.

However, Dong Xuan, Cen Xi and others were extremely nervous. Their bodies rose and fell like rabbits and falcons, each landing in different directions. They shouted in unison, and the sound of the Tao vibrated. In the next moment, they pushed their respective innate avenues to the extreme!

For a moment, there was chaos and grand mist, endless Taiyi, reincarnation and cause and effect, catastrophic fate and killings, the eight paths rose sharply and rose to the extreme!

The position where they were standing happened to follow the sequence of the Primordial Chaos Wuji Taiyi Avenue, and Xu Ying happened to be in their position of Primordial Chaos!

A few old guys are harming me!

Before Xu Ying had time to escape, he was stirred up by their aura, and Hongmeng Dao emerged involuntarily, blooming Hongmeng Dao power!

Yuxizi's energy of chaos is connected with Xu Ying's energy of Hongmeng. When it flows from chaos to Hongmeng, the Tao power also changes accordingly!

Then Hongmeng Qi flows from Xu Ying to Cen Xizi, turning into Wuji Qi, and then flows from Wuji to Dongxuanzi, turning into Taiyi Qi, and so on, until Jing Ningzi's killing Qi, forming a great circulation. The sight!

Based on eight evidences, the formation is complete!

The eight people were extremely nervous, headed by Yuxi. As long as Yuxizi pushed forward the formation, the eight innate ways would follow the order and reverse, and they would evolve and cycle the eight ways, bursting out with unparalleled power, enough to destroy everything!

Of course, the eight of them were also destroyed, including Xu Ying!

——Of course, it may not be able to destroy Dao Zun.

The boy in yellow shirt is Tao Zun. If he stands with Xu Ying, he looks one or two years younger than Xu Ying. His lips are red and his teeth are white, and he still has the childishness of a boy.

However, he did not pay attention to the eight-path evidence-based formation set up by Cen Xi and others. When everyone formed the eight-path evidence-based formation, he walked directly to the position of annihilation and said with a smile: Eight fellow Taoists, your eight-path evidence-based formation If there is a lack of annihilation, it’s up to me to make up for it.”

As soon as his footsteps fell, he saw that the nine evidence-based formations had been formed. The killing energy seemed to have an outlet, and it immediately flowed from Jing Ningzi to the Taoist Master, turning into the avenue of annihilation!

However, everyone's cultivation and evidence-based teachings came to Tao Zun, but the avenue of annihilation did not transform into the way of chaos, and the road to evidence-based teaching came to an abrupt end.

Everyone present suddenly felt that their Dao and cultivation were out of control and were being controlled by Tao Zun. Not to mention using the eight evidence-based magical powers, it was extremely difficult to even take back their cultivation.

For a moment, there was silence.

Everyone was in an extremely embarrassing situation and were helpless.

Xu Ying's heart was beating wildly, and he dared to break the silence and said with a smile: Tao Zun, this is your private matter. You just need to resolve it. I am not from the Heaven Realm, so I will not participate in it.

He wants to leave, but his Hongmeng Avenue is also a key part of it. Now they are like interlocking gears. Xu Ying is the second gear and cannot leave at all.

Tao Zun smiled slightly and said nothing.

Others also looked solemn and said nothing.

They originally planned to collect eight evidences and go to heaven to find Tao Zun to settle matters. Unexpectedly, Tao Zun now took the initiative to find them.

However, their evidence-based evidence for the Eight Paths was completed, but they found that there was nothing they could do about it!

The big bell's voice trembled, and it whispered: Ah Ying, do you think this method of worshiping your adoptive father is still effective?

Xu Ying shook his head quietly, this trick would probably not work.

Does Taoist Lord come here because of the annihilation on the other side?

Xu Ying's mind was spinning rapidly, and he suddenly said, As soon as Master Lin died, the other shore fell into silence. From then on, all the catastrophes in the heavens and the catastrophes you carried disappeared with the silence. All of this was planned by you. , you have planned for more than 100 million years for today. Today is finally the moment of harvest. I wonder, what else in the world can be closer to the essence of the avenue of annihilation than experiencing the annihilation of one’s own universe’s fate?”

He praised: The Taoist Lord has completely transferred the fate of the disaster to the other shore. The destruction of the other shore is the destruction of the heaven. Experiencing this disaster of destruction yourself is enough for you to obtain the perfect path of destruction!

The Taoist Master smiled slightly and said, My Taoist friends, I feel very close to you.

Xu Ying said with a smile: The most powerful thing about Dao Zun is to take advantage of the situation. The old thief Tongtian risked the disapproval of the world and took advantage of Dao Zun's serious injury to come and assassinate Dao Zun. His intention is to kill Dao Zun. Dao Zun is in an extremely disadvantaged situation. Next, simply use the old thief Tongtian to complete the transformation of Nirvana. When the old thief Tongtian’s evidence-based magical power of Nirvana attacks, Taoist Master will use his Nirvana Dao to turn everything in himself into a flood source of Nirvana.”

The smile on Taoist Master's face grew wider, and he said: My Taoist friend Xu ordered Tongtian to assassinate me, and he almost killed me. Taoist Master Tongtian is indeed extraordinary. He can actually prove disaster through killing, and realize annihilation. It can be said that He is a being with outstanding talent, understanding and qualifications in the three realms.

Da Zhong secretly cried out: Tao Zun knows that A Ying ordered Tong Tian to kill him. It's over this time!

Xu Ying, however, automatically filtered out the words Instructed by Taoist Fellow Xu, sighed, and praised: The old thief Tongtian has made a meritorious deed, helping Taoist Master understand the better way of annihilation. Although Taoist Master was also narcissistic before. The master of the Tao of Nirvana, but failed to be evidence-based. I think that after Tongtian’s feeding, I must have a deeper understanding of the Tao of Nirvana.”

