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Chapter 906 Seven births and seven annihilations, evidence-based annihilation

Taoist Master's eyes were attracted to the forming flood source of annihilation. Xu Ying's words just now seemed not to have any impact on his Taoist heart.

However, Xu Ying knew that it was impossible for Tao Zun to have a clear and unobstructed Taoist mind.

There must be a demonic seed in Tao Zun's heart, which is quietly taking root and growing gradually.

He thought to himself, This demon seed will haunt him. If he kills me, the demon seed will grow even more vigorously.

His eyes were also quickly attracted to the flood source of annihilation that was forming, and he observed the interaction between the cause and effect of reincarnation, the destruction of fate, and annihilation.

He has a new understanding of the Avenue of Nirvana every moment.

This is the other shore that he and his ancestors opened up, and it is falling into annihilation. The cause and effect makes him endlessly ponder, and it gives him a transcendent understanding.

At this moment, as the pioneer of the other side, as the Hongmeng Taoist of the other side, he seems to have seen the entire past, present, and all possible futures of the other side.

He seemed to see all the appearances of all living beings throughout the ages, the boundless starry sky, the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers, and all kinds of phenomena.

The joys and sorrows of countless people, the entanglements of love and hate, all have no meaning before the catastrophe of annihilation.

The avenue of heaven and earth continues to collapse in the final killing of the universe, which is spectacular and poignant.

There were bursts of mournful cries in his ears, it was Dao Dao who was crying.

This cry spread throughout the minds of every living creature on the other side and lingered.

Many powerful monks were infected by the crying at this moment. They all seemed to have lost their minds and opened their mouths one after another, crying.

Accompanying Dao's cry was Dao Xue getting louder and louder.

There are not many mortals left on the other side.

Billions of mortals have already perished on the eve of death.

Today, there are only a few remaining holy places on the other side, and they are still struggling.

However, in the sky, stars one after another continued to die and collapse, and darkness gradually enveloped the sky.

The void is also decaying and disintegrating, layer by layer being cut off.

Xu Ying looked at this extremely spectacular and desperate scene, feeling an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

After all, this is the universe he created.

The Taoist Master can have no feelings for the other side, watch it destroy, and just study the perfect avenue of annihilation. But Xu Ying couldn't do it.

He looked at the death of the great road of heaven and earth on the other side, the death of all sentient beings, and the death of all things. The heart of the Tao also fell into silence little by little, and gradually became depressed, as if it was about to die.

This huge sense of sadness comes from the creation of heaven between him and the ancestor god. He is a creation, and all those who die are his people. It also comes from his own Hongmeng Enlightenment. He is the origin of the great road of heaven and earth. When the great road withers, it seems that he himself is also withering.

Taoist Master noticed the strong sense of silence coming from his Taoist heart, and was slightly startled. This state was definitely not suitable for practicing the Great Way of Nirvana.

The Great Way of Nirvana is too dangerous. If you are not careful, the practitioner's Tao mind will fall into silence. Eventually, the Tao heart will become Nirvana and become a puppet of the Great Nirvana!

I don’t know how many people practice the Great Way of Nirvana and are assimilated into it. Let alone attaining the Tao, their enlightenment only becomes a part of the Great Way of Nirvana, and they cannot achieve true immortality!

Although Xu Ying's qualifications, talent and understanding are high, he is after all the pioneer of the other side and the master of Hongmeng Taoism. I am afraid that he has fallen into misfortune and will be assimilated by Nirvana. This is his doom. , I don’t have to intervene.”

When he thought of this, an idea suddenly came to his mind and he stood still.

Xu Yingdao's heart falls into silence. This is complete silence!

If the mind of Tao does not enter into cessation of cessation, how can we understand the true meaning of cessation of cessation?

Can you deduce the perfect avenue of annihilation by just relying on your eyes and mind, only on deductions from what you see with your naked eyes, and only on changes in your own luck?

No wonder, no wonder...

Dao Zun was dumbfounded and suddenly remembered all his experiences in the Dao League. At that time, there were many powerful beings in the Dao Alliance. When faced with the death of the universe that gave birth to them, they often did not intervene, but witnessed the death of their universe with their own eyes.

At the time, he thought these Dao League seniors were extremely cold-blooded beings without any human emotions, but now he understands why they did what they did.

Only by witnessing the death of one's own universe and seeing the death of countless relatives and friends of the clan can one understand the true meaning of the Tao's heart entering silence. For those who practice the Tao of Nirvana, it is incorrect to pass on the calamity. After passing it on, you will be protected. In the local universe, it will be difficult to realize that the Tao mind has become silent!

His expression suddenly changed and his body trembled a little.

The purpose of all these years of planning and planning is to preserve the heavenly realm and allow it to continue. Another purpose is to allow myself to witness the destruction of the other side and understand the perfect avenue of annihilation!

However, without destroying the heavenly realm, he would not be able to experience the silence of the Tao mind. There is always something missing from the perfect path of annihilation!

He looked at Xu Ying. Xu Ying's state of silence was extremely dangerous, and he could survive nine or even ten deaths!

However, this is the only correct way to practice the Great Way of Nirvana!

The monks are a group of chickens in a farmer's chicken coop watching food fall from the sky. What they can see, and what they think is the Tao, is actually just the tip of the iceberg...

The corners of his eyes twitched violently, and anger suddenly filled his face. He looked at Xu Ying and could not hide the murderous intention in his heart.

He went through countless hardships, sneaked into the other side to observe for millions of years, planned to transform the catastrophe, promoted the stranding of the heavenly universe and the other side universe, carefully planned the heavenly realm preaching, and single-handedly promoted the massacre of the people on the other side of the heavenly realm!

I planned everything for myself, just to get the perfect Avenue of Nirvana, but something went wrong at the last moment!

But what did Xu Ying do?

He just opened the flood source once while tracking the Kaiyuan Divine Ax!

Why can he enter the state of tranquility and gain the perfect opportunity to achieve the path of tranquility, but he can't?

After a while, the shock in Dao Zun's Taoist heart suddenly subsided, his face returned to normal, and he whispered: I can't be angry. This is the tribulation of Nirvana on the other side trying to include me in the tribulation. But I still have the ability to cultivate the perfect path of Nirvana. The opportunity, as long as I, as long as I...

He turned his head, with a sinister look on his face, but his eyes fell on the distant edge of the universe, the stranded heaven!

As long as I drag the heavenly realm into the calamity of annihilation, it will be possible for me to enter silence, and it will be possible for me to cultivate the perfect avenue of annihilation!

He was breathing heavily, and a deep chill filled his body.

I can also set up a plan to sacrifice hundreds of millions of sentient beings in the heaven. I can sacrifice my son and my daughter to the fate. I can give up everything. I can sacrifice the heaven to fulfill my destiny. The Avenue of Perfect Nirvana...

He suddenly shivered, the chill on his body gradually dissipated, and the sinister look on his face slowly disappeared.

But everything I have done, everything I have sacrificed, is so that the Heaven Realm can avoid disaster, and the people in the Heaven Realm can survive as humans in the Sea of ​​Chaos and continue civilization... The disaster on the other side is too great, It almost dragged me back into misfortune.

After this incident, Tao Zun's Taoist mind became stable again, without any distractions. He no longer paid attention to Xu Ying's actions, and was immersed in the understanding of the Great Way of Nirvana.

It has to be said that the path of annihilation is truly profound and profound. The past time and space on the other side, the myriad ways of heaven and earth, as well as Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, catastrophe, and killing, will all fall into catastrophe!

The past history on the other side and the future that has not yet happened all shrink and fall into silence, until it is all wiped out and everything that happened in these long years is washed away, as if nothing has ever existed.

Even the void will fall into it!

Although Tao Zun has comprehended the annihilation of many universes and raised the avenue of annihilation to the level of the Tao Master, none of his previous enlightenments were as profound as this one!

Even Taoist Tongtian’s Great Way of Nirvana is inferior in various ways, because Taoist Tongtian deduces Nirvana from killing, and does not realize that true Nirvana should be derived from Hongmeng, Wuji, Taiyi, reincarnation, cause and effect, disaster, and killing. Come evidence-based!

It turns out that this is the perfect avenue of annihilation!

Just as Taoist Master thought of this, Xu Yingdao's heart beside him suddenly fell into silence. His whole body began to collapse towards silence, and soon turned into a flood of silence.

Taoist Master stared at it and saw that the flood source of annihilation transformed by Xu Ying was really perfect, larger and smaller than the flood source of annihilation in front of him.

But this time Xu Ying turned into a flood source of annihilation, and the big bell and Chaos Lotus couldn't stay still, and immediately flew out of Xu Ying's body.

Da Zhong looked at Xu Ying, surprised and uncertain.

Seeing this, the Taoist Master summoned the big bell and the Chaos Lotus, and carefully looked at the Chaos Lotus. He saw that this treasure had grown to the middle stage and had some power of the Chaos Spiritual Root.

The cosmic flood source supported by the Chaos Lotus has also grown to the middle stage. It will probably only take a few thousand years for the flood source to grow and bloom naturally.

This Chaos Lotus follows Xu Ying, how come it can practice so fast?

Tao Zun was surprised.