Tao Zun laughed loudly, his voice was loud and clear, and he was obviously quite pleased with himself.

Xu Ying struck while the iron was hot and continued: Furthermore, after experiencing the Annihilation Evidence-Based Chaos, Dao Zun's injuries were healed. Tao Master Tongtian helped Dao Zun heal his injuries, which can be considered a bit of credit.

Taoist Master glanced at him and said with a smile: Then the person who commanded Taoist Master Tongtian naturally deserves some credit.

Xu Ying said cautiously: He is just a blind cat who encountered a dead mouse. He harbored evil intentions and wanted to take the opportunity to murder Dao Zun and seek a chance for the Three Realms. However, he did not expect that he would be self-defeating. Instead, he helped Dao Zun heal his Dao injury and went one step further.

Dao Zun sighed: Xu Ying, if it were anyone else besides me, I might not be able to help but let go of my murderous intention towards you after hearing what you said.

Xu Ying's heart skipped a beat.

Dao Zun continued: You almost got rid of me. You are so amazing.

Xu Ying's expression suddenly changed and he tried to change the evidence-based relationship between the nine of them. However, how powerful is Dao Zun?

Xu Ying's avenue is now restricted and he can't move even if he moves!

The goal of Taoist Master here is to gain the final harvest. Although you have understood the method of annihilation of evidence-based chaos from Taoist Master Tongtian's magical power of annihilation, the avenue of annihilation is still not perfect.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said, The other shore is Nirvana, so Taoist Master's Nirvana Avenue can reach a perfect state. You now have no enemies, even the Eight Innate Lords and the Xu Ying who is always against you, It also falls under your control. If you build the perfect Avenue of Nirvana, the end of the Avenue will be just around the corner. But it’s a pity...

Taoist Master listened with rapt attention and smiled when he heard the words: I have done it so perfectly, what's the regret?

Xu Ying smiled and said: It's a pity that your nine evidences still have flaws.

The Taoist Master hesitated and said with great interest: You are an immortal Nine-Path Evidence-Based Person, can you see the flaws in my Taoist Master's Nine-Path Evidence-Based Theory of Dzogchen? If you can tell where the flaw is, I can spare your life. .”

Xu Ying said in a deep voice: Master Zhong, fly to the top of Yuxizi's head, and I will point out Dao Zun's flaws.

The big bell flew over Yuxizi's head as he was told.

Xu Ying's eyes flashed and he said: Master Zhong, activate the Avenue of Chaos and connect it to the Avenue of Chaos in Yuxizi!

The big bell has been built into eight evidence-based systems, including the Avenue of Chaos. Hearing this, he immediately activated the Avenue of Chaos.

Suddenly, the chaotic wrinkles on the surface of its bell body lit up immediately. In an instant, Yuxizi's chaotic avenue suddenly reversed, soared into the sky, and poured into the bell!

At the same time, Dao Zun felt that his own Great Way of Nirvana was about to move, and he couldn't suppress it at all. His face suddenly changed!

His Avenue of Nirvana immediately circulated and surged toward the big clock. As it surged forward, the Avenue of Nirvana transformed into the Avenue of Chaos!

The nine evidence-based systems immediately took shape, linking the cultivation levels of nine people and one bell into one!

That evidence-based power was truly terrifying, and its power was so powerful that it was hard to imagine. The nine people felt that their little power was nothing compared to this power!

Without thinking, Xu Ying released the power of the Tao at the moment when the nine evidences reached Hongmeng, and blasted towards the Taoist Master!

The next moment, everyone felt that the power was coming back at them, like an overwhelming force!


In the starry sky on the other side, a huge source of nine-channel evidence-based Taoist power suddenly appeared, bloomed with light, and then exploded!

The terrifying fluctuations tore apart the other shore in an instant, and even the Sea of ​​Chaos appeared. The extremely turbulent sea water of Chaos struck, and then the energy of Chaos was opened up by the power of nine evidence-based forces!

That terrifying power actually pushed back the Sea of ​​Chaos!

Yuxizi spat out blood and lay on the ground, with his waist and limbs crushed. Cen Xizi's Wuji Dao was broken, his limbs were shattered, Dong Xuanzi's legs were broken, and his teeth were missing, and Wu Xi lost half of his body;

Jiang Ningzi's legs were amputated from the neck down, Hai Ningzi was crushed into a piece of human skin, and Jing Ningzi was hit in the head by his own Heavenly Killing Sword, which almost cut him from head to sole of his feet!

The big bell was stretched to be fat and big, and there was still excess Tao power in the body that was stirring up destruction.

The person who created the figurines promised that all the bones in the body were broken, and the nine evidence-based pathways in the body could not function.

Is he dead? Is Dao Zun dead?

Xu Ying could only turn his eyes, and he immediately looked in the direction of Dao Zun, with a look of hope and ecstasy in his heart, The nine evidences, coupled with Dao Zun's own power, are enough to kill Dao Zun!

The surging Dao power gradually dissipated, and Dao Zun stood where he was, not as embarrassed as them.

Xu Ying's heart sank. The Nine Paths of Evidence between them just now were only external evidences. There was another level of Nine Paths of Evidence in Dao Zun's body. It was his own Dao that was transformed internally!

This power protected Dao Zun!

Suddenly, Tao Zun let out a cry, vomited blood, his breath was withered, his eyes were fierce, and he looked at Xu Ying with murderous intent in his heart.

Tao Zun, I pointed out your flaw. Xu Ying suddenly said.

It’s still a 5,000-word chapter!

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