The growth rate of Chaos Spiritual Roots is extremely slow, and can easily take hundreds of millions of years. To guard a Chaos Spiritual Root from its birth to maturity is a matter that requires extremely strong patience.

However, the growth rate of this Chaos Lotus is astonishingly fast. Tao Zun judged that it would be mature and the Hongyuan Melon would be ripe and fall off. I am afraid it would only take a few thousand years. This speed is by no means normal!

After a while, Taoist Master looked strange, glanced at the big clock, and said to himself: This bell teaches the chaotic spiritual roots how to practice, and speeds up the growth of the spiritual roots and flood sources!

At this moment, the Chaos Lotus is swallowing the Qi of Chaos, thinking about each realm, like a great master practicing the Avenue of Chaos.

What is even more frightening is that this thing is the spiritual root of chaos, and its origin is extremely powerful, comparable to that of a Taoist master who practices the Nine Paths. It is based on the state of thinking, which is not the state of monks who go from weak to strong, but the breathing and exhalation like a Taoist master from the beginning!

Practicing at this speed is of course more than ten thousand times faster than the normal growth rate!

Even Hongyuan is fed by it and grows faster than normal Hongyuan!

What made Dao Zun Dao's heart even more shaken was that this thing actually tried to refine his own spirituality into an alternative soul!

Spiritual God!

He glanced at the big clock again and said to himself: This fellow Zhong Daoist probably doesn't know what kind of object he is going to create. If this thing can cultivate into a spiritual god, successfully transform into a monk, it will carry a universe with it as a flood. source……

He shook his head, shuddering a little.

Dazhong hurriedly said: Tao Zun, what's wrong with Ah Ying?

Tao Zun was not as harsh on him as he was on Xu Ying. He said warmly: He was affected by Nirvana, and his Taoist heart is entering silence and turning into a flood source.

Da Zhong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: This is a trivial matter. Ah Ying has encountered this kind of thing before when he was practicing the Great Way of Nirvana. He can wake up when he understands the evidence between Nirvana and Chaos.

Taoist Master shook his head and said: This time it is different. In the past, he was only affected by the Great Way of Nirvana and fell into Nirvana. The Taoist heart was still there, so he struggled hard, activated his wisdom, and realized the evidence-based path from Nirvana to Chaos. And this time is in the Calamity of Nirvana. As the Hongmeng Dao Master and the person who opened the sky, he himself also has a great calamity. It is extremely dangerous for the Taoist heart to enter silence. If he cannot wake up, he will directly become a part of the Nirvana Calamity on the other side and destroy the other side. , both body and soul disappear.

The big clock was startled, and it rang loudly, calling loudly: Ah Ying, wake up! It is extremely dangerous for your mind to become silent, wake up quickly!

The Taoist stopped it and said with a smile: Friend Zhong, calling him like this will have no effect, and it will not wake him up. It is a good thing for his Taoist mind to be silent, and he can cultivate the perfect avenue of annihilation. He is not completely without life, this glimmer of life , it depends on whether he can become the Master of Nirvana.

Da Zhong didn't understand its meaning.

The Taoist Master smiled and said: He who has cultivated the Tao Master of Nirvana will be the master of the Tao of Nirvana. He will not be controlled by the Tao of Nirvana, so he can get rid of the state of silence in the Taoist heart and wake up. Fellow Daoist Zhong, this is a rare opportunity. You don't have to always You are concerned about the safety of others, why not take this opportunity to understand your own path and go further on your own path?

Dazhong was stunned and said with a smile: Thank you, Brother Dao, for correcting me.

At this moment, the flood source of annihilation suddenly flew in front and swallowed up the small flood source of annihilation formed by Xu Ying.

The big bell screamed, trying to rescue him, but it was too late.

The Taoist Master made an observation and said: Xu Ying's Avenue of Nirvana has reached the state of enlightenment and become the Avenue of Nirvana. It is not a bad thing for him to be swallowed up. Fellow Daoist Zhong, if you and this fellow Daoist Lian want to make progress, jump out of Life and death cannot be determined solely by relying on evidence based on the Eight Paths.

With his clothes fluttering, he stepped towards the huge source of annihilation and said with a smile: Especially friend Zhong Dao, you are still stained with the misfortune of the other side and haven't gotten rid of it. If you don't enter the annihilation to practice, how can you? Can you be free and at ease? Come with me, and I will tell you how to practice the Great Way of Nirvana.

Da Zhong quickly followed him with Chaos Lotus, looking at the source of Nirvana that was getting closer and closer with some fear.

One person, one bell and one lotus walked into the source of the flood, and the big bell was suddenly clanged. The extremely terrifying energy of death shattered everything, making it unable to fight against it, and it caused great damage in an instant!

As for the Chaos Lotus, it cannot compete with the Avenue of Nirvana. The petals of the lotus wither, the leaves turn yellow, and the spiritual light passes quickly!

Even its source was crushed to the point of falling into annihilation!

At this moment, a soft force protected them, and the Taoist Master smiled and said: The reason why the Great Way of Nirvana is difficult to practice is not that it is difficult to realize the Tao, but that it is difficult to maintain the original intention after realizing the Tao, and often falls into Nirvana. Being in it and unable to wake up.”

Dazhong hurriedly asked for advice and said: I followed Ah Ying to practice and witnessed him step by step to cultivate the nine innate paths from scratch, and to achieve the nine paths to be evidence-based. But if it were me, I would always be stuck at the level of the avenue of annihilation. I can't cultivate. I asked myself, if my mind is not weaker than his, why am I always unable to cultivate?

The Taoist Master smiled and said: Although Xu Ying is a person with extremely high talents, qualifications and understanding, he does not know how to teach others. If you observe his cultivation process, it is already extremely remarkable that he can understand the Eight Innate Paths. As for Nirvana It’s not your fault that you can’t cultivate the Great Dao, it’s just that you don’t have a famous teacher to guide you to get started.”

He raised his hand, cut off a section of the Qi of Annihilation that was flowing freely, and pulled the Qi of Annihilation apart, making it extremely large, revealing the subtle internal structure, and said: Fellow Taoist, please take a look.

The big clock looked carefully and saw that the power of cause and effect was burning in the Qi of Nirvana, and the path of cause and effect was changing to the way of Nirvana!

No, no!

The big bell exclaimed, This is wrong! Logically speaking, the way of killing should change to the way of annihilation. How can cause and effect directly change into annihilation?

Taoist Master laughed heartily, stroking his palms and smiling: This is the key to your inability to cultivate Nirvana! Fellow Daoist Zhong, the transformation of killing into Nirvana is only one of the seven transformation methods! Fellow Daoist Zhong, you have a kind heart, even though you have cultivated It is the way of killing, but you don’t use it to kill and exterminate. If you want to use killing to achieve annihilation, it will be even more difficult!”

His sleeves fluttered, and he raised his hand to cut off one after another of the Qi of Nirvana from the rushing and rotating flood source of Nirvana. He manifested them one by one, magnified them countless times, and placed them in front of the big clock.

Among these qi of annihilation, some are transformed into annihilation, and some are transformed into annihilation. The big clock observes them one by one, and sees the process of the four avenues of Taiyi, reincarnation, calamity, and killing falling towards annihilation.

Master Tongtian is indeed a genius, self-taught without a teacher, and self-understood the evidence-based way. He understood the way of killing with the way of the sword, and understood that killing is the eternal principle of the universe. Based on this, he followed the path of silence Destruction, reverse proof of calamity, really amazing talent and beauty! Such people are rare in the Tao Alliance!

Taoist Master smiled arrogantly, quite arrogantly, and said, His Great Way of Nirvana is indeed superior to mine. I used his Great Way of Nirvana to repair my wounds and make my Nirvana greatly improve. However, he only understood the Nirvana. One-seventh of the great road. The true great road of annihilation can only be grasped by entering into the calamity of annihilation!

Dazhong couldn't help but admired: Tao Zun is worthy of being a Tao Zun. His insights are clear and convincing.

The Taoist Master smiled and said: Zhong Daoyou is also extraordinary. I have never seen a magic weapon that you can practice like this. You have a different kind of cultivation. You can create something that no one else can, and you will have great achievements in the future. If you can understand the seven births and seven annihilations of the Great Way of Nirvana, the seven If you practice positive and negative evidence-based methods, your achievements will be bound to be limitless!

Da Zhong received his guidance and finally had a clear direction on how to practice the Great Way of Nirvana. He was surprised and happy in his heart and thanked him repeatedly.

Tao Zun can teach me the seven births and seven annihilations, and the seven positive and negative evidence-based methods. I must have mastered them myself.

Da Zhong smiled and said, Your understanding and qualifications are only above Tongtian, not below him.

Taoist Master smiled slightly, feeling very comfortable in his heart. He suddenly thought of Promise, and felt pain in his heart again. He said silently: Even if I have completed the seven lives and seven annihilations, the avenue of annihilation I have obtained is still not the perfect avenue of annihilation.

Seeing that his Taoist heart was damaged, the big bell hurriedly rang and woke him up, saying: Taoist Master, your mind has been affected by the Nirvana Tribulation!

Tao Zun felt awe-inspiring and bowed to express his thanks.

Da Zhong didn't dare to do it, and thought to himself: Tao Zun, this person is quite good.

It’s still a 5,000-word chapter! ! !

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